38 research outputs found

    Current status of automotive fuel cells for sustainable transport

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    Automotive proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) have finally reached a state of technological readiness where several major automotive companies are commercially leasing and selling fuel cell electric vehicles, including Toyota, Honda, and Hyundai. These now claim vehicle speed and acceleration, refueling time, driving range, and durability that rival conventional internal combustion engines and in most cases outperform battery electric vehicles. The residual challenges and areas of improvement which remain for PEMFCs are performance at high current density, durability, and cost. These are expected to be resolved over the coming decade while hydrogen infrastructure needs to become widely available. Here, we briefly discuss the status of automotive PEMFCs, misconceptions about the barriers that platinum usage creates, and the remaining hurdles for the technology to become broadly accepted and implemented

    Effect of clamping pressure on ohmic resistance and compression of gas diffusion layers for polymer electrolyte fuel cells

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    This paper describes the use of an in situ analytical technique based on simultaneous displacement and resistance measurement of gas diffusion layers (GDLs) used in polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs), when exposed to varying compaction pressure. In terms of the losses within fuel cells, the ohmic loss makes up a significant portion. Of this loss, the contact resistance between the GDL and the bipolar plate (BPP) is an important constituent. By analysing the change in thickness and ohmic resistance of GDLs under compression, important mechanical and electrical properties are obtained. Derived parameters such as the ‘displacement factor’ are used to characterise a representative range of commercial GDLs. Increasing compaction pressure leads to a non-linear decrease in resistance for all GDLs. For Toray paper, compaction becomes more irreversible with pressure with no elastic region observed. Different GDLs have different intrinsic resistance; however, all GDLs of the same class share a common compaction profile (change in resistance with pressure). Cyclic compression of Toray GDL leads to progressive improvement in resistance and reduction in thickness that stabilises after ∼10 cycles

    Water electrolysis: from textbook knowledge to the latest scientific strategies and industrial developments

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    International audienceReplacing fossil fuels with energy sources and carriers that are sustainable, environmentally benign, and affordable is amongst the most pressing challenges for future socio-economic development. To that goal, hydrogen is presumed to be the most promising energy carrier. Electrocatalytic water splitting, if driven by green electricity, would provide hydrogen with minimal CO2 footprint. The viability of water electrolysis still hinges on the availability of durable earth-abundant electrocatalyst materials and the overall process efficiency. This review spans from the fundamentals of electrocatalytically initiated water splitting to the very latest scientific findings from university and institutional research, also covering specifications and special features of the current industrial processes and those processes currently being tested in large-scale applications. Recently developed strategies are described for the optimisation and discovery of active and durable materials for electrodes that ever-increasingly harness first-principles calculations and machine learning. In addition, a technoeconomic analysis of water electrolysis is included that allows an assessment of the extent to which a large-scale implementation of water splitting can help to combat climate change. This review article is intended to cross-pollinate and strengthen efforts from fundamental understanding to technical implementation and to improve the ‘junctions’ between the field's physical chemists, materials scientists and engineers, as well as stimulate much-needed exchange among these groups on challenges encountered in the different domains

    Cancer Cells Expressing Toll-like Receptors and the Tumor Microenvironment

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    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play a crucial role in the innate immune response and the subsequent induction of adaptive immune responses against microbial infection or tissue injury. Recent findings show that functional TLRs are expressed not only on immune cells but also on cancer cells. TLRs play an active role in carcinogenesis and tumor progression during chronic inflammation that involves the tumor microenvironment. Damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) derived from injured normal epithelial cells and necrotic cancer cells appear to be present at significant levels in the tumor microenvironment, and their stimulation of specific TLRs can foster chronic inflammation. This review discusses how carcinogenesis, cancer progression, and site-specific metastasis are related to interactions between cancer cells, immune cells, and DAMPs through TLR activation in the tumor microenvironment

    Managing Relationship Decay Network, Gender, and Contextual Effects

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    Relationships are central to human life strategies and have crucial fitness consequences. Yet, at the same time, they incur significant maintenance costs that are rarely considered in either social psychological or evolutionary studies. Although many social psychological studies have explored their dynamics, these studies have typically focused on a small number of emotionally intense ties, whereas social networks in fact consist of a large number of ties that serve a variety of different functions. In this study, we examined how entire active personal networks changed over 18 months across a major life transition. Family relationships and friendships differed strikingly in this respect. The decline in friendship quality was mitigated by increased effort invested in the relationship, but with a striking gender difference: relationship decline was prevented most by increased contact frequency (talking together) for females but by doing more activities together in the case of males