226 research outputs found

    Effet de l’engrais organique liquide «Dragon 1», sur le developpement de la tomate au sud et au centre-ouest de la Côte D’Ivoire

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    Une étude sur la fertilisation minérale et organique liquide, a été faite sur la tomate en petite saison de pluie au Sud et au Centre-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire sur deux années afin, d’améliorer le developpement de la tomate. Mais de manière spécifique, il a s’agit d’évaluer les effets de différentes doses de Dragon 1, associées ou non à l’engrais minéral sur, la hauteur des plantes, le diamètre des tiges, le taux de floraison, les dates  phénologiques (50 % floraison, la 1ère récolte et la fin de la récolte). Le dispositif expérimental était un Split-plot, avec 4 répétitions ayant pour facteur principal, l’engrais minéral et le facteur secondaire, l’engrais  organique à 4 doses (Lha-1) : C0 = 0 (témoin), C1 = 2,5 ; C2 = 3,75 et C3 = 5. Les résultats ont montré que le traitement T10 (300 Kgha-1  engrais minéral + 3,75 Lha-1 de Dragon 1), a mieux amélioré la  croissance en hauteur des plantes à la floraison et à la 1ère récolte.  Cependant, la dose 2 de Dragon 1 utilisée seule, a davantage accru le diamètre des tiges, le taux de floraison, stimulé la précocité de cette  floraison, de la récolte et favorisé une longue période de récolte.Mots clés : Tomate, fertilisation minérale, fertilisation organique liquide

    Economics of brucellosis

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    Determinants of intention to consume dibiterie meat towards the risks of non-communicable diseases in the Dakar region, Senegal

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    The general opinion and current scientific evidence highlight the link between red meat consumption and the development of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). We explored the determinants of the intention to consume red meat in relation to the risks of developing NCDs in Senegal with a special focus on popular "dibiterie" meat (braised meat) consumed in Dakar, Senegal. Building on the theory of planned behaviour as a theoretical framework, we used a structured questionnaire to collect data on the knowledge of consumers regarding the risk of NCDs from consuming meat. The survey involved 478 people randomly selected from households in the Dakar region. Data collected was analysed by performing the calculation of the dibiterie meat quantities consumed and frequencies of consumption, analyses of the principal components, binary logistic regression, and multiple hierarchical regression. Results show that dibiterie meat is mainly a dietary supplement for the population. The convenience, the social pressure, and quality indicators such as producer expertise and health perceived a link between meat consumption and NCDs; gender and age predicted the intention to consume dibiterie meat in the households of the Dakar region. This study provides a theoretical basis for the development of incentive-based interventions aiming to promote a balanced diet and healthy eating habits. Nutrition education and the use of social media have been raised as important in risky meat consumption behaviour change

    Impact of newly constructed primary healthcare centres on antenatal care attendance, facility delivery and all-cause mortality: quasi-experimental evidence from Taabo health and demographic surveillance system, CĂ´te d'Ivoire

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    OBJECTIVES: Access to quality care remains limited, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries. Although better health outcomes for families living in close proximity to healthcare facilities have been documented in cross-sectional studies, evidence on the extent to which additional health facilities can contribute to improved population health remains scanty. We aimed to estimate the causal impact of newly constructed primary healthcare facilities within a health and demographic surveillance (HDSS) site in Cote d'Ivoire. DESIGN: We conducted a quasi-experimental study. Logistic and Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to estimate the impact of new healthcare facilities on healthcare-seeking behaviour and all-cause mortality. SETTING: Data were collected prospectively through the Taabo HDSS located in south-central Cote d'Ivoire between 2010 and 2018. PARTICIPANTS: We analysed 2957 deaths across 440 973 person-year observations as well as 14 132 live births. PRIMARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcomes were antenatal care (ANC) attendance, facility delivery and mortality. Logistic and Cox proportional hazards models were employed to estimate the impact of the new health facilities on ANC attendance, facility delivery and child as well as adult mortality. RESULTS: Average distance to the nearest healthcare facility declined from 5.5 km before to 2.8 km after opening of four new healthcare facilities in targeted villages. No improvement was observed for ANC attendance, institutional deliveries and adult mortality. New facilities reduced the risk of post-neonatal infant mortality by 46% (HR 0.54, 95% CI 0.31 to 0.94, p<0.05), suggesting a mortality gradient of 2 deaths per 1000 for each additional km (Coef=0.002, 95% CI 0.000 to 0.004, p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that new facilities do not necessarily improve healthcare utilisation and health outcomes. Further research is needed to identify the best ways to ensure access to quality care in resource-constrained settings

