44 research outputs found

    A randomised controlled trial to determine the effect on response of including a lottery incentive in health surveys [ISRCTN32203485]

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    BACKGROUND: Postal questionnaires are an economical and simple method of data collection for research purposes but are subject to non-response bias. Several studies have explored the effect of monetary and non-monetary incentives on response. Recent meta-analyses conclude that financial incentives are an effective way of increasing response rates. However, large surveys rarely have the resources to reward individual participants. Three previous papers report on the effectiveness of lottery incentives with contradictory results. This study aimed to determine the effect of including a lottery-style incentive on response rates to a postal health survey. METHODS: Randomised controlled trial. Setting: North and West Birmingham. 8,645 patients aged 18 or over randomly selected from registers of eight general practices (family physician practices). Intervention: Inclusion of a flyer and letter with a health questionnaire informing patients that returned questionnaires would be entered into a lottery-style draw for £100 of gift vouchers. Control: Health questionnaire accompanied only by standard letter of explanation. Main outcome measures: Response rate and completion rate to questionnaire. RESULTS: 5,209 individuals responded with identical rates in both groups (62.1%). Practice, patient age, sex and Townsend score (a postcode based deprivation measure) were identified as predictive of response, with higher response related to older age, being female and living in an area with a lower Townsend score (less deprived). CONCLUSION: This RCT, using a large community based sample, found that the offer of entry into a lottery style draw for £100 of High Street vouchers has no effect on response rates to a postal health questionnaire

    Reading Text Increases Binocular Disparity in Dyslexic Children

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    Children with developmental dyslexia show reading impairment compared to their peers, despite being matched on IQ, socio-economic background, and educational opportunities. The neurological and cognitive basis of dyslexia remains a highly debated topic. Proponents of the magnocellular theory, which postulates abnormalities in the M-stream of the visual pathway cause developmental dyslexia, claim that children with dyslexia have deficient binocular coordination, and this is the underlying cause of developmental dyslexia. We measured binocular coordination during reading and a non-linguistic scanning task in three participant groups: adults, typically developing children, and children with dyslexia. A significant increase in fixation disparity was observed for dyslexic children solely when reading. Our study casts serious doubts on the claims of the magnocellular theory. The exclusivity of increased fixation disparity in dyslexics during reading might be a result of the allocation of inadequate attentional and/or cognitive resources to the reading process, or suboptimal linguistic processing per se

    Vms1 and ANKZF1 peptidyl-tRNA hydrolases release nascent chains from stalled ribosomes

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    Ribosomal surveillance pathways scan for ribosomes that are transiently paused or terminally stalled owing to structural elements in mRNAs or nascent chain sequences. Some stalls in budding yeast are sensed by the GTPase Hbs1, which loads Dom34, a catalytically inactive member of the archaeo-eukaryotic release factor 1 superfamily. Hbs1–Dom34 and the ATPase Rli1 dissociate stalled ribosomes into 40S and 60S subunits. However, the 60S subunits retain the peptidyl-tRNA nascent chains, which recruit the ribosome quality control complex that consists of Rqc1–Rqc2–Ltn1–Cdc48–Ufd1–Npl4. Nascent chains ubiquitylated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase Ltn1 are extracted from the 60S subunit by the ATPase Cdc48–Ufd1–Npl4 and presented to the 26S proteasome for degradation. Failure to degrade the nascent chains leads to protein aggregation and proteotoxic stress in yeast and neurodegeneration in mice. Despite intensive investigations on the ribosome quality control pathway, it is not known how the tRNA is hydrolysed from the ubiquitylated nascent chain before its degradation. Here we show that the Cdc48 adaptor Vms1 is a peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase. Similar to classical eukaryotic release factor 1, Vms1 activity is dependent on a conserved catalytic glutamine. Evolutionary analysis indicates that yeast Vms1 is the founding member of a clade of eukaryotic release factor 1 homologues that we designate the Vms1-like release factor 1 clade

