344 research outputs found
Ultrastructure of the digestive system of Ramazzottius tribulosus and Macrobiotus richtersi (Eutardigrada) in relationship with diet
The ultrastructure of the digestive system of tardigrades was already described in some species, but it has never been studied in relationship to the diet. Therefore, utrastructural analyses of the midgut and hindgut of the phytophagous Ramazzottius tribulosus and the zoophagous Macrobiotus richtersi have been made. In addition, the foregut of R. tribulosus has been also analyzed. For this part new ultrastructural details have been evidenced. Among them, distinct transverse pillar-like structures, lacking in the electron-dense and compact cuticle of the buccal tube; a hole or groups of holes sometime present in the buccal tube; a large cavity within each salivary glands, where secreted mucus is accumulated; one valve made up by folds of the pharynx and located at the transition from pharynx to esophagus, already found in the zoophagous Isohypsibius prosostomus. In both analyzed species the increase of midgut surface is realized by two orders of folds of the gut wall and by microvilli. In R. tribulosus there are many first-order folds and few second-order fold, whereas in M. richtersi we found an opposite pattern. A perithrophic membrane and microvilli with a well developed glycocalix are found only in the midgut lumen of R. tribulosus. The density of microvilli and the ratio between the real surface with microvilli and the hypothetic surface without microvilli is lower in the zoophagous M. richtersi and I. prosostomus than in the phytophagous R. tribulosus. All these data represent an indirect indication of differences in digestion physiology between phytophagous and zoophagous tardigrade species. The shape of the hindgut is similar in both species and in particular the lumen of the hindgut looks as a heart-like cavity with some narrow cell evaginations
Funções de Base Radial de Suporte Global e Compacto na Aproximação de Superfícies"
Este estudo enfoca as aproximações numéricas através do uso de funções de base radial de suporte compacto (FBRSC). Essas funções têm sido aplicadas de modo crescente na aproximação em multivariáveis, representando potenciais pertinentes às mais diversas áreas da ciência e engenharia, tais como: meteorologia, topografia, sismologia, entre outras. Nestas áreas, comumente aplica-se a construção de um mapeamento superficial a partir de dados experimentais esparsos, na qual certas propriedades são coletadas para finalidades práticas. No entanto, frequentemente tais problemas atingem uma proporção de dados requeridos na ordem de milhões; por isso, procedimentos computacionalmente mais econômicos que reduzam o risco de mau condicionamento do problema e preservem sua exatidão devem ser implementados. Com esse propósito, uma das ações desenvolvidas neste campo consiste na utilização das FBRSCs. Assim, alicerçado na Teoria da Aproximação, este estudo tem por objetivo principal identificar e analisar as regiões do domínio de uma função teste, onde a função de interpolação e/ou de ajuste, hipoteticamente, apresentaria dificuldades de representar parte de uma superfície com determinada característica. Pois, encontrando-se essa região, seria possível eleger um critério para a redução de centros de uma função de base radial a partir do método dos quadrados mínimos. Por fim, o presente estudo está centrado na análise comparativa e interpretação do comportamento dessa classe de funções na representação satisfatória de campos bidimensionais, no que tange à precisão e ao custo computacional. Os resultados apontaram bom desempenho em relação à precisão, tanto em ajuste de curvas quanto em interpolação. Constata-se, também, que o uso de uma malha com pontos igualmente espaçados é a opção mais apropriada para uma aproximação mais precisa.
Palavras-chave: Teoria da aproximação; Interpolação; Mínimos quadrados; Funções de base radial
Levantamento pedológico semidetalhado (1:25.000) da microbacia da Água Três Unidos, Município de Vera Cruz (SP).
