12 research outputs found

    Algumas considerações sobre o tema da pontuação na escrita inicial

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    This article is inspired in my doctorate thesis, whose main subject is punctuation. The interest in the issue was born in the field of early writings: texts with no punctuation at all, or, on the other hand, mysteriously punctuated, with signs showing up in slots were they were not supposed to appear. How can we apprehend this irregular punctuation? How to explain such heterogeneous punctuation episodes through the perspective of normative constraints? Children’s written productions do not correspond to the adult’s regularity expectations. The adult is already “immersed” in the conventions of language use and when his literate logic is projected in the child’s text, a collision takes place: two distinct logics conflict and the expectations of correctness, organization, cohesion, etc. are frustrated. In the text presented below, we discuss the theme of punctuation in regard to the field of language acquisition. Despite being a subject commonly related to proficient writing, punctuation is a very fruitful source of questions concerning the child’s linguistic productions. As mentioned before, childrens’ early writings are characterized by non-predictable, somewhat bizarre occurences, that oblige the investigator to suspend his/her previous knowledge and certainties about language functioning. The strangeness provoked by non-systematic uses of punctuation – or even the absence of it – will be, then, the object of our considerations in this article

    Algumas ConsideraÇÕes Sobre O Tema Da PontuaÇÃo Na Escrita Inicial

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    This article is inspired in my doctorate thesis, whose main subject is punctuation. The interest in the issue was born in the field of early writings: texts with no punctuation at all, or, on the other hand, mysteriously punctuated, with signs showing up in slots were they were not supposed to appear. How can weapprehend this irregular punctuation? How to explain such heterogeneous punctuation episodes through the perspective of normative constraints? Children’s written productions do not correspond to the adult’s regularity expectations. The adult is already “immersed” in the conventions of language use and when his literate logic is projected in the child’s text, a collision takes place: two distinct logics conflict and the expectations ofcorrectness, organization, cohesion, etc. are frustrated.          In the text presented below, we discuss the theme of punctuation in regard to the field of language acquisition.Despite being a subject commonly related to proficient writing, punctuation is a very fruitful source of questions concerning the child’s linguistic productions. As mentioned before, childrens’ early writings are characterized by non-predictable, somewhat bizarre occurences, that oblige the investigator to suspend his/her previous knowledge and certainties about language functioning. The strangeness provoked by non-systematic uses of punctuation – or even the absence of it – will be, then, the object of our considerations in this article.471/


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    This article is inspired in my doctorate thesis, whose main subject is punctuation. The interest in the issue was born in the field of early writings: texts with no punctuation at all, or, on the other hand, mysteriously punctuated, with signs showing up in slots were they were not supposed to appear. How can weapprehend this irregular punctuation? How to explain such heterogeneous punctuation episodes through the perspective of normative constraints? Children’s written productions do not correspond to the adult’s regularity expectations. The adult is already “immersed” in the conventions of language use and when his literate logic is projected in the child’s text, a collision takes place: two distinct logics conflict and the expectations ofcorrectness, organization, cohesion, etc. are frustrated.          In the text presented below, we discuss the theme of punctuation in regard to the field of language acquisition.Despite being a subject commonly related to proficient writing, punctuation is a very fruitful source of questions concerning the child’s linguistic productions. As mentioned before, childrens’ early writings are characterized by non-predictable, somewhat bizarre occurences, that oblige the investigator to suspend his/her previous knowledge and certainties about language functioning. The strangeness provoked by non-systematic uses of punctuation – or even the absence of it – will be, then, the object of our considerations in this article

