28 research outputs found

    La ci猫ncia i els seus p煤blics. El cas de Vic durant el segle XIX

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    Antoni Mart铆 i Franqu猫s i el sexe de les plantes

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    El p貌lip de Trembley: L'"animal-planta" que va sacsejar la biologia del segle XVIII

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    Els experiments d鈥橝braham Trembley amb l鈥檋idra d鈥檃igua dol莽a no nom茅s van sorprendre els seus contemporanis per la seva espectacularitat, sin贸 que els seus resultats tamb茅 van causar un enorme trasbals en la comunitat cient铆fica del seu temps. Idees com la 芦cadena del ser禄, el mecanisme de generaci贸 dels 茅ssers vius o la mateixa naturalesa de l鈥櫭爊ima van ser fortament sacsejades

    Josep Pratdesaba i Portabella : un record en quarant猫 aniversari de la seva mort

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    Josep Pratdesaba i Portabella (Vic, 1870 -1967) is a paradigmatic example of the amateur astronomer, who without too many links with the academic world, is capable of developing an important scientific activity. From his own astronomical observatory, he made significant contributions to the study of the planets and the Moon. He was a disciplined weather observer, studying the weather singularity of his home region of Osona. He was also a writer of popular science, he was author of near 200 articles in newspapers and magazine

    Les visions del bosc a la Catalunya de la Il路lustraci贸

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    This paper deals with the debate about forest during the Enlightenment time in Catalonia. From several texts wrote by contemporary agronomists and botanists, the different conceptions of the forest in this period are analyze

    Agr貌noms i agronomia a la Catalunya de la Il路lustraci贸 (1766-1821)

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    Aquesta tesi estudia el moviment agron貌mic a Catalunya durant el per铆ode de la Il路lustraci贸. De l'estudi de les fonts consultades es posa de manifest l'exist猫ncia d'un discurs que tenia com a eixos la potenciaci贸 i la modernitzaci贸 de l'agricultura. A partir d'aquesta constataci贸, s'ha bastit una hip貌tesi de treball que pret茅n demostrar que el moviment agron貌mic catal脿 de la Il路lustraci贸, tot i posseir uns trets espec铆fics que el dotaven de personalitat pr貌pia, va seguir, tant des del punt de vista institucional, hum脿, com de propostes tecnol貌giques, les directrius del seu hom貌leg europeu.Esta tesis estudia el movimiento agron贸mico en Catalu帽a durante el periodo de la Ilustraci贸n. El estudio de las fuentes consultadas pone de manifiesto la existencia de un discurso que ten铆a como ejes la potenciaci贸n y la modernizaci贸n de la agricultura. A partir de esta constataci贸n se ha establecido una hip贸tesis de trabajo que pretende demostrar que el movimiento agron贸mico catal谩n de la Ilustraci贸n, a pesar de poseer unos rasgos espec铆ficos que lo dotaban de personalidad propia, sigui贸, tanto desde el punto de vista institucional y humano, como desde las propuestas tecnol贸gicas, las directrices de su hom贸logo europeo

    Linn茅 a les aules : el sistema sexual de les plantes a l'escola d'agricultura i bot脿nica de Barcelona

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    In this article educational activity of the School of Agriculture and Botany of Barcelona during 1815 to 1821 is explained. This work focus on The teaching of the system of classification of plants created by Carl Linn茅 and the role played by Joan Francesc Bah铆, first teacher of the School, in the introduction and consolidation of this system in the botanical teaching at that time. In this sense, in this work we study and analyze the didactic tools that Bah铆 used to teach the linnean theories in Barcelona: his translation into Spanish of the handbook of botany written by Josef Jacob Plenk, a clear linnean work and used as textbook in the School; and the conception of the botanical garden of the School, prepared specifically for teaching the sexual system of plant

    Naturalistes osonencs del segle XIX

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