474 research outputs found

    On the circulation of the Intermediate Water in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean

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    In early studies of the Antarctic Intermediate Water in the South Atlantic it was assumed that the flow was mostly thermohaline and meridional. However, there is evidence that the wind-driven subtropical anticyclonic circulation in the South Atlantic Ocean extends to and includes the Intermediate Water, as in other oceans

    Ferroelectric order driven Eu3+ photoluminescence in BaZrxTi1−xO3 perovskite

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    The ability to tune and enhance the properties of luminescent materials is essential for enlarging their application potential. Recently, the modulation of the photoluminescence emission of lanthanide-doped ferroelectric perovskites by applying an electric field has been reported. Herein, we show that the ferroelectric order and, more generally the polar order, has a direct effect on the photoluminescence of Eu3+ in the model BaZrxTi1-xO3 perovskite even in the absence of an external field. The dipole arrangement evolves with increasing xfrom long-range ferroelectric order to short-range order typical of relaxors until the non-polar paraelectric BaZrO3 is achieved. The cooperative polar interactions existing in the lattice (x < 1) promote the off-center displacement of the Eu3+ ion determining a change of the lanthanide site symmetry and, consequently, an abrupt variation of the photoluminescence emission with temperature. Each type of polar order is characterized by a distinct photoluminescence behaviour

    Classification of Marek's disease viruses according to pathotype: Philosophy and methodology

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    El concepto de patotipo en la enfermedad de Marek (MD) data probablemente de finales de los 1950s cuando se reconoció una forma más virulenta de enfermedad Benton y Cover, 1957). Las distinciones entre las diferentes cepas de virus de MD (MDV) fueron aún mayores al describirse el patotipo vv a principios de los ochenta y el vv+ en los noventa. La designación de patotipo refleja propiedades biológicas importantes que se correlacionan con la capacidad de romper la inmunidad maternal en el campo. A pesar de ello, los métodos de clasificación de los diferentes patotipos en varios laboratorios no han sido uniformes, lo cual ha impedido una comparación crítica de los resultados. El método utilizado en el Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory (ADOL) se basa en la inducción de lesiones linfoproliferativas en pollos vacunados. Este método ha sido utilizado para clasificar más de 45 aislados y es la base para la clasificación actual de los patotipos de cepas de MDV. Las limitaciones de este método son varias: necesidad de un tipo específico de pollos (15x7 ab+), uso de un gran número de animales y de un método estadístico para comparar las respuestas lesionales con las de las cepas control JM/102W y Md5. Debido a estas limitaciones no ha sido y no es probablemente usado en otros laboratorios. La comparación en el patotipado puede ser mejorada mediante la comparación de aislados de campo con cepas prototipo como las JM/102W, Md5 y 648A (American Type Culture Collection) o sus equivalentes. Los datos pueden ser generados mediante diferentes procedimientos in vivo que miden la inducción de tumores, enfermedad neurològica (por lesiones neoplásicas o no neoplásicas), o únicamente por criterios no neoplásicos (como el peso de los órganos linfoides o la replicación vírica). Los métodos basados en criterios neoplásicos, especialmente cuando son generados en pollos inmunizados de MD, probablemente se correlacionarán mejor con el método del ADOL y serán más relevantes en cuanto a la evolución de los virus de MD en el campo. En base a los datos de diferentes experimentos, se propone una modificación del método ADOL que utiliza menos animales y puede ser llevado a cabo en pollos SPF comerciales. El método modificado se basa en una comparación con el que mejor clasifica las cepas prototipo, y se espera que de resultados en general comparables con el método original. Otros criterios alternativos (ver abajo) también se evalúan como métodos primarios de patotipificación o como adjuntos a otros métodos de patotipificación. Se presentan las ventajas y desventajas de estos métodos alternativos.The concept of pathotype in Marek's disease (MD) probably dates from the recognition of a more virulent form of the disease in the late 1950s (Benton & Cover, 1957). Distinctions between MD virus strains were further expanded with the description of the vv pathotype in the early 1980s and of the vv + pathotype in the 1990s. Pathotype designations reflect important biological properties that correlate with the break-through of vaccinal immunity in the field. However, pathotyping methods applied by various laboratories have not been uniform, preventing critical comparison of results. Better uniformity of pathotyping procedures is desirable. The Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory (ADOL) method is based on induction of lymphoproliferative lesions in vaccinated chickens. This method has been used to pathotype more than 45 isolates and is the basis for the current pathotype classification of MD virus strains. Its limitations include requirements for a specific type of chickens (15 x 7 ab+), large numbers of animals, and a statistical method to compare lesion responses to those of JM/102W and Md5 control strains. Because of these limitations, it has not been and is not likely to be used in other laboratories. Comparability in pathotyping can be improved by the comparison of field isolates with standard prototype strains such as JM/102W, Md5 and 648A (American Type Culture Collection) or their equivalents. Data may be generated by different in vivo procedures that measure tumour induction, neurological disease (both neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions), or solely non-neoplastic criteria (such as lymphoid organ weights or virus replication). Methods based on neoplastic criteria, especially when generated in MD-immunized chickens, will probably correlate most closely with that of the ADOL method and be most relevant to evolution of MD virus in the field. Based on data from several trials, a modification of the ADOL method that utilizes fewer chickens and can be conducted with commercial specific pathogen free strains is proposed. The modified method is based on "best fit" comparisons with prototype strains, and is expected to provide results generally comparable with the original method. A variety of other alternative criteria (see earlier) are also evaluated both for primary pathotyping and as adjuncts to other pathotyping methods. Advantages and disadvantages of alternative methods are presented.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Spontaneous superconducting islands and Hall voltage in clean superconductors