Este trabalho é um relato dos solos identificados no levantamento pedológico semidetalhado da microbacia da Água Três Unidos. Abrangendo aproximadamente 1.624 hectares, a microbacia situa-se no município de Vera Cruz, localizada a oeste do Estado de São Paulo, entre as coordenadas geográficas 22º13? e 22º17? de latitude sul e 49º49? e 49º52? de longitude oeste. Está inserida no compartimento geomorfológico do Planalto Ocidental Paulista e, geologicamente, é caracterizada pelos arenitos cretácicos do Grupo Bauru, Formações Marília e Adamantina. O relevo varia de plano, nos topos e planícies aluviais, a montanhoso e escarpado, nas escarpas areníticas, predominando os relevos suave ondulado sob domínio dos solos latossolizados e ondulado nas áreas de ocorrência dos Podzólicos abruptos. O tipo climático predominante é Cwa, segundo a classificação de Köppen, com temperatura média anual de 21,4 ºC e pluviosidade média anual próxima a 1.500 mm. A cultura do café está entre as de maior importância nos relevos plano e suave ondulado sob domínio dos solos latossolizados, enquanto as pastagens estendem-se em grandes áreas dominadas com os Podzólicos abruptos eutróficos e álicos. Foram identificadas e cartografadas 9 unidades de solos na microbacia da Água Três Unidos, as quais apresentam uma estreita relação com o relevo. Assim, duas toposseqüências são predominantes na região. A primeira, caracteriza-se pela presença dos Latossolos Vermelho-Amarelos ou Vermelho-Escuros álicos ou distróficos nos topos aplainados, transicionando-se para os Podzólicos abruptos e Podzólicos latossólicos com o aumento da declividade, nas posições de ombro e terço superior das vertentes. Enquanto os abruptos podem ser álicos, distróficos e, predominantemente eutróficos, os Podzólicos latossólicos são essencialmente álicos ou distróficos, de textura binária arenosa/média, mais friáveis e de menor gradiente textural em relação aos Podzólicos abruptos. Sucedendo aos solos com B textural na toposseqüência, são encontrados solos poucos desenvolvidos (Solos Litólicos, Regossolos e Podzólicos abruptos rasos) nas proximidades das escarpas areníticas em relevo, predominantemente, ondulado e forte ondulado. Abaixo da escarpa, os Podzólicos abruptos são dominantes, predominantemente eutróficos, de textura binária arenosa/média e com características semelhantes àqueles localizados a montante da mesma, enquanto nas planícies aluviais predominam os solos hidromórficos (Gleissolos) e os aluviais em menores proporções. A segunda toposseqüência difere da anterior pela predominância dos Podzólicos Vermelho-Amarelos latossólicos nos topos, geralmente, mais estreitos e declivosos em relação aos locais de ocorrência de Latossolos.bitstream/CNPS/11839/1/bp12002lvtomicrobacia.pd
An integrated study of the biodiversity within the Pseudechiniscus suillus-facettalis group (Heterotardigrada:Echiniscidae):Echiniscidae)
Pseudechiniscus is the second most species-rich genus in Heterotardigrada and in the family Echiniscidae. However, previous studies have pointed out polyphyly and heterogeneity in this taxon. The recent erection of the genus Acanthechiniscus was another step in making Pseudechiniscus monophyletic, but species identification is still problematic. The present investigation aims at clarifying biodiversity and taxonomy of Pseudechiniscus taxa, with a special focus on species pertaining to the so-called \u2018suillus\u2013facettalis group\u2019, by using an integrated approach of morphological and molecular investigations. The analysis of sequences from specimens sampled in Europe and Asia confirms the monophyly of the genus Pseudechiniscus. Inside the genus, two main evolutionary lineages are recognizable: the P. novaezeelandiae lineage and the P. suillus\u2013facettalis group lineage. Inside the P. suillus\u2013facettalis group, COI molecular data points out a very high variability between sampled localities, but in some cases also among specimens sampled in the same locality (up to 33.3% p-distance). The integrated approach to the study of Pseudechiniscus allows confirmation of its monophyly and highlights the relationships in the taxon, pointing to its global distribution
Morphological and molecular analyses on Richtersius (Eutardigrada) diversity reveal its new systematic position and lead to the establishment of a new genus and a new family within Macrobiotoidea
Important contributions have been made to the systematics of Eutardigrada in recent years, but these have also
revealed that several taxa are polyphyletic and that cryptic species are present. To shed light on the taxonomy
and systematic position of the genus Richtersius (Eutardigrada, Macrobiotoidea), six populations attributed to
Richtersius coronifer were collected and analysed from morphological (light and scanning electron microscopy)
and molecular (mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1, 18S, 28S) points of view. In particular, a new
morphometric index (claw common tract: length of the common tract of the claw/total claw length 9 100) and a
new morphological character (stalk system) were introduced. Our integrative study was able to unveil the
