6 research outputs found

    Taphonomy of a monodominant Gryposaurus sp. bonebed from the Oldman Formation (Campanian) of Alberta, Canada

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    A monodominant Gryposaurus sp. bonebed in the lower unit of the Campanian Oldman Formation of southern Alberta is the oldest hadrosauroid bonebed documented in the province and the first described from the formation. The sedimentology of the locality and the taphonomy of the hadrosaurid material indicates that the bonebed represents an assemblage of juvenile-sized individuals that were probably transported only a short distance from where they died to where they were finally deposited and preserved in a fine-grained mudstone within an overbank sequence. Histological examination of six limb elements confirms that all individuals are juveniles, with two age classes (<1 and <2 years of age at the time of death) that likely died in the same event. Bone microstructure data indicate that Gryposaurus experienced rapid growth over the 2-year life spans documented, equivalent to other Late Cretaceous hadrosaurids in North America. The parautochthonous nature of the bonebed, and the lack of small neonate (newborn) material and almost complete lack of large adult material, suggests that the bonebed represents a segregated group of juveniles. This group of immature individuals may have been an autonomous unit that had separated itself from a larger social grouping, possibly in an effort to increase their survivability

    Low-oxygen waters limited habitable space for early animals

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    The oceans at the start of the Neoproterozoic Era (1,000–541 million years ago, Ma) were dominantly anoxic, but may have become progressively oxygenated, coincident with the rise of animal life. However, the control that oxygen exerted on the development of early animal ecosystems remains unclear, as previous research has focussed on the identification of fully anoxic or oxic conditions, rather than intermediate redox levels. Here we report anomalous cerium enrichments preserved in carbonate rocks across bathymetric basin transects from nine localities of the Nama Group, Namibia (~550–541 Ma). In combination with Fe-based redox proxies, these data suggest that low-oxygen conditions occurred in a narrow zone between well-oxygenated surface waters and fully anoxic deep waters. Although abundant in well-oxygenated environments, early skeletal animals did not occupy oxygen impoverished regions of the shelf, demonstrating that oxygen availability (probably >10 μM) was a key requirement for the development of early animal-based ecosystems

    Environmental and diagenetic controls on the morphology and calcification of the Ediacaran metazoan Cloudina

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    Abstract Cloudina is a globally distributed Ediacaran metazoan, with a tubular, funnel-in-funnel form built of thin laminae (ca. 1–10 μm). To what degree local environmental controlled morphology, and whether early diagenesis controlled the degree of calcification of Cloudina, is debated. Here we test these hypotheses by considering assemblages from four, coeval localities from the Upper Omkyk Member, Nama Group, Namibia, from inner ramp to mid-ramp reef across the Zaris Subbasin. We show that sinuosity of the Cloudina tube is variable between sites, as is the relative thickness of the tube wall, suggesting these features were environmentally controlled. Walls are thickest in high-energy reef settings, and thinnest in the low-energy, inner ramp. While local diagenesis controls preservation, all diagenetic expressions are consistent with the presence of weakly calcified, organic-rich laminae, and lamina thicknesses are broadly constant. Finally, internal ‘cements’ within Cloudina are found in all sites, and pre-date skeletal breakage, transport, as well as syn-sedimentary botryoidal cement precipitation. Best preservation shows these to be formed by fine, pseudomorphed aragonitic acicular crystals. Sr concentrations and Mg/Ca show no statistically significant differences between internal Cloudina cements and botryoidal cements, but we infer all internal cements to have precipitated when Cloudina was still in-situ and added considerable mechanical strength, but may have formed post-mortem or in abandoned parts of the skeleton

    Urticaria, Strophulus, Prurigo, Pruritus

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