17 research outputs found

    Caractérisation d'un Système Lagunaire en Zone Tropicale: Cas du lac Nokoué (Bénin)

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    This survey permitted to make hydrological balance of the lake Nokoué and to know quality physico-chemical of the waters of the lake in order to offer the basis elements for a future ecological modeling of the system. The results of hydrological balance show that the average of the flow of the soft waters received by the lake in period of high waters is 216m3/s essentially brought by the Ouémé stream, the longest stream of Benin that crosses the country from the north to the south. This value falls to 49m3/s in dry season with 86% of the flow brought by the Sô river in dry season. In dry season, the Sô at Ganvié has the most important rate of organic load (53% DBO). For the phosphorus in dry season, the highest rate is gotten at the level of strongest rate is gotten at the level of Ouémé stream at Totchè (42%). In the period of high waters (from August to October) a dilution effect of the contribution is observed. In term of nutrient loads brought by purification systems, the results obtained are 360kg/j-P and 840 kg/j - N for Cotonou and Calavi and 150 kg/j- P and 700 kg/j-N for Ganvié. The contributions of "Acadjas " give 2,3 - 2,9 kg/j P and 29 - 36 N kg/j. The main results obtained for the physico-chemical for characterization are presented as follows: * a very remarkable saline intrusion in dry season, Sô at Ganvié the value passes from 0g/L in period of high waters to 2,5g/L in dry season, * the average pH varies between 6,6 and 7,5 for the waters of the bottom and between 6,9 and 7,8 for the waters of surface of the lake. The pH varies very little between the bottom of the lake and its surface, * the values of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients are extensively high than the limited values indicated by the system of classification by the Organization of Cooperation and Economic Development (OECD). The waters of the lake are therefore eutropheses. We notice a seasonal evolution of the system. According to the factors of control hyacinths of waters, it is concluded that nutrients control the development of hyacinths when the salinity doesn't inhibit the growth of hyacinths anymore; that means of July to January

    Physicochemical characterization of organic matter during co-composting of shea-nut cake with goat manure

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    Wastes constitute a source of pollution for the environment. By composting, the value of organic matter (OM) can be improved in agriculture. From this perspective, the aim of this our work was to study the biodegradation of shea-nut cake, which is a food industry waste. The shea-nut cake was composted with caprine manure for six months. Chemical parameters were followed during composting. The compost obtained had a pH of 6.5, an OM-loss of 52.1% and a C/N ratio of 9.2. Total lipid content was reduced by 84%. The parameters for humifying the organic matter CHA/CFA and E4/E6 were stabilized at 1.33 and 2.68, respectively. The sum of the three principal fertilizing elements (N+P2O5+K2O) represents 7.4% of the compost dry weight. These chemical characteristics show that shea-nut cake can be successfully composted. Stable and mature compost obtained can contribute to the maintenance and increase of the organic matter stock of soils. It can also bring fertilizing elements to the plant.Keywords: Shea-nut cake, composting, organic matter, goat manure.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(22), pp. 3466-347


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    In this study, we tested the possibility of using C. occidentalis L., as green manure, compost and improved fallows to regenerate degraded soil. Methods: In some plots of the degraded soil, we buried biomass of Cassia occidentalis and others were either treated with compost of Cassia with or without ash, or performed from improved fallow of Cassia. All the treated plots were then used for a maize culture (Zea mays, var IKENE). The experimental design was that of Fischer with 9 treatments and 4 replicates per treatment. Results: The study showed that the best values for plant height were scored for the plots treated with the green manure of Cassia and the plots treated with compost +ash. The greatest values of grain yields and mass of 1000 grains were obtained for the plots treated with green manure of Cassia and those treated with compost without ash. About the fertility of the treated soil after harversting, the highest values for nitrogen content were scored for the plots treated with compost of cassia containing or not ash whereas highest values for phosphorus content were obtained for the plots treated with the green manure of Cassia. For the the potassium content, the bests results were scored for the plots treated with composts containing ash. Conclusion: these results showed that C. Occidentalis was a convenient source for minerals and allowed us to think that this leguminous could be used in degraded soils restoration program


