197 research outputs found

    Multivariate methods and small sample size: combining with small effect size

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    This manuscript is the author's response to: "Dochtermann, N.A. & Jenkins, S.H. Multivariate methods and small sample\ud sizes, Ethology, 117, 95-101." and accompanies this paper: "Budaev, S. Using principal components and factor analysis in animal behaviour research: Caveats and guidelines. Ethology, 116, 472-480"\u

    Consistency of Skinner Box Activity Measures in the domestic Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    Consistency of individual differences in several measures of Skinner box operant and other activity and their intercorrelations in 14 chinchilla bred rabbits were studied. Reliability analysis revealed that both operant and activity measures were highly consistent (Cronbach alpha>0.87) over at least 15 days. Furthermore, locomotor activity, the tendencies to press the lever with high frequency, to make many errors, to check the presence of food in the dispenser as well as rearing were highly inter-correlated, making up a single dimension of activity. However, grooming did not correlate with these behaviors

    Development of cognitive theory of metaphor

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    Metaphor is viewed upon as a phenomenon of interaction of language, thinking and culture. Influence of conceptual metaphor on development of scientific ideas is discussed. Different approaches to the theory of conceptual metaphor are described.Рассматривается метафора как феномен взаимодействия языка, мышления и культуры. Исследуется влияние концептуальной метафоры на развитие разных научных идей. Рассматриваются различные подходы к теории концептуальной метафоры

    Literary Characters as a Source Domain of Precedent Names in the UK Media

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    The article deals with precedent names (PN) from the source domain “Literature”, functioning in the UK media. The material for the study was 104 examples of precedent names used in the British print media (The Guardian, The Times, The Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph, The Independent) over the past ten years (2010–2019). Research methods were cognitive-discourse analysis, linguocultural description. It is concluded that the source domain “Literary characters” is the most demanded source of precedent names in the British media (26 % of the total body of examples, which is 400 precedent names).  It is shown that British journalists give preference to onyms related to British literature, which is natural, because PN data are well known to both journalists and British media addressees. It was revealed that British journalists regularly refer to the names of characters from the classics of English literature in their texts. At the same time, it is shown that the leading place in terms of frequency of actualization and productivity is occupied by PN, which have become popular in recent decades, which primarily refers to the characters of J. Rowling's Harry Potter novels. Thus, the analysis showed that the functioning of PN depends not only on cognitive and cultural, but also on discursive factors

    Historical dynamics of metaphoric systems in Russian political communication

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    The paper investigates the drives for stability and change in the history of Russian political metaphors. It compares Russian and international techniques applied to studying history of political metaphors. The paper depicts the Russian researchers' contribution to the theory and methods of researching political metaphorics, as well as to the theory and practice of historical metaphorology. The coauthors come to the conclusion that the arsenal of contemporary Russian political metaphors represents a complex system that emerged from centuries of evolution as a result of interplay between the drives for stability and change, for preservation of cultural distinctiveness and interaction with other cultures. The study draws a distinction between the periods of "metaphoric storms" and "metaphoric calms" in the history of Russian political metaphor

    Fredholm factorization of Wiener-Hopf scalar and matrix kernels

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    A general theory to factorize the Wiener-Hopf (W-H) kernel using Fredholm Integral Equations (FIE) of the second kind is presented. This technique, hereafter called Fredholm factorization, factorizes the W-H kernel using simple numerical quadrature. W-H kernels can be either of scalar form or of matrix form with arbitrary dimensions. The kernel spectrum can be continuous (with branch points), discrete (with poles), or mixed (with branch points and poles). In order to validate the proposed method, rational matrix kernels in particular are studied since they admit exact closed form factorization. In the appendix a new analytical method to factorize rational matrix kernels is also described. The Fredholm factorization is discussed in detail, supplying several numerical tests. Physical aspects are also illustrated in the framework of scattering problems: in particular, diffraction problems. Mathematical proofs are reported in the pape

    Conceptual Relation Between Quality of Life and Environmentally Friendly Food

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    One of the most important indicators of the quality of life is environmentally friendly nutrition implying the use and rational combination of eco-friendly raw materials contained in recipes of new generation products, thus guaranteeing full supply of food and biologically active agents to all vital systems of an organism. The development of the society fosters the increasing interdependence and interconditionality of processes within the “nature-person-society” system. The current environmental situation brought the problem of environmental culture and its role in the optimization of socionatural interaction to the foreground. The paper presents the materials of theoretical justification of conceptual relations between the quality of life and eco-friendly nutrition; it describes pilot studies of safety indicators, polysaccharide composition of aromatic plants for their use in the production of functional food to enrich the composition with protective components. It is established that the studied aromatic plants (AP) growing in environmentally friendly territories of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania are characterized by low weight ratio of toxic substances (below admissible hygienic standards), high content of dietary fibers (DF). The sorption capacity of AP powders in relation to lead is studied. All studied powders of AP modification products are characterized by high sorption capacity. The technologies of flour food with addition of AP powders are developed. It is revealed that in comparison with control samples certain flour food products almost twice reduce the lead content in the blood of laboratory infant rats

    Гибридные войны США в Южной Америке

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    Washington’s hybrid warfare in Latin American region differs by its inventive and sophisticated methods and in fact represents a complex and multidimensional phenomenon including symbiosis of the “soft” and “hard” power as well as their combination in the form of the “smart power”. The increasing importance of hybrid warfare technologies in the US foreign policy in Latin America predetermines the necessity of thorough studies and analysis of this phenomenon for providing Russian interests.Гибридные войны Вашингтона в латиноамериканском регионе отличаются особой изобретательностью и изощренностью, а по сути, представляют собой сложное многомерное явление, включающее в себя симбиоз “мягкой” и “жесткой” силы, а также их комбинацию в виде “умной силы”. Возрастающее значение технологий гибридной войны во внешней политике США на южноамериканском направлении предопределяет необходимость тщательного изучения и анализа данного феномена под углом обеспечения российских интересов