879 research outputs found

    Master integrals for the two-loop light fermion contributions to ggHgg \to H and HγγH \to \gamma\gamma

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    We give the analytic expressions of the eight master integrals entering our previous computation of two-loop light fermion contributions to ggHgg \to H and HγγH \to \gamma\gamma. The results are expressed in terms of generalized harmonic polylogarithms with maximum weight four included.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Small Extracellular Vesicles from Human Amniotic Fluid Samples as Promising Theranostics

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    Since the first evidence that stem cells can provide pro-resolving effects via paracrine secretion of soluble factors, growing interest has been addressed to define the most ideal cell source for clinical translation. Leftover or clinical waste samples of human amniotic fluid obtained following prenatal screening, clinical intervention, or during scheduled caesarean section (C-section) delivery at term have been recently considered an appealing source of mesenchymal progenitors with peculiar regenerative capacity. Human amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFSC) have been demonstrated to support tissue recovery in several preclinical models of disease by exerting paracrine proliferative, anti-inflammatory and regenerative influence. Small extracellular vesicles (EVs) concentrated from the hAFSC secretome (the total soluble trophic factors secreted in the cell-conditioned medium, hAFSC-CM) recapitulate most of the beneficial cell effects. Independent studies in preclinical models of either adult disorders or severe diseases in newborns have suggested a regenerative role of hAFSC-EVs. EVs can be eventually concentrated from amniotic fluid (hAF) to offer useful prenatal information, as recently suggested. In this review, we focus on the most significant aspects of EVs obtained from either hAFSC and hAF and consider the current challenges for their clinical translation, including isolation, characterization and quantification methods

    QED vertex form factors at two loops

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    We present the closed analytic expression of the form factors of the two-loop QED vertex amplitude for on-shell electrons of finite mass mm and arbitrary momentum transfer S=Q2S=-Q^2. The calculation is carried out within the continuous DD-dimensional regularization scheme, with a single continuous parameter DD, the dimension of the space-time, which regularizes at the same time UltraViolet (UV) and InfraRed (IR) divergences. The results are expressed in terms of 1-dimensional harmonic polylogarithms of maximum weight 4.Comment: 53 pages, 3 figure

    Master Integrals for the 2-loop QCD virtual corrections to the Forward-Backward Asymmetry

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    We present the Master Integrals needed for the calculation of the two-loop QCD corrections to the forward-backward asymmetry of a quark-antiquark pair produced in electron-positron annihilation events. The abelian diagrams entering in the evaluation of the vector form factors were calculated in a previous paper. We consider here the non-abelian diagrams and the diagrams entering in the computation of the axial form factors, for arbitrary space-like momentum transfer Q^2 and finite heavy quark mass m. Both the UV and IR divergences are regularized in the continuous D-dimensional scheme. The Master Integrals are Laurent-expanded around D=4 and evaluated by the differential equation method; the coefficients of the expansions are expressed as 1-dimensional harmonic polylogarithms of maximum weight 4.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures, typos corrected, version accepted by Nucl. Phys.

    Second-order equation of state with the full Skyrme interaction: toward new effective interactions for beyond mean-field models

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    In a quantum Fermi system the energy per particle calculated at the second order beyond the mean-field approximation diverges if a zero-range interaction is employed. We have previously analyzed this problem in symmetric nuclear matter by using a simplified nuclear Skyrme interaction, and proposed a strategy to treat such a divergence. In the present work, we extend the same strategy to the case of the full nuclear Skyrme interaction. Moreover we show that, in spite of the strong divergence (\sim Λ5\Lambda^5, where Λ\Lambda is the momentum cutoff) related to the velocity-dependent terms of the interaction, the adopted cutoff regularization can be always simultaneously performed for both symmetric and nuclear matter with different neutron-to-proton ratio. This paves the way to applications to finite nuclei.Comment: 15 figure

