769 research outputs found

    Digital processing and data compilation approach for using remotely sensed imagery to identify geological lineaments in hard-rock terrains : an application for groundwater explorations in Nicaragua

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    Sustainable yields from water wells in hard-rock aquifers are achieved when the well bore intersects fracture networks. Fracture networks are often not readily discernable at the surface. Lineament analysis using remotely sensed satellite imagery has been employed to identify surface expressions of fracturing, and a variety of image-analysis techniques have been successfully applied in “ideal” settings. An ideal setting for lineament detection is where the influences of human development, vegetation, and climatic situations are minimal and hydrogeological conditions and geologic structure are known. There is not yet a well-accepted protocol for mapping lineaments nor have different approaches been compared in non-ideal settings. A new approach for image-processing/synthesis was developed to identify successful satellite imagery types for lineament analysis in non-ideal terrain. Four satellite sensors (ASTER, Landsat7 ETM+, QuickBird, RADARSAT-1) and a digital elevation model were evaluated for lineament analysis in Boaco, Nicaragua, where the landscape is subject to varied vegetative cover, a plethora of anthropogenic features, and frequent cloud cover that limit the availability of optical satellite data. A variety of digital image processing techniques were employed and lineament interpretations were performed to obtain 12 complementary image products that were evaluated subjectively to identify lineaments. The 12 lineament interpretations were synthesized to create a raster image of lineament zone coincidence that shows the level of agreement among the 12 interpretations. A composite lineament interpretation was made using the coincidence raster to restrict lineament observations to areas where multiple interpretations (at least 4) agree. Nine of the 11 previously mapped faults were identified from the coincidence raster. An additional 26 lineaments were identified from the coincidence raster, and the locations of 10 were confirmed by field observation. Four manual pumping tests suggest that well productivity is higher for wells proximal to lineament features. Interpretations from RADARSAT-1 products were superior to interpretations from other sensor products, suggesting that quality lineament interpretation in this region requires anthropogenic features to be minimized and topographic expressions to be maximized. The approach developed in this study has the potential to improve siting wells in non-ideal regions

    Using GLM Flash Density, Flash Area, and Flash Energy to Diagnose Tropical Cyclone Structure and Intensification

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    Increased lightning in tropical cyclones (TCs) is typically associated with intensification, but significant lightning outbreaks are also observed in weakening storms. The total number of lightning flashes in a TC is not always a reliable indicator of TC intensity evolution. Issues with the range and detection efficiency of ground-based networks, particularly for intracloud lightning. Physical processes such as vertical wind shear can intensify asymmetric convection while also weakening the TC. The commissioning of the Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) aboard GOES-16 and GOES-17 marked, for the first time, the presence of an operational lightning detector in geostationary orbit. In addition to flash density (the number of flashes per unit area per unit time), GLM also provides continuous observations of flash area and total optical energy

    Using Responsive Evaluation to Evaluate a Professional Conference

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    In a statewide conference on alternative methods for assessing students’ learning, we incorporated responsive evaluation methods into the structure of the conference. The application of these interactive evaluation techniques serves as a pilot study that illustrates the possible utility of these tech-niques in evaluating conferences. This paper provides a brief review of the literature surrounding responsive evaluation, a description of the responsive evaluation methods applied to this conference, and a discussion of the results and implications of this pilot study

    Evaluatie pilot geïntegreerde aanpak huiselijk geweld: Lessons to be learned?

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    Criminal Justice: Legitimacy, accountability, and effectivit

    A Magnetic Transition Probed by the Ce Ion in Square-Lattice Antiferromagnet CeMnAsO

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    We examined the magnetic properties of the square-lattice antiferromagnets CeMnAsO and LaMnAsO and their solid solutions La1-xCexMnAsO by resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and heat capacity measurements below room temperature. A first-order phase transition is observed at 34.1 K, below which the ground-state doublet of the Ce ion splits by 3.53 meV. It is likely that Mn moments already ordered above room temperature are reoriented at the transition, as reported for related compounds, such as NdMnAsO and PrMnSbO. This transition generates a large internal magnetic field at the Ce site in spite of the fact that simple Heisenberg interactions should be cancelled out at the Ce site owing to geometrical frustration. The transition takes place at nearly the same temperature with the substitution of La for Ce up to 90%. The Ce moment does not undergo long-range order by itself, but is parasitically induced at the transition, serving as a good probe for detecting the magnetism of Mn spins in a square lattice.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Towards a Generalized Distribution Formalism for Gauge Quantum Fields

