8 research outputs found
Genetic signatures of parental contribution in black and white populations in Brazil
Two hundred and three individuals classified as white were tested for 11 single nucleotide polymorphisms plus two insertion/deletions in their Y-chromosomes. A subset of these individuals (n = 172) was also screened for sequences in the first hypervariable segment of their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In addition, complementary studies were done for 11 of the 13 markers indicated above in 54 of 107 black subjects previously investigated in this southern Brazilian population. The prevalence of Y-chromosome haplogroups among whites was similar to that found in the Azores (Portugal) or Spain, but not to that of other European countries. About half of the European or African mtDNA haplogroups of these individuals were related to their places of origin, but not their Amerindian counterparts. Persons classified in these two categories of skin color and related morphological traits showed distinct genomic ancestries through the country. These findings emphasize the need to consider in Brazil, despite some general trends, a notable heterogeneity in the pattern of admixture dynamics within and between populations/groups
Tibouchina Sellowiana (cham.) Cogn,: Rooting, Anatomy And Biochemical Analyses In The Four Seasons [tibouchina Sellowiana (cham.) Cogn.: Enraizamento, Anatomia E Análises Bioquímicas Nas Quatro Estações Do Ano]
The present work tried to verify the effects of application of different concentration of indolebutyric acid (IBA) in talc in solution, in the rooting of cutting of Tibouchina sellowiana (Cham.) Cogn. collected in the four seasons, as well as its anatomical and biochemical variation. The semiharwood cuttings were treated with 0, 1500 and 3000 mg L-1 indolebutyric acid (IBA), in powder and alchoolic solutions. After 65 days in a greenhouse, rooting percentage, length and number of roots, cutting with callus percentage and survival, were evaluated. The use of the IBA was efficient in the induction radicial, being indifferent the form in which it was applied. The most promising stations in the formation of the system radicial were the spring (78,75%) with 3000 mg L-1 or mg kg-1 IBA and the summer (63,12 %) with 1500 mg L-1 or mg kg-1 IBA. (82,50%) with 3000 mg kg -1 IBA. 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Respostas de frangos de corte a aumentos graduais na relação entre treonina e lisina Broiler responses to graded increases in the threonine to lysine ratio
Um experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de relações crescentes entre treonina (Thr) e lisina (Lys) digestível em dietas de frangos de corte nas repostas produtivas dos 15 aos 37 dias de idade. Os aumentos dos níveis de treonina das dietas foram obtidos a partir de inclusões crescentes de farelo de soja (FS) ou L-treonina (L-Thr). Foram alojados 1.200 frangos de corte machos Ross x Ross 308 em arranjo fatorial com três relações entre Thr e Lys (63,5, 66,0 e 68,5%) e as duas fontes de Thr supracitadas. Cada um dos seis tratamentos foi constituído por oito repetições de 25 aves. As dietas foram formuladas para garantir o nível mínimo de exigência para os demais nutrientes e energia. Não houve efeito do nível de treonina sobre respostas de desempenho zootécnico, consumo de água, matéria seca da cama, lesões de pododermatite e rendimento de carcaça e cortes. Também não foi observado efeito da fonte de Thr sobre peso corporal, consumo de dieta, matéria seca da cama, lesões de pododermatite, rendimentos de carcaça, filé de peito, coxas e sobrecoxas. Entretanto, a conversão alimentar foi melhor (P=0,009) e o consumo de água maior (P=0,011) quando o aumento em Thr foi originado do FS, enquanto o rendimento de peito foi superior (P=0,035) para as dietas suplementadas com L-Thr. Foi possível identificar uma resposta diferenciada entre fonte e nível de Thr para ganho de peso e CA, demonstrando que, quando a relação entre Thr e Lys foi de 68,5%, existiu uma evidente melhora para as aves recebendo este nível de Thr a partir do FS. As quantidades de aminoácidos (AA) essenciais a partir do quarto AA limitante foram superiores para as dietas com níveis crescentes de FS. Supõe-se que as diferenças obtidas entre as respostas das aves recebendo dietas com o aumento em Thr a partir de L-Thr ou FS tenham sido devidas a desiguais quantidades ou balanceamento de AA essenciais consumidos a partir do quarto AA limitante. A relação entre Thr e Lys digestível de 63,5% é considerada suficiente para maximizar o desempenho de frangos de corte, enquanto que aumentos nos níveis de Thr a partir da inclusão de FS influenciam os resultados provavelmente porque disponibilizam maior quantidade de AA a partir do quarto AA limitante.<br>An experiment was carried out with the objective of evaluating the effects of graded increases in the ratios between digestible threonine (Thr) and lysine (Lys) in the diet on broilers from 15 to 37 days old. The increases on Thr levels were obtained with higher amounts of soybean meal (SBM) or L-threonine (L-Thr) in the diets. One thousand and two hundred Ross x Ross 308 male chicks were placed in a factorial arrangement with the three ratios between Thr and Lys (63.5, 66.0 and 68.5%) and the two sources of Thr previously cited. Each of the six treatments had eight replicates of twenty five birds. The diets were formulated to attain minimum requirement levels of other nutrients and energy. There were no effects of the Thr level on live performance responses, water intake, litter dry matter, foot pad dermatitis, carcass and processing yields. In addition, there were no effects of the source of Thr on body weight, feed intake, litter dry matter, foot pad dermatitis, carcass, breast tenders, thighs and drumsticks yields. However, feed conversion was