166 research outputs found

    Quand la psychanalyse entre dans la traduction

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    L’être humain est produit par le langage davantage qu’il ne le produit. Lorsque ce constat psychanalytique est posé sur le terrain de la traductologie, celle-ci est amenée à envisager des sujets habituellement considérés comme étant hors de son champ de compétence, tels que les lapsus. Dans le sillage des travaux de François Peraldi, nous montrons les affinités épistémologiques et conceptuelles de la psychanalyse et de la traduction et, plus encore, la nécessité pour la traduction d’incorporer certains vecteurs de réflexion psychanalytiques. Dans cette visée, nous relançons l’injonction que Peraldi a faite aux traducteurs et qui rejoint la poétique du traduire d’Henri Meschonnic : se mettre à l’écoute du corps de la parole et de la parole du corps dans le langage. Cette écoute doit passer par une sensibilisation du corps traduisant, par l’éveil de sa fonction érotique, qui se trouve à l’état latent.Humans are produced by language rather than produce it. When this psychoanalytical contention is brought to translation theory, it pushes the latter to consider objects usually deemed out of its conceptual reach, such as slips of the pen. In the wake of François Peraldi, we stress the epistemological and conceptual affinities that psychoanalysis and translation share, but more so the necessity for translation to integrate certain psychoanalytical viewpoints. Like Peraldi we urge translators to give ear to the body of the word and the word of the body, a stance which also builds on Henri Meschonnic’s poetics of translation. The ability to listen is only possible if the body translating becomes sensitized, if its erotic function is aroused from its latent state

    Le chaos de la traduction et la traduction du chaos

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    Les affinités sont étonnantes entre les constatations épistémologiques que la théorie du chaos a amené les sciences dites exactes à faire et une pensée de la traduction libérée d’une conception fixiste du sens. Penser la traduction en passant par la théorie du chaos, c’est surtout annuler les dichotomies inopérantes échues des conceptualisations traditionnelles, visée participant des discours de la « troisième voie ». Non-linéarité, sensibilité critique aux conditions initiales et géométrie fractale sont autant de thèmes qui potentialisent la théorisation de la traduction dans une épistémologie tablant sur la mouvance et la subjectivité des paramètres d’interprétation, sur l’instabilité persistante entre l’ordre et le désordre, sur la valeur heuristique donc positive du désordre et sur l’incomplétude.The affinities that exist between the epistemological observations of the so-called “exact” sciences arrived at via the chaos theory, on the one hand, and the notion of translation as being free of a fixist conception of meaning, on the other hand, are remarkable indeed. To consider translation in light of the chaos theory is above all to do away with the ineffective dichotomies stemming from traditional conceptualizations, an aim partaking of the discourse of the “third path.” Nonlinearity, critical sensitivity to initial conditions, fractal geometry – these are just so many themes potentializing the theorization of translation into an epistemology based on the ever-changing, subjective nature of the parameters of interpretation, on the state of persistent instability between order and disorder, on the heuristic and therefore positive value of disorder, and on incompleteness

    L’érotique du traduire

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    L’érotique du traduire envisage la volupté, ou le vif plaisir des sens, et l’attirance du corps traduisant pour les attributs du corps textuel au nombre des motifs de la traduction. Il s’agit d’élargir la conceptualisation de la traduction comme processus essentiellement idéel et d’investir le corps traduisant de ses facultés sensibles. Tributaire de la caresse levinassienne, l’érotique du traduire écarte le rapport unilatéral du sujet-traducteur à l’objet-texte et inscrit la traduction dans l’interrelation des corps. Également moteur de subversion, l’érotique veut sortir la traduction de la finalité, de la rationalité et de la culpabilité.In an erotics of translation, sensual pleasure and physical attraction of the translating body for the textual body are considered among the motives behind translation. The representation of translation as an essentially ideal process needs to be broadened in order to grant the translating body full use of her senses and sensibility. Akin to Levinas’ caress, an erotics of translation dismisses the oneway relationship between the translator-as-subject and the text-as-object, arguing in favour of a bilateral relationship. Subversive as well, an erotics of translation wants to pull translation away from final cause, rationality and guilt