    Coping with adversity: Resilience dynamics of livestock farmers in two agroecological zones of Ghana

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    Despite the increasing occurrence of adverse events including droughts and conflicts, livestock farmers in Ghana continue to raise animals to support their livelihoods and the national economy. We assessed the resilience of cattle farmers (CF) to adverse events they faced using a cross-sectional survey of 287 CF in two agroecological zones in Ghana. Resilience to adversities was assessed using the Resilience Scale (RS-14). Resilience scores and categories were computed and factors that explained variations in resilience categories assessed. The farmers kept, on average, 31 cattle per household, with a majority (91%) also growing crops. Key adverse events confronting them in both districts were animal disease outbreaks, pasture shortages, and theft, with 85% (240/287) losing, on average, seven cattle (15% of the herd size) over a one-year period. The mean resilience score was 71 (SD = 8) out of 98; 52% were highly resilient. Resilience was higher in the southern district (72 versus 70), albeit not statistically significant (p = 0.06). The resilience significantly improved with age, each unit increase in cattle in the herd, and having experience raising livestock (p < 0.001). The CF have relatively high resilience to adverse events affecting their productivity. The findings provide relevant information for implementing mitigation measures to improve production by reducing animal mortalities through high-quality veterinary services

    Effectiveness and cost of an incentive-based intervention on food safety and income in "dibiteries" in Dakar, Senegal

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    BACKGROUND: Rapid urbanisation in Sub-Saharan African cities such as Dakar, Senegal, leads to proliferation of informal braised meat restaurants known as "dibiteries". Dibiteries do not often comply with minimal hygiene and food safety standards. The primary objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness and cost of a good hygiene practice intervention, identify factors that incentivize hygiene improvement and how that impacts on dibiteries' income. METHODS: A randomized controlled trial was carried out in Dakar dibiteries. The 120 random samples of braised meat were collected in three phases: (i) one-month pre-intervention, (ii) 2 months post-intervention, (iii) 10 months post-intervention. The trial comprised four groups of 10 dibiteries each: (a) (control) received no intervention, (b) a standardized training module, (c) a hygiene kit, (d) a training module and hygiene kit. Laboratory analysis of samples determined the total aerobic mesophilic flora (TAMF), thermotolerant coliforms (TC) and Staphylococcus aureus (SA). A questionnaire-based survey and focus group discussion were used to identify pre-intervention hygiene practices, and socioeconomic determinants of hygiene management in dibiteries post-intervention, respectively. RESULTS: Samples were found to be contaminated with TAMF, TC and SA. In phase 1, 27 and 13% of the samples contained TC and SA, respectively. In phase 2, no significant improvement of contamination rates was seen. In phase 3, microbiological quality of samples was significantly improved, with only 11.5% showing contamination with any of the bacterial species analysed (p < 0.1). Compared to the control group, only samples from dibiteries in group (b) had significantly reduced bacterial load in phase 3. The cost of intervention and hygiene improvement was estimated at 67 FCFA (0.12)and41FCFA( 0.12) and 41 FCFA ( 0.07) / day respectively and did not significantly impact on dibiterie profitability. Incentives to sustainably implement good hygiene practices were mainly linked to access to secure long-term workspaces. CONCLUSION: This intervention may have worked, but globally the results are mixed and not quite significant. However, continuous training in good hygiene practice and access to secure and sustainable infrastructure for dibiterie restaurants are the incentives necessary to achieve sustainable investments and behavioural change. We recommend further intervention refinement and testing other factors for promoting the adoption of good hygiene practices in the dibiteries in relation to consumers health risk

    Vers un changement du calendrier cultural dans l’ecotone foret-savane de la Côte D’Ivoire

