472 research outputs found

    Certain questions of the acclimatization of construction workers to the conditions of a subtropical climate

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    The period of active acclimatization was determined for construction workers coming into a subtropical climate. Changes were observed in metabolic processes, oxygen needs, pulse rate, arterial pressure, body and skin temperature, body weight, water consumption and loss, and the comfort zone of heat sensitivity. It was concluded that acclimatization is facilitated if introduction to the hot climate occurs in the mild cool season, rather than the summer. This also prevents heat prostration and improves the development of adaptive mechanisms

    Духовність педагогічного спілкування – субоснова сталого розвитку суспільства

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    The essence and content of the concept of “spiritual pedagogical communication” are considered and the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the latter with regards to the educational process and the nurturing of well-trained specialists of the new generation in relation to the needs of modern society are substantiated. The place and role of the teacher’s moral and aesthetic potentials in the process of the formation and development of student youth’s spiritual culture are outlined; the priorities and spiritual values of the modern teacher are analyzed.Розглянуто сутність і зміст поняття «духовне педагогічне спілкування» та обґрунтовано причини недостатньої ефективності впливу його на процес освіти й виховання всебічно розвинутих фахівців нової генерації щодо потреб сучасного суспільства. Визначено місце і роль моральнісного й естетичного потенціалів педагога у процесі формування і розвитку духовної культури студентської молоді; проаналізовано пріоритети і духовні цінності сучасного педагога

    Духовність педагогічного спілкування – субоснова сталого розвитку суспільства

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    The essence and content of the concept of “spiritual pedagogical communication” are considered and the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the latter with regards to the educational process and the nurturing of well-trained specialists of the new generation in relation to the needs of modern society are substantiated. The place and role of the teacher’s moral and aesthetic potentials in the process of the formation and development of student youth’s spiritual culture are outlined; the priorities and spiritual values of the modern teacher are analyzed.Розглянуто сутність і зміст поняття «духовне педагогічне спілкування» та обґрунтовано причини недостатньої ефективності впливу його на процес освіти й виховання всебічно розвинутих фахівців нової генерації щодо потреб сучасного суспільства. Визначено місце і роль моральнісного й естетичного потенціалів педагога у процесі формування і розвитку духовної культури студентської молоді; проаналізовано пріоритети і духовні цінності сучасного педагога


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    The aim of this project is to carryout simulation studies on a photovoltaic based system, to be used in residential sector. Photovoltaic is a semiconductor device that generates electrical power, from solar radiation. Sunlight received by the solar cell, and will be used to generate direct current. Sunlight is necessary for PV to generate electricity, and in order to ensure continuous supplyof powerstorage is required. A properanalysis of a PV based system is necessary, as the sunlight that is received at the surface of earth is transient in nature. On the average, Malaysia receives between 6-9 sunshine hours. Due to this, the system identification process is rather critical and the main specification is related to the PVarray sizing. Since sunlight is mandatory; then the next important aspect is the battery array sizing. A typical house model was used to do load calculation, and this is an important process to assist in the planning of the number of PV panels and batteries required. To safely ensure sustainable power supply, storage is vital. Experiments were carried out by using a standard 80W PV array, subjected to local weather condition at UTP. Results obtained clearly indicated that a system simulation, based on precise mathematical model is very important. Visual Basic Software was used as a programming tool for simulation of the project. A simulation of a project is simple and user-friendly to design PV system for the house such as sizing PV array, sizing battery and load calculation. The objective of the; project has been accomplished. The result has been successfully achieved andproject working effectively

    Choice of the applicable law and equal treatment in the European Union

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    This thesis seeks to provide a different perspective to the study of the scope and functioning of the principle of equal treatment on grounds of nationality and movement laid down in Article 18 TFEU and in the Treaty free movement provisions. It examines the scope and functioning of the principle of equal treatment in the context of the determination of the law applicable to a cross-border (or inter-State) relationship. In particular, the question this thesis addresses is whether and, if yes, how the principle of equal treatment affects the choice of the law governing cross-border contractual, non-contractual or other civil law relationships in the European Union. In this respect, it is demonstrated that the principle of equal treatment functions as an additional check on the operation of, on the one hand, the national substantive law applicable pursuant to a national or Union choice-of-law rule or chosen by private parties to a contract and, on the other hand, national and Union choice-of-law rules themselves. The national substantive law governing a cross-border relationship falls within the scope of the principle of equal treatment and is required to comply with it, irrespective of the fact that it is applicable in accordance with a choice-of-law rule or a choice-of-law clause agreed by private parties. Similarly, regardless of their specific nature and objective, national and Union choice-of-law rules also come within the scope of the principle of equal treatment. However, it is emphasised that the functioning of the principle of equal treatment is not comparable to that of a choice-of-law rule. The requirement that only non-discriminatory rules can be applied in the Union under it does not, even indirectly, determine the applicable law in the sense understood from a choice-of-law perspective. This is because, unlike a choice-of-law rule, the principle of equal treatment does not contain even an implicit reference to a particular national law that always applies in light of it