    L’épistémologie cinétique de la traduction : catalyseur d’éthique

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    Tant dans sa pratique que sa réflexion, la traduction génère un savoir et un savoir-faire pluriels et éparpillés. À ce titre, ils empêchent la continentalisation de la traductologie et l’implantation d’une métathéorie prédominante. La dispersion des théories hétérogènes de la traduction, leur mouvement migratoire, participe d’une épistémologie cinétique, selon laquelle il n’est que de situations et de positions, qu’elles soient polysystémiques, sociologiques, féministes, postcolonialistes, herméneutiques ou poétiques. Le geste même d’admettre sa situation, sa position, témoigne d’un comportement éthique.Through its practice as well as its theorization, translation generates knowledge and know-hows that are plural and scattered. As such, they frustrate the federation of translation theories into a monolithic domain, hence foiling the domination of any one metatheory. Because of their dispersion, heterogeneous theories of translation seem to follow a migratory movement, pointing to a kinetic epistemology. The act of admitting where one stands, one’s position-be it in polysystems theory, sociology, feminism, postcolonialism, hermeneutics or poetics-is the foundation of an ethical behavior

    Les théories postmodernes de la traduction

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Assemblage et maturation de la capside du bactériophage T5 (analyse des processus d'expansion et de décoration)

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    Le bactériophage T5 est un virus infectant E. Coli. L assemblage et la maturation de sa capsidecomportent plusieurs étapes critiques pour la formation des virions lors du cycle infectieux.Parmi ces étapes, j ai étudié les processus d expansion et de décoration de la capside de T5.L expansion implique d importantes réorganisations conformationnelles des 775 sous-unités de laprotéine pb8 composant la capside, conduisant au doublement du volume de la capside qui peutalors contenir le génome du phage. J ai déterminé des conditions physico-chimiques permettantd induire l expansion de la capside in vitro, puis j ai effectué des expériences de SAXS résoluesdans le temps montrant que l expansion est un processus hautement coopératif, qui conduit, en uneétape, à un état final remarquablement stable. D autre part, j ai réalisé une étude fonctionnelle de laprotéine de décoration pb10, montrant que sa fixation est un marqueur de l expansion. Enfin l'étudestructurale de pb10 menée par SAXS a permis de déterminer un modèle à basse résolution de sonenveloppe moléculaire.Bacteriophage T5 is a virus infecting E. Coli. Its capsid assembly and maturation include severalcritical steps leading to the formation of new virions during the infectious cycle.During my thesis I focused on the expansion and decoration of T5 capsid. Expansion consists inlarge conformationnal reorganizations of the 775 capsid protein subunits, yielding a two-foldincrease of the capsid volume and allowing it to accomodate the full-length genome. I haveascertained physicochemical conditions that trigger in vitro expansion of the capsid, and using atime-resolved SAXS study, I showed that expansion is a higly cooperative two-state process leadingto a remarkably stable final state. I have also carried out a functional study of the decoration proteinpb10, showing that it only binds to expanded proheads. Finally, a low resolution model of pb10 wasdetermined by SAXS.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    New insights into pb5, the receptor binding protein of bacteriophage T5, and its interaction with its Escherichia coli receptor FhuA

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    International audienceThe majority of bacterial viruses are bacteriophages bearing a tail that serves to recognise the bacterial surface and deliver the genome into the host cell. Infection is initiated by the irreversible interaction between the viral receptor binding protein (RBP) and a receptor at the surface of the bacterium. This interaction results ultimately in the phage DNA release in the host cytoplasm. Phage T5 infects Escher-ichia coli after binding of its RBP pb5 to the outer membrane ferrichrome transporter FhuA. Here, we have studied the complex formed by pb5 and FhuA by a variety of biophysical and biochemical techniques. We show that unlike RBPs of known structures, pb5 probably folds as a unique domain fulfilling both functions of binding to the host receptor and interaction with the rest of the phage. Pb5 likely binds to the domain occluding the b-barrel of FhuA as well as to external loops of the barrel. Furthermore, upon binding to FhuA, pb5 undergoes conformational changes, at the secondary and tertiary structure level that would be the key to the transmission of the signal through the tail to the capsid, triggering DNA release. This is the first structural information regarding the binding of a RBP to a proteic receptor. Ă“ 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Characterization of a novel type of HIV-1 particle assembly inhibitor using a quantitative Luciferase-Vpr packaging-based assay

