1,572 research outputs found

    Schmidt balls around the identity

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    Robustness measures as introduced by Vidal and Tarrach [PRA, 59, 141-155] quantify the extent to which entangled states remain entangled under mixing. Analogously, we introduce here the Schmidt robustness and the random Schmidt robustness. The latter notion is closely related to the construction of Schmidt balls around the identity. We analyse the situation for pure states and provide non-trivial upper and lower bounds. Upper bounds to the random Schmidt-2 robustness allow us to construct a particularly simple distillability criterion. We present two conjectures, the first one is related to the radius of inner balls around the identity in the convex set of Schmidt number n-states. We also conjecture a class of optimal Schmidt witnesses for pure states.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Arrays of waveguide-coupled optical cavities that interact strongly with atoms

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    We describe a realistic scheme for coupling atoms or other quantum emitters with an array of coupled optical cavities. We consider open Fabry-Perot microcavities coupled to the emitters. Our central innovation is to connect the microcavities to waveguide resonators, which are in turn evanescently coupled to each other on a photonic chip to form a coupled cavity chain. In this paper, we describe the components, their technical limitations and the factors that need to be determined experimentally. This provides the basis for a detailed theoretical analysis of two possible experiments to realize quantum squeezing and controlled quantum dynamics. We close with an outline of more advanced applications.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures. Submitted to New Journal of Physic

    Toxicology of Lapachol in rats: embryolethality

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    Lapachol is a naphtoquinone with therapeutic potential against enterovirus, Chagas disease and is also used as an antimalarial and antiinflamatory agent. In order to study teratogenic potential of Lapachol, pregnant Wistar rats were treated with 0.5 ml of distilled water (control group); 0.5 ml of hydroalcoholic solution (vehicle group) and 10 mg of Lapachol in 0.5 ml of hydroalcoholic solution (treated group) by oral gavage from the 8th to the 12th day of pregnancy. The following variables were observed: maternal body weight on days 1, 6, l5 and 21 and food intake on days 2, 6, 15 and 21 of pregnancy. The number of live and dead fetuses and the sites of resorptions were counted. The ovaries were weighed and the corpora lutea were counted. Data were analyzed by ANOVA-one way, Dunnett test and the chi square test. Significance level test a = 0.05. Results have shown that mothers were unaffected but there were a 99.2% of fetus mortality, indicative of a strong abortifacient effect of Lapachol in rats.O Lapachol é uma naftoquinona com potencial terapêutico contra enterovírus, doença de Chagas e como antimalárico. Para estudar o potencial embriotóxico do Lapachol, ratas originalmente Wistar, grávidas, foram tratadas com 0,5 ml de água destilada (grupo controle); 0,5 ml de solução hidroalcoólica (grupo veículo) e 10 mg de Lapachol em 0,5 ml de solução hidroalcoólica (grupo tratado) por gavage, do 8o ao 12o dia de gestação. As seguintes variáveis foram observadas: peso corporal materno nos dias 1, 6, 15 e 21, consumo de ração nos dias 2, 6, 15 e 21 de gestação. O número de fetos vivos e mortos e os locais de reabsorção foram contados. Os ovários foram pesados e os corpos lúteos, contados. Os dados foram analisados por ANOVA "one way", teste de Dunnet e Qui-quadrado. O nível de significância dos testes foi a = 0,05. Os resultados mostram que as mães não foram afetadas, mas ocorreram 99,2% de mortes fetais, o que indica um potente efeito embriotóxico do Lapachol para o rato

    Quantifying Quantum Correlations in Fermionic Systems using Witness Operators

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    We present a method to quantify quantum correlations in arbitrary systems of indistinguishable fermions using witness operators. The method associates the problem of finding the optimal entan- glement witness of a state with a class of problems known as semidefinite programs (SDPs), which can be solved efficiently with arbitrary accuracy. Based on these optimal witnesses, we introduce a measure of quantum correlations which has an interpretation analogous to the Generalized Robust- ness of entanglement. We also extend the notion of quantum discord to the case of indistinguishable fermions, and propose a geometric quantifier, which is compared to our entanglement measure. Our numerical results show a remarkable equivalence between the proposed Generalized Robustness and the Schliemann concurrence, which are equal for pure states. For mixed states, the Schliemann con- currence presents itself as an upper bound for the Generalized Robustness. The quantum discord is also found to be an upper bound for the entanglement.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Quantum Information Processin

    Faithful Squashed Entanglement

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    Squashed entanglement is a measure for the entanglement of bipartite quantum states. In this paper we present a lower bound for squashed entanglement in terms of a distance to the set of separable states. This implies that squashed entanglement is faithful, that is, strictly positive if and only if the state is entangled. We derive the bound on squashed entanglement from a bound on quantum conditional mutual information, which is used to define squashed entanglement and corresponds to the amount by which strong subadditivity of von Neumann entropy fails to be saturated. Our result therefore sheds light on the structure of states that almost satisfy strong subadditivity with equality. The proof is based on two recent results from quantum information theory: the operational interpretation of the quantum mutual information as the optimal rate for state redistribution and the interpretation of the regularised relative entropy of entanglement as an error exponent in hypothesis testing. The distance to the set of separable states is measured by the one-way LOCC norm, an operationally-motivated norm giving the optimal probability of distinguishing two bipartite quantum states, each shared by two parties, using any protocol formed by local quantum operations and one-directional classical communication between the parties. A similar result for the Frobenius or Euclidean norm follows immediately. The result has two applications in complexity theory. The first is a quasipolynomial-time algorithm solving the weak membership problem for the set of separable states in one-way LOCC or Euclidean norm. The second concerns quantum Merlin-Arthur games. Here we show that multiple provers are not more powerful than a single prover when the verifier is restricted to one-way LOCC operations thereby providing a new characterisation of the complexity class QMA.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure, 1 table. Due to an error in the published version, claims have been weakened from the LOCC norm to the one-way LOCC nor

