2,563 research outputs found

    Classical and quantum N=1 super W∞W_\infty-algebras

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    We construct higher-spin N=1 super algebras as extensions of the super Virasoro algebra containing generators for all spins s≄3/2s\ge 3/2. We find two distinct classical (Poisson) algebras on the phase super space. Our results indicate that only one of them can be consistently quantized.Comment: 10 pages, latex, no figure

    Philosophers and Theologians on Happiness. An analysis of early Latin commentaries on the Nicomachean Ethics

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    Avant 1250, mĂȘme avec un champ d’études statutairement restreint, les maĂźtres Ăšs arts de Paris abordaient un certain nombre de disciplines philosophiques. Parmi les enseignements prescrits Ă  ces maĂźtres se trouvait l’éthique, Ă©tudiĂ©e dans l’Éthique Ă  Nicomaque d’Aristote. En interprĂ©tant ce texte, les maĂźtres Ăšs arts enseignaient ce qu’ils comprenaient comme « bonheur » en utilisant un rĂ©seau de concepts pas toujours en accord avec celui des thĂ©ologiens. Autour du concept de bonheur, nous tentons ici d’observer les diffĂ©rences et les ressemblances dont tĂ©moignent — dans le contexte controversĂ© de l’UniversitĂ© de Paris — les ouvrages pertinents des maĂźtres Ăšs arts par rapport Ă  l’opinion des thĂ©ologiens.Before 1250, even with a statutorily restricted field of research, the Arts masters of Paris included in their teaching a certain number of philosophical disciplines. Courses imposed on Arts masters included ethics, using Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Commenting on this text, Arts masters would interpret it and teach their own doctrine of “happiness”, involving concepts not always in agreement with those of the theologians. Taking into account the controversial context of the University of Paris, we focus in this paper on the opinions of Arts masters in both their differences and their agreements with the theologians, regarding the concept of happiness

    L’intuition intellective du Premier principe : les maütres ùs arts de Paris et Avicenne

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    Pour dĂ©terminer la cognoscibilitĂ© du Premier principe, Avicenne emprunte dans sa MĂ©taphysique trois voies : la connaissance scientifique par dĂ©monstration, l’intuition intellective et la connaissance Ă  travers le discours prophĂ©tique. Dans le cadre de la rĂ©ception de l’Éthique aristotĂ©licienne, les maĂźtres Ăšs arts de Paris empruntent deux de ces voies au milieu du xiiie siĂšcle. MĂȘme si beaucoup d’élĂ©ments sont semblables dans les deux cas, les artiens ne sortiront pas de leur spĂ©cificitĂ© professionnelle : le discours philosophique.To determine the cognoscibility of the First Principle, Avicenna (in his Metaphysics) follows three ways : scientific knowledge through demonstration, intellectual intuition and knowledge through prophetical discourse. Within the framework of the Aristotelian Ethics’ reception, the Parisian Arts Masters follow two of these ways at the middle of the 13th century. Although many elements from Parisian masters are similar to Avicenna’s, the magistri artium do not abandon their professional specificity that is philosophical discourse

    Happiness and knowledge in some Masters of Arts before 1250. An analysis of some commentaries on the Book I of Nicomachean Ethics

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    The masters of Arts were immersed in an incredibly rich intellectual environment from which they took many tools but to which they also contributed. Although they cultivated the literal genre of commentary it does not mean that they only repeated the theories of others. Usually, those commentaries are original constructions that almost use the commented work as an excuse to expose a personal doctrine. The case of the masters of Arts is eloquent. The commentaries on the Ethica Noua (the Latin translation of book I of Nicomachean Ethics) include contents that largely exceed those of the first book of Nicomachean Ethics

    Avaliação da qualidade de vida de idosos com Diabetes Mellitus e HipertensĂŁo arterial sistĂȘmica atendidos na ClĂ­nica Escola Univates

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    Contextualização: o envelhecimento faz parte de um processo biolĂłgico, psicolĂłgico e social, e Ă© um fenĂŽmeno crescente deste sĂ©culo. Com o aumento da população idosa hĂĄ um aumento na busca de serviços de saĂșde, em decorrĂȘncia de doenças como Diabetes Mellitus (DM) e a HipertensĂŁo Arterial SistĂȘmica (HAS). Estas condiçÔes impactam negativamente na qualidade de vida dos indivĂ­duos. Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida de idosos com DM e HAS que frequentam a clĂ­nica escola da Univates. MĂ©todos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal no perĂ­odo entre agosto a novembro de 2015, na ClĂ­nica Escola da Univates. Para a obtenção dos dados, foram utilizados questionĂĄrios com dados de identificação, sociodemogrĂĄficos, e o questionĂĄrio especĂ­fico Whoqol-Bref. Resultado: Dos 12 indivĂ­duos avaliados, a mĂ©dia de idade foi 67 anos e a maioria eram mulheres (58%), 67% eram casados. A escolaridade mĂ©dia foi de 6 anos, o IMC foi 30kg/cmÂČ em mĂ©dia e 75% dos eram sedentĂĄrios. Ainda, 4 apresentaram Diabetes Mellitus e todos os participantes apresentavam HAS. Em relação ao escore de qualidade de vida observou se que no total de participantes a pior pontuação foi no domĂ­nio fĂ­sico (3±0,4) e a maior pontuação no domĂ­nio relaçÔes sociais (3,5±0,3), porĂ©m ambos sĂŁo considerados regulares. Quando comparou-se o grupo que apresentava a DM+HAS com o grupo com HAS isolada, observou-se resultados semelhantes, porĂ©m sem diferenças significativas entre os grupos. ConclusĂŁo: A qualidade de vida Ă© alterada negativamente na presença de condiçÔes crĂŽnicas.BACKGROUND: Aging is part of a biological, psychological and social process, and is a growing phenomenon of this century. With increasing aging population there is an increase in seeking health services as a result of diseases such as diabetes mellitus (DM) and systemic arterial hypertension (SAH). These conditions negatively impact the quality of life of individuals. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the quality of life of elderly patients with diabetes and hypertension who attend the clinic school Univates. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted between August-November 2015, the Clinical School Univates. To obtain the data, questionnaires were used to identify data, sociodemographic, and the specific questionnaire WHOQOL-Bref. RESULTS: Of the 12 individuals evaluated, the average age was 67 and most were women (58%), 67% were married. The average schooling was six years, BMI was 30 kg / cmÂČ on average and 75% were sedentary. Still, 4 had diabetes mellitus and all the participants had hypertension. Regarding the quality of life score noted that the total number of participants was the worst scores in the physical domain (3 ± 0.4) and the highest score in the field social relations (3.5 ± 0.3), but both are considered regular. When compared the group that presented the DM + SH with the group with isolated hypertension was observed similar results, but with no significant differences between groups. CONCLUSION: The quality of life is negatively altered in the presence of chronic conditions