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    The HIV-1 auxiliary protein Vpr and Vpr-fusion proteins can be copackaged with Gag precursor (Pr55Gag) into virions or membrane-enveloped virus-like particles (VLP). Taking advantage of this property, we developed a simple and sensitive method to evaluate potential inhibitors of HIV-1 assembly in a living cell system. Two proteins were coexpressed in recombinant baculovirus-infected Sf9 cells, Pr55Gag, which formed the VLP backbone, and luciferase fused to the N-terminus of Vpr (LucVpr). VLP-encapsidated LucVpr retained the enzymatic activity of free luciferase. The levels of luciferase activity present in the pelletable fraction recovered from the culture medium correlated with the amounts of extracellular VLP released by Sf9 cells assayed by conventional immunological methods. Our luciferase-based assay was then applied to the characterization of betulinic acid (BA) derivatives that differed from the leader compound PA-457 (or DSB) by their substituant on carbon-28. The beta-alanine-conjugated and lysine-conjugated DSB could not be evaluated for their antiviral potentials due to their high cytotoxicity, whereas two other compounds with a lesser cytotoxicity, glycine-conjugated and ε-NH-Boc-lysine-conjugated DSB, exerted a dose-dependent negative effect on VLP assembly and budding. A fifth compound with a low cytotoxicity, EP-39 (ethylene diamine-conjugated DSB), showed a novel type of antiviral effect. EP-39 provoked an aberrant assembly of VLP, resulting in nonenveloped, morula-like particles of 100-nm in diameter. Each morula was composed of nanoparticle subunits of 20-nm in diameter, which possibly mimicked transient intermediates of the HIV-1 Gag assembly process. Chemical cross-linking in situ suggested that EP-39 favored the formation or/and persistence of Pr55Gag trimers over other oligomeric species. EP-39 showed a novel type of negative effect on HIV-1 assembly, targeting the Pr55Gag oligomerisation. The biological effect of EP-39 underlined the critical role of the nature of the side chain at position 28 of BA derivatives in their anti-HIV-1 activity

    The inhibition of assembly of HIV-1 virus-like particles by 3-O-(3',3'-dimethylsuccinyl) betulinic acid (DSB) is counteracted by Vif and requires its Zinc-binding domain

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    International audienceBackground: DSB, the 3-O-(3',3'dimethylsuccinyl) derivative of betulinic acid, blocks the last step of protease-mediated processing of HIV-1 Gag precursor (Pr55Gag), which leads to immature, noninfectious virions. When administered to Pr55Gag-expressing insect cells (Sf9), DSB inhibits the assembly and budding of membrane-enveloped virus-like particles (VLP). In order to explore the possibility that viral factors could modulate the susceptibility to DSB of the VLP assembly process, several viral proteins were coexpressed individually with Pr55Gag in DSB-treated cells, and VLP yields assayed in the extracellular medium.Results: Wild-type Vif (Vifwt) restored the VLP production in DSB-treated cells to levels observed in control, untreated cells. DSB-counteracting effect was also observed with Vif mutants defective in encapsidation into VLP, suggesting that packaging and anti-DSB effect were separate functions in Vif. The anti-DSB effect was abolished for VifC133S and VifS116V, two mutants which lacked the zinc binding domain (ZBD) formed by the four H(108)C(114)C(133)H(139) coordinates with a Zn atom. Electron microscopic analysis of cells coexpressing Pr55Gag and Vifwt showed that a large proportion of VLP budded into cytoplasmic vesicles and were released from Sf9 cells by exocytosis. However, in the presence of mutant VifC133S or VifS116V, most of the VLP assembled and budded at the plasma membrane, as in control cells expressing Pr55Gag alone.Conclusion: The function of HIV-1 Vif protein which negated the DSB inhibition of VLP assembly was independent of its packaging capability, but depended on the integrity of ZBD. In the presence of Vifwt, but not with ZBD mutants VifC133S and VifS116V, VLP were redirected to a vesicular compartment and egressed via the exocytic pathway

    Assessing the conformational changes of pb5, the receptor-binding protein of phage T5, upon binding to its Escherichia coli receptor FhuA

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    Within tailed bacteriophages, interaction of the receptor-binding protein (RBP) with the target cell triggers viral DNA ejection into the host cytoplasm. In the case of phage T5, the RBP pb5 and the receptor FhuA, an outer membrane protein of Escherichia coli, have been identified. Here, we use small angle neutron scattering and electron microscopy to investigate the FhuA-pb5 complex. Specific deuteration of one of the partners allows the complete masking in small angle neutron scattering of the surfactant and unlabeled proteins when the complex is solubilized in the fluorinated surfactant F6-DigluM. Thus, individual structures within a membrane protein complex can be described. The solution structure of FhuA agrees with its crystal structure; that of pb5 shows an elongated shape. Neither displays significant conformational changes upon interaction. The mechanism of signal transduction within phage T5 thus appears different from that of phages binding cell wall saccharides, for which structural information is available
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