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    L’étude porte sur les pratiques agricoles paysannes de l’écotone forêt-savane de la Côte d’Ivoire sous l’effet des changements pluviométriques actuels. La caractérisation des changements agrométéorologiques entre 1937 et 2009, s’est appuyée sur les méthodes de Tyson et celle de Franquin. L’analyse des pratiques agricoles paysannes a été effectuée à partir des enquêtes de terrain, visites et observations des parcelles agricoles selon un échantillonnage non probabiliste portant sur 450  paysans de 9 villages. Les résultats ont révélé que dans le Centre de la Côte d’Ivoire (Dimbokro), le début de la grande saison des pluies a accuséun retard d’un mois tandis que la longueur de la petite saison des pluies a été réduite de deux décades. Face à ces changements, les stratégies d’adaptation paysannes sont : (i) la diversification des cultures pérennes de rente (cacaoyer, caféier, anacardier, palmier à huile et hévéa) et (ii) l’association de cultures vivrières annuelles. Concernant le calendrier agricole, l’étude a recommandé pour cette région : (i) deux périodes (Août et septembre) de nettoyage des cultures pérennes et (ii) le mois de mai pour les mises en place des cultures à tubercules et céréales au lieu du mois d’avril qui est de plus en plus déficitaire en termes de bilan hydrique.Mots clés : Calendrier agricole, changement pluviométrique, Côte d’Ivoire, écotone forêt-savane, stratégie paysanne. TOWARDSA CHANGE IN THE AGRICULTURAL CALENDAR IN THE ECOTONE FOREST-SAVANNA AREA OF COTE D’IVOIREThis paper examines the peasant farming practices in the forest-savanna ecotone of Côte d’Ivoire as influenced by the rainfall pattern change. The characterization of agrometeorological changes between 1937 and 2009 was made according to methods described by Tyson and that of Franquin. Peasant farming analysis was based on field surveys, visits and observations of agricultural parcels using a non-probability test sampling of 450 farmers from 9 villages. The results revealed that in the Centre of Côte d’Ivoire (Dimbokro), the beginning of the long rainy season  registered one month delay and the length of the short rainy season was reduced of 20 days. Faced with these changes, farmers’ adaptation  strategies were based on (i) the diversification of perennial cash crops  (cocoa, coffee, cashew, oil palm and rubber) and (ii) the mixed farmingcombining three food crops on the same plot. Regarding the agricultural calendar the study recommended for this region: (i) three field cleaning periods (August and December) for perennial crops and (ii) the month of May for tubers and cereals sowing instead of April, which is increasingly deficient in terms of water balance.Keywords : Agricultural calendar, rainfall pattern change, Côte d’Ivoire,  forest-savanna ecotone, adaptation strategies

    Nature des dommages causés par les piqûres alimentaires des punaises (Heteroptera) sur les boutons floraux et les capsules du cotonnier au Togo

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    En culture cotonnière au Togo, Les Hétéroptères constituent un facteur entomologique important par rapport à leur densité et les dommages qu’ils causent. Si leur rôle parasitaire peut sembler secondaire par rapport celui des Lépidoptères, il est cependant loin d’être négligeable. La  protection contre les Lépidoptères ayant atteint une efficacité valable, il apparait désormais que l’on doive compter avec les Hétéroptères pour l’amélioration de la lutte insecticide. Ainsi, dans le but d’améliorer les  rendements, il est nécessaire de connaître la nature des dommages causés par les Punaises. Pour y arriver, des boutons floraux et des  capsules du cotonnier ont été infestés par 4 espèces de Mirides  (Creontiades pallidus, Megacoelum apicale, Taylorilygus arboreus et  Helopeltis schoutedeni). Toutes les espèces de Mirides, à l’exception de H. schoutedeni ont piqué les boutons floraux pour se nourrir du contenu des étamines. Ces piqûres ont provoqué des nécroses sur les pétales et les étamines qui ont été totalement ou partiellement détruites. Ces  dommages ont développé sur les boutons floraux le phénomène   d’abscission. Par contre, sur les jeunes capsules infestées, les résultats ont montré que les dégâts causés par H. schoutedeni ont été externes et se sont  présentés sous forme de nécroses en cuvettes ou chancres. Les piqûres des autres espèces de Mirides sur les jeunes capsules, se sont traduites par un  écoulement résineux extérieur et une formation  d’excroissances sur la face interne des carpelles.Mots clés : Cotonnier, boutons floraux et capsules, Mirides, piqûres, dommages