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    The availability of assailable phosphate in the compost soil depends on the mineralization of organic matter, the binding reactions of this element, the nature and quality of the compost, but also the nature of the soil and climatic conditions. The work undertaken in this study aims to study the availability of available phosphate of two organic amendments (compost household waste two (C1 and C2) and composted different under different conditions ages) in both soils (S1 and S2). The mass of 0.5 g of compost mixed with 50 g of soil 33 tonnes per hectare is incubated under controlled conditions for 90 days. The humidity is adjusted to 10% of the water holding capacity of the soil and the temperature at 28 ° C. Between the beginning and end of incubation (90 days), an increase of 30.11%, 53.85%, - 1.29% and 95.65% of the content of available phosphate is noted for the treatments S1C1 , S1C2, S2C1 and S2 C2 respectively. Furthermore, the increase of the content of available phosphate is more noticeable in the amended soils by C2 to the compost in soil amended with C1 compost and soil without addition of organic amendments. After three months of incubation, the amount of available phosphate different treatments showed the following descending order: S2C2> S2C1> S1C2> S1C1> S1> S2. Composts C1 and C2 also have an effect on pH, exchangeable cations (EC) and cation exchange capacity (CEC) of soils

    Functionalised 1-Alkynylarsines: Synthesis, Characterisation, and Attempts of Rearrangement into Functionalised Arsaalkynes*.

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    International audienceFunctionalised 1-alkynylarsines were synthesized by reaction of the corresponding 1-alkynyltributylstannane on arsenic trichloride followed by chemoselective redn. of the formed 1-alkynyldichloroarsine by tributyltin hydride in the presence of small amts. of a radical inhibitor. Rearrangements of these compds. into the corresponding arsaalkynes were attempted. [on SciFinder(R)

    Valorisation des déchets solides urbains dans les quartiers de Lomé (Togo) (approche méthodologique pour une production durable de compost)

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    Ce travail de recherche a abouti à la mise en place de la valorisation par compostage des déchets solides produits dans les quartiers de Lomé ; la filière compostage adaptée aux conditions de la ville de Lomé a été évaluée depuis la production des déchets dans les ménages jusqu'à la valorisation agronomique du compost produit. Cette étude constitue un guide pour l'élaboration d'une filière pérenne de compostage à Lomé, il est constitue de cinq chapitres : étude du gisement, évaluation de la pré-collecte, optimisation des paramètres du compostage, valorisation agronomique et choix d'une filière pérenne de compostage. Les données obtenues sur le gisement, pendant deux ans et sur deux saisaons (sèche et humide), constituent non seulement le première base de données sur la nature des déchets produits à Lomé, mais aussi un véritable outil d'aide à la décision pour les responsables locaux. L'analyse de la pré-collecte assurée par les ONG, a permis de déterminer les indicateurs de performance les plus pertinents. Le procédé de compostage a été optimisé en termes de bilan massique et de qualité de compost. Les essais du produit fini en pleins champs ont donné des résultats trés intéressants dans la perspective de l'amélioration des sols et des cultures. Enfin, un modèle de plateforme de tri-compostage (<5T/jour) informelle, décentralisée dans les quartiers, a été proposé sur la base des résultats obtenus.This research led to the establishment of the recovery of solid waste generated in the districts of Lome by composting ; the production of compost adapted to conditions in the city of Lome was evaluated from the production of waste in households up the agricultural use of produced compost. This study provides a guide for developing a sustainable production of compost in Lomé, it consists of five chapters : -study of the waste generation, - evaluation of primary collection, -optimization of composting parameters, -agricultural development and conceiving a sustainable composting process chain. Data obtained on the field for two years and two seasons (wet and dry), constitute not only the first database on the nature of the waste produced in Lome, but also a real tool for decision support for local deciders. Analysis of the pre-collection carried out by NGOs, identified the most relevant performance indicators. The composting process was optimized in terms of mass balance and quality of compost. Experiments in open fields with the produced compost were very interesting in terms of improved soil and crop. A platform model for informal sorting-composting plant (<5T/day), decentralized in the districts, was finally given on the basis of the obtained results.LIMOGES-BU Sciences (870852109) / SudocSudocFranceTogoFRT

    Recherche de matière valorisable dans les déchets de phosphates de Hahotoé-kpogamé (Togo) : cas du gypse (CaSO4, 2H2o)

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    La recherche de gypse dans les déchets phosphates issus du traitement du minerai de phosphates de Hahotoé-Kpogamé a été réalisée dans le but de réduire les impacts polluants et de valoriser au moins en partie ce qui peut l’être dans ces déchets. Les caractérisations physicochimiques ont révélé la présence des ions sulfate et du calcium dans ces déchets. Les teneurs des ions sulfate et du calcium sont respectivement de l’ordre de 1,5 % et 10 %. Les analyses par diffraction des rayons X et les analyses thermiques différentielle (ATD) et thermogravimétrique (ATG) ont permis de conclure que l’existence des ions sulfate et du calcium dans les déchets est due en partie a la présence du gypse

    Caractérisation physique des déchets solides urbains à Lomé au Togo, dans la perspective du compostage décentralisé dans les quartiers

