73 research outputs found

    Collisions of particles in locally AdS spacetimes I. Local description and global examples

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    We investigate 3-dimensional globally hyperbolic AdS manifolds containing "particles", i.e., cone singularities along a graph Γ\Gamma. We impose physically relevant conditions on the cone singularities, e.g. positivity of mass (angle less than 2π2\pi on time-like singular segments). We construct examples of such manifolds, describe the cone singularities that can arise and the way they can interact (the local geometry near the vertices of Γ\Gamma). We then adapt to this setting some notions like global hyperbolicity which are natural for Lorentz manifolds, and construct some examples of globally hyperbolic AdS manifolds with interacting particles.Comment: This is a rewritten version of the first part of arxiv:0905.1823. That preprint was too long and contained two types of results, so we sliced it in two. This is the first part. Some sections have been completely rewritten so as to be more readable, at the cost of slightly less general statements. Others parts have been notably improved to increase readabilit

    Quasicircles and width of Jordan curves in CP1

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    We study a notion of ‘width’ for Jordan curves in (Formula presented.), paying special attention to the class of quasicircles. The width of a Jordan curve is defined in terms of the geometry of its convex hull in hyperbolic three-space. A similar invariant in the setting of anti-de Sitter geometry was used by Bonsante–Schlenker to characterize quasicircles among a larger class of Jordan curves in the boundary of anti de Sitter space. In contrast to the AdS setting, we show that there are Jordan curves of bounded width which fail to be quasicircles. However, we show that Jordan curves with small width are quasicircles

    The induced metric on the boundary of the convex hull of a quasicircle in hyperbolic and anti-de Sitter geometry

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    Celebrated work of Alexandrov and Pogorelov determines exactly which metrics on the sphere are induced on the boundary of a compact convex subset of hyperbolic three-space. As a step toward a generalization for unbounded convex subsets, we consider convex regions of hyperbolic three-space bounded by two properly embedded disks which meet at infinity along a Jordan curve in the ideal boundary. In this setting, it is natural to augment the notion of induced metric on the boundary of the convex set to include a gluing map at infinity which records how the asymptotic geometry of the two surfaces compares near points of the limiting Jordan curve. Restricting further to the case in which the induced metrics on the two bounding surfaces have constant curvature K 2 ƒ 1; 0/ and the Jordan curve at infinity is a quasicircle, the gluing map is naturally a quasisymmetric homeomorphism of the circle. The main result is that for each value of K, every quasisymmetric map is achieved as the gluing map at infinity along some quasicircle. We also prove analogous results in the setting of three-dimensional anti-de Sitter geometry. Our results may be viewed as universal versions of the conjectures of Thurston and Mess about prescribing the induced metric on the boundary of the convex core of quasifuchsian hyperbolic manifolds and globally hyperbolic anti-de Sitter spacetimes

    Collisions of particles in locally AdS spacetimes II Moduli of globally hyperbolic spaces

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    We investigate 3-dimensional globally hyperbolic AdS manifolds containing "particles", i.e., cone singularities of angles less than 2π2\pi along a time-like graph Γ\Gamma. To each such space we associate a graph and a finite family of pairs of hyperbolic surfaces with cone singularities. We show that this data is sufficient to recover the space locally (i.e., in the neighborhood of a fixed metric). This is a partial extension of a result of Mess for non-singular globally hyperbolic AdS manifolds.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures. v2: 41 pages, improved exposition. To appear, Comm. Math. Phys. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0905.182

    Cosmological measurements, time and observables in (2+1)-dimensional gravity

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    We investigate the relation between measurements and the physical observables for vacuum spacetimes with compact spatial surfaces in (2+1)-gravity with vanishing cosmological constant. By considering an observer who emits lightrays that return to him at a later time, we obtain explicit expressions for several measurable quantities as functions on the physical phase space of the theory: the eigentime elapsed between the emission of a lightray and its return to the observer, the angles between the directions into which the light has to be emitted to return to the observer and the relative frequencies of the lightrays at their emission and return. This provides a framework in which conceptual questions about time, observables and measurements can be addressed. We analyse the properties of these measurements and their geometrical interpretation and show how they allow an observer to determine the values of the Wilson loop observables that parametrise the physical phase space of (2+1)-gravity. We discuss the role of time in the theory and demonstrate that the specification of an observer with respect to the spacetime's geometry amounts to a gauge fixing procedure yielding Dirac observables.Comment: 38 pages, 11 eps figures, typos corrected, references update

    The Universal Phase Space of AdS3 Gravity

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    We describe what can be called the "universal" phase space of AdS3 gravity, in which the moduli spaces of globally hyperbolic AdS spacetimes with compact spatial sections, as well as the moduli spaces of multi-black-hole spacetimes are realized as submanifolds. The universal phase space is parametrized by two copies of the Universal Teichm\"uller space T(1) and is obtained from the correspondence between maximal surfaces in AdS3 and quasisymmetric homeomorphisms of the unit circle. We also relate our parametrization to the Chern-Simons formulation of 2+1 gravity and, infinitesimally, to the holographic (Fefferman-Graham) description. In particular, we obtain a relation between the generators of quasiconformal deformations in each T(1) sector and the chiral Brown-Henneaux vector fields. We also relate the charges arising in the holographic description (such as the mass and angular momentum of an AdS3 spacetime) to the periods of the quadratic differentials arising via the Bers embedding of T(1)xT(1). Our construction also yields a symplectic map from T*T(1) to T(1)xT(1) generalizing the well-known Mess map in the compact spatial surface setting.Comment: 41 pages, 2 figures, revised version accepted for publication in Commun.Math.Phy

    Fuchsian convex bodies: basics of Brunn--Minkowski theory

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    The hyperbolic space \H^d can be defined as a pseudo-sphere in the (d+1)(d+1) Minkowski space-time. In this paper, a Fuchsian group Γ\Gamma is a group of linear isometries of the Minkowski space such that \H^d/\Gamma is a compact manifold. We introduce Fuchsian convex bodies, which are closed convex sets in Minkowski space, globally invariant for the action of a Fuchsian group. A volume can be associated to each Fuchsian convex body, and, if the group is fixed, Minkowski addition behaves well. Then Fuchsian convex bodies can be studied in the same manner as convex bodies of Euclidean space in the classical Brunn--Minkowski theory. For example, support functions can be defined, as functions on a compact hyperbolic manifold instead of the sphere. The main result is the convexity of the associated volume (it is log concave in the classical setting). This implies analogs of Alexandrov--Fenchel and Brunn--Minkowski inequalities. Here the inequalities are reversed

    Notes on a paper of Mess

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    These notes are a companion to the article "Lorentz spacetimes of constant curvature" by Geoffrey Mess, which was first written in 1990 but never published. Mess' paper will appear together with these notes in a forthcoming issue of Geometriae Dedicata.Comment: 26 page

    A glimpse into Thurston's work

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    We present an overview of some significant results of Thurston and their impact on mathematics. The final version of this paper will appear as Chapter 1 of the book "In the tradition of Thurston: Geometry and topology", edited by K. Ohshika and A. Papadopoulos (Springer, 2020)
