269 research outputs found

    Laplacian modes probing gauge fields

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    We show that low-lying eigenmodes of the Laplace operator are suitable to represent properties of the underlying SU(2) lattice configurations. We study this for the case of finite temperature background fields, yet in the confinement phase. For calorons as classical solutions put on the lattice, the lowest mode localizes one of the constituent monopoles by a maximum and the other one by a minimum, respectively. We introduce adjustable phase boundary conditions in the time direction, under which the role of the monopoles in the mode localization is interchanged. Similar hopping phenomena are observed for thermalized configurations. We also investigate periodic and antiperiodic modes of the adjoint Laplacian for comparison. In the second part we introduce a new Fourier-like low-pass filter method. It provides link variables by truncating a sum involving the Laplacian eigenmodes. The filter not only reproduces classical structures, but also preserves the confining potential for thermalized ensembles. We give a first characterization of the structures emerging from this procedure.Comment: 43 pages, 26 figure

    Calorons, Nahm's equations on S^1 and bundles over P^1xP^1

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    The moduli space of solutions to Nahm's equations of rank (k,k+j) on the circle, and hence, of SU(2) calorons of charge (k,j), is shown to be equivalent to the moduli of holomorphic rank 2 bundles on P^1xP^1 trivialized at infinity with c_2=k and equipped with a flag of degree j along P^1x{0}. An explicit matrix description of these spaces is given by a monad constructio

    Writhe of center vortices and topological charge -- an explicit example

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    The manner in which continuum center vortices generate topological charge density is elucidated using an explicit example. The example vortex world-surface contains one lone self-intersection point, which contributes a quantum 1/2 to the topological charge. On the other hand, the surface in question is orientable and thus must carry global topological charge zero due to general arguments. Therefore, there must be another contribution, coming from vortex writhe. The latter is known for the lattice analogue of the example vortex considered, where it is quite intuitive. For the vortex in the continuum, including the limit of an infinitely thin vortex, a careful analysis is performed and it is shown how the contribution to the topological charge induced by writhe is distributed over the vortex surface.Comment: 33 latex pages, 10 figures incorporating 14 ps files. Furthermore, the time evolution of the vortex line discussed in this work can be viewed as a gif movie, available for download by following the PostScript link below -- watch for the cute feature at the self-intersection poin

    Thermodynamic properties of QCD in external magnetic fields

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    We consider the effect of strong external electromagnetic fields on thermodynamic observables in QCD, through lattice simulations with 1+1+1 flavors of staggered quarks at physical quark masses. Continuum extrapolated results are presented for the light quark condensates and for their tensor polarizations, as functions of the temperature and the magnetic field. We find the light condensates to undergo inverse magnetic catalysis in the transition region, in a manner that the transition temperature decreases with growing magnetic field. We also compare the results to other approaches and lattice simulations. Furthermore, we relate the tensor polarization to the spin part of the magnetic susceptibility of the QCD vacuum, and show that this contribution is diamagnetic.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, talks presented by FB and GE at Xth Quark Confinement and the Hadron Spectrum, 8-12 October 2012, TUM Campus Garching, Munich, German

    Ein Modell fĂĽr verantwortungsvolles Handeln in der IT-Organisation

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    In der Betriebswirtschaft ist verantwortungsvolles Handeln, repräsentiert durch Konzepte wie Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporate Citizenship (CC) oder Nachhaltigkeit/Sustainability, eine in Forschung und Praxis breit diskutierte Thematik. Eine umfassende Übertragung der Problematik auf das IT-Management hat jenseits von isolierten Einzelthemen wie „Green IT“ etc. jedoch noch nicht stattgefunden. In diesem Beitrag wird deshalb ein Modell vorgestellt, welches auf der einen Seite einen ganzheitlichen Rahmen für verantwortungsvolles Handeln in der IT-Organisation eröffnet, und auf der anderen Seite Stellschrauben für die aktive, verantwortungsvolle Beeinflussung des Wettbewerbsumfelds aufzeigt. Konkretisiert wird das aufgezeigte Modell anhand verschiedener Maßnahmenfelder zur Umsetzung verantwortungsvollen Handelns

