736 research outputs found

    La Structure Logique du Langage Ordinaire chez les Stoiciens

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    Rather than considering ordinary language as deficient and incapable of grasping the structure of reality, the Stoics set out a theory, based on their notion of a lekton, by which ordinary language is a reflection of the structure of lekta which themselves are constitutive of reality

    Review: Monika Surma-Gawłowska, Komedia Dell’arte, Universitas, Kraków 2015, pp. 405

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    Review: Monika Surma-Gawłowska, Komedia Dell’arte, Universitas, Kraków 2015, pp. 405Review: Monika Surma-Gawłowska, Komedia Dell’arte, Universitas, Kraków 2015, pp. 40

    Quantization of four-dimensional Abelian gravity

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    An abelian version of standard general relativity in the Cartan-Palatini gauge-like formulation in four dimensions has been introduced. Traditional canonical analysis utilizing similarities to the akin Husain-Kuchar SU(2) version of gravity has been performed. The model has been next quantized in the canonical path-integral Faddeev-Popov formalism yielding abelian BF theory.Comment: Minor changes, additional symmetry discussed. 5 pages, 2 columns, REVTeX

    A note on dilaton gravity with non-smooth potentials

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    Recent interest in brane world models motivates the investigation of generic first order dilaton gravity actions, with potentials having some non-smoothness. We consider two different types of \delta-like contributions in the action and analyse their effects on the solutions. Furthermore a second source of non-smoothness arises due to the remaining ambiguities in the solutions in the separated smooth patches, after fixing all other constants by matching and asymptotic conditions. If moreover staticity is assumed, we explicitly construct exact solutions. With the methods described, for example models with point like sources or brane world models (where the second source of non-smoothness becomes crucial), can now be treated as non-smooth dilaton gravity theories.Comment: 10 pages, 1 table; two new references, some typos corrected, Dedicated to Wolfgang Kummer at the occasion of his Emeritierun

    Hemostasis – compendium for students

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    Hemostasis is one of many well-known systems that ensure a constant conditions of the organism's internal environment. This process is usually divided into two main stages: coagulation and fibrinolysis. Both of them occur simultaneously and under physiological conditions they are in dynamic equilibrium. There are primary and secondary hemostasis. The primary hemostasis leads to the formation a platelet clot that forms almost directly after a blood vessel has been ruptured. In the other hand, the secondary hemostasis is the activation of coagulation, which leads to the strengthening of the platelet plug through the fibrin network formation as a result of the polymerization of the soluble plasma protein fibrinogen. The key role in hemostasis plays the interaction of platelets – which are the smallest non nucleated blood cells that are formed from the cytoplasm of megakaryocytes, and plasma coagulation factors with vascular endothelial cells and subendothelial tissues. In this report it is decribed the process of physiological hemostasis, especially the newer concept of blood coagulation

    Vitaliano Brancati w kinie: „mityczna” postać Don Juana

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    The filmic analysis will focus on the variations of the journey-escapes of the new “Don Juans” towardsthe absolute freedom and the search for one’s own identity and for a happy life. Il bell’Antonio (Handsome Antonio, 1960) and Don Giovanni in Sicilia (Don Juan in Sicily, 1967) are therefore film adaptations freely inspired by Brancati’s novel In cinematic stories everything is concentrated in the representation of “machismo”, of the so-called obsession of women, jealousy and eros. Brancati’s comism transforms into bitter humor, giving a glimpse of an existential and psychological perspective of the protagonists.Questo articolo intenderà illustrare una rilettura cinematografica di romanzi scelti brancatiani, proponendo un’amara riflessione sull’esistenza umana e sullo stesso destino umano. Però l’analisi filmica si concentrerà sulle varianti dei viaggi-fughe dei nuovi‘Don Juan’ verso la libertà assoluta e sulla ricerca della propria identità e di una vita felice. Il bell’Antonio (1960) e Don Giovanni in Sicilia (1967) sono dunque gliadattamenti cinematografici liberamente ispirati ai romanzi brancatiani.Przedstawiona w artykule analiza filmowa skupia się na wariantach ucieczki i podróży nowego „Don Juana”w kierunku absolutnej wolności, poszukiwania własnej tożsamości oraz szczęśliwego życia. „Przystojny Antonio (1960) i „Don Juan na Sycylii” (1967) są więc adaptacjami filmowymi swobodnie inspirowanymi powieścią Brancatiego. Obie adaptacje filmowe koncentrują się przede wszystkim na ukazaniu wzorca tzw. „macho”, owładniętego obsessją wobec kobiet, kierującego się zazdrością i popędem. Komizm Brancati przekształca się w gorzki humor, ukazując egzystencjalną i psychologiczną perspektywę bohaterów

