11 research outputs found

    Handling transactional properties in web service composition

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    The development of new services by composition of existing ones has gained considerable momentum as a means of integrating heterogeneous applications and realising business collaborations. Services that enter into compositions with other services may have transactional properties, especially those in the broad area of resource management (e.g. booking services). These transactional properties may be exploited in order to derive composite services which themselves exhibit certain transactional properties. This paper presents a model for composing services that expose transactional properties and more specifically, services that support tentative holds and/or atomic execution. The proposed model is based on a high-level service composition operator that produces composite services that satisfy specified atomicity constraints. The model supports the possibility of selecting the services that enter into a composition at runtime, depending on their ability to provide resource reservations at a given point in time and taking into account user preferences

    A model for process service interaction

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audienceThe design and the achievement of any consequent project imply the involvement of several people, teams and even enterprises. These enterprises interact and exchange data, more and more often, through Internet and the "Web". However, exchanging data is not enough for working together, it is also necessary to control and manage these exchanges occurring within business processes. Cooperation between enterprises means interconnecting and coordinating their business processes. If a wide spectrum of tools for work coordination exists, they have been unfortunately developed to only suit the internal needs of enterprises. Thus, existing work coordination systems are not adapted to inter-enterprise cooperation. This paper presents a promising approach for interconnecting processes based on service interaction. Its aim is to formally present a model for enterprise process interconnection and coordination through service interaction based on information sharing between process services, and process services coordination

    A Model for Process Service Interaction

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    Testing of Service Oriented Architectures - A practical approach

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    Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) have recently emerged as a new promising paradigm for supporting distributed computing. Web services, as well as integration-packages relying on message oriented middleware are special substitutes for this kind of architecture. However, even if a lot of work has been focused on how to build such systems less work has been invested in how testing and monitoring such systems could be done. It is obvious that cyclic testing in the development phase of such architecture can help to identify vulnerabilities early in the design phase which leads to a stable deployment of the system. Testing in distributed systems is very challenging and automated test tools can help to reduce the development costs enormously. In the next years vast investment will be made in integrating systems, as a lot of companies have the need to integrate their systems to establish more flexible workflows. In this paper we will propose an approach as to how automatic testing for SOAs can be done. We will introduce a Meta language in XML, which allows defining test cases for services. A service can be a Web service, as well as an adaptor for a messaging-system, such as Tibco. We define a generic Meta language, but predict that maybe some cases are not covered, as our research for automatic testing of SOAs is still in progress. This paper focuses on a real life prototype implementation called SITT (Service Integration Test Tool). SITT is designed in a way that it can also be used as a monitoring system for SOAs. It has the possibility to test and monitor if certain workflows between multiple service endpoints really behave as described with the XML Meta language. We will also explain a feature called online and batch testing. Online testing means that tests are going..

    Specifying and Composing Interaction Protocols for Service-Oriented System Modelling

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    We present and discuss a formal, high-level approach to the specification and composition of interaction protocols for service-oriented systems. This work is being developed within the SENSORIA project as part of a language and formal framework supporting the modelling of complex services at the business level, i.e. independent of the underlying platform and the languages in which services are programmed and deployed. Our approach is based on a novel language and logic of interactions, and a mathematical semantics of composition based on graphs. We illustrate our approach using a case study provided by Telecom Italia, one of our industrial partners in the project

    A Formal Approach to Service Component Architecture

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    Abstract. We report on a formal framework being developed within the SEN-SORIA project for supporting service-oriented modelling at high levels of abstraction, i.e. independently of the hosting middleware and hardware platforms, and the languages in which services are programmed. More specifically, we give an account of the concepts and techniques that support the composition model of SENSORIA, i.e. the mechanisms through which complex applications can be put together from simpler components, including modelling primitives for the orchestration of components and the definition of external interfaces

    Model-driven composition of information systems from shared components & connectors

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    We introduce CompIS, an approach, model and platform for model-driven component-based information system engineering. Our Approach is based on the concept of shared components and connectors between them. To address the data-intensive nature of information systems, our components follow an extended model-view-control structure that also includes data. Component composition is based on configurable connectors, which define the collaboration logic between components and support component composition at the level of the component model, view, control and data. The CompIS UML profile allows to graphically define new components, connectors and compositions. The CompIS platform is a model-driven engineering environment, based on an Extended object database that natively integrates the CompIS model. From graphical UML model definitions, the platform automatically generates application code that creates and initialises components and connectors. We present and validate our approach in the eCommerce domain

    A bottom-up workflow mining approach for workflow applications analysis

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    Abstract. Engineering workflow applications are becoming more and more complex, involving numerous interacting business objects within considerable processes. Analysing the interaction structure of those complex applications will enable them to be well understood, controlled, and redesigned. Our contribution to workflow mining is a statistical technique to discover workflow patterns from event-based log. Our approach is characterised by a ”local ” workflow patterns discovery that allows to cover partial results through a dynamic programming algorithm. Those local discovered workflow patterns are then composed iteratively until discovering the global workflow model. Our approach has been implemented within our prototype WorkflowMiner