395 research outputs found

    Hubungan Karakteristik dan Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil dengan Perilaku Hygiene Tentang Keputihan (Flour Albus) di Puskesmas Kalumpang Kota Ternate Tahun 2013

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    Abstract : Knowledge relations of pregnant women with the hygiene behavior about flour albus in Puskesmas Kalumpang Ternate Oktober 2013 Whiteness or Flour Albus is an abnormal vaginal secretion in women. Many women are not aware that they regard whitish vaginal discharge as common and trivial. Survey of health workers at the Puskesmas Kalumpang Ternate Incidence of Flour Albus / Whitish in pregnant women and pregnant women about the knowledge of flour albus / whiteness, from 100% of pregnant women around 55% of women do not know flour albus / discharge is physiological and pathological. The purpose of this study is to reveal Knowledge relations of pregnant women with the hygiene behavior about flour albus in Puskesmas Kalumpang Ternate Oktober 2013. The study design was descriptive correlational, design is cross sectional survey, with 30 samples of working mothers. The statistical analysis use in this study was bivariate.The results Relations knowledge of pregnant women with the hygiene behavior about flour albus in Puskesmas Kalumpang Ternate Oktober 2013, Based on the results showed a significant association (p = 0.036 ). Based on the Knowledge relations of pregnant women with the hygiene behavior about flour albus in Puskesmas Kalumpang Ternate Oktober 2013, can be considered in an effort to increase knowledge and awareness of the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of the area of sex organs

    Physiological response of rabbit bucks to prolonged feeding of cotton seed cake-based diets supplemented with vitamin E

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    Sixty-four (64) weanling rabbit bucks, 5 to 6 weeks old, were involved in a 2 x 4 factorial experiment to evaluate the effects of prolonged feeding of cottonseed cake (CSC) – based diets with or without vitamin E supplementation on the physiological response of the bucks. There were eight treatment combinations comprising four CSC (0, 5, 10 and 15%) levels and two vitamin E supplementation levels (0 and 30 mg/kg diet). Bucks were fed treatment diets for a period of twenty weeks after which blood was collected for haematological and serum analyses. The haematological parameters assessed include: Packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC), haemoglobin concentration (Hb), white blood cell (WBC) and the differential counts. The serum parameters include the serum glucose, urea, creatinine, alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), total protein, albumin, globulin and total cholesterol. The PCV, RBC and neutrophils declined (P < 0.05) with increase in CSC level; while the WBC and lymphocytes increased (P < 0.05) with increasing level of CSC. Other haematological parameters were not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by CSC level. Bucks that were fed 0, 5, 10 and 15% CSC supplemented with vitamin E recorded higher values for PCV, RBC and Hb than those that were not supplemented. At 15% CSC level, supplementing the diet with vitamin E significantly (P < 0.05) reduced WBC and lymphocyte counts. Serum urea, total protein and albumin were significantly (P < 0.05) lowered by the increasing level of CSC. Significant (P < 0.05) increase was observed in ALT and AST with increase in CSC level. Glucose and total cholesterol were not affected by CSC level. Supplementing the diet with vitamin E at all CSC levels reduced creatinine, ALT and AST levels significantly (P < 0.05). It was concluded that prolonged feeding of CSC – based diets to rabbit bucks had adverse effects on blood constituents of the bucks. However, supplementing such diets with 30 mg/kg diet of vitamin E ameliorated the adverse effects.Key words: Rabbit bucks, haematology, serum chemistry, cottonseed cake, vitamin E


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    Pada masa teknologi komputerisasi sekarang ini, sudah terdapat banyak bidang usaha yang telah memanfaatkan teknologi komputer sebagai layanan penyedia informasi, salah satu contoh adalah toko penjualan handphone Alco phone. Yang telah memanfaatkan internet sebagai penyedia informasi yang kemudian dikembangkan lebih luas lagi sebagai kebutuhan penunjang di bidang usaha. Aplikasi web ini dibuat menggunakan Bahasa pemograman Php, dan MySQL untuk manajemen database. Dimana dengan Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) memformat tampilan halaman web yang dibuat dengan bahasa HTML sehingga ukuran halaman web bisa menyesuaikan tergantung dari perangkat keras yang digunakan. Apa yang hendak disampaikan dalam sistem informasi ini adalah Informasi produk handphone di toko Alco phone. Dukungan pembayaran Paypal yang memberikan kemudahan pelanggan melakukan transaksi pembayaran lebih cepat, mudah, aman, dan halaman website dapat diakses menggunakan PC atau smartphone. Kata kunci : Paypal, Informasi, Responsif, Pemesanan


