175 research outputs found

    The Voluntary Association in The Slum

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    1 / Voluntary Associations in a Zone of Transition This report is a study of formal voluntary associations in a zone of transition. It seeks information on the various kinds of voluntary organizations to be found in such an area, the characteristics of the members, the manner in which people become affiliated with organizations, and the functions that organizations serve for their members. The specific associations studied include such diverse groups as a neighborhood improvement council, an old-age club, and various children\u27s associations. In this study such groups fall under the province of voluntary associations. That such groups are found in a zone of transition warrants special attention because it has been common to assume that formal associations are nonexistent or at a minimum in the slum, an assumption which has an important bearing on theory in urban sociology and ecology, This study was initiated with the knowledge that groups had been formed in an interstitial area through the efforts of a community organizer. The organizations created through his efforts provided a focus for the problem, and the membership of these groups provided a major portion of the universe studied. Thus, it was known prior to the study that there were persons belonging to voluntary associations in the area. It was assumed, however, that an extensive network of organizational participation could be found in the area independent of the affiliations created by the professional community organizer. This assumption was borne out readily. A cursory examination of the total membership for the city of such diverse organizations as the YWCA, Boy Scouts, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and so forth, indicated that many of the persons who were members of these groups also inhabited the area mapped out for study. Were the members of formal organizations in the slum similar to their counterparts who lived in the suburbs? For instance, were they likely to have relatively high educational achievement, to be Protestant rather than Catholic in faith, and be voters more often than nonvoters? Such questions were posed at the inception of the study. Still other questions concerned the similarities and differences between persons who became members of organizations created by the community organizer and persons living in the same slum area but affiliated with other voluntary associations. And in a different vein, did children who belonged to associations come from families where their parents had a tradition of association, or was parental affiliation incidental to a child\u27s participation? To answer such questions and to formulate hypotheses for testing, this inquiry drew heavily from studies dealing with voluntary associations. The relation of such studies to the present work will be noted shortly

    Grounded Theory as a “Family of Methods”: A Genealogical Analysis to Guide Research

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    This inquiry traces the evolution of grounded theory from a nuclear to an extended family of methods and considers the implications that decisionmaking based on informed choices throughout all phases of the research process has for realizing the potential of grounded theory for advancing adult education theory and practice

    ANTH 474/874: Applied and Development Anthropology—A Peer Review of Teaching Project Benchmark Portfolio

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    In what follows, I provide an overview of the Benchmark Portfolio developed for the upper level undergraduate/graduate course ANTH 474/874: Applied and Development Anthropology taught in the Spring Semester, 2016 through the Department of Anthropology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Topics include the objectives for the portfolio, description of the course including course goals, enrollment and demographic information, teaching methods, rationale, course materials and activities, analysis of student learning, planned changes based on this experience, and an overall assessment of the portfolio process. As an Assistant Professor of Practice in the Department of Educational Psychology and the Department of Anthropology, my participation in the Peer Review of Teaching (PRT) Project was geared toward the complementary goals of improving as an instructor in the classroom, further demonstrating my commitment to the position that underscores teaching as its primary focus, and continuing a research track on teaching applied and development anthropology that had begun prior to my enrollment in this project. I make the case that participation in the PRT Project was an extremely worthwhile and invaluable experience for me as I thought through, made explicit, and enacted specific practice-based links between course design, instructional delivery, and evaluation in ways that brought to light some of the ambiguity and elusive nature of past course designs and provided specific strategies for improving my teaching in the future

    Review of \u3ci\u3eQualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation (4th ed.)\u3c/i\u3e (2016) by S.B. Merriam & E.J. Tisdell.

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    I strongly recommend Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation for qualitative and general methodology courses and for researchers and practitioners looking for guidance in planning or gaining a better understanding of qualitative research. It is a wonderful text that provides succinct and useful descriptions of fundamental attributes of qualitative research, invaluable examples for planning and conducting research studies, and strategies for disseminating and evaluating research. As qualitative research has gained momentum in academic disciplines and applied fields of practice, the text provides a bedrock publication for adult education scholars and practitioners to help further advance our discipline

    Grounded Theory as a “Family of Methods”: A Genealogical Analysis to Guide Research

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    This inquiry traces the evolution of grounded theory from a nuclear to an extended family of methods and considers the implications that decision-making based on informed choices throughout all phases of the research process has for realizing the potential of grounded theory for advancing adult education theory and practice

    Literacy Access through Storytime: An Ethnographic Study of Public Library Storytellers in a Low-Income Neighborhood

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    While early literacy achievement continues to be stratified by social class in the United States, public libraries often offer programs such as “storytime” in order to bolster the literacy development of youth in their communities. The purpose of the present ethnographic study was to explore how storytellers recruited and maintained participation in this free literacy program in a lower-income neighborhood. Via participant observations, semi-structured interviews, and artifact collection, storytellers recruited new patrons to storytime by (1) appealing to community members to enter the physical space of the library and (2) appealing to library patrons to attend storytime. Once patrons attended storytime, storytellers acted in order to maintain storytime attendance by (1) facilitating meaningful learning experiences, (2) fostering enjoyment through participation, (3) developing nurturing relationships, and (4) offering flexibility in storytime expectations. By exploring a contextualized account of the work of storytellers, the findings suggest important avenues through which public programs may contribute to more equitable access to literacy learning

