80 research outputs found

    Hominoid intraspecific cranial variation mirrors neutral genetic diversity

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    Natural selection, developmental constraint, and plasticity have all been invoked as explanations for intraspecific cranial variation in humans and apes. However, global patterns of human cranial variation are congruent with patterns of genetic variation, demonstrating that population history has influenced cranial variation in humans. Here we show that this finding is not unique to Homo sapiens but is also broadly evident across extant ape species. Specifically, taxa that exhibit greater intraspecific cranial shape variation also exhibit greater genetic diversity at neutral autosomal loci. Thus, cranial shape variation within hominoid taxa reflects the population history of each species. Our results suggest that neutral evolutionary processes such as mutation, gene flow, and genetic drift have played an important role in generating cranial variation within species. These findings are consistent with previous work on human cranial morphology and improve our understanding of the evolutionary processes that generate intraspecific cranial shape diversity within hominoids. This work has implications for the analysis of selective and developmental pressures on the cranium and for interpreting shape variation in fossil hominin crania

    Real-Gas Effects and Phase Separation in Underexpanded Jets at Engine-Relevant Conditions

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    A numerical framework implemented in the open-source tool OpenFOAM is presented in this work combining a hybrid, pressure-based solver with a vapor-liquid equilibrium model based on the cubic equation of state. This framework is used in the present work to investigate underexpanded jets at engine-relevant conditions where real-gas effects and mixture induced phase separation are probable to occur. A thorough validation and discussion of the applied vapor-liquid equilibrium model is conducted by means of general thermodynamic relations and measurement data available in the literature. Engine-relevant simulation cases for two different fuels were defined. Analyses of the flow field show that the used fuel has a first order effect on the occurrence of phase separation. In the case of phase separation two different effects could be revealed causing the single-phase instability, namely the strong expansion and the mixing of the fuel with the chamber gas. A comparison of single-phase and two-phase jets disclosed that the phase separation leads to a completely different penetration depth in contrast to single-phase injection and therefore commonly used analytical approaches fail to predict the penetration depth.Comment: Preprint submitted to AIAA Scitech 2018, Kissimmee, Florid

    The psychological-type profile of clergywomen in ordained local ministry in the Church of England : pioneers or custodians?

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    This study employs psychological-type theory to compare the psychological profile of 144 clergywomen serving in ordained local ministry in the Church of England alongside the established profile of 237 professional mobile clergywomen serving in the Church of England published by Francis, Craig, Whinney, Tilley, and Slater. The data found no significant differences between these two groups of clergywomen in terms of orientations (introversion and extraversion) or in terms of the judging process (thinking and feeling). In terms of the perceiving process, there was a significantly higher proportion of sensing types among those serving in ordained local ministry (70% compared with 35%). In terms of the attitudes, there was a significantly higher proportion of judging types among those serving in ordained local ministry (83% compared with 65%). The combined sensing judging (SJ) temperament accounted for 65% of the clergywomen serving in ordained local ministry, compared with 29% of the clergywomen serving in professional mobile ministry in the earlier study. It is argued that the SJ temperament characterises a custodian style of ministry

    Neurocranium versus Face: A Morphometric Approach with Classical Anthropometric Variables for Characterizing Patterns of Cranial Integration in Extant Hominoids and Extinct Hominins

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    The relative importance of the two main cranial complexes, the neurocranium and the splanchnocranium, has been examined in the five species of extant hominoids and in a huge sample of extinct hominins using six standard craniometric variables that measure the length, width and height of each cranial module. Factor analysis and two-block partial least squares were used for establishing the major patterns of developmental and evolutionary integration between both cranial modules. The results obtained show that all extant hominoids (including the anatomically modern humans) share a conserved pattern of developmental integration, a result that agrees with previous studies. The pattern of evolutionary integration between both cranial modules in australopiths runs in parallel to developmental integration. In contrast, the pattern of evolutionary and developmental integration of the species of the genus Homo is the opposite, which is probably the consequence of distinctive selective regimes for both hominin groups.JAPC, JMJA and PP received fundings from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Gobierno de España (http://www.idi.mineco.gob.es), project CGL2011-30334, and Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía, España (http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/organismo​s/economiainnovacioncienciayempleo.html), project P11-HUM-7248 and Research Groups RNM-146 and HUM-607

    Post-pubertal developmental trajectories of laryngeal shape and size in humans

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    Abstract Laryngeal morphotypes have been hypothesized related to both phonation and to laryngeal pathologies. Morphotypes have not been validated or demonstrated quantitatively and sources of shape and size variation are incompletely understood but are critical for the explanation of behavioral changes (e.g., changes of physical properties of a voice) and for therapeutic approaches to the larynx. This is the first study to take this crucial step and results are likely to have implications for surgeons and speech language pathologists. A stratified human sample was interrogated for phenotypic variation of the vocal organ. First, computed tomography image stacks were used to generate three-dimensional reconstructions of the thyroid cartilage. Then cartilage shapes were quantified using multivariate statistical analysis of high dimensional shape data from margins and surfaces of the thyroid cartilage. The effects of sex, age, body mass index (BMI) and body height on size and shape differences were analyzed. We found that sex, age, BMI and the age–sex interaction showed significant effects on the mixed sex sample. Among males, only age showed a strong effect. The thyroid cartilage increased in overall size, and the angulation between left and right lamina decreased in older males. Age, BMI and the age–height interaction were statistically significant factors within females. The angulation between left and right lamina increased in older females and was smaller in females with greater BMI. A cluster analysis confirmed the strong age effect on larynx shape in males and a complex interaction between the age, BMI and height variables in the female sample. The investigation demonstrated that age and BMI, two risk factors in a range of clinical conditions, are associated with shape and size variation of the human larynx. The effects influence shape differently in female and male larynges. The male–female shape dichotomy is partly size-dependent but predominantly size-independent

    Data from: Phylogenetic, ecological, and allometric correlates of cranial shape in Malagasy lemuriforms

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    Adaptive radiations provide important insights into many aspects of evolution, including the relationship between ecology and morphological diversification as well as between ecology and speciation. Many such radiations include divergence along a dietary axis, although other ecological variables may also drive diversification, including differences in diel activity patterns. This study examines the role of two key ecological variables, diet and activity patterns, in shaping the radiation of a diverse clade of primates, the Malagasy lemurs. When phylogeny is ignored, activity pattern and several dietary variables predicted a significant proportion of cranial shape variation. However, when phylogeny was taken into account, only typical diet accounted for a significant proportion of shape variation. One possible explanation for this discrepancy is that this radiation was characterized by a relatively small number of dietary shifts (and possibly changes in body size) that occurred in conjunction with the divergence of major clades. This pattern may be difficult to detect with the phylogenetic comparative methods used here, but may characterize not just lemurs but other mammals


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    Provides average landmark configurations for each lemur species after generalized Procrustes superimposition and reduction to the symmetric component of shape in the MorphoJ software program. Landmarks are from the cranium and are labeled above each triplet of x, y, and z coordinates

    Focus on older people

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    Taking advantage of the new information from the 2001 Census, as well as drawing on a range of other sources, this report provides a comprehensive statistical picture of key issues concerning older people's lives in the UK. Tables, maps, graphs, charts and line diagrams supplement the text and boxes within the text highlight key issues throughout