13 research outputs found

    The algorithm of the electric stimulator VEB-1 software operation

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    This thesis demonstrates results of the electric stimulator VEB-1 software operation algorithm development. To increase the device efficiency, the algorithm is composed using the frequency beat method. Our software solutions allowed us to provide the needed precision to maintain the operating frequency of the electric current pulses that penetrate through the human body on the level not less than 0,001Hz. The software allows the operator to control the electrostimulation process through the screen, where all active processes are displayed

    Correlation investigation of the brightness of GDE-grams using the methods of computer graphics and direct measurements

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    There are two methods of measuring the glow of a liquid under the conditions of gas-discharge imaging. This is a investigation of the brightness of GD-grams - a digital image of streamers created under these conditions, and a direct measurement of brightness using a luminometer, which is carried out during the formation of a streamer during a gas discharge. In the first case, the digital image is analyzed using computer graphics methods and certain software. In the second, the results of direct measurement are analyzed. We have analyzed these two methods using the example of the glow of water under the conditions of gas-discharge visualization. It is shown that with direct measurements the brightness values ​​are higher than when investigating the brightness of a digital image of the same streamer obtained in the same time period. Namely 1.5 cd/m2 and 1.7 cd/m2. The difference is 13% and significantly exceeds the measurement error of the brightness meter (± 7%). According to the results of our research, we suggest that, at the very least, when calibrating the devices that create the GDV-grams, use direct measurements of the glow of the liquid in photometric units. For example, in brightness units

    Relationships between changes in parameters of the manual function and electroencephalogram, heart rate variability as well as gas discharge visualization in children with spastic cerebral palsy caused by the Kozyavkin method

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    Introduction. It was reported earlier that in children with spastic forms of cerebral palsy (SFCP) after two-week course of rehabilitation by the Kozyavkin method the neural component of muscle tone (NCMT) was reduced in 79,3% cases, while in 13,8% cases changes were not detected and in 2 children even increased. It was assumed that such a variety of changes in NCMT is due to differently directed changes in the background activity of the nerve centers. Objectives. To analyse the relationships between changes (Ch) in NCMT as well as manual functional tests on the one hand, and parameters of EEG, HRV and Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) on the other one. Material and Methods. The object of observations were 14 children (6 girls and 8 boys) aged 8÷15 years with SFCP. The state of motor development at GMFCS was on II÷IV level. The functional status of the hand with MACS was on II÷III level. The estimation of hand function was carried out by Dynamometry (D), Box and Block Test (B&B) and Nine Hole Peg Test (NHP). NCMT was also registered by the device ‘NeuroFlexor’ (Aggero MedTech AB, Sweden), HRV and EEG were tested simultaneosly by the hardware-software complex ‘Cardiolab+VSR’ and ‘NeuroCom Standard’ respectively (KhAI Medica, Kharkiv, Ukraine) as well as GDV by ‘GDV Chamber’ (‘Biotechprogress’, St-Pb, RF). Results. After two-week course of rehabilitation NCMT was reduced in 9 children from 19,8 ± 3,4 to 12,3 ± 2,8 Newtons (Ch: -7,5 ± 2,0 N), in 3 children NCMT was 8,2 ± 3,3 before and 7,9 ± 3,5 after rehabilitation (Ch: -0,3 ± 0,3 N) while in one girl NCMT increased from 15,1 to 17,9 N and in one boy from 6,1 to 19,4 N. Manual functional tests also changed ambiguously. The Ch in NCMT are correlated with Ch in parameters HRV&EEG (R2=0,786) as well as GDV (R2=0,556). The Ch in functional tests for the left hand are correlated with Ch in parameters HRV&EEG to the stronger extent (R2=0,931) and for the right hand the correlation is maximal (R2=0,997). As to GDV parameters, connections are weaker but they are also stronger for the right hand. Conclusion. In children with spastic forms of cerebral palsy caused by the Kozyavkin method, changes in manual functional tests and the neural component of the muscle tone are determined by changes in parameters of EEG and HRV as well as GDV which is a completely suitable non-invasive method for assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation

    Influence of the course of electrostimulation by the device "VEB-1" on parameters of electroencephalogramm at practically healthy males

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    Background . We created and patented device for electrostimulation "VEB-1". It is intended for activation of functional systems of organism by wave influence on nerve plexus by frequency beats method. This article launches a series of articles on the influence of this device on the parameters of the neuroendocrine-immune complex and the metabolism of various categories of people. Materials and Methods. The object of observation were 14 males aged 24-59 years without clinical diagnose but with dysfunction of neuro -endocrine- immune complex and metabolism. In the basal conditions we recorded electroencephalogram (EEG) a hardware-software complex “NeuroCom Standard” (KhAI Medica, Kharkiv, Ukraine ). Then the volunteers were subjected to an electrostimulation session lasted for 21 minutes in four days. One day after the last session, the EEG was re-registered. Results. 20 parameters of EEG were identified, in which the volunteers' neurodynamics before and after the course of electrostimulation differed considerably (Squared Mahalanobis Distance make up 191; F=16,7; p<10^-3 ). The neurotropic stimulation effect has a modulating character, namely: the initially decreased spectral power density (SPD) of the alpha-rhythm in F3, F4, T4, T5 loci as well as of theta-rhythm in P3 locus increases; decreased SPD of beta-rhythm in the F3, C3, C4, P3, P4 and O2 loci as well as Amplitude of beta-rhythm becomes even smaller; the initially increased SPD of delta-rhythm in the loci Fp1, F8 and P4 rises further. Conclusion. A four-day electrostimulation course causes on males with dysfunction of the neuro-endocrine-immune complex and metabolism a notable neuro-modulating effect evaluated by changes in basal EEG

    Gas Discharge Visualization (Electrophotonic Imaging, Kirlianography). Theoretical and Applied Aspects, 189 s.