    Magnetic susceptibility of QCD at zero and at finite temperature from the lattice

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    The response of the QCD vacuum to a constant external (electro)magnetic field is studied through the tensor polarization of the chiral condensate and the magnetic susceptibility at zero and at finite temperature. We determine these quantities using lattice configurations generated with the tree-level Symanzik improved gauge action and N-f 1 + 1 + 1 flavors of stout smeared staggered quarks with physical masses. We carry out the renormalization of the observables under study and perform the continuum limit both at T > 0 and at T = 0, using different lattice spacings. Finite size effects are studied by using various spatial lattice volumes. The magnetic susceptibilities chi(f) reveal a spin-diamagnetic behavior; we obtain at zero temperature chi(u) = -(2.08 +/- 0.08) GeV-2, chi(d) = -(2.02 +/- 0.09) GeV-2 and chi(s) = -(3.4 +/- 1.4) GeV-2 for the up, down and strange quarks, respectively, in the (MS) over bar scheme at a renormalization scale of 2 GeV. We also find the polarization to change smoothly with the temperature in the confinement phase and then to drastically reduce around the transition region

    Species Doublers as Super Multiplets in Lattice Supersymmetry: Exact Supersymmetry with Interactions for D=1 N=2

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    We propose a new lattice superfield formalism in momentum representation which accommodates species doublers of the lattice fermions and their bosonic counterparts as super multiplets. We explicitly show that one dimensional N=2 model with interactions has exact Lie algebraic supersymmetry on the lattice for all super charges. In coordinate representation the finite difference operator is made to satisfy Leibnitz rule by introducing a non local product, the ``star'' product, and the exact lattice supersymmetry is realized. The standard momentum conservation is replaced on the lattice by the conservation of the sine of the momentum, which plays a crucial role in the formulation. Half lattice spacing structure is essential for the one dimensional model and the lattice supersymmetry transformation can be identified as a half lattice spacing translation combined with alternating sign structure. Invariance under finite translations and locality in the continuum limit are explicitly investigated and shown to be recovered. Supersymmetric Ward identities are shown to be satisfied at one loop level. Lie algebraic lattice supersymmetry algebra of this model suggests a close connection with Hopf algebraic exactness of the link approach formulation of lattice supersymmetry.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figure

    Ghost Condensates and Dynamical Breaking of SL(2,R) in Yang-Mills in the Maximal Abelian Gauge

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    Ghost condensates of dimension two in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory quantized in the Maximal Abelian Gauge are discussed. These condensates turn out to be related to the dynamical breaking of the SL(2,R) symmetry present in this gaugeComment: 16 pages, LaTeX2e, final version to appear in J. Phys.

    Center Vortex Model for the Infrared Sector of SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory - Confinement and Deconfinement

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    The center vortex model for the infrared sector of Yang-Mills theory, previously studied for the SU(2) gauge group, is extended to SU(3). This model is based on the assumption that vortex world-surfaces can be viewed as random surfaces in Euclidean space-time. The confining properties are investigated, with a particular emphasis on the finite-temperature deconfining phase transition. The model predicts a very weak first order transition, in agreement with SU(3) lattice Yang-Mills theory, and also reproduces a consistent behavior of the spatial string tension in the deconfined phase. The geometrical structure of the center vortices is studied, including vortex branchings, which are a new property of the SU(3) case.Comment: 22 pages, 12 figures (30 eps-files), uses LaTeX package "psfrag

    Numerical properties of staggered quarks with a taste-dependent mass term

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    The numerical properties of staggered Dirac operators with a taste-dependent mass term proposed by Adams [1,2] and by Hoelbling [3] are compared with those of ordinary staggered and Wilson Dirac operators. In the free limit and on (quenched) interacting configurations, we consider their topological properties, their spectrum, and the resulting pion mass. Although we also consider the spectral structure, topological properties, locality, and computational cost of an overlap operator with a staggered kernel, we call attention to the possibility of using the Adams and Hoelbling operators without the overlap construction. In particular, the Hoelbling operator could be used to simulate two degenerate flavors without additive mass renormalization, and thus without fine-tuning in the chiral limit.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. V2: published version; important note added regarding Hoelbling fermions, otherwise minor change
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