‘cryptic’ species diversity within Richtersius, showing that the genus contains more than one evolutionary
lineage. A morphological peculiarity in the animals of all lineages is the dimorphism in the morphology of the
cuticle. Cuticular pores are present in the newborns and are lost with the first moult; this morphological change
represents a novelty in the life cycle of eutardigrades. The phylogenetic analyses carried out on Richtersius
populations and other Macrobiotoidea show that Richtersius is closely related to Macrobiotus islandicus, whereas
Adorybiotus granulatus is more related to Richtersius and M. islandicus than to other members of the genus
Macrobiotus (type genus of Macrobiotidae); therefore, the genus Macrobiotus and the family Macrobiotidae are
not monophyletic. Based on these results, the new genus Diaforobiotus (for M. islandicus) and the new family
Richtersiidae (composed of Richtersius, Diaforobiotus gen. nov., and Adorybiotus) are established
Vitiligo: What’s old, what’s new
Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary disorder afflicting 0.5-2% of the world population for both sexes and all races with a capricious and unpredictable course. It has a complex etiology and varies in its manifestation, progression and response to treatment. Even if the precise aetiology and pathobiology of the disease are complex and still debated, recent evidence supports that vitiligo is a T CD8+ cell-mediated autoimmune disease triggered by oxidative stress. To date no clinical, biological and histological criteria allow us to establish the prognosis with certainty. The choice of the best therapy for adult and childhood vitiligo is based on various factors, such as the patient’s age, psychological condition and expectations, distribution and extension of skin lesions, type of vitiligo (stable or not) and availability and cost of therapeutic options. Since vitiligo has a deep psychological impact on patients and their quality of life, treating the disease is very important. As dermatologists, we have important goals in the treatment of vitiligo patients: stabilization of the disease progression, repigmentation of the lesions and especially the persistence of the aforementioned repigmentation. Although several medical and surgical therapeutic options have been proposed, no definite cure has yet been developed and the long-term persistence of repigmentation is unpredictable. We review the different therapeutic options with particular attention on the recurrence rate
Case Report:Leprosy Osteoarticular Alterations Mimicking Rheumatoid Arthritis
Deformities of bones of the face and extremities are markers of leprosy (Hansen’s disease) which contribute to stigma associated with this disease. Among these deformities are articular alterations that can mimic rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In this case, a 64-year-old man presented with a history of having been treated for lepromatous leprosy and erythema nodosum leprosum episodes, which evolved with joint alterations similar to those of RA. Most cases of leprosy-related arthritis are associated with reactional episodes, of which a large number do not respond to conventional therapy for leprosy reactions. In cases of chronic arthritis not associated with leprosy reactions, although patients show considerable relief with anti-leprosy therapy, arthritis is not completely resolved. This emphasizes the need for early diagnosis and treatment of leprosy to prevent the development of osteoarticular alterations
Phase equilibrium modelling of the amphibolite to granulite facies transition in metabasic rocks (Ivrea Zone, NW Italy)
The development of thermodynamic models for tonalitic melt and the updated clinopyroxene and amphibole models now allow the use of phase equilibrium modelling to estimate P–T conditions and melt production for anatectic mafic and intermediate rock types at high‐temperature conditions.
The Permian mid‐lower crustal section of the Ivrea Zone preserves a metamorphic field gradient from mid amphibolite facies to granulite facies, and thus records the onset of partial melting in metabasic rocks. Interlayered metabasic and metapelitic rocks allows the direct comparison of P–T estimates and partial melting between both rock types with the same metamorphic evolution. Pseudosections for metabasic compositions calculated in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2–O (NCKFMASHTO) system are presented and compared with those of metapelitic rocks calculated with consistent endmember data and a–x models. The results presented in this study show that P–T conditions obtained by phase equilibria modelling of both metabasic and metapelitic rocks give consistent results within uncertainties, allowing integration of results obtained for both rock types. In combination, the calculations for both metabasic and metapelitic rocks allows an updated and more precisely constrained metamorphic field gradient for Val Strona di Omegna to be defined. The new field gradient has a slightly lower dP/dT which is in better agreement with the onset of crustal thinning of the Adriatic margin during the Permian inferred in recent studies
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