44 research outputs found

    Capuchin Order and its activities in Bohemia and Moravia between 1673-1783.

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    Full Name: Marek Brčák Thesis title: Capuchin Order and its activities in Bohemia and Moravia between 1673-1783 Abstract This dissertation deals with the history of the Capuchin order in Czech-Moravian territory during 1673-1783. The year of the establishment of the Czech-Moravian Capuchin province is 1673. In 1783, this province was divided into a Czech and a Moravian province; this led to the establishment of two new independent provinces of the Capuchin order. At the same time the upper time limit coincided with the religious reforms of Joseph II., which had essential influence on activities of the Capuchin order. The first chapter introduces a review of the existing secondary literature that deals with this theme, analysing and explaining the methodology used in the thesis. The second chapter describes historiography and archival databases that existed in the Czech-Moravian Capuchin province, which contributed to the formation of collective memory. This chapter also portrays concrete institutions which keep records in their archives on the history of the Capuchin order. The history of the Czech-Austrian Capuchin province is covered in the third chapter. This period witnessed significant progress in admission of new members to the Capuchin order; therefore the thesis examines the national origin of the...Jméno a příjmení: Marek Brčák Název disertace: Kapucínský řád a společnost v Čechách a na Moravě 1673-1783 Abstrakt Disertační práce se zabývá historií kapucínského řádu v Čechách a na Moravě v letech 1673-1783. Rok 1673 je datem vzniku česko-moravské kapucínské provincie. Horní mezník tvoří rok 1783, kdy se tento správní celek rozděluje na českou a moravskou část, čímž jsou ustanoveny dvě nové samostatné provincie tohoto řádu. Zároveň se horní časová hranice kryje s náboženskými reformami Josefa II., které měly zásadní vliv na činnost kapucínského řádu. První kapitola disertační práce se věnuje zhodnocení dosavadní odborné literatury vztahující se k našemu tématu a rozboru metodologických přístupů v ní použitých. Druhá kapitola se zaměřuje na historiografickou a archivní praxi pěstovanou v česko-moravské kapucínské provincii, skrze niž lze sledovat formování její kolektivní paměti. V rámci této kapitoly jsou mj. též představeny jednotlivé instituce, které ve svých fondech uchovávají prameny k dějinám kapucínského řádu. V třetí kapitole jsou vylíčeny samotné dějiny česko-moravské kapucínské provincie, které jsou v této době ve znamení velkého rozvoje, a to z pohledu nárůstu počtu členů a konventů v provincii. Dále je zde popsán vývoj složení osazenstva zdejší provincie z hlediska geografického původu a...Ústav českých dějinInstitute of Czech HistoryFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Intracelularne promjene izazvane defektnim kazahskim sojem virusa mozaika duhana

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    The Kazakhstan strain of TMV was described first by Goldin (1963). Later Break (1978) established that this virus resembled defective TMV strains, mainly on the basis of the presence of very long particles in the preparations made by dipping method. This virus builds various types of crystalline inclusion bodies in cells, especially elongated crystals with striations and long coiled fibres (Fig. 1). Elongated crystals are similar to spikes and are present in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus. In this study inclusion bodies were examined by electron microscope and it was found that the inclusions, at least sometimes, are not built of complete virus particles but of structures which are named stretched threads. These structures represent a kind of fibrils which are difficult to stain, have a diameter of about 90 Â and are parallelly arranged (Fig. 3 and 4). It would be important to solve the problem from which chemical material the stretched threads are built.Kazahski soj virusa mozaika duhana opisao je Goldin (1963). Poslije toga je Brčak (1978) ustanovio, naročito na osnovi nazočnosti vrlo dugačkih čestica u preparatima priređenim metodom uranjanja, da taj soj pripada skupini defektnih sojeva virusa mozaika duhana. Kazahski soj stvara u stanicama raznovrsne tipove kristaličnih inkluzija, osobito produžene kristale s uzdužnim prugama (si. la) i dugačka savijena tjelešca (si le). Produženi kristali bili su ponekad slični bodljikama (spikes), a bili su nazočni u citoplazmi i jezgri (sl. 1b, d). U ovom radu istražili smo intracelularne inlduzije s pomoću elektronskog mikroskopa. Ustanovili smo da inlduzije barem ponekad nisu izgrađene od kompletnih virusnih čestica. U inficiranim stanicama zapazili smo strukture koje smo nazvali opruženim nitima i koje — kako se čini — izgrađuju neke tipove inkluzija. Strukture se sastoje od neke vrste fibrila koje se teško kontrastiraju, koje imaju dijametar oko 90 A i paralelno su raspoređene. Čini se da su te niti izgrađene od virusnog materijala. Bilo bi važno kad bi se tijekom daljnjih istraživanja utvrdio kemizam toga materijala

    The study od renewing traffic on temporary excluded part of the track "odbočka Jeneček-Středokluky"

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    Autor se v práci zabývá problematikou dočasně vyloučených tratí, analýzou přepravního trhu zvolené oblasti a varianími návrhy řešení znovuobnovení provozu.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Economic analysis of labour market disrimination

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    The aim of this academic paper is to analyse the possible presence of discrimination against women in the job market. The analysis attempts to endogenous the discrimation section within the model. That is the essential difference in regard to other papers on this topic as these ascribe the influence of discrimination to the unexplained gender wage gap. The basic thought of this model is the idea, that if dicrimination against women is present in the job market, then it must exhibit the signs of a normal good. An examined characterisitc is the correlation of the wage gap, taken as a good, and extra variables as pensions. Investigation of possible correlation is done according to the linear regression analysis. The regression results are not satisfactory over long time periods as there are many variables that affect the outcome that the model does not consider. More precise results were achieved by means of testing individual workplaces, where especially the regression conducted with available data from analytic management occupations suggests that discrimination against women may be presen