    SMG-1 and mTORC1 Act Antagonistically to Regulate Response to Injury and Growth in Planarians

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    Planarian flatworms are able to both regenerate their whole bodies and continuously adapt their size to nutrient status. Tight control of stem cell proliferation and differentiation during these processes is the key feature of planarian biology. Here we show that the planarian homolog of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase-related kinase (PIKK) family member SMG-1 and mTOR complex 1 components are required for this tight control. Loss of smg-1 results in a hyper-responsiveness to injury and growth and the formation of regenerative blastemas that remain undifferentiated and that lead to lethal ectopic outgrowths. Invasive stem cell hyper-proliferation, hyperplasia, hypertrophy, and differentiation defects are hallmarks of this uncontrolled growth. These data imply a previously unappreciated and novel physiological function for this PIKK family member. In contrast we found that planarian members of the mTOR complex 1, tor and raptor, are required for the initial response to injury and blastema formation. Double smg-1 RNAi experiments with tor or raptor show that abnormal growth requires mTOR signalling. We also found that the macrolide rapamycin, a natural compound inhibitor of mTORC1, is able to increase the survival rate of smg-1 RNAi animals by decreasing cell proliferation. Our findings support a model where Smg-1 acts as a novel regulator of both the response to injury and growth control mechanisms. Our data suggest the possibility that this may be by suppressing mTOR signalling. Characterisation of both the planarian mTORC1 signalling components and another PIKK family member as key regulators of regeneration and growth will influence future work on regeneration, growth control, and the development of anti-cancer therapies that target mTOR signalling

    The changing landscape of disaster volunteering: opportunities, responses and gaps in Australia

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    There is a growing expectation that volunteers will have a greater role in disaster management in the future compared to the past. This is driven largely by a growing focus on building resilience to disasters. At the same time, the wider landscape of volunteering is fundamentally changing in the twenty-first century. This paper considers implications of this changing landscape for the resilience agenda in disaster management, with a focus on Australia. It first reviews major forces and trends impacting on disaster volunteering, highlighting four key developments: the growth of more diverse and episodic volunteering styles, the impact of new communications technology, greater private sector involvement and growing government expectations of and intervention in the voluntary sector. It then examines opportunities in this changing landscape for the Australian emergency management sector across five key strategic areas and provides examples of Australian responses to these opportunities to date. The five areas of focus are: developing more flexible volunteering strategies, harnessing spontaneous volunteering, building capacity to engage digital (and digitally enabled) volunteers, tapping into the growth of employee and skills-based volunteering and co-producing community-based disaster risk reduction. Although there have been considerable steps taken in Australia in some of these areas, overall there is still a long way to go before the sector can take full advantage of emerging opportunities. The paper thus concludes by identifying important research and practice gaps in this area

    Play as a Trigger for Designing Significant Experiences

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    This paper is a continuation of the theme discussed in the paper “The meaning and the value as triggers for designing significant experiences” presented at the 3rd edition of this Conference in 2019. Having dealt with the fact that meaning and value are fundamental requirements to activate a symbolic relationship with objects, we have also concluded that these qualities come from both the level of commitment assumed by the person during the interactive communication process and the durability of the solutions proposed by the designer. Competing with the trivialization brought by the familiarity of the object – a useful strategy in a consumer society – lacks, however, an ability of the designer to propose durable solutions which can continuously feed the interest of the user. In this article we critically address the importance of playfulness as a trigger for designing significant experiences in graphic and product design initiatives, as well as the insignificance of this aspect when seeking an immediate or visceral impact. We present examples and perspectives put forward by such different personalities such as Kenya Hara, Naoto Fukasawa, Donald Norman, Pine and Gilmour, Huizinga and Roger Collois. We aim at contributing to a comprehensive and enveloped reflection of the ludicity, collaborative and affective dimension of Design as catalyst of the emotive value of the communication process

    Survey Data Analysis

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