    The views of Jalaliddin Rumi

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    The following research work is based on the historical, religious-philosophical and socio-cultural material of the most the philosophical and ethical teaching of Jalaliddin Rumi, his place in the socio-philosophical, spiritual and moral teaching of the thinker in heritage of the peoples of the Central Asia

    Особенности развития персонала в условиях инновационных изменений

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the theoretical aspects of personnel development. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of personnel development in terms of innovative changes. The essence of the concept of "personnel development" was considered, its role in improving the competitiveness of personnel and the enterprise as a whole in the context of innovative changes was revealed. The analysis of the most successful practices of personnel development in the context of innovative changes is carried out on the examples of leading corporations in Japan and the USA. The conditions for the development of personnel are determined. It’s the formation of innovation-oriented personnel, an innovative corporate culture, a highly qualified team, stimulating growth and expanding the competence of employees. The main directions for improving of personnel development in terms of competition and innovative changes are proposed.Key words: personnel development, innovation-oriented personnel, competent personnel, foreign experience in personnel development, development conditions.В статье проведен анализ теоретических аспектов развития персонала. Целью статьи является выявление особенностей развития персонала в условиях инновационных изменений. Рассмотрена сущность понятия «развитие персонала», его роль для повышения конкурентоспособности персонала и предприятия в целом в условиях инновационных изменений. Проведен анализ наиболее успешных практик развития персонала в условиях инновационных изменений на примерах передовых корпораций Японии и США. Определены условия развития персонала: формирования инновационно ориентированного персонала, инновационной корпоративной культуры, высококвалифицированного коллектива, стимулирования роста и расширения компетентности сотрудников. Предложены основные направления совершенствования развития персонала в условиях конкуренции и инновационных изменений.Ключевые слова: развитие персонала, инновационно ориентированный персонал, компетентный персонал, зарубежный опыт развития персонала, условия развития

    Azerbaijan’s Contribution to the Chinese Belt & Road Initiative

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    The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) was initiated by the Chinese government in 2013 to promote regional trade and increase Chinese political and economic presence in the region. The main instrument for realising the ambition of this initiative is the Chinese provision of financial support to the countries located on the Ancient Silk Road to implement infrastructure projects. It includes the construction of roads, railroads, seaports, logistic centres, and communication facilities. Azerbaijan is a BRI partner country in the South Caucasus strategically located between Asia and Europe. It can play the role of a strategic partner and hub connecting China with the Middle East and Europe. The paper finds out that China accepts Azerbaijan as a reliable partner. Azerbaijan perceives BRI as a promising initiative. The Azerbaijani government has a political will and the capacity to contribute to the BRI. By offering some key recommendations, the paper concludes that China and Azerbaijan should closely work to strengthen the BRI's influence in Central Asia and South Caucasus and priorities the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) passing through Azerbaijan

    Cyclic variations in the dynamics of flu incidence in Azerbaijan 1976-2000

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    Multicomponent cyclicity in influenza (flu) incidence had been observed in various countries (e.g. periods T = 1, 2–3, 5–6, 8·0, 10·6–11·3, 13, 18–19 years) and its close similarity with cycles in natural environmental phenomena as meteorological factors and heliogeophysical activity (HGA) suggested. This report aimed at verifying previous results on cyclic patterns of flu incidence by exploring whether flu annual cyclicity (seasonality) and trans-year (13 to <24 months) and/or multiannual (long-term, ?24 months) cycles might be present. For this purpose, a relatively long monthly flu incidence dataset consisting of absolute numbers of new cases from the Grand Baku area, Azerbaijan, for the years 1976–2000 (300 months) was analysed. The exploration of underlying chronomes or, time structures, was done by linear and nonlinear parametric regression models, autocorrelation, spectral analysis and periodogram regression analysis. We analysed temporal dynamics and described multicomponent cyclicity, determining its statistical significance. The analysis, considering the flu data specifically stratified in three distinct intervals (1976–1990, 1991–1995, 1996–2000), and also combinations thereof, indicated that the main cyclic pattern was a seasonal one, with a period of T = 12 months. Further, a number of multiannual cycles with periods T in the ranges of 26–36, 62–85 or 113–162 months were observed, i.e. average periods of 2·5, 6·1 and 11·5 years, respectively. Indeed, most of these cycles correspond to similar cyclic parameters of HGA and further analyses are warranted to investigate such relationships. In conclusion, our study revealed the presence of multicomponent cyclic dynamics in influenza incidence by using relatively long time-series of monthly data. The specific cyclic patterns of flu incidence in Azerbaijan allows further, more specific modelling and correlations with environmental factors of similar cyclicity, e.g. HGA, to be explored. These results might contribute more widely to a better understanding of influenza dynamics and its aetiology as well as to the derivation of more precise forecasted estimates for planning and prevention purposes