109 research outputs found

    TiO2 nanoparticles may alleviate cadmium toxicity in co-treatment experiments on the model hydrophyte Azolla filiculoides

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    The hydrophyte Azolla filiculoides can be a useful model to assess if TiO2 NPs may in some way alleviate the Cd injuries and improve the ability of the plant to cope with this metal. With this mechanistic hypothesis, after a pre-treatment with TiO2 NPs, A. filiculoides plants were transferred to cadmium-contaminated water with or without TiO2 nanoparticles. After 5 days of treatment, cadmium uptake, morpho-anatomical, and physiological aspects were studied in plants. The continuous presence of TiO2 nanoparticles, though not increasing the uptake of cadmium in comparison with a priming treatment, induced a higher translocation of this heavy metal to the aerial portion. Despite the translocation factor was always well below 1, cadmium contents in the fronds, generally greater than 100 ppm, ranked A. filiculoides as a good cadmium accumulator. Higher cadmium contents in leaves did not induce damages to the photosynthetic machinery, probably thanks to a compartmentalization strategy aimed at confining most of this pollutant to less metabolically active peripheral cells. The permanence of NPs in growth medium ensured a better efficiency of the antioxidant apparatus (proline and glutathione peroxidase and catalase activities) and induced a decrease in H2O2 content, but did not suppress TBARS level

    Rheological properties and baking performance of new waxy lines : Strengths and weaknesses

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    In Western countries, the use of waxy wheat in bread-making is gaining interest in view of extending the shelf-life of bread, avoiding the use of additives. Considering the high impact of the environment on wheat properties, selection of waxy lines able to adapt to a particular environment is highly recommended. In this frame, the behavior of three new Italian waxy lines (IW) were compared with that of two waxy lines breeded in United States (USW). Compared to USW, two out of three IW lines exhibited better mixing properties in terms of higher tolerance to mechanical stress (stability and softness index). IW dough showed similar water absorption, stickiness values and visco-elasticity (G\u2032 and G\u2033) compared to USW samples. On the other hand, the waxy wheat lines adapted to the Italian environmental conditions showed a more developed loaf volume with respect to USW lines. The difficulties in dough handling that is typical of waxy wheat when used alone could be partially solved using waxy wheat in combination with non-waxy flours

    Mineral nutrients in soil and pea plants after exposition to TiO2 nanoparticles through a biosolid-amended soil

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    In addition to the benefits derived from nanotechnology, there is also concern about the potential risks of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) when released into the environment. Their possible accumulation and effects in agricultural soils and Nanonnovation 2018 Conference & Exibition crops are closely linked to food and agriculture safety. Particular attention has been focused on the reuse of biosolids from wastewater treatment plants that are considered a cost-effective practice for the improvement of nutrients and organic matter in agricultural soils and, but also a sink of contaminants such as nanoparticles (NPs). TiO2NPs have a global production of about 10.000 tons/year and it are among the most extensively used ENPs. Moreover, dissimilar or inconclusive results have been reported concerning the impact of TiO2 NPs on the soil-crop system, thus more information regarding their behavior are necessary. This study aimed to evaluate the potential effects of TiO2 NPs (anatase and rutile) and larger particles (bulk) on the availability of soil nutrients and on the nutritional status of Pisum sativum plants, simulating low (80 mg/kg) and high load of TiO2 (800 mg/kg ) in a biosolid-amended soil. Treated soils were analyzed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, soil microbial community, and plants grown in laboratory for 30d were analyzed for growth, pigments and mineral nutrition. Results showed that the treatment with TiO2 at macro- and nano-scale significantly reduced the availability of Mn, Fe and P in soils, this last more evident for the NPs treatments. Indeed, the soil bacterial diversity was reduced when the mixture of anatase and rutile were spiked in the biosolid-amended soil at high concentration. Moreover, the pea plants from treated soils showed an imbalance in the mineral nutrition, with reduction in the plant tissues of Mn and K and increase of N. This study pose a reflection on the use of biosolid, which could act as a vehicle for the spread and accumulation of ENPs in agro-ecosystems

    Green Consumers, Greenwashing and the Misperception of Environmental Quality

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    In this paper we analyse a setup where consumers are heterogeneous in the perception of environmental quality. The equilibrium is verified in a setting with horizontal and vertical (green) differentiation. Profits are increasing in the misperception of quality, while, the investment in green quality decreases the more the goods are substitutes. We further consider the introduction of either an emission tax or an environmental standard. The former rises the investment in environmental quality due to the higher cost of production, whereas in equilibrium quality always improves after the introduction of the latter. We show that an optimal environmental standard is an effective regulatory instrument against greenwashing and that the efficacy of the interventions is conditioned to the damage distribution and the aggregate level of emission

    Normas técnicas da produção de uva para processamento - vinho e suco.