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    The monograph highlights the results of priority clinical-physiological studies of the relationships between gas discharge visualization (electrophotonic imaging, kirlianography) parameters, on the one hand, and electroencephalograms, heart rate variability, immunograms, phagocytosis, the content of the main adaptation hormones (cortisol, aldosterone, testosterone, triiodothyronine, calcitonin) in the blood as well as acupuncture points - on the other hand. It is shown that the GDV/EPI method reliably reflects the state of the body's neuro-endocrine-immune complex as well as others parameters and has the right to take its place in the arsenal of physiological/biophysical methods. For biophysicists, physiologists, psychophysiologists, endocrinologists, immunologists, medical rehabilitation specialists. INTRODUCTION Advances in biophysics, biology, functional genomics, neuroscience, psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, and other fields suggest the existence of a subtle system of “biofield” interactions that organize biological processes from the subatomic, atomic, molecular, cellular, and organismic to the interpersonal and cosmic levels. Biofield interactions may bring about regulation of biochemical, cellular, and neurological processes through means related to electromagnetism, quantum fields, and perhaps other means of modulating biological activity and information flow. The biofield paradigm, in contrast to a reductionist, chemistry-centered viewpoint, emphasizes the informational content of biological processes; biofield interactions are thought to operate in part via low-energy or “subtle” processes such as weak, nonthermal electromagnetic fields (EMFs) or processes potentially related to consciousness and nonlocality. Biofield interactions may also operate through or be reflected in more well-understood informational processes found in EEG and ECG data. Recent advances have led to the development of a wide variety of therapeutic and diagnostic biofield devices, defined as physical instruments best understood from the viewpoint of a biofield paradigm [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Biofield devices comprise physical instruments that may be most clearly understood from the viewpoint of a biofield paradigm, and a large and diverse number of devices have been developed to measure or manipulate biofield interactions. These include both diagnostic devices (to measure biofield properties) and therapeutic devices (to manipulate biofield interactions). The study of biofield devices is at a nascent stage of development, and much further research is needed to determine clinical efficacy and elucidate the underlying mechanisms of action for many of the devices mentioned here. The biofield devices operate through a variety of modalities rather than a single mechanism. Some biofield devices function through well-understood mechanisms and are already widely used in clinical settings: for example, electroencephalography (EEG)- and electrocardiography (ECG)-based heart rate variability (HRV). Other devices appear to operate through mechanisms that are novel or incompletely understood. However, all of these devices share a common property: rather than functioning primarily in a reductionist, chemistry-centered manner, biofield devices function via the informational content of biological processes and can interact via low-energy or “subtle” processes, including those potentially related to consciousness and nonlocality [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Here Muehsam D et al [2015] provide a brief overview of the broad categories of biofield devices, with the goal being to stimulate further discussion and research. Authors describe those devices for which thay deemed that sufficient evidence exists to warrant mention. They chose to focus upon devices for which peer-reviewed scientific reports suggesting efficacy are available rather than conference proceedings or manufacturers' white papers. However, in the few cases that specific devices with sufficient promise and relevance lacked a peer-reviewed basis, authors have presented whatever evidence was available. Here, devices are organized according to mode of operation and these modalities include electromagnetic field (EMF)-light, EMF-heat, EMF-nonthermal, electrical current, vibration and sound, physical and mechanical, intentionality and nonlocality, gas and plasma, and other (mode of operation not well understood). Muehsam D et al [2015] deemed that gas discharge visualization (GDV) is an important example of the use of plasma in biofield science. Back in 1880 Nikola Tesla demonstrated that when placing the man in the high-frequency field around the body there is a bright glow [cit. by Korotkov KG, 2001]. In 1892 Nardkevych-Yodko YO recorded glow human hands on photographic plate [cit. by Ciesielska I, 2009]. However, a well-known method of "high-frequency photography" was due to spouses Kirlian SD&VH who in 1939 independently discovered this phenomenon [Kirlian SD & Kirlian VKh, 1961], later called "Kirlian’s effect". This technique has been called corona discharge photography [Boyers DG & Tiller WA, 1973], electrophotography [Earle L, 1975], electrography [Konikiewicz LW, 1979], GDV [Bankovskii NG et al, 1986]. In 1996 Korotkov KG created a new scientific approach, based on the digital videotechnics, modern electronics and computer processing quantitative data, called as method gas discharge visualization (GDV bioelectrography). Parallel uses the terms Kirlianography and Electrophotonic imaging (EPI) [Korotkov KG, 2001; 2007; 2014; Korotkov KG et al, 2002; Wisneski LA & Anderson L, 2009; Jakovleva E & Korotkov K, 2013]. Method of GDV, essence of which consists in registration of photoelectronic emission of skin, induced by high-frequency electromagnetic impulses, allows to estimate integrated psycho-somatic state of organism. The first base parameter of GDV is Area of Gas Discharge Image (GDI) in Right, Frontal and Left projections registered both with and without polyethylene filter. The second base parameter is a coefficient of form/shape (ratio of square of length of external contour of GDI toward his area), which characterizes the measure of serration/fractality of external contour. The third base parameter of GDI is Entropy, id est measure of chaos. It is considered that GDI, taken off without filter, characterizes the functional changes of organism, and with a filter characterizes organic changes. Program estimates also Energy and Asymmetry of virtual Chakras [Korotkov KG, 2001; 2007; 2014]. Nearly 1000 papers have been published (mostly in Russian) on GDV research and a few hundred more in the West. These intriguing data suggest that informatics based upon biofield measurement devices such as the GDV may be useful for gaining deeper understanding of disease states and guiding practitioners and their patients towards states of greater wellness [Muehsam D et al, 2015]. Without regard to the wideuse enough of method in medicine, psychology, valeology and others like that, he yields to the just criticizing for an insufficient physiology ground. There fore we put before itself sweep to analyse relationships between the parameters of GDV - from one side, and by the row of neurodynamics, endocrine, immune. psychophysiological, and other parameters - on the other hand

    Caused by Kozyavkin© method changes in hand function parameters in children with spastic form of cerebral palsy and their EEGs, HRVs and GDVs accompaniments

