1,290 research outputs found

    From the history of medicine in Nigeria

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    Nigeria is a large country with diverse cultures and traditions. About 250 linguistic groups, of which 3 are major groups comprise over 60% of the total population. Each group evolved its own micro-culture and micro-traditions. Traditional medicine and healing constituted part of micro-cultural evolution. Traditional healing and medical practices included herbalists, divine healers, midwives, bone-setters, mental health therapists and surgeons. In rural areas where 70% of population live people rely on traditional health care system because it available, accessible and affordable to them. The first record of modern medical services in Nigeria was during the various European expeditions in the early-to-mid 19th century

    From the history of medicine in Nigeria

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    Nigeria is a large country with diverse cultures and traditions. About 250 linguistic groups, of which 3 are major groups comprise over 60% of the total population. Each group evolved its own micro-culture and micro-traditions. Traditional medicine and healing constituted part of micro-cultural evolution. Traditional healing and medical practices included herbalists, divine healers, midwives, bone-setters, mental health therapists and surgeons. In rural areas where 70% of population live people rely on traditional health care system because it available, accessible and affordable to them. The first record of modern medical services in Nigeria was during the various European expeditions in the early-to-mid 19th century

    Benefits of Mental Illness Training Programs in the Church

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    The church consists of God’s people. It is the assembly of believers in Jesus Christ. The physical buildings facilitate the fellowship, worship, and ministry of God’s people. According to Matthew 10:8, one of the mandates given to the body of Christ is to heal the sick. Mental illness of any form is an illness that requires proper care and attention. And we know Jesus came to comfort us in all our afflictions which include mental illness; most churches do not address this topic due to stigma. There is often a greater shame regarding this illness within the church than outside, forgetting that the church is called to extend grace and mercy, not shame. Pastors need more assistance and preparation for dealing with mental-health crises. This study was based on fifteen teenagers’ anonymous mental health survey in Arise and Shine International Ministries. The survey provided an insight into what the teenagers were going through, unknowingly to the church. After which, a three-week training for three hours on mental health awareness took place with fifteen leaders via Zoom. This survey revealed that the church community would benefit from integrating mental illness training in the church. Based on these results, this research recommends incorporating faith-based mental health awareness lessons into church leadership training

    The use of technology to facilitate teaching and learning in studio-based spaces in the aftermath of COVID-19

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    Education technology has become increasingly important in South African higher education institutions. However, the efficacy of these technological innovations has not been unanimously acknowledged in the departments of Applied Design and Multimedia at CPUT. Lecturers and students have experienced difficulty in integrating education technology systems into all facets of studio-based learning. Aim: This study investigated the role of education technology tools in arts education and the extent, to which learning management systems (LMSs), such as Blackboard, are used in studio-based teaching and learning environments at CPUT. Methods: Owing to the exploratory nature of this study, the researcher adopted a qualitative approach in the form of a multiple case study as the study’s research design. Data analysis was used to analyse the data that was obtained from the interviews and relevant supporting documents. Results: The findings revealed that several lecturers were reluctant to make extensive use of education technology systems due to their perceptions of the primacy of traditional face-to-face teaching methods. Implications: The findings may provide vital information for education technologists, policy makers, and curriculum and instructional designers looking to benefit from education technology in the current fourth industrial revolution. Recommendation: The study recommends extensive use of education technology tools in discipline-specific settings, such as studio-based spaces, and close collaboration between lecturers and instructional designers when developing education technology systems for studio-based courses. The study also concluded that the e-learning system, used at the time of the study, needed to be optimally designed to meet the needs of studio-based disciplines. It is highly likely, that failure to do so would preclude the possibility of successfully integrating future technological innovations into studio-based teaching and learning environments in the post-COVID-19 era and a debilitating failure to prepare students to work in technologically advanced environments would be an inevitable consequence

    Fluctuating Open Heavy Flavour Energy Loss in a Strongly Coupled Plasma with Observables from RHIC and the LHC

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    We present predictions for the suppression (using the nuclear modification factor) of B-mesons using AdS/CFT techniques assuming a strongly coupled quark-gluon plasma (QGP). These energy loss predictions are presented for collision energies √ sNN = 2.76 TeV for central collisions and √ sNN = 5.5 TeV for various centrality classes. There are some uncertainties in terms of how we phenomenologicaly apply energy loss calculations computed in AdS/CFT. One uncertainty is related to how the diffusion coefficient behaves as a function of momentum in AdS/CFT. We make predictions for the two known limits, one where the diffusion coefficient depends on momentum and one where the diffusion coefficient is momentum independent. There also exists systematic theoretical uncertainties associated with the mapping of parameters in N = 4 SYM theory to QCD. We look at two reasonable sets of parameters to try and capture these uncertainties. We will also present results of the v2(pT ) for B-mesons describing the azimuthal anisotropy at √ sNN = 2.76 TeV for central collisions and √ sNN = 5.5 TeV for central, semi-central and peripheral collisions

