10 research outputs found

    Les Cartouches, un concept d'interfaces tangibles, appliquées à l'apprentissage des jeunes enfants

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    8 pagesDans certains cas, les technologies permettent des expĂ©riences d'apprentissage qui n'auraient pas Ă©tĂ© atteintes par d'autres moyens. Les interfaces homme-machine avancĂ©es permettent d'interagir avec le monde numĂ©rique d'une maniĂšre simple et attractive. Par exemple, avec les interfaces tangibles, les donnĂ©es numĂ©riques sont incarnĂ©es par des objets physiques. Cependant, ces nouvelles interfaces manquent souvent de reprĂ©senter des actions de base (core operations : lancer/fermer une application, authentification, sauvegarde, ...) ; domain operations : choisir une couleur, sĂ©lectionner un fichier sur le disque, ...) permettant d'aboutir Ă  un systĂšme achevĂ© et autonome. Les Cartouches sont une proposition de rĂ©ponse (tangible) Ă  cette problĂ©matique, que ce soit au sein d'une interface tangible ou de tout environnement informatisĂ©. Nous Ă©tudions dans cet article l'utilisation des Cartouches au cƓur de la conception d'environnements d'apprentissages pour les jeunes enfants ne sachant pas encore lire. En effet, l'interaction tangible offre de nombreux avantages pour l'apprentissage, notamment Ă  destination des jeunes enfants. Nous proposons d'implanter diverses opĂ©rations avec les Cartouches dans le contexte de l'apprentissage avec les technologies et soumettons un exemple de conception rĂ©alisĂ© autour d'une table interactive. Les Cartouches ouvrent la voie Ă  la conception de nouveaux environnements d'apprentissage informatisĂ©s achevĂ©s - notamment Ă  destination de populations particuliĂšres, comme les aveugles ou les analphabĂštes - qui devront ĂȘtre prototypĂ©s et donner lieu Ă  des expĂ©rimentations utilisateur

    Proposition d’une approche centrĂ©e usage pour l’accompagnement de l’innovation organisationnelle liĂ©e Ă  l’introduction d’un outil numĂ©rique collaboratif dans un systĂšme d’information : application au contexte du « home care »

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    Information system tools provide support for the activities of actors in an organization. Companies replace their tools by new ones in search of performance or quality improvements, etc. However, the implementation of a new digital tool is a process of mutual adaptation between the organization and the technology, which involves changes on several dimensions and on different levels of granularity. The aim of our work is to contribute to manage these changes in order to encourage organizational innovation. We propose to grasp the diversity of evolutions in the organization and of adaptations in the tool through the diversity of ―potential‖ and ―effective‖ transformations in usages. In order to identify diversity of ―potential‖ usages, we propose to compare the diversity of ―effective‖ usages of the tool ―to replace‖ and of ―potential‖ usages of the tool ―to introduce‖. Once identified, the ―potential‖ transformations can be managed through decision making on usages to abandon, to keep, to adopt, to the emergence of new usages. It‘s the implementation of these ―effective‖ transformations that involves evolutions in the organization and adaptations of the tool. We set a usage model to consider the diversity of usages. From this model, we define methods for gradual exploration of the diversity of usages and of usage transformations, organization- and tool-oriented. We illustrate the application of methods proposed through the case study of computerization of the patient care record in a home care structure.Les outils du systĂšme d‘information sont un support aux activitĂ©s des acteurs de l‘organisation. Les entreprises remplacent leurs outils par de nouveaux Ă  la recherche de l‘amĂ©lioration de la performance, de la qualitĂ©, etc. NĂ©anmoins, l‘implĂ©mentation d‘un nouvel outil numĂ©rique est un processus d‘adaptation mutuelle entre l‘organisation et la technologie, qui comporte des changements sur plusieurs dimensions et Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux de granularitĂ©. L‘objectif de nos travaux est de contribuer Ă  accompagner ces changements dans le but de favoriser l‘innovation organisationnelle. Nous proposons d‘apprĂ©hender la diversitĂ© des Ă©volutions dans l‘organisation et des adaptations de l‘outil Ă  travers la diversitĂ© des transformations « potentielles » et « effectives » des usages. Afin d‘identifier la diversitĂ© des transformations « potentielles » des usages, nous proposons de comparer la diversitĂ© des usages « effectifs » de l‘outil « Ă  remplacer » et « potentiels » de l‘outil « Ă  introduire ». Une fois identifiĂ©es, les transformations « potentielles » peuvent ĂȘtre maitrisĂ©es Ă  travers des dĂ©cisions sur les usages Ă  dĂ©laisser, Ă  conserver, Ă  adopter, jusqu‘à lâ€˜Ă©mergence de nouveaux usages. C‘est la mise en oeuvre de ces transformations « effectives » qui implique des Ă©volutions dans l‘organisation et/ou des adaptations de l‘outil. Nous dĂ©finissons un modĂšle d‘usage pour tenir compte de la diversitĂ© des usages. A partir de ce modĂšle, nous dĂ©finitions des mĂ©thodes d‘exploration graduelle de la diversitĂ© des usages et de la diversitĂ© des transformations des usages, orientĂ©es organisation ou outil. Nous illustrons l‘application des mĂ©thodes proposĂ©es Ă  travers le cas dâ€˜Ă©tude d‘informatisation du dossier de soins dans une structure d‘hospitalisation Ă  domicile