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    International audienceLa communauté urbaine de Lomé se trouve noyée dans des difficultés de gestion des déchets ménagers. En dépit du nouveau projet intitulé « projet PEUL », que pilote la municipalité de Lomé, on constate que le taux de collecte est rarement performant (environ 35%), si ce n'est dans certains quartiers privilégiés. Un réseau constitué de chercheurs, de membres d'ONG et d'agriculteurs tente de promouvoir le compostage décentralisé dans les quartiers en vue de maîtriser ce flux de déchets qui s'accumulent dans les dépotoirs intermédiaires. Pour déterminer tous les éléments nécessaires aux paramétrages techniques du compostage, une première caractérisation physique des déchets a été réalisée sur deux saisons sur la décharge finale de Lomé ; elle a permis de connaître la composition du gisement, sachant qu'une telle étude n'a jamais été réalisée au Togo et plus précisément à Lomé. Dans le cadre de l'étude, l'échantillonnage a tenu compte de plusieurs paramètres :-le nombre de centres de transit,-le nombre d'habitants desservis par chaque centre de transit et-le nombre de tonnes entrant sur la décharge. Un échantillon de 500 kg a été caractérisé après quartage afin de limiter les erreurs. La loi de Bernoulli prenant en compte différents paramètres a été utilisée pour satisfaire un niveau de confiance de 95%. Le tri est effectué en trois fractions granulométriques (>100 mm, 20-100 mm, <20 mm) et en 9 catégories (putrescibles, papierscartons, textiles-textiles sanitaires, plastiques, combustibles non classés-CNC-, verres, métaux, incombustibles non classés-INC-et déchets spéciaux) compte tenu du niveau de dégradation avancée des déchets arrivant sur la décharge finale. L'humidité est déterminée par séchage à 105°C jusqu'à poids constant, la matière organique par calcination de la matière sèche à 550°C pendant 2 H. Les résultats de la caractérisation des deux saisons (sèche et humide) donnent un taux de 24-26% de fraction compostable, 20-26% de déchets non compostables et une forte proportion de fraction fine 46-56%. L'humidité moyenne varie de 15% en saison sèche à 44% en saison humide. La matière organique représente en moyenne 24-25% de déchets urbains avec un taux de 8-9% de matière organique dans la fraction fine, ce qui n'est pas un avantage pour le compostage des déchets bruts mais surtout un inconvénient en raison du fort pourcentage de minéral (sable, gravier). Aussi une étude a été menée, sur deux saisons, sur les déchets directement collectés auprès des ménages. Elle a donné un taux moyen de 70-80% de matière organique. Le traitement des déchets par compostage proche des ménages, dans les quartiers, est donc plus favorable que celui qui pourrait être réalisé sur la décharge finale

    Integrated Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution and Human Health Risks in Waters from a Former Iron Mining Site: A Case Study of the Canton of Bangeli, Togo

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    Drinking water requires excellent physico-chemical quality. It must therefore not contain any substance which is harmful, or which may harm the health of the consumer. The drinking water supply of Bangeli canton (Togo) is provided by ground water and surface water which have been polluted by several industrial discharges as a result of Togo’s intensive industrialization in the last few decades. In order to contribute to the control of drinking water in this locality, our study focused on the state of metal pollution in the waters of this canton. To assess the spatiotemporal evolution of the metallic contamination in Bangeli waters, surface and groundwater samples were taken during dry and rainy seasons in the last three years. This comparative study will allow for a more in-depth assessment of the study area. These samples were analysed by ICP-MS for heavy metals such as Fe, Pb, Cr, Zn, Cu, Co, As, Mn, Sb, Ni, and Cd. The mean values obtained for these metals from groundwater are, respectively, 1144.87; 2.53; 3.42; 3.63; 6.49; 0.69; 143.76; 160.03; 5.67; and 0.036 μg/L. Except for Fe, Sb, and Mn, all the other metals have values below WHO guidelines. The heavy metal pollution index (HPI) applied to these waters gave values between 31.49 and 307.51, with 88.66% of samples below the limit value (100). Health risk assessment factors, including average daily doses, hazard quotient, carcinogenic risks, and hazard index indices, were computed for children and adults. Finally, the HPI index of Fe and Sb in both child and adult cases showed a value greater than the safe limits, which causes harmful health hazards and potential non-carcinogenic health risks to humans. However, carcinogenic risk for Cr, Cd, Pb, and As is less than the limit value (10−4), indicating that there is no risk of cancer. The interpretation of PCA results made it possible to understand that mining has contributed to the pollution of some water resources in Bangeli, and cluster analysis (CA) applied to the data showed that the sampling points can be grouped into four groups, which were primarily formed by extravagant concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Sr