63 research outputs found

    Humans-with-Media en la producción de conocimiento matemático. El caso de Geogebra

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    Este documento se usa el constructo teórico Humans-with-Media para analizar una situación construida con el software Geogebra. La situación muestra un posible entendimiento de la función derivada a partir del reconocimiento de la “función tasa de variación”

    Educação matemática a distância online: balanço e perspectivas

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    O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar como a Educação Matemática online se encontra hoje no Brasil. Em um primeiro momento a pesquisa em Educação a Distância online (EaDonline) estava muito próxima da pesquisa em tecnologia e Educação Matemática. Com o advento da massificação do uso da modalidade a distancia para formação de professores, cada vez mais a discussão se descola da área de tecnologia e se direciona para políticas públicas, sem levar em consideração muitas das discussões sobre EaDonline. O artigo realça essa tensão e sugere que os cursos de Licenciatura em Matemática5 a distância deveriam levar em consideração as pesquisas feitas sobre Educação Matemática a distância online

    Will we ever teach mathematics again in the way we used to before the pandemic?

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    After about two years of emergency remote teaching during the pandemic, the teaching of mathematics is slowly returning to (what used to be called) normal. However, after the period of mostly teaching online, there is uncertainty about the extent to which we will return to the way we were teaching before. In this survey paper we attempt to give some background to the impact that emergency remote teaching may have had on teaching mathematics. We examine the possible social implications and then focus on the changing mathematics classroom, focusing on the actual mathematics curriculum, learning design and assessment, the role of collaborative activities and social media, educational videos, and the role of family and parents in future. There are indicators from the literature that educators may not return to the traditional way of teaching entirely, especially in secondary and higher education. We conclude with describing some possible new research areas that have developed through emergency remote teaching, including online education for younger learners, local learning ecosystems, the role of family and parents, instructional design, and the mathematics content of curricula

    Os caminhos da modelagem no “Pós”-GPIMEM: desenvolvendo uma árvore genealógica

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    Neste artigo analisamos os caminhos seguidos por professores/pesquisadores, ex-alunos do Grupo de Pesquisa em Informática outras Mídias e Educação Matemática (GPIMEM), no desenvolvimento de pesquisas sobre modelagem matemática enquanto estratégia pedagógica. Nesse sentido, procuramos identificar que questões foram tematizadas em suas pesquisas sobre o tema. Elaboramos uma árvore genealógica desses trabalhos, tomando como ponto de partida aqueles apresentados em Malheiros e Franchi (2013), os quais se referem às pesquisas de mestrado e/ou doutorado, desenvolvidas por esses autores, enquanto estudantes do grupo. Expandimos a árvore genealógica considerando as pesquisas desenvolvidas por esses mesmos autores, porém enquanto professores/pesquisadores/orientadores em universidades do país e do exterior. Nossa análise indicou uma continuidade na variedade de temas abordados pelas pesquisas, assim como a presença de tecnologias nesses estudos. Nesse último caso, identificamos alguns papéis possíveis para as tecnologias no desenvolvimento de projetos de modelagem

    Roles of technologies for future teaching in a pandemic: activity, agency, and humans-with-media

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    Research literature on the role of mathematics teachers during the COVID-19 crisis shows that teacher preparation for emergency situations is required. In reporting on this exploratory study, we present and analyse lesson plans created by seven future teachers for mathematics classes during the pandemic. Data were collected between April and October 2021 from 16 four-hour class sessions in a Mathematics Degree Program at a public university in Medellín, Colombia. The notion of Humans-with-Media and the Learning by Expanding theory were used as frameworks to understand what roles prospective mathematics teacher (PMTs) assign to technologies for teaching in pandemic conditions. The PMTs’ uses of technology for teaching mathematics during a pandemic were categorized. The results show that technology was used to reorganize and reproduce mathematics teaching practices. This report addresses the impact of technology on the activity system, and we conclude with a discussion of opportunities and limitations of students’ conceptions about teaching and technology during a pandemic

    Will we ever teach mathematics again in the way we used to before the pandemic?