    Гендерні преференції використання вигуків та їх просодичні характеристики

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    У статті з’ясовано гендерні особливості використання вигуків та їх просодичні характеристики. Автор стат- ті вказує на кількісний розподіл вживання вигуків за гендерною приналежністю. Основну увагу автор акцентує на ілюстрації просодичних особливостей вигуків для обох статей із залученням багатофункціональних комп’ютерних програм Praat та Speech Analyzer. Стаття пов’язана з аналізом ЧОТ, діапазону ЧОТ та інтенсивності як компонен- тів просодії, за допомогою яких наочно показані середні максимальні та мінімальні значення ЧОТ, діапазон ЧОТ та середня максимальна інтенсивність. За допомогою графіків наочно зображено показники максимальної та мінімаль- ної інтенсивності. Автором продемонстровано найбільш яскраві приклади ілюстрації графіків інтенсивності, що в свою чергу, демонструють траєкторії напрямки руху кривої у представників різних статей. (The gender features of using interjections and their prosodic characteristics are found out in the article. The author of the article specifies on the quantitative distributing of using interjections depending on gender belonging. The author accents basic attention on illustration of prosodic characteristics of interjections for both sexes using multifunctional computer programmes Praat and Speech Analyzer. The article is related to the analysis of fundamental frequency, speech rate and also intensity as the components of prosody with the help of which the average maximum and minimum fundamental frequency, speech rate are visually shown. By charts the indexes of maximum and minimum intensity are evidently represented. The author shows the most prime examples illustrating the charts of intensity, that demonstrate speech directions of different sexes.

    Psychological features of physical perfectionism in personality

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    The article examines the psychological features of physical perfectionism in personality. Physical perfectionism refers to a system of personal beliefs and attitudes related to one's physical appearance: heightened preoccupation with one's appearance and the pursuit of high body standards, striving for the best results in the pursuit of an ideal figure, as well as a pathological attitude towards any critical remarks about one's appearance. The formation of the «I-physical image» is influenced by socio-psychological factors and represents a dual process. On the one hand, it is the influence of society expressed in judgments, thoughts, perceptions, stereotypes, and ideals. On the other hand, it is the independent reflection and awareness of one's own criteria of body significance. The aim of the study is to determine the individual psychological characteristics of individuals with different levels of physical perfectionism. The object of study is the physical perfectionism of personality. The following methods were chosen to achieve the goal: theoretical-methodological analysis, psychodiagnostic, and mathematical-statistical methods. The psychodiagnostic complex consisted of the methods: «Physical Perfectionism Scale» and «I - Structural Test of the Ammon». The main task was to study the psychological characteristics of individuals with different levels of physical perfectionism. The conducted correlation analysis allowed us to identify significant relationships between indicators of physical perfectionism and indicators of «I-functions». Using the «axes» method, two groups of individuals with high and low levels of physical perfectionism were selected from the general group. In order to identify individual psychological characteristics, a qualitative analysis of property profiles in the corresponding groups was carried out. The obtained results of our study allow providing a psychological characterization of individuals who differ in the level of physical perfectionism and considering them as individuals endowed with a complex of personality traits that accompany a set of pronounced «I-functions»

    Review of \u3ci\u3eQualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation (4th ed.)\u3c/i\u3e (2016) by S.B. Merriam & E.J. Tisdell.

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    I strongly recommend Qualitative Research: A Guide to Design and Implementation for qualitative and general methodology courses and for researchers and practitioners looking for guidance in planning or gaining a better understanding of qualitative research. It is a wonderful text that provides succinct and useful descriptions of fundamental attributes of qualitative research, invaluable examples for planning and conducting research studies, and strategies for disseminating and evaluating research. As qualitative research has gained momentum in academic disciplines and applied fields of practice, the text provides a bedrock publication for adult education scholars and practitioners to help further advance our discipline

    Developing Classroom Management Strategies in Non-Native Culture: A Single Case Study

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    This single case study explored the practicum and student teaching experience of a native Chinese pre-service language teacher in order to better understand her process of developing classroom management strategies and the difficulties and challenges emerged in that process. In a broader sense, the case study aims to inform teacher preparation programs in terms of preparing Chinese teachers for secondary public schools in the U.S. The longitudinal study employed semi-structured interviews, classroom observation notes, teaching reflections and documents. Six themes — instructional challenges, coping strategies, cultural difference, language frustration, attitudes and feelings, and improvement — emerged from constant comparative analysis. Compared with previous literature, the current research underscores the importance of accessibility of classroom management resources and the positive problem-solving attitude of the native Chinese pre-service teacher in her challenging experience of developing classroom management strategies in American public schools. The researchers discuss the needs for providing supporting accommodations for native Chinese pre-service teachers in teacher preparation programs