    Sustainable Development Goals in Company Culture

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    A social entrepreneurship and sustainability are concepts that have become widespread in recent years. There are not many large companies that would not apply a concept of sustainability in their decision making process which results in the possibility that the company will succeed or not. The article deals with a comparison of companies selected from the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices ("DJSI") with another companies compared according to a point evaluation. Another possible comparison method is the use of Yahoo Finance Sustainability Index which provides an additional perspective on the sustainability within the years 2015, 2017 and 2019. Based on the DJSI, selected companies and their performances regarding the SDG ("Sustainable Development Goals") were analyzed. The analysis shows that the area of finance has the highest awareness and the greatest effort to apply sustainability policy. On the other hand, pharmaceutical companies have the lowest level of effort. SDGs are very individual. 53 companies were analyzed in total. Some companies focus on a full-scale fulfillment, some have chosen only specific targets. It is worth mentioning the area of technology where companies focused most on the SDG as a whole, and financial companies devoted themselves to specific goals. The sustainability trend is stable and moves at a constant level for selected companies over the years. Obviously, the social business and sustainability will continue to play a key role in the shareholders‘ decision-making of which companies invest their funds in

    The establishment of the Bohemian province of the Order of Capucines during the first half of the 17th century. The image of Capuchin order during 1599-1618 in the narrative sources and correspodence of his supporters

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the history of the Capuchin order in the Czech- Austrian territory during 1599-1618 on the basis of a image, which was created by the narrative order sources and the correspondence of the order supporters. The first part of the bachelor thesis introduces the characterization of sources and the review of existing literature that deals with this theme. We then characterize the Capuchin order and its integration within the context of other monastic communities, because this information explains the behaviour of the Capuchins in the Czech-Austrian territory. We could not omit the Franciscan order and its history in this passage, because these also influenced the orientation and spirituality of the Capuchin order. The core of the bachelor thesis deals with the description of the Capuchin history in the Czech and Austrian countries. We follow two levels: provincial and conventual. We describe processes, which led to the establishment of the Czech-Austrian Capuchin province in the first part. The second level deals with the foundation of particular convents, their cults of saints and last but not least with their effect on the society at that time. We complete the information of the older historiography with plenty of sources, which were not yet studied. From comparison and analysis..

    Analyse and subsequent optimization of business processes

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou a následnou optimalizací vybraných podnikových procesů. Práce začíná představením společnosti a její charakteristiky a následně dochází k vysvětlení základních pojmů, další části popisují tvorbu formuláře FMEA. Následně dochází k popisu jednotlivých procesů ve firmě, které jsou pomocí FMEA analyzovány a jsou nalezeny vady a úzká místa, která jsou následně optimalizovány. V závěru práce jsou jednotlivé návrhy zhodnoceny a jsou dána doporučení, jak dále postupovat.ObhájenoThis thesis focuses on the analysis and subsequent optimization of selected business processes. The work begins with a company and its characteristics and consequently leads to an explanation of basic concepts, the next section describes the creation of FMEA form. Next, the description of the individual processes within the company that are using FMEA analyzed and found defects and bottlenecks, which are then optimized. In conclusion, there are various proposals are evaluated and given recommendations on how to proceed

    High speed steam turbine with detachable LP part

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    Cílem této diplomové práce je navrhnout vysokootáčkovou parní turbínu s odpojitelným NT dílem pro zadané parametry. Práce obsahuje postup návrhu VT a NT dílu vysokootáčkové turbíny, včetně pevnostních výpočtů. Součástí práce je podélný řez celým strojem.ObhájenoThe aim of this thesis is to design a high-speed steam turbine with detachable LP part for specified parameters. The thesis includes the design procedure of the HP and LP part of the high-speed turbine, including strength calculations. The work includes a longitudinal section through the whole machine

    Benefit Analysis Method of KAIZEN in a Company

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    Bakalářská práce na téma "Analýza přínosu metody KAIZEN ve firmě" analyzuje teoretickou část metody kaizen, především podrobně zkoumá absolutní kontrolu kvalty, inovace a plýtvání. Dochází k vysvětlení pojmů jako je workshop kaizen či štíhlá výroba. V praktické části jsou zkoumány metody na zvyšování kvality a jejich následná ekonomická analýza. V práci je rovněž analyzován ekonomický přínos workshop kaizenu a jeho přínos. Dochází k analýze analýzy nekvality a její následné interpretace. Sleduje se a analyzuje se plýtvání a zkoumají se dopady této analýzy. Ke zhodnocení konkrétních metod a postupů byly zapotřebí informace poskytnuté firmou, odborné publikace, konzultace s pracovníky firmy nebo vlastní poznatky.Katedra podnikové ekonomiky a managementuObhájenoThis bachelor thesis is called "The analysis of the Kaizen method in a company". The work deals with the quality,innovation and waste of the Kaizen method, and explains such phenomena as the workshop Kaizen method or lean manufacturing. The Kaizen method deals with the problem of how to increase quality, and gives an economic analysis. The work also presents the economic benefits of the Kaizen method. In order to evaluate concrete methods and the procedures of the method, I needed information, special books and discussion with the workers, from the relevant company or own finding