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    We study a clean superconductor in the Hall configuration, in the framework of a purely dissipative time-dependent Ginzburg--Landau theory. We find situations in which the order parameter differs significantly from zero in a set of islands that appear to form a periodic structure. When the pattern of islands becomes irregular, it moves in or against the direction of the current and a Hall voltage is found. Tiny differences in the initial state may reverse the sign of the Hall voltage. When the average Hall voltage vanishes, the local Hall voltage does not necessarily vanish. We examine the influence that several boundary conditions at the electrodes have on these effects.Comment: 6 pages, Includes additional cases and more detailed result

    A bit stickier, a bit slower, a lot stiffer: Specific vs. nonspecific binding of gal4 to dna

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    Transcription factors regulate gene activity by binding specific regions of genomic DNA thanks to a subtle interplay of specific and nonspecific interactions that is challenging to quantify. Here, we exploit Reflective Phantom Interface (RPI), a label-free biosensor based on optical reflectivity, to investigate the binding of the N-terminal domain of Gal4, a well-known gene regulator, to double-stranded DNA fragments containing or not its consensus sequence. The analysis of RPI-binding curves provides interaction strength and kinetics and their dependence on temperature and ionic strength. We found that the binding of Gal4 to its cognate site is stronger, as expected, but also markedly slower. We performed a combined analysis of specific and nonspecific binding— equilibrium and kinetics—by means of a simple model based on nested potential wells and found that the free energy gap between specific and nonspecific binding is of the order of one kcal/mol only. We investigated the origin of such a small value by performing all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of Gal4–DNA interactions. We found a strong enthalpy–entropy compensation, by which the binding of Gal4 to its cognate sequence entails a DNA bending and a striking conformational freezing, which could be instrumental in the biological function of Gal4

    3D Multispectral Imaging for Cultural Heritage Preservation: The Case Study of a Wooden Sculpture of the Museo Egizio di Torino