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    After about two years of emergency remote teaching during the pandemic, the teaching of mathematics is slowly returning to (what used to be called) normal. However, after the period of mostly teaching online, there is uncertainty about the extent to which we will return to the way we were teaching before. In this survey paper we attempt to give some background to the impact that emergency remote teaching may have had on teaching mathematics. We examine the possible social implications and then focus on the changing mathematics classroom, focusing on the actual mathematics curriculum, learning design and assessment, the role of collaborative activities and social media, educational videos, and the role of family and parents in future. There are indicators from the literature that educators may not return to the traditional way of teaching entirely, especially in secondary and higher education. We conclude with describing some possible new research areas that have developed through emergency remote teaching, including online education for younger learners, local learning ecosystems, the role of family and parents, instructional design, and the mathematics content of curricula.Projekt DEAL.https://www.springer.com/journal/11858Science, Mathematics and Technology Educatio

    El futuro de la educación matemática a partir del COVID 19: humanos-con-medios o humanos-con-cosas-no-vivientes

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    La pandemia de COVID-19 ha cambiado la agenda de la educación matemática. Este cambio se analizará examinando tres tendencias en educación matemática: el uso de tecnología digital, la filosofía de la educación matemática y la educación matemática crítica. La tecnología digital se convirtió en una tendencia en la educación matemática en respuesta a la llegada de un artefacto diferente al aula de matemática. Se puso en el punto de mira cuando la pandemia trasladó repentinamente las aulas a la modalidad online en todo el mundo. En este contexto, hay que abordar retos específicos para la educación matemática. El vínculo entre la pandemia de COVID-19 y la tecnología digital en la educación también plantea cuestiones epistemológicas destacadas por la filosofía de la educación matemática y la educación matemática crítica. Utilizando la idea de que la unidad básica de producción de conocimiento a lo largo de la historia es humanos-con-medios, discuto cómo los seres humanos están conectados con el virus, cómo se ha puesto al descubierto la desigualdad social y cómo cambiarán las agendas de estas tres tendencias en la educación matemática. Destaco la urgente necesidad de estudiar cómo ocurre la educación matemática online para los niños, situación en la cual el entorno doméstico y las desigualdades en el acceso a las tecnologías digitales asumen papeles tan significativos. Tenemos que entender el papel político de la agencia de artefactos tales como el hogar, en colectivos de humanos-con-medios-cosas, y por último necesitamos aprender cómo implementar un curriculum que aborde las desigualdades sociales. Este debate se articula con ejemplos.The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the agenda of mathematics education. This change will be analyzed by looking at three trends in mathematics education: the use of digital technology, philosophy of mathematics education, and critical mathematics education. Digital technology became a trend in mathematics education in response to the arrival of a different kind of artifact to the mathematics classroom. It was thrust into the spotlight as the pandemic suddenly moved classrooms online around the world. Challenges specific to mathematics education in this context must be addressed. The link between the COVID-19 pandemic and digital technology in education also raises epistemological issues highlighted by philosophy of mathematics education and critical mathematics education. Using the notion that the basic unit of knowledge production throughout history is humans-with-media, I discuss how humans are connected to the virus, how it has laid bare social inequality, and how it will change the agendas of these three trends in mathematics education. I highlight the urgent need to study how mathematics education happens online for children when the home environment and inequalities in access to digital technologies assume such significant roles as classes move on-line. We need to understand the political role of agency of artifacts such as home in collectives of humans-with-media-things, and finally we need to learn how to implement curricula that address social inequalities. This discussion is intertwined with examples.publishedVersionFil: Borba, Marcelo C. Universidade Estadual Paulista. Departamento de Matemática; Brasil.Fil: Villarreal, Mónica. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía, Física y Computación; Argentina.Fil: Soto, Gabriel. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Argentina

    Blended learning, e-learning and mobile learning in mathematics education

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    In this literature survey we focus on identifying recent advances in research on digital technology in the field of mathematics education. To conduct the survey we have used internet search engines with keywords related to mathematics education and digital technology and have reviewed some of the main international journals, including the ones in Portuguese and Spanish. We identify five sub-areas of research, important trends of development, and illustrate them using case studies: mobile technologies, massive open online courses (MOOCs), digital libraries and designing learning objects, collaborative learning using digital technology, and teacher training using blended learning. These examples of case studies may help the reader to understand how recent developments in this area of research have evolved in the last few years. We conclude the report discussing some of the implications that these digital technologies may have for mathematics education research and practice as well as making some recommendations for future research in this area

    Quem quer ser professor de matemática?

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    Este artigo relata um estudo sobre o perfil dos ingressantes nos cursos de licenciatura em matemática no Brasil. Os sujeitos da pesquisa foram 664 alunos que entraram na licenciatura em matemática em 19 instituições de ensino superior de 10 estados brasileiros nos anos de 2008, 2009 e 2010. Os dados foram obtidos através de um questionário com 27 perguntas sobre as condições socioeconômicas, a formação escolar e o processo de escolha da licenciatura em matemática como formação universitária. Os resultados indicam que, em sua grande maioria, o ingressante é jovem, solteiro, estudou na escola pública, escolheu a licenciatura atraído mais pela matemática do que pela docência, possui pelo menos um computador em casa, tem renda familiar abaixo de 5 salários mínimos, não contribui para o sustento da família e está ascendendo a um nível de escolaridade superior ao dos pais, entre outras características