10,069 research outputs found

    Triggered massive-star formation on the borders of Galactic HII regions. II. Evidence for the collect and collapse process around RCW 79

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    We present SEST-SIMBA 1.2-mm continuum maps and ESO-NTT SOFI JHK images of the Galactic HII region RCW 79. The millimetre continuum data reveal the presence of massive fragments located in a dust emission ring surrounding the ionized gas. The two most massive fragments are diametrically opposite each other in the ring. The near-IR data, centred on the compact HII region located at the south-eastern border of RCW 79, show the presence of an IR-bright cluster containing massive stars along with young stellar objects with near-IR excesses. A bright near- and mid-IR source is detected towards maser emissions, 1.2 pc north-east of the compact HII region centre. Additional information, extracted from the Spitzer GLIMPSE survey, are used to discuss the nature of the bright IR sources observed towards RCW 79. Twelve luminous Class I sources are identified towards the most massive millimetre fragments. All these facts strongly indicate that the massive-star formation observed at the border of the HII region RCW 79 has been triggered by its expansion, most probably by the collect and collapse process.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A. The images have been highly compressed for astro-ph. A version of this paper with higher-resolution figures is available at http://www.oamp.fr/matiere/rcw79.pd

    Proper Motion of Pulsar B1800-21

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    We report high angular resolution, multi-epoch radio observations of the young pulsar PSR B1800-21. Using two pairs of data sets, each pair spanning approximately a ten year period, we calculate the proper motion of the pulsar. We obtain a proper motion of mu_alpha=11.6 +- 1.8 mas/yr, mu_delta=14.8 +- 2.3 mas/yr, which clearly indicates a birth position at the extreme edge of the W30 supernova remnant. Although this does not definitively rule out an association of W30 and PSR B1800-21, it does not support an association.Comment: 13 pages, 1 color figure. Replaced with version accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Triggered massive-star formation on the borders of Galactic HII regions. III. Star formation at the periphery of Sh2-219

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    Context. Massive-star formation triggered by the expansion of HII regions. Aims. To understand if sequential star formation is taking place at the periphery of the HII region Sh2-219. Methods. We present 12CO(2-1) line observations of this region, obtained at the IRAM 30-m telescope (Pico Veleta, Spain). Results. In the optical, Sh2-219 is spherically symmetric around its exciting star; furthermore it is surrounded along three quarters of its periphery by a ring of atomic hydrogen. This spherical symmetry breaks down at infrared and millimetre wavelengths. A molecular cloud of about 2000\msol lies at the southwestern border of Sh2-219, in the HI gap. Two molecular condensations, elongated along the ionization front, probably result from the interaction between the expanding HII region and the molecular cloud. In this region of interaction there lies a cluster containing many highly reddened stars, as well as a massive star exciting an ultracompact HII region. More surprisingly, the brightest parts of the molecular cloud form a `chimney', perpendicular to the ionization front. This chimney is closed at its south-west extremity by H-alpha walls, thus forming a cavity. The whole structure is 7.5 pc long. A luminous H-alpha emission-line star, lying at one end of the chimney near the ionization front, may be responsible for this structure. Confrontation of the observations with models of HII region evolution shows that Sh2-219 is probably 10^5 yr old. The age and origin of the near-IR cluster observed on the border of Sh2-219 remain unknown.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. To be published in A&

    Friction and diffusion of matter-wave bright solitons

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    We consider the motion of a matter-wave bright soliton under the influence of a cloud of thermal particles. In the ideal one-dimensional system, the scattering process of the quasiparticles with the soliton is reflectionless, however, the quasiparticles acquire a phase shift. In the realistic system of a Bose-Einstein condensate confined in a tight waveguide trap, the transverse degrees of freedom generate an extra but small nonlinearity in the system which gives rise to finite reflection and leads to dissipative motion of the soliton. We calculate the velocity and temperature-dependent frictional force and diffusion coefficient of a matter wave bright soliton immersed in a thermal cloud

    Tracing the early development of harmful algal blooms with the aid of Lagrangian coherent structures