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    Background. Earlier we reported that in children with spastic forms of cerebral palsy (SFCP) after two-week course of rehabilitation by Kozyavkin© method the hand function tests changed ambiguously and such a variety of changes is due to differently directed changes in the background activity of the nerve centers. Aime: to identify the peculiarities of changes in the parameters of EEG, HRV and GDV in children with favorable and unfavorable changes in the parameters of the functions of the hands. Material and research methods. The object of observations were 14 children (6 girls and 8 boys) aged 8÷15 years with SFCP. State motor development at GMFCS was on II÷IV level. Functional status of the hand with MACS was at II÷III level. The estimation of hand function carried out by Dynamometry (D), Box and Block Test (BB) and Nine Hole Peg Test (NHP). We registered also components of muscular tone by device “NeuroFlexor” (Aggero MedTech AB, Sweden), HRV and EEG parameters simultaneosly by hardware-software complex “Cardiolab+VSR” and “NeuroCom Standard” respectively (KhAI Medica, Kharkiv, Ukraine) as well as GDV parameters by “GDV Chamber” (“Biotechprogress”, St-Pb, RF). Results. The method of cluster analysis retrospectively highlighted two distinct groups-clusters. In 9 children, rehabilitation led to favorable changes in the parameters of the function of the hands, while in 3 children they turned out to be unfavorable. The method of discriminant analysis revealed that unfavorable changes are accompanied by a decrease in the asymmetry of the θ- and δ-rhythms, the spectral power density (SPD) of β-rhythm in loci F8 and Fp1, instead, it increases in loci O1 and T3, leading to left-sided lateralization of the β-rhythm. At the same time, the SPD of the α-rhythm in locus O1 and the θ-rhythm in locus F4 rises as well as its Deviation. These changes in the EEG are accompanied by a reduction in vagalis and an increase in sympathetic tones. Among the GDVs parameters, an increase in the area of the GD Image in the frontal projection, coupled with a decrease in its Entropy in the frontal and left projections, was found. Instead, favorable changes in the parameters of the hand function are accompanied by opposite changes in the listed EEGs, HRVs and GDVs parameters or their absence. Conclusion. Among 14 observed children with spastic forms of cerebral palsy caused by Kozyavkin© method changes in functional tests of hand are favorable in 11. Adverse changes in 3 children are accompanied by characteristic changes in a number of EEGs, HRVs and GDVs parameters, which in the long run will be corrected by electrostimulation of the corresponding nervous structures

    Kinesiotaping as one of the methods of treatment of low back pain syndrome

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    About 80 % of adults feel pain in their backs at a definite moment of life. That’s also the most frequent reason why people lose their efficiency. It’s also the key factor due to which workable people miss their working days. Recently, the frequency of sickness rate of low back pain syndrome is getting higher and higher. For examples, according to the data of the organization, which aims at analyzing pathological conditions and diseases, which cause death or looseness of efficiency, in 1990 in the USA, low back pain syndrome took the sixth place, but in 2010 back pain went up to the third place, giving the way only to ischemic heart disease (IHD) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). So, we can imagine how common, widespread and serious for modern world became the problem of back pain. That’s why, only now doctors throughout the world are starting to form their separate individual researches into one qualitative and useful list of recommendations to begin an effective fight with this serious medical and social problem. Kinesiotaping (“kinesio” – movement + “tape”) – is an effective treatment and rehabilitation method of muscle and joints injuries with the help of special elastic tapes – namely kinesio tapes. The article focuses on the method of kinesiotaping and the ways of its usage for treating low back pain syndrome. The research also highlights the history of appearance and development of kinesiotaping as a method of treatment, physiological features of kinesio tape and ways of its usage in everyday medical practice. Besides analyzing recent researches in this field we provide descriptions of three clinical cases from our own medical practice which proves the effectiveness of kinesiotaping in the complex treatment of low back pain syndrome. After deep analysis of the patients’ condition we can state that due to kinesiotaping which is used together with other physiotherapeutic methods and exercises, they recover quickly than those who do not undergo kinesiotaping procedures

    Generator for electrotherapy and stimulation of human nerve centers

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    A generator for electrotherapy and stimulation of human VEB-1 nerve centers has been developed. The device's robots are based on stimulation of the patient by current pulses. Frequency beat method is used. The accuracy of maintaining the stimulation frequency is not more than 0.001 Hz. The carrier frequency of the working current pulses corresponds to the 32th harmonic of the frequency of the frequency pulse of the operating pulses. The clinical tests of the VEB-1 generator were carried out, showing the ego efficiency in twenty characteristic health indicators