    Vertex diagrams for the QED form factors at the 2-loop level

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    We carry out a systematic investigation of all the 2-loop integrals occurring in the electron vertex in QED in the continuous DD-dimensional regularization scheme, for on-shell electrons, momentum transfer t=Q2t=-Q^2 and finite squared electron mass me2=am_e^2=a. We identify all the Master Integrals (MI's) of the problem and write the differential equations in Q2Q^2 which they satisfy. The equations are expanded in powers of ϵ=(4D)/2\epsilon = (4-D)/2 and solved by the Euler's method of the variation of the constants. As a result, we obtain the coefficients of the Laurent expansion in ϵ\epsilon of the MI's up to zeroth order expressed in close analytic form in terms of Harmonic Polylogarithms.Comment: A few misprints have been corrected. The results are now available at http://pheno.physik.uni-freiburg.de/~bhabha, as FORM input file

    The Casimir energy of skyrmions in the 2+1-dimensional O(3)-model

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    One-loop quantum corrections to the classical vortices in 2+1 dimensional O(3)-models are evaluated. Skyrme and Zeeman potential terms are used to stabilize the size of topological solitons. Contributions from zero modes, bound-states and scattering phase-shifts are calculated for vortices with winding index n=1 and n=2. For both cases the S-matrix shows a pronounced series of resonances for magnon-vortex scattering in analogy to the well-established baryon resonances in hadron physics, while vortices with n>2 are already classically unstable against decay. The quantum corrections destabilize the classically bound n=2 configuration. Approximate independence of the results with respect to changes in the renormalization scale is demonstrated.Comment: 24 pages LaTeX, 14 figure

    Master integrals with 2 and 3 massive propagators for the 2-loop electroweak form factor - planar case

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    We compute the master integrals containing 2 and 3 massive propagators entering the planar amplitudes of the 2-loop electroweak form factor. The masses of the WW, ZZ and Higgs bosons are assumed to be degenerate. This work is a continuation of our previous evaluation of master integrals containing at most 1 massive propagator. The 1/\epsilon poles and the finite parts are computed exactly in terms of a {\it new} class of 1-dimensional harmonic polylogarithms of the variable x, with \epsilon=2-D/2 and D the pace-time dimension. Since thresholds and pseudothresholds in s=\pm 4m^2 do appear in addition to the old ones in s=0,\pm m^2, an extension of the basis function set involving complex constants and radicals is introduced, together with a set of recursion equations to reduce integrals with semi-integer powers. It is shown that the basic properties of the harmonic polylogarithms are maintained by the generalization. We derive small-momentum expansions |s| << m^2 of all the 6-denominator amplitudes. We also present large momentum expansions |s| >> m^2 of all the 6-denominator amplitudes which can be represented in terms of ordinary harmonic polylogarithms. Comparison with previous results in the literature is performed finding complete agreement.Comment: 68 pages, 7 figure

    An off-shell I.R. regularization strategy in the analysis of collinear divergences

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    We present a method for the analysis of singularities of Feynman amplitudes based on the Speer sector decomposition of the Schwinger parametric integrals combined with the Mellin-Barnes transform. The sector decomposition method is described in some details. We suggest the idea of applying the method to the analysis of collinear singularities in inclusive QCD cross sections in the mass-less limit regularizing the forward amplitudes by an off-shell choice of the initial particle momenta. It is shown how the suggested strategy works in the well known case of the one loop corrections to Deep Inelastic Scattering.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Next to Leading Order QCD Corrections to Polarized Λ\Lambda Production in DIS

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    We calculate next to leading order QCD corrections to semi-inclusive polarized deep inelastic scattering and e+ee^+e^- annihilation cross sections for processes where the polarization of the identified final-state hadron can also be determined. Using dimensional regularization and the HVBM prescription for the γ5\gamma_5 matrix, we compute corrections for different spin-dependent observables, both in the MS\overline{MS} and MSp\overline{MS_p} factorization schemes, and analyse their structure. In addition to the well known corrections to polarized parton distributions, we also present those for final-state polarized fracture functions and polarized fragmentation functions, in a consistent factorization scheme.Comment: final version with few corrections, to be published in Nuc. Phys.