756 research outputs found

    The GSC-II-based survey of ancient cool white dwarfs I. The sample of spectroscopically confirmed WDs

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    The GSC-II white dwarf survey was designed to identify faint and high proper motion objects, which we used to define a new and independent sample of cool white dwarfs. With this survey we aim to derive new constraints on the halo white dwarf space density. Also, these data can provide information on the age of thick disk and halo through the analysis of the luminosity function. On the basis of astrometric and photometric parameters, we selected candidates with mu > 0.28 as/yr and R_F > 16 in an area of 1150 square degrees. Then, we separated white dwarfs from late type dwarfs and subdwarfs by means of the reduced proper motion diagram. Finally, spectroscopic follow-up observations were carried out to confirm the white dwarf nature of the selected candidates. We found 41 white dwarfs of which 24 are new discoveries. Here we present the full sample and for each object provide positions, absolute proper motions, photometry, and spectroscopy.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, submitted to A&

    A general relativistic model for the light propagation in the gravitational field of the Solar System: the dynamical case

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    Modern astrometry is based on angular measurements at the micro-arcsecond level. At this accuracy a fully general relativistic treatment of the data reduction is required. This paper concludes a series of articles dedicated to the problem of relativistic light propagation, presenting the final microarcsecond version of a relativistic astrometric model which enable us to trace back the light path to its emitting source throughout the non-stationary gravity field of the moving bodies in the Solar System. The previous model is used as test-bed for numerical comparisons to the present one. Here we also test different versions of the computer code implementing the model at different levels of complexity to start exploring the best trade-off between numerical efficiency and the micro-arcsecond accuracy needed to be reached.Comment: 40 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journal. Manuscript prepared with AASLaTeX macros v.5.

    Sub-Plate Overlap Code Documentation

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    An expansion of the plate overlap method of astrometric data reduction to a single plate has been proposed and successfully tested. Each plate is (artificially) divided into sub-plates which can then be overlapped. This reduces the area of a 'plate' over which a plate model needs to accurately represent the relationship between measured coordinates and standard coordinates. Application is made to non-astrographic plates such as Schmidt plates and to wide-field astrographic plates. Indeed, the method is completely general and can be applied to any type of recording media

    Testing general relativity by micro-arcsecond global astrometry

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    The global astrometric observations of a GAIA-like satellite were modeled within the PPN formulation of Post-Newtonian gravitation. An extensive experimental campaign based on realistic end-to-end simulations was conducted to establish the sensitivity of global astrometry to the PPN parameter \gamma, which measures the amount of space curvature produced by unit rest mass. The results show that, with just a few thousands of relatively bright, photometrically stable, and astrometrically well behaved single stars, among the ~10^9 objects that will be observed by GAIA, \gamma can be estimated after 1 year of continuous observations with an accuracy of ~10^{-5} at the 3\sigma level. Extrapolation to the full 5-year mission of these results based on the scaling properties of the adjustment procedure utilized suggests that the accuracy of \simeq 2x10^{-7}, at the same 3\sigma level, can be reached with \~10^6 single stars, again chosen as the most astrometrically stable among the millions available in the magnitude range V=12-13. These accuracies compare quite favorably with recent findings of scalar-tensor cosmological models, which predict for \gamma a present-time deviation, |1-\gamma|, from the General Relativity value between 10^{-5} and 10^{-7}.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, to be published in A&

    In favour of a unified model of deductive reasoning

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