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    Background: Riskesdas in 2013, North Maluku Province is one of the areas in Indonesia with the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) of 1.1%. Data obtained from Diabetes Centre registers, from January to June 2017, the average patient DM visiting are 126 each month. Efforts have been made by the government in tackling the DM problem, but cases in Indonesia are still high. The study used the Health Belief Model (HBM) approach developed by Rosentock and Becker in 1974. HBM is a conceptual framework for understanding individual health behaviors. The purpose of this study is the identification of the perceptual factors of susceptibility, seriousness, benefits, obstacles and family support factors to compliance medication DM patients in the work area of Diabetes Center Ternate City in 2017. Method: using cross sectional approach with Sample amounted to 98 respondents. Instruments using Knowledge and Perception Questionnaire were analyzed using Chi Square test. Results: obtained are almost all respondents have perceptions of vulnerability, seriousness, benefits and obstacles are positive, as well as medication compliance, while for more family support is lacking. Conslusions: Statistical test result there is no correlation between perception of susceptibility, seriousness and benefit with medication compliance whereas perception of obstacles showed significant relationship. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Compliance, HBM Theory, Medication LINK OJS 3 ARTIKEL "KEPATUHAN MEDIKASI PENDERITA DIABETES MELLITUS BERDASARKAN TEORI HEALTH BELIEF MODEL (HBM) DI DIABETES CENTER KOTA TERNATE TAHUN 2017

    Factors related to tinnitus and hyperacusis handicap in older people.

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim was to assess factors related to tinnitus and hyperacusis handicap in older people. DESIGN: Retrospective cross-sectional. STUDY SAMPLE: Data were gathered for 184 patients with an average age of 69 years. RESULTS: Tinnitus handicap as measured via the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) was significantly predicted by tinnitus annoyance as measured via the visual analogue scale (VAS) (regression coefficient, b = 2.9, p < 0.001) and the effect of tinnitus on the patient's life as measured via the VAS (b = 3.9, p < 0.001). Hyperacusis handicap as measured via the Hyperacusis Questionnaire (HQ) was significantly predicted by the score on the depression subscale of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) (b = 0.8, p < 0.001) and to a small extent by the THI score (b = 0.07, p = 0.048). Insomnia scores as measured via the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) were significantly predicted by scores on the depression subscale of the HADS (b = 0.46, p = 0.007). CONCLUSIONS: Since tinnitus annoyance significantly predicts tinnitus handicap, it is important to explore factors associated with annoyance that may be useful in designing appropriate rehabilitative interventions aimed at reducing tinnitus handicap in older people. Future studies should explore whether hyperacusis and insomnia in older people with tinnitus need to be managed in conjunction with treatment for depression

    Kepatuhan Medikasi Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Berdasarkan Teori Health Belief Model (HBM) Di Diabetes Center Kota Ternate Tahun 2017

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    Background: Riskesdas in 2013, North Maluku Province is one of the areas in Indonesia with the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) of 1.1%. Data obtained from Diabetes Centre registers, from January to June 2017, the average patient DM visiting are 126 each month. Efforts have been made by the government in tackling the DM problem, but cases in Indonesia are still high. The study used the Health Belief Model (HBM) approach developed by Rosentock and Becker in 1974. HBM is a conceptual framework for understanding individual health behaviors. The purpose of this study is the identification of the perceptual factors of susceptibility, seriousness, benefits, obstacles and family support factors to compliance medication DM patients in the work area of Diabetes Center Ternate City in 2017. Method: using cross sectional approach with Sample amounted to 98 respondents. Instruments using Knowledge and Perception Questionnaire were analyzed using Chi Square test. Results: obtained are almost all respondents have perceptions of vulnerability, seriousness, benefits and obstacles are positive, as well as medication compliance, while for more family support is lacking. Conslusions: Statistical test result there is no correlation between perception of susceptibility, seriousness and benefit with medication compliance whereas perception of obstacles showed significant relationship

    Peer Review Buku Matematika Kumpulan Soal

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