    Tiempo del eterno amor. Un marido de ida y vuelta de Luis Lucia

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    La película Un marido de ida y vuelta de Luis Lucia (1957) es una adaptación de la comedia homónima de Enrique Jardiel Poncela (1939). En ella se pone de relieve una nueva concepción del tiempo con sus propias variantes y además con la noción de lo cómico. Ella se inspira parcialmente en el texto teatral de Poncela para tejer una fábula elaborada mediante la sucesión de unos cuadros temporales que enlazan los temas cruciales en Un marido de ida y vuelta. Está dividida en tres fragmentos-relatos que narra José, el protagonista principal del filme, las historias de la vida conyugal y supuestamente personales después de la muerte, materializándose en cuerpo, paseando por la casa y por las calles de Madrid. Abstract: Luis Lucia’s 1957 movie entitled Un marido de ida y vuelta is a film adaptation of Enrique Jardiel Poncela’s comedy written in 1939. It focuses on the concept of time, its variants and the new dimension of humourism. It is inspired partially with Poncela’s play and it consists of temporal frames which are connected by the main theme. The grotesque plot is divided into three parts, fragment-stories, and the main narrator is the protagonist, Jose, who dies suddenly from a heart attack during a carnival party. After a year, he comes back home as a “materialised” spirit, in order to regain his wife’s love and release her from her new husband’s and his old friend’s clutches. Palabras clave: Filme; variantes del tiempo; amor eterno; fantología.  Keywords: Cinema; Time Variants; Eternal love; Hauntolog

    О специфике перевода терминов из области таможенного права на польский язык (на основании текста Таможенного кодекса Таможенного союза)

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    Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony jest analizie specyfiki tłumaczenia terminów z dziedziny prawa celnego z języka rosyjskiego na język polski. Analiza została przeprowadzona na podstawie tekstu Kodeksu celnego Unii Celnej i sporządzonego Rosyjsko-polskiego słownika terminów celnych. Dana kwestia rozpatrywana jest w dwóch kategoriach: błędnego wyboru ekwiwalentów w słownikach dwujęzycznych i przekładzie nowych terminów występujących w tekście Kodeksu celnego Unii Celnej

    Il caso-Sicilia nel romanzo storico-sociale I vecchi e i giovani di Luigi Pirandello

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    The author’s intention is to present the “Sicily case” in Luigi Pirandello’s socio-historical novel The Old and the Young (1913). The article explores the concept of the so-called “Sicily case” in Pirandello, which has not only its own environmental and literary specificity, but also social-political context. It is closely linked to the terrifying image of Sicilian nature that corresponds to the topical motif of the locus amoenus and its complete reversal, seen in the mirror distorted by the political and social climate of the country at the time. The “Sicily case” in Pirandello’s novel becomes a propeller of human consciousness, indeed the writer with several environmental references, the writer indeed highlights the affinities.The author’s intention is to present the “Sicily case” in Luigi Pirandello’s socio-historical novel The Old and the Young (1913). The article explores the concept of the so-called “Sicily case” in Pirandello, which has not only its own environmental and literary specificity, but also social-political context. It is closely linked to the terrifying image of Sicilian nature that corresponds to the topical motif of the locus amoenus and its complete reversal, seen in the mirror distorted by the political and social climate of the country at the time. The “Sicily case” in Pirandello’s novel becomes a propeller of human consciousness, indeed the writer with several environmental references, the writer indeed highlights the affinities