56 research outputs found

    The role of density and relatedness in wild juvenile Atlantic salmon growth

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    Growth is a key life-history trait in fish that is influenced by both abiotic (such as temperature and water chemistry) and biotic factors (such as density and food availability). Investigating how growth performance is influenced by such factors in the wild is important for understanding how population processes influence animals in natural environments and for predicting the response to conservation and management strategies that manipulate these conditions. The theory of kin selection predicts that significant growth and survival benefits are conferred upon animals associating with close relatives. However, resource competition may be more intense among close relatives, and little is known about the trade-off between these two processes under different ecological conditions. Here, we examine the correlation between naturally occurring densities and kin-biased growth rate using a species where kin recognition has a strong impact on behaviour in laboratory studies, but where, paradoxically, field investigations have failed to document predicted kin-biased growth or survival. Intra- and inter-family differences in growth rate of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were studied to examine how relatedness (groups of full-sibling fish and groups of mixed-sibling fish) and sibling group (family/genotype) affect salmon parr growth, and the correlation of growth rate under a range of naturally occurring densities. Parentage and relatedness of neighbouring fish were assigned using microsatellite and passive integrated transponder tags, which allowed the growth estimation of individual fish. The results show that growth rate was significantly influenced by both sibling group (family of origin) and also by an interaction between relatedness and density. The latter finding indicates that at higher densities, full-sibling groups achieved higher growth rates in comparison to mixed-sibling groups. Thus, the growth benefits of associating with relatives are not conferred under all ecological conditions, but it becomes most apparent at high density when resource competition is greatest

    Genetic structure of captive and free-ranging okapi (Okapia johnstoni) with implications for management

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    Breeding programs for endangered species increasingly use molecular genetics to inform their management strategies. Molecular approaches can be useful for investigating relatedness, resolving pedigree uncertainties, and for estimating genetic diversity in captive and wild populations. Genetic data can also be used to evaluate the representation of wild population genomes within captive population gene-pools. Maintaining a captive population that is genetically representative of its wild counterpart offers a means of conserving the original evolutionary potential of a species. Okapi, an even-toed ungulate, endemic to the Democratic Republic of Congo, have recently been reclassified as Endangered by the IUCN. We carried out a genetic assessment of the ex-situ okapi (Okapia johnstoni) population, alongside an investigation into the genetic structure of wild populations across their geographic range. We found that while levels of nuclear (12 microsatellite loci) genetic variation in the wild, founder and captive okapi populations were similar, mitochondrial (833 bp of Cyt b, CR, tRNA-Thr and tRNA-Pro) variation within captive okapi was considerably reduced compared to the wild, with 16 % lower haplotype diversity. Further, both nuclear and mitochondrial alleles present in captivity provided only partial representation of those present in the wild. Thirty mitochondrial haplotypes found in the wild were not found in captivity, and two haplotypes found in captivity were not found in the wild, and the patterns of genetic variation at microsatellite loci in our captive samples were considerably different to those of the wild samples. Our study highlights the importance of genetic characterisation of captive populations, even for well-managed ex-situ breeding programs with detailed studbooks. We recommend that the captive US population should be further genetically characterised to guide management of translocations between European and US captive population

    Population differentiation and historical demography of the threatened snowy plover Charadrius nivosus (Cassin, 1858)

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    Delineating conservation units is a complex and often controversial process that is particularly challenging for highly vagile species. Here, we reassess population genetic structure and identify those populations of highest conservation value in the threatened snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus, Cassin, 1858), a partial migrant shorebird endemic to the Americas. We use four categories of genetic data—mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), microsatellites, Z-linked and autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)—to: (1) assess subspecies delineation and examine population structure (2) compare the sensitivity of the different types of genetic data to detect spatial genetic patterns, and (3) reconstruct demographic history of the populations analysed. Delineation of two traditionally recognised subspecies was broadly supported by all data. In addition, microsatellite and SNPs but not mtDNA supported the recognition of Caribbean snowy plovers (C. n. tenuirostris) and Floridian populations (eastern C. n. nivosus) as distinct genetic lineage and deme, respectively. Low migration rates estimated from autosomal SNPs (m < 0.03) reflect a general paucity of exchange between genetic lineages. In contrast, we detected strong unidirectional migration (m = 0.26) from the western into the eastern nivosus deme. Within western nivosus, we found no genetic differentiation between coastal Pacific and inland populations. The correlation between geographic and genetic distances was weak but significant for all genetic data sets. All demes showed signatures of bottlenecks occurring during the past 1000 years. We conclude that at least four snowy plover conservation units are warranted: in addition to subspecies nivosus and occidentalis, a third unit comprises the Caribbean tenuirostris lineage and a fourth unit the distinct eastern nivosus deme

    Multiple introductions and environmental factors affecting the establishment of invasive species on a volcanic island

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    Invasive species pose significant challenges to local biodiversity and ecosystem function, especially on islands. Understanding the factors affecting the establishment of invasive species and how these relate to their genetic background is crucial to improve our ability to manage biological invasions. Here, we performed a phylogeographic study of two cosmopolitan megascolecid earthworms of Asian origin: Amynthas gracilis and Amynthas corticis at 38 localities on S~ao Miguel Island in the Azores archipelago (Portugal). Samples from putative source populations in China, Taiwan, Malaysia, as well as ‘outlier’ populations in USA, Mexico, Brazil and Spain were also included, resulting in a total of 565 earthworms genotyped at the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 16S ribosomal RNA genes. Soils were characterised for elemental composition, water holding capacity, organic matter content, texture and pH, and some habitat features were recorded. Both species showed a wide distribution across S~ao Miguel and their abundances were negatively associated, suggesting spatial segregation/competition, with the parthenogenetic A. corticis being relatively more successful. The presence of multiple mitochondrial lineages within each species, one of them found exclusively in the Azores, suggests a complex invasion history. Environmental factors affected the establishment of the different lineages, with metal concentrations, topographical elevation and the degree of human influence being differently linked to their abundances. Lineage diversity was negatively correlated with metal concentrations. These results emphasise the importance of genetically characterising invasive species to better understand their invasion patterns

    Population Genetics for Animal Conservation

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    It is widely accepted among conservation biologists that genetics is, more than ever, an essential and efficient tool for wild and captive population management and reserve design. However, a true synergy between population genetics and conservation biology is lacking. Following the first International Workshop on Population Genetics for Animal Conservation in 2003, the scientific committee felt that, given the global urgency of animal conservation, it was imperative that discussions at the conference were made accessible to graduate students and wildlife managers. This book integrates 'the analytical methods approach' with the 'real problems approach' in conservation genetics. Each chapter is an exhaustive review of one area of expertise, and a special effort has been made to explain the statistical tools available for the analysis of molecular data as clearly as possible. The result is a comprehensive volume of the state-of-the-art in conservation genetics, illustrating the power and utility of this synergy