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    Neste capítulo, apresenta-se a versão atualizada das Normas Técnicas da Produção Integrada de Uva Para Processamento (PIUP), elaboradas dentro do Projeto da PIUP, pelos pesquisadores da Embrapa e com a participação efetiva do setor produtivo. No primeiro semestre do ano de 2010 foi obtida a primeira versão das Normas da PIUP, as quais foram apresentadas ao setor vitivinícola em encontro realizado nas dependências da Embrapa Uva e Vinho e, em seguida, colocadas na página da instituição para discussão e participação do setor.bitstream/item/152896/1/Manual-1-1-Capitulo-2.pd

    Analysis of 339 pregnancies in 181 women with 13 different forms of inherited thrombocytopenia

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    65Pregnancy in women with inherited thrombocytopenias is a major matter of concern as both the mothers and the newborns are potentially at risk of bleeding. However, medical management of this condition cannot be based on evidence because of the lack of consistent information in the literature. To advance knowledge on this matter, we performed a multicentric, retrospective study evaluating 339 pregnancies in 181 women with 13 different forms of inherited thrombocytopenia. Neither the degree of thrombocytopenia nor the severity of bleeding tendency worsened during pregnancy and the course of pregnancy did not differ from that of healthy subjects in terms of miscarriages, fetal bleeding and pre-term births. The degree of thrombocytopenia in the babies was similar to that in the mother. Only 7 of 156 affected newborns had delivery-related bleeding, but 2 of them died of cerebral hemorrhage. The frequency of delivery-related maternal bleeding ranged from 6.8% to 14.2% depending on the definition of abnormal blood loss, suggesting that the risk of abnormal blood loss was increased with respect to the general population. However, no mother died or had to undergo hysterectomy to arrest bleeding. The search for parameters predicting delivery-related bleeding in the mother suggested that hemorrhages requiring blood transfusion were more frequent in women with history of severe bleedings before pregnancy and with platelet count at delivery below 50 × 10(9)/L.openopenPatrizia Noris; Nicole Schlegel; Catherine Klersy; Paula G. Heller; Elisa Civaschi; Nuria Pujol-Moix; Fabrizio Fabris; Remi Favier; Paolo Gresele; Véronique Latger-Cannard; Adam Cuker; Paquita Nurden; Andreas Greinacher; Marco Cattaneo; Erica De Candia; Alessandro Pecci; Marie-Françoise Hurtaud-Roux; Ana C. Glembotsky; Eduardo Muñiz-Diaz; Maria Luigia Randi; Nathalie Trillot; Loredana Bury; Thomas Lecompte; Caterina Marconi; Anna Savoia; Carlo L. Balduini; Sophie Bayart; Anne Bauters; Schéhérazade Benabdallah-Guedira; Françoise Boehlen; Jeanne-Yvonne Borg; Roberta Bottega; James Bussel; Daniela De Rocco; Emmanuel de Maistre; Michela Faleschini; Emanuela Falcinelli; Silvia Ferrari; Alina Ferster; Tiziana Fierro; Dominique Fleury; Pierre Fontana; Chloé James; Francois Lanza; Véronique Le Cam Duchez; Giuseppe Loffredo; Pamela Magini; Dominique Martin-Coignard; Fanny Menard; Sandra Mercier; Annamaria Mezzasoma; Pietro Minuz; Ilaria Nichele; Lucia D. Notarangelo; Tommaso Pippucci; Gian Marco Podda; Catherine Pouymayou; Agnes Rigouzzo; Bruno Royer; Pierre Sie; Virginie Siguret; Catherine Trichet; Alessandra Tucci; Béatrice Saposnik; Dino VeneriPatrizia, Noris; Nicole, Schlegel; Catherine, Klersy; Paula G., Heller; Elisa, Civaschi; Nuria Pujol, Moix; Fabrizio, Fabris; Remi, Favier; Paolo, Gresele; Véronique Latger, Cannard; Adam, Cuker; Paquita, Nurden; Andreas, Greinacher; Marco, Cattaneo; Erica De, Candia; Alessandro, Pecci; Marie Françoise Hurtaud, Roux; Ana C., Glembotsky; Eduardo Muñiz, Diaz; Maria Luigia, Randi; Nathalie, Trillot; Loredana, Bury; Thomas, Lecompte; Caterina, Marconi; Savoia, Anna; Carlo L., Balduini; Sophie, Bayart; Anne, Bauters; Schéhérazade Benabdallah, Guedira; Françoise, Boehlen; Jeanne Yvonne, Borg; Bottega, Roberta; James, Bussel; DE ROCCO, Daniela; Emmanuel de, Maistre; Faleschini, Michela; Emanuela, Falcinelli; Silvia, Ferrari; Alina, Ferster; Tiziana, Fierro; Dominique, Fleury; Pierre, Fontana; Chloé, James; Francois, Lanza; Véronique Le Cam, Duchez; Giuseppe, Loffredo; Pamela, Magini; Dominique Martin, Coignard; Fanny, Menard; Sandra, Mercier; Annamaria, Mezzasoma; Pietro, Minuz; Ilaria, Nichele; Lucia D., Notarangelo; Tommaso, Pippucci; Gian Marco, Podda; Catherine, Pouymayou; Agnes, Rigouzzo; Bruno, Royer; Pierre, Sie; Virginie, Siguret; Catherine, Trichet; Alessandra, Tucci; Béatrice, Saposnik; Dino, Vener