    Proposition of a usage-centred approach to the management of organisational innovation due to the introduction of a collaborative digital tool in an information system : application in the context of home care

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    Les outils du systĂšme d‘information sont un support aux activitĂ©s des acteurs de l‘organisation. Les entreprises remplacent leurs outils par de nouveaux Ă  la recherche de l‘amĂ©lioration de la performance, de la qualitĂ©, etc. NĂ©anmoins, l‘implĂ©mentation d‘un nouvel outil numĂ©rique est un processus d‘adaptation mutuelle entre l‘organisation et la technologie, qui comporte des changements sur plusieurs dimensions et Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux de granularitĂ©. L‘objectif de nos travaux est de contribuer Ă  accompagner ces changements dans le but de favoriser l‘innovation organisationnelle. Nous proposons d‘apprĂ©hender la diversitĂ© des Ă©volutions dans l‘organisation et des adaptations de l‘outil Ă  travers la diversitĂ© des transformations « potentielles » et « effectives » des usages. Afin d‘identifier la diversitĂ© des transformations « potentielles » des usages, nous proposons de comparer la diversitĂ© des usages « effectifs » de l‘outil « Ă  remplacer » et « potentiels » de l‘outil « Ă  introduire ». Une fois identifiĂ©es, les transformations « potentielles » peuvent ĂȘtre maitrisĂ©es Ă  travers des dĂ©cisions sur les usages Ă  dĂ©laisser, Ă  conserver, Ă  adopter, jusqu‘à lâ€˜Ă©mergence de nouveaux usages. C‘est la mise en oeuvre de ces transformations « effectives » qui implique des Ă©volutions dans l‘organisation et/ou des adaptations de l‘outil. Nous dĂ©finissons un modĂšle d‘usage pour tenir compte de la diversitĂ© des usages. A partir de ce modĂšle, nous dĂ©finitions des mĂ©thodes d‘exploration graduelle de la diversitĂ© des usages et de la diversitĂ© des transformations des usages, orientĂ©es organisation ou outil. Nous illustrons l‘application des mĂ©thodes proposĂ©es Ă  travers le cas dâ€˜Ă©tude d‘informatisation du dossier de soins dans une structure d‘hospitalisation Ă  domicile.Information system tools provide support for the activities of actors in an organization. Companies replace their tools by new ones in search of performance or quality improvements, etc. However, the implementation of a new digital tool is a process of mutual adaptation between the organization and the technology, which involves changes on several dimensions and on different levels of granularity. The aim of our work is to contribute to manage these changes in order to encourage organizational innovation. We propose to grasp the diversity of evolutions in the organization and of adaptations in the tool through the diversity of ―potential‖ and ―effective‖ transformations in usages. In order to identify diversity of ―potential‖ usages, we propose to compare the diversity of ―effective‖ usages of the tool ―to replace‖ and of ―potential‖ usages of the tool ―to introduce‖. Once identified, the ―potential‖ transformations can be managed through decision making on usages to abandon, to keep, to adopt, to the emergence of new usages. It‘s the implementation of these ―effective‖ transformations that involves evolutions in the organization and adaptations of the tool. We set a usage model to consider the diversity of usages. From this model, we define methods for gradual exploration of the diversity of usages and of usage transformations, organization- and tool-oriented. We illustrate the application of methods proposed through the case study of computerization of the patient care record in a home care structure