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    Digitalization techniques, such as photogrammetry (PG), are attracting the interest of experts in the cultural heritage field, as they enable the creation of three-dimensional virtual replicas of historical artifacts with 2D digital images. Indeed, PG allows for acquiring data regarding the overall appearance of an artifact, its geometry, and its texture. Furthermore, among several image-based techniques exploited for the conservation of works of art, multispectral imaging (MSI) finds great application in the study of the materials of historical items, taking advantage of the different responses of materials when exposed to specific wavelengths. Despite their great usefulness, PG and MSI are often used as separate tools. Integrating radiometric and geometrical data can notably expand the information carried by a 3D model. Therefore, this paper presents a novel research methodology that enables the acquisition of multispectral 3D models, combining the outcomes of PG and MSI (Visible (VIS), Ultraviolet-induced Visible Luminescence (UVL), Ultraviolet-Reflected (UVR), and Ultraviolet-Reflected False Color (UVR-FC) imaging) in a single coordinate system, using an affordable tunable set-up and open-source software. The approach has been employed for the study of two wooden artifacts from the Museo Egizio di Torino to investigate the materials present on the surface and provide information that could support the design of suitable conservation treatments

    Towards a Universal Method for the Stable and Clean Functionalization of Inert Perfluoropolymer Nanoparticles : Exploiting Photopolymerizable Amphiphilic Diacetylenes

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    Highly fluorinated materials are being widely investigated due to a number of peculiar properties, which are potentially useful for various applications, including use as lubricants, anti-adhesive films, and substitutes for biological fluids for biomedical utilization. However, at present such potential is still poorly exploited. One of the major drawbacks that hampers the rapid development of nanoscale fluoro-hybrid devices is the remarkable inertness of perfluoropolymeric materials that lack reactive functionalities, as they do not offer any functional groups that can be employed to covalently anchor organic molecules on their surface. In this paper, a convenient method for the stable biofunctionalization of strongly unreactive perfluoropolymer nanoparticles (PnPs) is reported. PnPs are easily coated with newly synthesized asymmetric diacetylenic monomer compounds (ADMs), thanks to PnP's high propensity to interact with hydrophobic moieties. Once monomerically adsorbed onto PnPs, such suitably designed ADMs enable the formation of a robust polymeric shell around the perfluoroelastomer core via a clean UV-promoted localized photopolymerization. Given the peculiar optical characteristics of PnPs, the coating of the particles can be monitored step by step using light scattering, which also allows estimation of the fraction of reacted monomers by competitive adsorption with smaller particles. The potential of this method for the biofunctionalization of PnPs is demonstrated with representative proteins and carbohydrates. Among them, the extension to avidin-biotin technology may broaden the scope and applicability of this strategy to potentially a large number of molecules of biomedical interest. Making the unreactive reactive: A smart method for the biofunctionalization of strongly inert perfluoropolymer nanoparticles (PnPs) is presented, using a stable coating with novel diacetylenic compounds followed by clean UV photopolymerization to generate reactive functionalities on the PnP surface. This method further allows fine tuning of the amount of conjugated biomolecules, which can be sensitively and straightforwardly quantified

    Hysteresis and tunability characteristics of Ba(Zr,Ti)O(3) ceramics described by first order reversal curves diagrams

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    The First Order Reversal Curves (FORC) diagrams are proposed for the characterization of the switching process and the tunability in Ba(ZrxTi1-x)O(3) ceramics with various compositions x in the range (0, 0.5), prepared via solid state reaction. The changes induced by the compositional-induced crossover ferroelectric-to-relaxor state are investigated by monitoring the changes of the FORC diagrams (the coercive and bias fields corresponding to the maximum, ratio of the reversible/irreversible contribution to the polarization, the diffuse character of the FORC distribution). The first derivative of the FORCs related to the tunability is a function of both the applied and reversal fields. The critical fields for the highest tunability were found to be composition-dependent

    Classification of Marek's disease viruses according to pathotype: Philosophy and methodology

