14,435 research outputs found

    Roll function in a flight simulator

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    Method introduces roll into the flying-spot scanner by modifying the scanning waveforms

    Moduli spaces of noncommutative instantons: gauging away noncommutative parameters

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    Using the theory of noncommutative geometry in a braided monoidal category, we improve upon a previous construction of noncommutative families of instantons of arbitrary charge on the deformed sphere S^4_\theta. We formulate a notion of noncommutative parameter spaces for families of instantons and we explore what it means for such families to be gauge equivalent, as well as showing how to remove gauge parameters using a noncommutative quotient construction. Although the parameter spaces are a priori noncommutative, we show that one may always recover a classical parameter space by making an appropriate choice of gauge transformation.Comment: v2: 44 pages; minor changes. To appear in Quart. J. Mat

    A study of the means of increasing the dynamic range of visual simulation by means of a flying-spot scanner Final report

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    Increasing dynamic range of visual simulation for pilots using flying spot scanne

    Financial Engineering and Rationality: Experimental Evidence Based on the Monty Hall Problem

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    Financial engineering often involves redefining existing financial assets to create new financial products. This paper investigates whether financial engineering can alter the environment so that irrational agents can quickly learn to be rational. The specific environment we investigate is based on the Monty Hall problem, a well-studied choice anomaly. Our results show that, by the end of the experiment, the majority of subjects understand the Monty Hall anomaly. Average valuation of the experimental asset is very close to the expected value based on the true probabilities.experiment, behavioral finance

    The Gysin Sequence for Quantum Lens Spaces

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    We define quantum lens spaces as `direct sums of line bundles' and exhibit them as `total spaces' of certain principal bundles over quantum projective spaces. For each of these quantum lens spaces we construct an analogue of the classical Gysin sequence in K-theory. We use the sequence to compute the K-theory of the quantum lens spaces, in particular to give explicit geometric representatives of their K-theory classes. These representatives are interpreted as `line bundles' over quantum lens spaces and generically define `torsion classes'. We work out explicit examples of these classes.Comment: 27 pages. v2: No changes in the scientific content and results. Section 5 completely re-written and a final section added; suppressed two appendices; added references; minor changes throughout the paper. To appear in the JNc

    Regional Strategies of Multinational Pharmaceutical Firms

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    This paper examines the R&D and strategies of the world’s largest firms in the pharmaceuticals sector and finds a high degree of intra-regional sales. R&D and sales are more concentrated within North America and Europe than in Asia. In addition, the relative size of the U.S. market, compared to other parts of the triad, creates imbalances with respect to R&D, sales and international strategy.

    Gauge Theory for Spectral Triples and the Unbounded Kasparov Product

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    We explore factorizations of noncommutative Riemannian spin geometries over commutative base manifolds in unbounded KK-theory. After setting up the general formalism of unbounded KK-theory and improving upon the construction of internal products, we arrive at a natural bundle-theoretic formulation of gauge theories arising from spectral triples. We find that the unitary group of a given noncommutative spectral triple arises as the group of endomorphisms of a certain Hilbert bundle; the inner fluctuations split in terms of connections on, and endomorphisms of, this Hilbert bundle. Moreover, we introduce an extended gauge group of unitary endomorphisms and a corresponding notion of gauge fields. We work out several examples in full detail, to wit Yang--Mills theory, the noncommutative torus and the θ\theta-deformed Hopf fibration over the two-sphere.Comment: 50 pages. Accepted version. Section 2 has been rewritten. Results in sections 3-6 are unchange

    Moduli Spaces of Instantons on Toric Noncommutative Manifolds

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    We study analytic aspects of U(n) gauge theory over a toric noncommutative manifold MθM_\theta. We analyse moduli spaces of solutions to the self-dual Yang-Mills equations on U(2) vector bundles over four-manifolds MθM_\theta, showing that each such moduli space is either empty or a smooth Hausdorff manifold whose dimension we explicitly compute. In the special case of the four-sphere Sθ4S^4_\theta we find that the moduli space of U(2) instantons with fixed second Chern number kk is a smooth manifold of dimension 8k38k-3.Comment: 44 pages, no figure