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    Several theories have been proposed to explain the development of harmful algal blooms (HABs) produced by the toxic dinoflagellate \emph{Karenia brevis} on the West Florida Shelf. However, because the early stages of HAB development are usually not detected, these theories have been so far very difficult to verify. In this paper we employ simulated \emph{Lagrangian coherent structures} (LCSs) to trace the early location of a HAB in late 2004 before it was transported to an area where it could be detected by satellite imagery, and then we make use of a population dynamics model to infer the factors that may have led to its development. The LCSs, which are computed based on a surface flow description provided by an ocean circulation model, delineate past and future histories of boundaries of passively advected fluid domains. The population dynamics model determines nitrogen in two components, nutrients and phytoplankton, which are assumed to be passively advected by the simulated surface currents. Two nearshore nutrient sources are identified for the HAB whose evolution is found to be strongly tied to the simulated LCSs. While one nutrient source can be associated with a coastal upwelling event, the other is seen to be produced by river runoff, which provides support to a theory of HAB development that considers nutrient loading into coastal waters produced by human activities as a critical element. Our results show that the use of simulated LCSs and a population dynamics model can greatly enhance our understanding of the early stages of the development of HABs.Comment: Submitted to JGR-Ocean

    Star Formation in the Extreme Outer Galaxy: Digel Cloud 2 Clusters

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    As a first step for studying star formation in the extreme outer Galaxy (EOG), we obtained deep near-infrared images of two embedded clusters at the northern and southern CO peaks of Cloud 2, which is one of the most distant star forming regions in the outer Galaxy (galactic radius R_g ~ 19 kpc). With high spatial resolution (FWHM ~ 0".35) and deep imaging (K ~ 21 mag) with the IRCS imager at the Subaru telescope, we detected cluster members with a mass detection limit of < 0.1 M_{sun}, which is well into the substellar regime. These high quality data enables a comparison of EOG to those in the solar neighborhood on the same basis for the first time. Before interpreting the photometric result, we have first constructed the NIR color-color diagram (dwarf star track, classical T Tauri star (CTTS) locus, reddening law) in the Mauna Kea Observatory filter system and also for the low metallicity environment since the metallicity in EOG is much lower than those in the solar neighborhood. The estimated stellar density suggests that an ``isolated type'' star formation is ongoing in Cloud 2-N, while a ``cluster type'' star formation is ongoing in Cloud 2-S. Despite the difference of the star formation mode, other characteristics of the two clusters are found to be almost identical: (1) K-band luminosity function (KLF) of the two clusters are quite similar, as is the estimated IMF and ages (~ 0.5--1 Myr) from the KLF fitting, (2) the estimated star formation efficiencies (SFEs) for both clusters are typical compared to those of embedded clusters in the solar neighborhood (~ 10 %). The similarity of two independent clusters with a large separation (~ 25 pc) strongly suggest that their star formation activities were triggered by the same mechanism, probably the supernova remnant (GSH 138-01-94).Comment: 14pages, 11 figures; Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Double-Lined Spectrum of LBV 1806-20

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    Despite much theoretical and observational progress, there is no known firm upper limit to the masses of stars. Our understanding of the interplay between the immense radiation pressure produced by massive stars in formation and the opacity of infalling material is subject to theoretical uncertainties, and many observational claims of ``the most massive star'' have failed the singularity test. LBV 1806-20 is a particularly luminous object, L~10^6 Lsun, for which some have claimed very high mass estimates (M_initial>200 Msun), based, in part, on its similarity to the Pistol Star. We present high-resolution near-infrared spectroscopy of LBV 1806-20, showing that it is possibly a binary system with components separated in velocity by ~70 kms. If correct, then this system is not the most massive star known, yet it is a massive binary system. We argue that a binary, or merged, system is more consistent with the ages of nearby stars in the LBV 1806-20 cluster. In addition, we find that the velocity of V_LSR=36 kms is consistent with a distance of 11.8 kpc, a luminosity of 10^6.3 Lsun, and a system mass of ~130 Msun.Comment: ApJL, accepte

    ShapeFit and ShapeKick for Robust, Scalable Structure from Motion

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    We introduce a new method for location recovery from pair-wise directions that leverages an efficient convex program that comes with exact recovery guarantees, even in the presence of adversarial outliers. When pairwise directions represent scaled relative positions between pairs of views (estimated for instance with epipolar geometry) our method can be used for location recovery, that is the determination of relative pose up to a single unknown scale. For this task, our method yields performance comparable to the state-of-the-art with an order of magnitude speed-up. Our proposed numerical framework is flexible in that it accommodates other approaches to location recovery and can be used to speed up other methods. These properties are demonstrated by extensively testing against state-of-the-art methods for location recovery on 13 large, irregular collections of images of real scenes in addition to simulated data with ground truth