better (P=0.009) and water intake was higher (P=0.011) when the increase on Thr was originated by SBM, whereas breast meat yield was higher (P=0.035) with diets supplemented with L-Thr. An interaction between level and source of Thr was identified for weight gain and feed conversion demonstrating improvement when birds were fed 68.5% Thr to Lys ratio originated from SBM. Amounts of essential amino acid (AA) quantities after the third limiting AA were greater in the diets with increased SBM. Supposely, differences obtained in broiler responses when fed diets with Thr increased from SBM or L-Thr were related to different amounts or balances in the intake of essential AA. A Thr to Lys ratio of 63.5% was considered sufficient to maximize broiler performance, whereas increases in Thr obtained exclusively from SBM influence the results probably because of higher amounts of AA supplied after the fourth limiting one
Capacidade de enraizamento de estacas de Maytenus muelleri Schwacke com a aplicação de ácido indol butírico relacionada aos aspectos anatômicos Rooting capacity of Maytenus muelleri Schwacke cuttings with indolebutyric acid application related to anatomical aspects
A espinheira-santa (Maytenus muelleri - Celastraceae) é a planta medicinal nativa do Sul do Brasil, cujas folhas são tradicionalmente utilizadas pela medicina popular para o tratamento de úlceras e outros problemas gástricos. Existem poucos trabalhos publicados sobre a produção de mudas e técnicas de propagação vegetativa da espécie. A propagação de espinheira-santa por estaquia poderia ser um método eficiente para obtenção de material homogêneo, com características genéticas desejáveis, produzido a partir de plantas matrizes selecionadas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar os efeitos da aplicação de ácido indol butírico (AIB), em solução e em pó, no enraizamento de estacas de espinheira-santa coletadas nas quatro estações do ano (abril/2005 a janeiro/2006), bem como averiguar, por meio de análises anatômicas e histoquímicas das estacas, a presença de possíveis impedimentos à iniciação do enraizamento adventício. Estacas provenientes de ramos de plantas matrizes de seis anos cultivadas da Estação Experimental do Canguiri, Pinhais, PR, foram coletadas e tratadas com AIB (0, 1500, 3000 mg L-1 ou mg kg-1), em solução alcoólica (50% v/v) e em talco. Aos 365 dias foram avaliadas as porcentagens de estacas enraizadas e mortas, número e comprimento médio de raízes formadas por estaca. Análises anatômicas e histoquímicas com lugol e cloreto férrico foram realizadas. A estação mais promissora para o enraizamento foi o verão/2006 com 62,50% para o tratamento controle, devido à menor lignficação dos ramos no período de intenso crescimento vegetativo. O número médio de raízes formadas por estaca foi de 6,94 (solução) e o comprimento médio de raízes formadas/estaca chegou a 4,82 cm nesta mesma estação. As concentrações de AIB aplicadas não foram eficientes na indução radicial, independentemente do modo de aplicação. Foi detectada a presença de uma camada quase contínua de fibras e braquiesclereídes, a qual constitui barreira anatômica à indução radicial. Os testes histoquímicos revelaram a presença de amido e de compostos fenólicos nas estacas, em todas as estações do ano. A dificuldade ou demora no enraizamento não pode ser justificada pela falta de reservas de amido nos tecidos das estacas, mas pode ser justificada pela presença de compostos fenólicos, possivelmente do grupo dos monofenóis, que causam a degradação do AIA, interferindo negativamente na indução do enraizamento.<br>"Espinheira-santa" (Maytenus muelleri - Celastraceae) is a medicinal plant native to Southern Brazil, the leaves of which are traditionally used in popular medicine for the treatment of stomach ulcers and other gastric problems. There are few published studies about seedling production and vegetative propagation techniques for this species. The propagation of "espinheira-santa" by cuttings could be an efficient method to obtain homogeneous material, with desirable genetic characteristics, produced from selected mother plants. This paper aimed to study the effects of indolebutyric acid (IBA) application, in solution and in powder, on the rooting of "espinheira-santa" cuttings, collected in four seasons (April/2005 to January/2006), as well as to investigate, by means of cutting anatomical and histochemical analyses, the presence of possible impediments to adventitious rooting initiation. Cuttings from branches of six-year mother plants grown at "Estação Experimental do Canguiri", Pinhais, Paraná State, Brazil, were collected and treated with IBA (0, 1500, 3000 mg L-1 or mg kg-1) in alcoholic solution (50% v/v) and in powder. After 365 days, the percentages of rooted and dead cuttings, the number and mean length of roots/cutting were evaluated. Anatomical and histochemical analyses were performed with lugol and ferric chloride. The most promising season for rooting was Summer/2006, with 62.50% of rooting for the control treatment, due to the lesser lignification degree of branches in intense vegetative growth period. The mean number of roots/cutting was 6.94 (solution) and the mean length of roots/cutting was 4.82 cm in that same season. The applied IBA concentrations were not efficient in inducing root growth, regardless of the application method. An almost continuous layer of fibers and stone cells was detected, constituting an anatomical barrier for rooting induction. The histochemical tests revealed the presence of starch and phenolic compounds in cuttings, in all seasons. The difficulty or delay in rooting cannot be justified by the absence of starch reserve in the cutting tissues but by the presence of phenolic compounds, possibly of the group of monophenols, which cause IAA degradation, negatively affecting rooting induction