547 research outputs found

    Understanding worry and mindfulness through psycholinguistics.

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    Our understanding of psychological constructs through language has increased over the last few decades. However, only a few studies have explored linguistic features associated with worry and mindfulness. This is the first study using linguistics to investigate features of worry models associated with worry and mindfulness concomitantly. The current study reviews literatures regarding worry and mindfulness emotional, physiological, and cognitive features, including language. Next, the current study tested the hypotheses that excessive worry would be negatively correlated with present tense and positively correlated with number of words, number of questions, anxiety related words, and negative emotion words, while mindfulness would be positively correlated with present tense and negatively correlated with number of words, number of questions, anxiety related words, and negative emotion words. Further, the hypotheses that worry writing activity would be higher than neutral writing activity in number of words, number of questions, anxiety related words, and negative emotion words, and that worry writing activity would be lower than the neutral writing activity in present tense were also tested. In order to evaluate these hypotheses, 46 predominantly European American women were recruited from the community to complete self-report questionnaires and worry and neutral writing tasks. Results of the present investigation suggest that word categories related to emotions (i.e., anxiety and negative emotion words) hold associations with worry and mindfulness. Number of words, questions, and present tense did not reveal an association with worry and mindfulness levels in the present sample. Further, compared to a neutral task, worry activity had higher use of present tense, anxiety-related words, and negative emotion words. The findings may reflect avoidance of emotional content in those higher in worry and lower in mindfulness and acceptance of emotional experience by those lower in worry and higher in mindfulness. Future research should continue exploring linguistic features of worry and mindfulness in order to establish the relevant linguistic variables associated with these constructs, and, concomitantly, explore their clinical applications for treatment and assessment

    Actividades circenses y Educación Física : Cuerpo, arte y escuela

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    Durante las dos últimas décadas, se puede comprobar en la Educación Física un crecimiento exponencial en el tratamiento de las Actividades Circenses como contenido programático, con un consecuente aumento de la producción académica. Analizando dicha producción observamos que el número de "relatos de experiencia" demuestra que el intercambio entre estas dos áreas es real y cada vez más frecuente a uno y otro lado del océano. En este sentido, la presente investigación tiene como objetivo conocer en profundidad, mediante una investigación de campo, cómo estas actividades están siendo puestas en práctica en una escuela de la ciudad de Campinas (Brasil) contrastando las experiencias con la literatura especializada en la temátic

    Men’s artistic gymnastics: is the use of elastic surfaces systematic in the training process?

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    Em alguns esportes, o espaço de jogo representa o componente sistêmico de maior relevância: esse é o caso da Ginástica Artística (GA). Desse modo, quando nos empenhamos em compreender a lógica interna dessa modalidade precisamos dedicar especial atenção à relação ginasta-aparelho. Observamos uma mudança no paradigma de treinamento em que o uso das Superfícies Elásticas constitui um componente essencial, visando atender às características contemporâneas desse esporte, como a hipervalorização das acrobacias e a maior presença dos elementos ginásticos com “fase aérea”. Nessa oportunidade, analisamos, a partir de estudo de caso de um ginásio de treinamento de alto rendimento de Ginástica Artística Masculina, o emprego de diferentes Superfícies Elásticas (SpE) na preparação dos ginastas. Embora os treinadores reconheçam o papel fundamental das SpE para o desenvolvimento dos ginastas, seu uso cotidiano ainda é restrito a poucos equipamentos e realizado de modo assistemático. Essas dificuldades se devem principalmente à ausência de programas formativos que desenvolvam metodologias específicas e à inexistência de fornecedores de equipamentos nacionais com qualidade certificada pela Federação Internacional de Ginástica.In Artistic Gymnastics, the area (the apparatus) represents the most relevant systemic component. Thus, when one strives to comprehend the internal logic of this sport, the gymnast-apparatus relationship warrants special attention. A change in the training paradigm was observed, showing that the use of Elastic Surfaces (ES) is an essential resource, due to the contemporary features of this sport, such as the hyper-valorisation of acrobatics and a greater presence of flight elements. Through a case study developed in a men’s artistic gymnastics high-performance gymnasium, this study analysed the use of different ES in the training process. Although coaches recognize the importance of ES in training programs, the record of daily activities showed that this use is still limited to select equipment and is not systematic. Such difficulties are due mainly to the lack of educational programs to the development of certain specific methodologies and the non-existence of national equipment suppliers certified by International Gymnastics Federation

    Determination of ethanol in low-alcohol fermented beverages

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    Due to the exaggerated worldwide consumption of alcoholic beverages the development of special fermented beverages with low alcohol content or without alcohol is an interesting market niche. Thus, this study aims to quantify the ethanol content of commercial fermented beverages labelled “low alcohol content” or “without alcohol” and evaluate it in order to guarantee the safety of the beverage for its consumers. For this, the ethanol quantification was performed in eleven samples by gas chromatography with headspace and flame ionization detection (HS-GC-FID) and the method has to be successful. Four samples were in agreement with the legislation, six presented ethanol above recommendations and one of them presented ethanol content below the value labelled. These results show that it is necessary an improvement on analytical controls by industries and also a more active inspection of regulatory organizations to guarantee the consumers safety

    Tots a la pista: el circ a les classes d’educació física

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    Considerant la significativa introducció del circ en els espais escolar i extraescolar en els últims anys, aquest estudi té com a objectiu presentar dues experiències pedagògiques en què les activitats circenses van guanyar protagonisme com a part del contingut curricular de l’educació física. Per a això, vam visitar les classes d’un col·legi d’educació primària a Brasil i un institut d’educació secundària a Espanya, institucions on aquest contingut forma part del projecte pedagògic des de fa més de cinc anys. Els fets observats revelen que el circ es presenta com un contingut innovador i motivador amb excel·lents acceptació i participació de l’alumnat. D’altra banda, els docents responsables apunten que el circ i l’art d’una manera més àmplia són importants components pedagògics en virtut del seu potencial creatiu i expressiu. A l’últim, la descripció d’aquestes experiències ens permet debatre sobre les modalitats circenses desenvolupades, així com les dificultats afrontades pels docents durant la posada en marxa d’aquest contingut


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    A educação indígena e uma leitura semiótica das práticas culturais

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    O Continente Americano é um Continente Absconditus, ou seja, o nome mais encobre que revela e, a América Latina Caribenha, em especial, é um “cadinho” de onde emergem as mais complexas etnias indígenas, aliás, estas não podem ser compreendidas sem a presença da cultura europeia, sem a cultura africana e sem as demais culturas. Portanto, o Continente Latino Americano é o exemplo máximo de culturas velozes que se intercruzam e se transculturalizam-se. A Literatura, portanto, tem sido a forma de apreensão desta forma mentis deste Continente. José María Arguedas, em sua obra, de 1958, Os Rios Profundos, partindo do exemplo do Peru, aproxima a cultura quéchua e a cultura oficial em um intercruzamento semiótico que implica todas as linguagens dos sentidos – linguagens não verbais – e a linguagem verbal. Assim, por meio da obra do peruano Arguedas, pretende-se formular uma leitura semiótica das práticas culturais e pedagógicas no âmbito da Educação Indígena e construir, mais que um paradigma, um sintagma, no sentido de operar a apreensão e compreensão dinâmica – semioticamente falando – destes rios profundos que nutrem e dão a fundura deste Continente Absconditus e, esteticamente falando, o Continente, por excelência, Barroco