    Diversité des denrées alimentaires traditionnelles conditionnées dans les emballages des feuilles de plantes en Côte d’Ivoire

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    Le présent travail a consisté à réaliser une enquête basée sur une méthode de ratissage systématique de 360 productrices et/ ou vendeuses d’aliments dans 12 principales localités de la Côte d’Ivoire. Les informations relatives au statut socio-démographique des femmes enquêtées et aux denrées alimentaires emballées dans les feuilles de plantes ont été collectées. Au total, 35 aliments emballés dans les feuilles de plantes ont été recensés et sont subdivisés en dérivés de maïs et de mil (15,22 %), de banane plantain (35,65 %), de niébé (7,4 %) et de manioc ou de taro (36,66 %). Ces aliments sont obtenus par divers procédés dont principalement la cuisson, la friture, le braisage, le fumage, le séchage (au soleil ou au four) ou la combinaison de deux de ces procédés. Le dockounou, l’attiékè et le bolo sont les aliments les plus préparés et vendus principalement dans les feuilles deThaumatococcus daniellii, de Musa paradisiaca ou de Musa acuminata, qui constituent les emballages végétaux les plus utilizes dans l’artisanat agro-alimentaire de la Côte d’Ivoire.Mots clés: Dockounou, Attiéké, Bolo, Côte d’Ivoire, Emballages végétaux, Feuilles de plantes Diversity of the traditional food packaged in plant leaves in Côte d’IvoireA survey based on a systematic combing of respondents was performed. A total of 360 traditional food processors were surveyed in 12 main localities of Côte d’Ivoire. Data related to the socio-demographic status of the respondents and the traditional foods in Côte d’Ivoire, specifically their local names, composition and the process have been collected. A total of 35 traditional foods packaged in plant leaves have been identified and were subdivided into four main groups : maize and milet based foods (15.22 %), plantain based products (35.65 %), cowpea based foods (7.4 %) and cassava and taro based products (36.66 %). These foods are obtained using t raditional culinary including cooking, steaming, frying, smoking, sun drying or the combination of two of these methods. The traditional foods such as dockounou, attiéké and bolo are mostly packed in plant leaves in Côte d’Ivoire, particularly in leaves of Thaumatococcus daniellii, Musa paradisiaca and Musa acuminata.Keywords: Dockounou, Attiéké, Bolo, Côte d’Ivoire, Vegetal packaging, plant leave

    Retinol Assessment Among Women and Children in Sahelian Mobile Pastoralists

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    Micronutrient deficiencies are widespread in developing countries, particularly in remote communities such as mobile pastoralists. The nutritional and vitamin A status of this population is not well-documented in Chad. This study assessed serum retinol levels among women and children under five-year-old in nomadic and semi-nomadic pastoralist and rural-settled communities, who are similarly exposed to risk factors such as gastrointestinal parasitic infection, anaemia and emaciation. The novel method of portable fluorometry was used for the first time to measure β-carotene and retinol levels in a pastoral nomadic area. Moderate level blood retinol deficiency (<0.7μmol/L) was observed in 5% (CI 1-11) of nomadic, 29% (CI 13-45) of semi-nomadic and 22% (CI 8-35) of sedentary women. In children, 1% (CI 0.1-4), 17% (CI 9-25) and 28% (CI 18-39), respectively, had moderate level blood retinol deficiency. In nomadic communities, women and children had blood retinol levels close to normal. Deficiency of retinol was strongly linked with lifestyle (nomadic, semi-nomadic and settled) among women and lifestyle and age among children. The results support an ecological linkage between human retinol levels and livestock milk retinol. This study shows the feasibility of portable retinol and β-carotene measurement in human blood as well as human and animal milk under remote field conditions, but the approach requires further validatio
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