    La divisiĂłn de las ciencias y el tema del hombre-microcosmos segĂșn algunos maestros de artes de ParĂ­s hacia 1250

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    En las divisiones de la ciencia provenientes de la Facultad de Artes de ParĂ­s, algunos maestros (Pseudo-Peckham, Iohannes Pagus) establecen conexiones entre las facultades del alma y los objetos del mundo propios a la actividad de cada una de tales facultades, determinando asĂ­ las diversas ciencias que surgen a partir de estas relaciones. El enlace de estos elementos se hace posible dentro del marco del hombre como microcosmos que los maestros desarrollan a partir de adagios aristotĂ©licos tomados del De anima y de la FĂ­sica con la utilizaciĂłn de algunas fuentes neoplatĂłnicas. SegĂșn los maestros de artes, el conocimiento de todas las cosas es asequible al hombre precisamente porque en Ă©l se encuentran, de alguna manera, el resumen y la presencia de todas las cosas.In divisions of sciences issued from the Parisian Arts Faculty, some masters (Pseudo-Peckham, Iohannes Pagus) established connexions between the powers of the soul and the world objects proper to each power. Different sciences arise out of these connexions. The link of these elements is possible on the background of man as a microcosm, which masters develop from some Aristotelian adages taken from De Anima and the Physics with the help of some Neoplatonic sources. According to the masters of Arts, the knowledge of all things is attainable for men precisely because all things reside in him in a certain way.Fil: Buffon, Valeria A.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnica

    Actus, opus, habitus: discusiones de terminologĂ­a Ă©tica en la primera recepciĂłn de la Ética NicomĂĄquea a mediados del siglo XIII

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    Este artĂ­culo muestra los efectos de las oscilaciones terminolĂłgicas de las primeras traducciones de la Ética NicomĂĄqueaen los primeros comentaristas del Occidente Latino. Analizamos la dinĂĄmica de asimilaciĂłn entre los tĂ©rminos actus, opusy habitus, que abre a la posibilidad, en algunos comentaristas anĂłnimos, de un vĂ­nculo interesante entre dos tipos de teleologĂ­a aristotĂ©lica.This article shows the effects of terminological oscillations of Nicomachean Ethics’ first translations on the first commentators in the Latin West. Here we analyze the dynamics of assimilation between the terms actus, opus and habitus, which opens the possibility, in some anonymous commentators, of an interesting link between two types of Aristotelian teleology.Fil: Buffon, Valeria Andrea. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires; Argentin

    The Gendering of Victimhood: Western Media and the Sinjar Genocide

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Transnational Press via the URL in this record.This article adopts a gender perspective on war, problematising media attention on Yezidi women since the attacks by ISIS. Sinjari Yezidis’ narratives/subjectivities since 2014 are silenced in Western media reports in favour of a “hyper-visibility” of women’s “injured bodies”, which mobilises a specific narrative of victimhood. Reports from UK and US broadsheet newspapers, plus the BBC, CNN and online publications are analysed, plus new data gathered through fieldwork among Yezidis in Northern Iraq. Western media draw on and reproduce cultural and gender representations, reinstating relations of power infused with orientalist and patriarchal tropes. The focus on women’s bodies moves attention away from the workings of namĂ»s “honour” and the suffering of Yezidi men. Some Yezidi women who became activists, speaking as victims, are heard internationally; the compromises this entails are discussed in light of Fassin and Rechtman’s work on the politics of victimhood

    Herrn von Buffons allgemeine Naturgeschichte, Bd. 3-4

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    Im Schooße der brennenden Berge, die unter dem Rahmen der feuerspeyenden bekannt sind, liegen ausser dem Schwefel und Erdharz lauter solce Materien verborgen, welche fĂ€hig sind, ein unterirdisches Feuer zu unterhalten, ein Feuer, das weit gewaltsamere Wirkungen, als das Schießpulver und der Donner selbst, hervorbringen kann, ein feuer, das von je her ein Entsetzen der Menschen, und eine VerwĂŒstung gewisser LĂ€nder gewesen. ..
