2,736 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a cheap ultrasonic stage for light source coherence function measurement, optical coherence tomography and dynamic focusing

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    We evaluate the performance of a cheap ultrasonic stage in setups related to optical coherence tomography. The stage was used in several configurations: (1) optical delay line in an optical coherence tomography (OCT) setup; (2) as a delay line measuring coherence function of a low coherence source (e. g. superluminescent diode) and (3) in a dynamic focusing arrangement. The results are as follows: the stage is suitable for coherence function measurement (coherence length up to 70 mu m) of the light source and dynamic focusing. We found it unsuitable for OCT due to an unstable velocity profile. Despite this, the velocity profile has a repeatable shape (4% over 1000 A-scans) and slight modifications to the stage promise wider applications

    Ultraviolet-A en zijn schadelijkheid voor de retina bij pseudofakie

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    Potential uptake of dissolved organic matter by seagrasses and macroalgae

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    Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) acts as a large reservoir of fixed nitrogen. Whereas DON utilization is common in the microbial community, little is known about utilization by macrophytes. We investigated the ability of the coexisting temperate marine macrophytes Zostera noltii, Cymodocea nodosa, and Caulerpa prolifera to take up nitrogen and carbon from small organic substrates of different molecular complexities (urea, glycine, L-leucine, and L-phenylalanine) and from dissolved organic matter (DOM) derived from algal and bacterial cultures (substrates with a complex composition). In addition to inorganic nitrogen, nitrogen from small organic substrates could be taken up in significant amounts by all macrophytes. Substrate uptake by the aboveground tissue differed from that of the belowground tissue. No relationships between carbon and nitrogen uptake of small organics were found. The preference for individual organic substrates was related to their structural complexity and C:N ratio. Uptake of algae-derived organic nitrogen was of similar magnitude as inorganic nitrogen, and was preferred over bacteria-derived nitrogen. These results add to the growing evidence that direct or quick indirect DON utilization may be more widespread among aquatic macrophytes than traditionally thought.This research was supported by the regional government of Andalusia project FUNDIV (P07-RNM-2516), the Spanish Project CTM2008-00012/MAR, a European Reintegration Grant (MERG-CT-2007-205675), a travel grant from Schure-Beijerinck-Popping Fund (SBP/JK/2007-32) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Thanks to Fidel Echevarrìa Navas (Director of CACYTMAR) for granting us access to facilities, and to Bas Koutstaal for helping with sample processing. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments which significantly improved this manuscript