    Wavepacket instability in a rectangular porous channel uniformly heated from below

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    This paper is aimed to investigate the transition to absolute instability in a porous layer with horizontal throughflow. The importance of this analysis is due to the possible experimental failure to detect growing perturbations which are localised in space and which may be convected away by the throughflow. The instability of the uniform flow in a horizontal rectangular channel subject to uniform heating from below and cooled from above is studied. While the lower wall is modelled as an impermeable isoflux plane, the upper wall is assumed to be impermeable and imperfectly conducting, so that a Robin temperature condition with a given Biot number is prescribed. The sidewalls are assumed to be adiabatic and impermeable. The basic state considered here is a stationary parallel flow with a vertical uniform temperature gradient, namely the typical configuration describing the Darcy–Bénard instability with throughflow. The linear instability of localised wavepackets is analysed, thus detecting the parametric conditions for the transition to absolute instability. The absolute instability is formulated through an eigenvalue problem based on an eighth–order system of ordinary differential equations. The solution is sought numerically by utilising the shooting method. The threshold to absolute instability is detected versus the Péclet number associated with the basic flow rate along the channel

    Body image dissatisfaction and experimental pressure pain sensitivity in a cohort of 13-year-old adolescents

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    Objective: We aimed to quantify the associations between body image (dis)satisfaction and pressure pain thresholds in adolescents, using data from Generation XXI, a population-based cohort study in Portugal. Methods: We assessed 1785 13-year old adolescents cross-sectionally. Body image satisfaction was measured using the Children's Figure Rating Scale. Pain detection and tolerance thresholds were assessed using cuff pressure algometry. We quantified the associations between body image categories (satisfied, prefers slightly thinner, prefers much thinner, and prefers heavier) and pain detection and tolerance thresholds using linear and logistic regression for continuous and binary (odds of achieving the highest distribution quarter) outcomes, respectively. Models were adjusted to pubertal stage and body mass index. Results: Adolescents who desired a heavier silhouette had lower pressure pain tolerance thresholds when compared to those who were satisfied (linear regression coefficient: −3.95; 95% confidence interval: −6.68, −1.21), which was more precise in boys (−3.51; −7.17, −0.08). Those adolescents also had lower odds of achieving the highest quarter of pressure pain tolerance threshold (odds ratio: 0.66; 0.48, 0.90), especially girls (0.58; 0.35, 0.98). Adolescents who desired much thinner silhouettes had lower odds of achieving the highest quarter of pressure pain tolerance (0.68; 0.46, 1.00), and this was clearer in girls (0.66; 0.48, 0.90). Pain detection thresholds did not show robust associations with body image dissatisfaction. Conclusion: Our study suggests an association between satisfaction with one's silhouette and pain tolerance in adolescents from the general population, arguing for an integrated approach to the assessment of body image and pain sensitivity. © 2022 The AuthorsThis study was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) , through COMPETE 2020 Operational Programme ‘Competitiveness and Internationalization’ together with national funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) - Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education - through the projects “ STEPACHE - The pediatric roots of amplified pain: from contextual influences to risk stratification ” ( POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029087 , PTDC/SAU-EPI/29087/2017 ), “ Appetite regulation and obesity in childhood: a comprehensive approach towards understanding genetic and behavioural influences ” ( PTDC/SAU-EPI/30334/2017/ POCI-01-0145- FEDER-030334) , and by the Epidemiology Research Unit - Instituto de Saúde Pública, Universidade do Porto (EPIUnit) ( POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006862 ; UID/DTP/04750/2019 ; LA/P/0064/2020 ), Administração Regional de Saúde Norte (Regional Department of the Portuguese Ministry of Health) and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation . This work was also supported by a research grant from FOREUM Foundation for Research in Rheumatology (Career Research Grant). Funding sources were not involved in the design, conduct, analysis or writing of the present results

    Entanglement temperature in molecular magnets composed of S-spin dimers

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    In the present work, we investigate the quantum thermal entanglement in molecular magnets composed of dimers of spin SS, using an Entanglement Witness built from measurements of magnetic susceptibility. An entanglement temperature, TeT_{e}, is then obtained for some values of spin SS. From this, it is shown that TeT_{e} is proportional to the intradimer exchange interaction JJ and that entanglement appears only for antiferromagnetic coupling. The results are compared to experiments carried on three isostructural materials: KNaMSi4_{4}O10_{10} (M==Mn, Fe or Cu).Comment: accepted for publication in EP

    Manual do estagiário e do bolsista: 2010.

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    Este trabalho que visa oferecer orientações sobre os procedimentos de estágio na Embrapa Arroz e Feijão.bitstream/CNPAF-2010/29875/1/doc-253.pd