    Право на доступ к информации о деятельности публичной администрации в России и Германии: конституционные и законодательные пределы

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    The article deals with the constitutional and legislative grounds for the right of access to information in the sphere of public governance in Russia and Germany from a comparative perspective, its content and restrictions are subject to consideration. The thesis that the interpretation of the given right in national legal systems is significantly affected by international and supranational legal regulation is substantiated. However, the degree of such regulation penetration in Russia is rather lower than in Germany. The right of access to information in the public governance sphere is suggested having a dual nature – the right guaranteeing freedom for the individual (status negativus), and the right to participate in the state affairs governing (status activus). Such an approach to the nature of the right of access to information in the public governance understanding offers grounds to a broader understanding of a citizen’s information aspiration, where aspiration satisfaction does not depend on the fact whether the requested information affects the citizen’s rights or not. A comparative analysis of the constitutional guarantees of the right of access to information indicates that under the Russian Constitution they are represented more widely in comparison with the German Fundamental Law guaranteeing everyone free information recipience only from sources accessible to public. In this respect, access to information in the sphere of public governance regarding its intraadministrative official nature turned out to be outside the constitutional guarantees framework. At the same time, legislative and enforcing interpretation of the right in question guarantees in Germany tends to their continuous broadening while in Russia both legislative and judicial practice neither complement nor expand constitutional guarantees but concretize them in terms of setting restrictions on the right of access to information. Comparison of the right restrictions both in Russian and German legislation authenticates legal determinacy deficiency of the Russian legislative approach. Moreover, Russian approach in relation to adoption and judicial interpretation of the restrictions of the right of access to information concerning public administration activities is notable for unilateralism which is expressed in the absolutization of the idea of the protection of any restricted access information. In this respect, the use of the German experience in application of a weighing interests’ method to conflicts resolution between the right of access to information and other constitutional rights deserves special attention aimed at improving Russian legislation and judicial practice in the sphere under considerationВ статье в сравнительном аспекте анализируются конституционные и законодательные основания права на доступ к информации в сфере публичного управления в России и Германии, раскрываются его содержание и ограничения. Обосновывается тезис о том, что на интерпретацию указанного права в национальных правопорядках существенное влияние оказывает международное и наднациональное правовое регулирование, при этом степень проникновения такого регулирования в России несколько ниже, чем в Германии. Право на доступ к информации в сфере публичного управления предлагается рассматривать как имеющее двойственную природу – право, гарантирующее свободу личности (status negativus), и право на участие в управлении делами государства (status activus). Такой подход к пониманию природы права на доступ к информации в сфере публичного управления дает основания для более широкого понимания информационных притязаний гражданина, не ставя их удовлетворение в зависимость от того, затрагиваются ли запрашиваемой информацией права гражданина или нет. Сравнительный анализ конституционных гарантий права на доступ к информации показывает, что в российской Конституции они представлены шире по сравнению с немецким Основным законом, гарантирующим каждому беспрепятственное получение информации только из общедоступных источников. В связи с этим доступ к информации в сфере публичного управления, учитывая ее внутриадминистративный, служебный характер, оказался за рамками конституционных гарантий. В то же время законодательная и правоприменительная интерпретация гарантий рассматриваемого права в Германии идет в сторону их постоянного расширения, тогда как в России и законодательная, и судебная практика не дополняют и не расширяют конституционные гарантии, а конкретизируют их в части установления ограничений права на доступ к информации. Сравнение ограничений рассматриваемого права в законодательстве России и Германии свидетельствует о наличии дефицита правовой определенности российского законодательного подхода. Более того, российский подход в части установления и судебной интерпретации ограничений права на доступ к информации о деятельности публичной администрации отличается односторонностью, которая выражается в абсолютизации идеи защиты любой информации ограниченного доступа. В связи с этим использование немецкого опыта применения метода взвешивания интересов при разрешении конфликтов между правом на доступ к информации и иными конституционными правами заслуживает особого внимания в целях совершенствования российского законодательства и судебной практики в рассматриваемой сфер