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    El concepto de patotipo en la enfermedad de Marek (MD) data probablemente de finales de los 1950s cuando se reconoció una forma más virulenta de enfermedad Benton y Cover, 1957). Las distinciones entre las diferentes cepas de virus de MD (MDV) fueron aún mayores al describirse el patotipo vv a principios de los ochenta y el vv+ en los noventa. La designación de patotipo refleja propiedades biológicas importantes que se correlacionan con la capacidad de romper la inmunidad maternal en el campo. A pesar de ello, los métodos de clasificación de los diferentes patotipos en varios laboratorios no han sido uniformes, lo cual ha impedido una comparación crítica de los resultados. El método utilizado en el Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory (ADOL) se basa en la inducción de lesiones linfoproliferativas en pollos vacunados. Este método ha sido utilizado para clasificar más de 45 aislados y es la base para la clasificación actual de los patotipos de cepas de MDV. Las limitaciones de este método son varias: necesidad de un tipo específico de pollos (15x7 ab+), uso de un gran número de animales y de un método estadístico para comparar las respuestas lesionales con las de las cepas control JM/102W y Md5. Debido a estas limitaciones no ha sido y no es probablemente usado en otros laboratorios. La comparación en el patotipado puede ser mejorada mediante la comparación de aislados de campo con cepas prototipo como las JM/102W, Md5 y 648A (American Type Culture Collection) o sus equivalentes. Los datos pueden ser generados mediante diferentes procedimientos in vivo que miden la inducción de tumores, enfermedad neurològica (por lesiones neoplásicas o no neoplásicas), o únicamente por criterios no neoplásicos (como el peso de los órganos linfoides o la replicación vírica). Los métodos basados en criterios neoplásicos, especialmente cuando son generados en pollos inmunizados de MD, probablemente se correlacionarán mejor con el método del ADOL y serán más relevantes en cuanto a la evolución de los virus de MD en el campo. En base a los datos de diferentes experimentos, se propone una modificación del método ADOL que utiliza menos animales y puede ser llevado a cabo en pollos SPF comerciales. El método modificado se basa en una comparación con el que mejor clasifica las cepas prototipo, y se espera que de resultados en general comparables con el método original. Otros criterios alternativos (ver abajo) también se evalúan como métodos primarios de patotipificación o como adjuntos a otros métodos de patotipificación. Se presentan las ventajas y desventajas de estos métodos alternativos.The concept of pathotype in Marek's disease (MD) probably dates from the recognition of a more virulent form of the disease in the late 1950s (Benton & Cover, 1957). Distinctions between MD virus strains were further expanded with the description of the vv pathotype in the early 1980s and of the vv + pathotype in the 1990s. Pathotype designations reflect important biological properties that correlate with the break-through of vaccinal immunity in the field. However, pathotyping methods applied by various laboratories have not been uniform, preventing critical comparison of results. Better uniformity of pathotyping procedures is desirable. The Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory (ADOL) method is based on induction of lymphoproliferative lesions in vaccinated chickens. This method has been used to pathotype more than 45 isolates and is the basis for the current pathotype classification of MD virus strains. Its limitations include requirements for a specific type of chickens (15 x 7 ab+), large numbers of animals, and a statistical method to compare lesion responses to those of JM/102W and Md5 control strains. Because of these limitations, it has not been and is not likely to be used in other laboratories. Comparability in pathotyping can be improved by the comparison of field isolates with standard prototype strains such as JM/102W, Md5 and 648A (American Type Culture Collection) or their equivalents. Data may be generated by different in vivo procedures that measure tumour induction, neurological disease (both neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions), or solely non-neoplastic criteria (such as lymphoid organ weights or virus replication). Methods based on neoplastic criteria, especially when generated in MD-immunized chickens, will probably correlate most closely with that of the ADOL method and be most relevant to evolution of MD virus in the field. Based on data from several trials, a modification of the ADOL method that utilizes fewer chickens and can be conducted with commercial specific pathogen free strains is proposed. The modified method is based on "best fit" comparisons with prototype strains, and is expected to provide results generally comparable with the original method. A variety of other alternative criteria (see earlier) are also evaluated both for primary pathotyping and as adjuncts to other pathotyping methods. Advantages and disadvantages of alternative methods are presented.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria
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