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    We prove that the distributions defined on the Gelfand-Shilov spaces, and hence more singular than hyperfunctions, retain the angular localizability property. Specifically, they have uniquely determined support cones. This result enables one to develop a distribution-theoretic techniques suitable for the consistent treatment of quantum fields with arbitrarily singular ultraviolet and infrared behavior. The proofs covering the most general case are based on the use of the theory of plurisubharmonic functions and Hormander's estimates.Comment: 12 p., Department of Theoretical Physics, P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Leninsky prosp. 53, Moscow 117924, Russi

    Tamoxifen enhances the cytotoxic effects of nelfinavir in breast cancer cells

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    Introduction: The HIV protease inhibitor nelfinavir is currently under investigation as a new anti-cancer drug. Several studies have shown that nelfinavir induces cell cycle arrest, endoplasmic reticulum stress, autophagy, and apoptosis in cancer cells. In the present article, the effect of nelfinavir on human breast cancer cells is examined and potential combination treatments are investigated. Methods: The effects of nelfinavir and tamoxifen on the human breast cancer cell lines MCF7, T47 D, MDA-MB-453, and MDA-MB-435 were tested by analysing their influence on cell viability (via 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay), apoptosis (annexin binding, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage), autophagy (autophagy marker light chain 3B expression), endoplasmic reticulum stress (binding protein and activating transcription factor 3 expression), and the occurrence of oxidative stress (intracellular glutathione level). Results: Nelfinavir induced apoptosis in all four breast cancer cell lines tested, although the extent of autophagy and endoplasmic reticulum stress varied among the cell lines. The concentration of nelfinavir needed for an efficient induction of apoptosis in breast cancer cells could be reduced from 15 mu g/ml to 6 mu g/ml when combined with tamoxifen. At a concentration of 6 mu g/ml, tamoxifen substantially enhanced the endoplasmic reticulum stress reaction in those cell lines that responded to nelfinavir with binding protein (BiP) upregulation (MCF7, T47D), and enhanced autophagy in cell lines that responded to nelfinavir treatment with autophagy marker light chain 3B upregulation (MDA-MB-453). Although tamoxifen has been described to be able to induce oxidative stress at concentrations similar to those applied in this study (6 mu g/ml), we observed that nelfinavir but not tamoxifen reduced the intracellular glutathione level of breast cancer cells within hours of application by up to 32%, suggesting the induction of oxidative stress was an early event and an additional cause of the apoptosis induced by nelfinavir. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that nelfinavir may be an effective drug against breast cancer and could be combined with tamoxifen to enhance its efficacy against breast cancer cells. Moreover, the cytotoxic effect of a tamoxifen and nelfinavir combination was independent of the oestrogen receptor status of the analysed breast cancer cells, suggesting a potential benefit of a combination of these two drugs even in patients with no hormone-responsive tumours. We therefore recommend that clinical studies on nelfinavir with breast cancer patients should include this drug combination to analyse the therapeutic efficacy as well as the safety and tolerability of this potential treatment option

    Quantum Fields in Hyperbolic Space-Times with Finite Spatial Volume

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    The one-loop effective action for a massive self-interacting scalar field is investigated in 44-dimensional ultrastatic space-time R×H3/Γ R \times H^3/\Gamma, H3/ΓH^3/\Gamma being a non-compact hyperbolic manifold with finite volume. Making use of the Selberg trace formula, the ζ\zeta-function related to the small disturbance operator is constructed. For an arbitrary gravitational coupling, it is found that ζ(s)\zeta(s) has a simple pole at s=0s=0. The one-loop effective action is analysed by means of proper-time regularisations and the one-loop divergences are explicitly found. It is pointed out that, in this special case, also ζ\zeta-function regularisation requires a divergent counterterm, which however is not necessary in the free massless conformal invariant coupling case. Finite temperature effects are studied and the high-temperature expansion is presented. A possible application to the problem of the divergences of the entanglement entropy for a free massless scalar field in a Rindler-like space-time is briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, LaTex. The contribution of hyperbolic elements has been added. Other minor corrections and reference

    Boundary relations and generalized resolvents of symmetric operators

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    The Kre\u{\i}n-Naimark formula provides a parametrization of all selfadjoint exit space extensions of a, not necessarily densely defined, symmetric operator, in terms of maximal dissipative (in \dC_+) holomorphic linear relations on the parameter space (the so-called Nevanlinna families). The new notion of a boundary relation makes it possible to interpret these parameter families as Weyl families of boundary relations and to establish a simple coupling method to construct the generalized resolvents from the given parameter family. The general version of the coupling method is introduced and the role of boundary relations and their Weyl families for the Kre\u{\i}n-Naimark formula is investigated and explained.Comment: 47 page