    Право на доступ к информации о деятельности публичной администрации в России и Германии: конституционные и законодательные пределы

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    The article deals with the constitutional and legislative grounds for the right of access to information in the sphere of public governance in Russia and Germany from a comparative perspective, its content and restrictions are subject to consideration. The thesis that the interpretation of the given right in national legal systems is significantly affected by international and supranational legal regulation is substantiated. However, the degree of such regulation penetration in Russia is rather lower than in Germany. The right of access to information in the public governance sphere is suggested having a dual nature – the right guaranteeing freedom for the individual (status negativus), and the right to participate in the state affairs governing (status activus). Such an approach to the nature of the right of access to information in the public governance understanding offers grounds to a broader understanding of a citizen’s information aspiration, where aspiration satisfaction does not depend on the fact whether the requested information affects the citizen’s rights or not. A comparative analysis of the constitutional guarantees of the right of access to information indicates that under the Russian Constitution they are represented more widely in comparison with the German Fundamental Law guaranteeing everyone free information recipience only from sources accessible to public. In this respect, access to information in the sphere of public governance regarding its intraadministrative official nature turned out to be outside the constitutional guarantees framework. At the same time, legislative and enforcing interpretation of the right in question guarantees in Germany tends to their continuous broadening while in Russia both legislative and judicial practice neither complement nor expand constitutional guarantees but concretize them in terms of setting restrictions on the right of access to information. Comparison of the right restrictions both in Russian and German legislation authenticates legal determinacy deficiency of the Russian legislative approach. Moreover, Russian approach in relation to adoption and judicial interpretation of the restrictions of the right of access to information concerning public administration activities is notable for unilateralism which is expressed in the absolutization of the idea of the protection of any restricted access information. In this respect, the use of the German experience in application of a weighing interests’ method to conflicts resolution between the right of access to information and other constitutional rights deserves special attention aimed at improving Russian legislation and judicial practice in the sphere under considerationВ статье в сравнительном аспекте анализируются конституционные и законодательные основания права на доступ к информации в сфере публичного управления в России и Германии, раскрываются его содержание и ограничения. Обосновывается тезис о том, что на интерпретацию указанного права в национальных правопорядках существенное влияние оказывает международное и наднациональное правовое регулирование, при этом степень проникновения такого регулирования в России несколько ниже, чем в Германии. Право на доступ к информации в сфере публичного управления предлагается рассматривать как имеющее двойственную природу – право, гарантирующее свободу личности (status negativus), и право на участие в управлении делами государства (status activus). Такой подход к пониманию природы права на доступ к информации в сфере публичного управления дает основания для более широкого понимания информационных притязаний гражданина, не ставя их удовлетворение в зависимость от того, затрагиваются ли запрашиваемой информацией права гражданина или нет. Сравнительный анализ конституционных гарантий права на доступ к информации показывает, что в российской Конституции они представлены шире по сравнению с немецким Основным законом, гарантирующим каждому беспрепятственное получение информации только из общедоступных источников. В связи с этим доступ к информации в сфере публичного управления, учитывая ее внутриадминистративный, служебный характер, оказался за рамками конституционных гарантий. В то же время законодательная и правоприменительная интерпретация гарантий рассматриваемого права в Германии идет в сторону их постоянного расширения, тогда как в России и законодательная, и судебная практика не дополняют и не расширяют конституционные гарантии, а конкретизируют их в части установления ограничений права на доступ к информации. Сравнение ограничений рассматриваемого права в законодательстве России и Германии свидетельствует о наличии дефицита правовой определенности российского законодательного подхода. Более того, российский подход в части установления и судебной интерпретации ограничений права на доступ к информации о деятельности публичной администрации отличается односторонностью, которая выражается в абсолютизации идеи защиты любой информации ограниченного доступа. В связи с этим использование немецкого опыта применения метода взвешивания интересов при разрешении конфликтов между правом на доступ к информации и иными конституционными правами заслуживает особого внимания в целях совершенствования российского законодательства и судебной практики в рассматриваемой сфер