    A usage model to enrich MDSEA approach

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    An information system supports the actors’ activities of an organization. Thus, the implementation of a new digital tool is a process of mutual trans-formation between organization and technology, involving changes on sev-eral dimensions. More specifically, its implementation has an impact on the practices of the actors, resulting in significant changes that can be "positive" and/or "negative" for the actors and the work activity. Our work supports these changes to improve interoperability projects based on MDSEA ap-proach and encourage so-called "positive" changes, while facilitating the im-plementation of new IT solutions. We propose to understand both the varia-bility of organizational change and the tool enhancements. Thus, we propose a usage model to characterize individuals’ "usages" and their variability and show that this model only makes sense if it fits into a broader, user-centered approach to explore existing, potential and desired practices. We illustrate the implementation of the model and its ability to represent usage cases of a home care structure digitizing the care record

    How Do Innovative Devices Influence Collaboration In Medical Organization?

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    International audienceDemocratization of information technologies (IT) enabled Humans to take a different approach on their work. The introduction of these new working supports induces the automation of repetitive tasks, which relieves those tasks from the use of paper. Technologies such as computers, tablets and interactive tables were designed to facilitate the human work; nevertheless those technologies also bring some changes in collaborative practices. These aspects are especially crucial in the medical sector. With an increased life expectancy, and an ageing population, homecare activities raise significantly. Homecare follows a multi-site and a multi-actor process which complicates the transmission of information, be they medical or administrative. The study described in this paper was conducted with the collaboration of a homecare organization and a device manufacturer that designs multimodal appliance for the patient medical monitoring. The implementation of an innovative communication tool is a critical issue and should optimize the transmission of patient information. The objective of the study is to understand the changes in collaborative practices and in the path of the information in a medical organization due to this implementation. Exploratory analysis is divided into two parts. First of all the mapping of the patient's care work process was done through interviews and document analysis. This first step allowed us to consider the importance of collaboration between different actors but also to visualize the path of the information throughout health care of patients. The first step in link with the literature review, allowed us to suggest two hypotheses about the impact of appliance implementation on the collaborative practices of the medical employees: Hypothesis 1: The introduction of the device influences collaborative behaviour of the medical staff. Hypothesis 2: The introduction of the device causes changes on the spatiotemporal attributes of the information. The second step aims to validate our assumptions and to identify how the use of innovative appliances may have an impact on both information and collaborative practices of the medical organization throught user testing. Thus, a sample group was observed during the use of device. The sample group was composed of nurses, nursing auxiliaries, and senior charge nurses that have direct interactions with patient. Scenario of use is based on field observations in order to match more closely with patient's homecare activity. The interaction with appliance is divided into three interfaces: a stylus (writing and navigation), a touchpad (identification, entry number) and three buttons for the navigation. In conclusion, the use of a multimodal device in medical activities has an impact on path and temporality of information captured by the nurses. However, this innovation is perceived by the actors in a very positive and in a time saving way. The use of such media will also limit the double entries and those associated errors that can be detrimental for the patient monitoring. This study continues with the structure to investigate how does the consideration of uses influence the introduction of new technological in a medical organization

    Recommendations for User Centered Design of Interfaces for Seniors in the Context of Health Care

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    ISBN: 978-1-4951-2106-7International audienceThe aim of the research presented in this paper is to identify behavior and generic expectations of elderly people (mean=65 years) relevant to Human-Machine Interface (HMI) in the context of health. Our work is based on two industrial cases of health care services. In one case, we conducted user tests on HMI coupled with an eye-tracker to identify one behavior pattern (16 subjects). And in both industrial cases, we realized interviews that reveal generic expectations in terms of information from seniors (16+8 subjects). Then, this double-case approach has enabled us to emphasize the explorer behavior of seniors and expectations “in the periphery of health” with a need for both social and reassuring projection. Based on our results, we propose recommendations for HMI design in our context and which levers (action parameters) for design in other fields

    Methods for Designing Tangible UI: A First Comparative Case Study

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    In this work-in-progress, we present early comparative experiences with methods for designing tangible user interfaces (TUIs). Groups of designers used different approaches for design in the context of a concrete case study: a TUI for controlling LED lighting within hotel rooms. From the results of the groups and methods, we wish to discuss the first comparison between different approaches. Eventually, our aim is to provide a consensual comparison of benefits and drawbacks of each approach, as such a consensual result could be highly beneficial to designers