21 research outputs found

    The transcriptional landscape of Arabidopsis thaliana pattern-triggered immunity

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    Plants tailor their metabolism to environmental conditions, in part through the recognition of a wide array of self and non-self molecules. In particular, the perception of microbial or plant-derived molecular patterns by cell-surface-localized pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) induces pattern-triggered immunity, which includes massive transcriptional reprogramming1. An increasing number of plant PRRs and corresponding ligands are known, but whether plants tune their immune outputs to patterns of different biological origins or of different biochemical natures remains mostly unclear. Here, we performed a detailed transcriptomic analysis in an early time series focused to study rapid-signalling transcriptional outputs induced by well-characterized patterns in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. This revealed that the transcriptional responses to diverse patterns (independent of their origin, biochemical nature or type of PRR) are remarkably congruent. Moreover, many of the genes most rapidly and commonly upregulated by patterns are also induced by abiotic stresses, suggesting that the early transcriptional response to patterns is part of the plant general stress response (GSR). As such, plant cells' response is in the first instance mostly to danger. Notably, the genetic impairment of the GSR reduces pattern-induced antibacterial immunity, confirming the biological relevance of this initial danger response. Importantly, the definition of a small subset of 'core immunity response' genes common and specific to pattern response revealed the function of previously uncharacterized GLUTAMATE RECEPTOR-LIKE (GLR) calcium-permeable channels in immunity. This study thus illustrates general and unique properties of early immune transcriptional reprogramming and uncovers important components of plant immunity

    Reconciling the stratigraphy and depositional history of the Lycian orogen-top basins, SW Anatolia

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    Terrestrial fossil records from the SWAnatolian basins are crucial both for regional correlations and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. By reassessing biostratigraphic constraints and incorporating new fossil data, we calibrated and reconstructed the late Neogene andQuaternary palaeoenvironments within a regional palaeogeographical framework. The culmination of the Taurides inSWAnatolia was followed by a regional crustal extension from the late Tortonian onwards that created a broad array of NE-trending orogen-top basins with synchronic associations of alluvial fan, fluvial and lacustrine deposits. The terrestrial basins are superimposed on the upper Burdigalian marine units with a c. 7 myr of hiatus that corresponds to a shift from regional shortening to extension. The initial infill of these basins is documented by a transition from marginal alluvial fans and axial fluvial systems into central shallow-perennial lakes coinciding with a climatic shift from warm/humid to arid conditions. The basal alluvial fan deposits abound in fossil macro-mammals of an early Turolian (MN11–12; late Tortonian) age. The Pliocene epoch in the region was punctuated by subhumid/humid conditions resulting in a rise of local base levels and expansion of lakes as evidenced by marsh-swamp deposits containing diverse fossilmammal assemblages indicating late Ruscinian (lateMN15; late Zanclean) ageWe are grateful for the support of the international bilateral project between The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) and The Russian Scientific Foundation (RFBR) with grant a number of 111Y192. M.C.A. is grateful to the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TUBA) for a GEBIP (Young Scientist Award) grant. T.K. and S.M. are grateful to the Ege University Scientific Research Center for the TTM/002/2016 and TTM/001/2016 projects. M.C.A., H.A., S.M. and M.B. have obtained Martin and Temmick Fellowships at Naturalis Biodiversity Center (Leiden). F.A.D. is supported by a Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Scientific Research Grant. T.A.N. is supported by an Alexander-von-Humboldt Scholarship. L.H.O. received support from TUBITAK under the 2221 program for visiting scientists