    Ethical Lapses in the Nigerian Higher Education System: Obiora F. Ike’s Ethics of Education and the Nigerian Context

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    This study uses secondary data to examine Obiora’s education ethics vis-à-vis the higher education system in Nigeria. The discourse centered on government educational agencies such as the National Universities Commission (NUC); National Board for Technical Education (NBTE); National Commis-sion for Colleges of Education (NCCE) and Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) and their roles in the management of the educational system in Nigeria. The study further highlights the ethical lapses in the tertiary education system in Nigeria. The researcher suggests that, the government should encourage private ownership of tertiary institutions, while the government through its agencies supervises them

    Audience Perception and Preference of Motivational Determinants between Online and Television Advertisements

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    What motivates humans is a question that psychologists have deliberated upon for a long time now In consumer advertising motivation is describe as a process that leads to choices of products and services The primary psychological variables that propel human motivation are needs drives and goals While these variables are significant in understanding the topic under investigation the researcher is prompted to examine why consumers are motivated to consume online advertisement or television commercials and what influences their preference The researcher relied on the following research questions to guide the proper execution of this study i what are the motivational factors that influence consumers consumption of online advertisement and or television commercials ii which of these is the most preferred iii do media influence advertisement choices The study adopts an online survey method using Google Form software which allows online administration of data instrument sample size determination inquiry and representation of tools from the URL through email and social media platforms which make it easier to get responses and allows viewing analysis in real-tim

    Investigation of Varied Intensity Interval Sprint Training and Detraining Impact on Selected Speed Parameters

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    The objective of this study is to determine the effect of varied intensity interval sprint training and detraining impact on selected speed parameters. To achieve the purpose of the study 45 male students were selected and randomly assigned into three groups of 15 each. Group-I (n=15) underwent high intensity interval sprint training, group-II (n=15) underwent moderate intensity interval sprint training and group-III (n=15) acted as control. The duration of the training programme was 12 weeks with three sessions per week on alternative days. Speed, speed endurance and anaerobic power were assessed prior to and immediately after 12 weeks of training and also during the period of cessation of experimental treatment for 40 days at an interval of every 10 days, from high and moderate intensity interval sprint training groups and control group. The obtained data was analyzed statistically by analysis of covariance and 3 x 5 factorial ANOVA with repeated measures on last factor. Findings of the study revealed significant improvement on selected speed parameters whereas significant decrease during the detraining period

    Agenda Setting for Political Communication: A Study of One Man One Vote Political Campaign in Nigeria

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    General elections in Nigeria have always been characterized by violence and wide spread irregularities, such that the peoples vote does not count. Governor Adams Oshiomhole on assumption of office flagged off a campaign for the sanctity of the ballot box, through the ‘one man, one vote’ campaign. It is against this backdrop that this study examined media agenda in the context of one man, one vote. Using The Guardian and The Nigerian Observer newspapers from October 9 to December 31, 2010, as this period was the climax of political campaigns for the 2011 general elections. The study sampled 40% of the publications of the period and discovered from the findings that only The Nigerian observer played up the agenda on front pages while The Guardian did not.  In doing this, The Nigeria Observer used advertorial, editorial and feature stories to bring the campaign to front burner of public opinion.  The study recommends the use of other media to promote the culture of free and fair elections. Keywords: Agenda Setting, Political Communication, Political Campaign, Elections, Political Violenc

    COVID-19 and Human Security: Western Populism, Chinese Strong State and Africa2019;s Submissive Populace

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    The COVID-19 has been one pandemic that has greatly impacted the world and its economies since it was identified in 2019 This current research therefore sets out to investigate the COVID- 19 and Human Security in relation to western populism Chinese strong state and Africa s submissive populace The study was undertaken in the University of Cape Coast UCC which is a diverse community of both Africans and Euro-Asians Three categories of respondents are involved in this study namely Africans mainly Ghanaians Euro-Americans and Chinese Purposive sampling technique was used to interview respondents who are Chinese and Euro- American since they form a very small population and need to be specifically identified The study also adopted simple random sampling for the respondents who are African mainly Ghanaians in a survey research The study revealed that China s strong state in defeating the virus could be attributed to mandatory testing and quarantine for 14 days on arriving in China Again China was able to defeat the virus because of mobile hospitals and mandatory vaccination that the government implemented The Western world could not contain the spread and fatality rate of the virus because of their disregard to ensuring and following social distancing and other COVID-19 protocols and their insistence for their rights and freedom to engage in social life Africa on the other hand submitted to the virus and learnt from the devastating experiences of the West and implemented policies to contain and control the spread of the pandemic Policies such as strict enforcement of the adherence to the COVID-19 protocols and provision of quarantine and isolation centres for infected people account for Africa s submissive populace and her ability to contain the virus Recommendations have been made for policy implication and this includes governments could consider rolling out mobile hospitals to provide health care assistance to their citizens provision of free testing and vaccination and investment in research to develop and come up with vaccination and medication for the COVID-19 viru