    Pontuando alguns intervalos da pontuação

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    Orientador : Maria Fausta Cajahyba Pereira de CastroTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Estudos da LinguagemResumo: O tema central da tese de Doutorado que desenvolvo a seguir é a pontuação. O assunto não é novo e a ele já se dedicaram diversos gramáticos, lingüistas, teóricos da literatura, enfim, estudiosos da linguagem escrita. Mas o fato de muitos já terem se debruçado sobre o tema não o torna menos instigante; pelo contrário, a pontuação tem um caráter multifacetado, que oferece elementos para a elaboração de questões proficuas para aqueles cujo objeto de estudo é o texto escrito. Nosso interesse pelo assunto surgiu no universo da escrita da criança: textos sem nenhuma pontuação, ou então, pontuados "misteriosamente", com sinais irrompendo em lugares da cadeia sintagmática onde não se esperava que eles aparecessem. Como apreender esta pontuação irregular e heterogênea? Como explicar episódios de pontuação tão heterogêneos sob a ótica normativa? A produção da criança não corresponde às expectativas de regularidade do adulto, já alfabetizado e imerso nas convenções de uso da escrita;há uma colisão entre o que ela escreve e a lógica que o adulto tão freqüentemente projeta em seu texto, algo que deixa à mostra um funcionamento lingüístico que não escapa à contingência e que promove rupturas nas expectativas de organização, clareza, correção, etc. Este descompasso nos inspirou a abordar o problema tentando desfazer as certezas que o saber normativo forjou e cristalizou em nossa concepção ocidental de pontuação. Para tanto, percorremos alguns dados históricos acerca da variação de usos e funções da pontuação ao longo dos séculos, assim como abrimos um parêntese cultural para falar de alguns sistemas de escrita não ocidentais, que não utilizam pontuação. A referência a essas escritas justifica-se sobretudo para questionar a tradicional idéia de pontuação como mecanismo facilitador da leitura. Se ela de fato promove uma facilitação, o que poderíamos dizer das escritas que não pontuam? Elas seriam então mais dificeis de ler ou não seria este um julgamento derivado de nossa visão como leitores ocidentais?Esta, dentre outras, é uma das questões que discutiremos em nossa reflexão. Outro passo importante na tentativa propositada de "desfocar" o olhar normativo que envolve o tema foi empreender uma incursão pelo terreno do estilo, onde os ditames da padronização inevitavelmente confrontam-secom o uso que o sujeito faz da língua.A questão do estilo, por sua vez, criou possibilidades de entrada em alguns aspectos da criação poética, lugar em que a pontuação assume um estatuto completamente diverso daquele exposto nos manuais gramaticais. Tanto a perspectiva histórico-cultural quanto a discussão sobre o estilo iluminaram, portanto, as questões que formulamos acerca da pontuação na escrita inicialAbstract: The research work presented in this doctorate thesis is based on the issue of punctuation. Although it has been a very discussed topic among those interested in the study of written language - mainly grammarian and linguists - punctuation is still an inspiring and instigating matter, given its multifaceted character. Our interest in the issue was born in the field of early writings: texts with no punctuation at all, or, on the other hand, mysteriously punctuated, with signs showing up in slots were they were not supposed to appear. How can we apprehend this irregular punctuation? How to explain such heterogeneous punctuation episodes through the perspective of normative constraints? Children's written productions do not correspond to the adult's regularity expectations. The adult is already "immersed" in the conventions oflanguage use and when his literate logic is projected in the child's text, a collision takes place: two distinct logics conflict and the expectations of correctness, organization, cohesion, etc. are fiustrated. This dissonance has inspired us to approach the matterattempting to "dissolve" certain truths that the normative knowledge has forged and crystallized in our occidental written culture. Todo so, we refer to some historical aspects of punctuation, conceming its variations of function and use throughout time, as well as we draw a cultural parenthesis to talk about some non occidental alphabetical writing systems that do not use punctuation. The reference to these writings is justified mainly to interrogate the role of punctuation as a means of reading aid. If it in fact promotes facilitation in the reading process, what could we say about those non-punctuated writings? Are they more complex to be read? And, if so, in what extent does it represent a problem to the reading procedure? Among others, this is one of the questions we intend to discuss in this thesis. Another important step in the attempt to set "out of focus" the norrnative regard conceming the issue wasto make an incursion into the field of style, where the conventions of language use inevitably conITontthemselves with the way the subject uses language. The matter of style created links to some aspects of poetic creation, in which punctuation assumes a completely different status from the one attributed to it the grammar manuals. Both the historical/cultural perspective and the discussion of style have shed lights in our approach to children writing and the mysterious punctuation that shows up in their written productionsDoutoradoPsicolinguisticaDoutor em Linguístic

    A mulher na sociedade de classes: um clássico dos estudos de gênero

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    AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: A data set of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest

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    The Amazon forest has the highest biodiversity on Earth. However, information on Amazonian vertebrate diversity is still deficient and scattered across the published, peer-reviewed, and gray literature and in unpublished raw data. Camera traps are an effective non-invasive method of surveying vertebrates, applicable to different scales of time and space. In this study, we organized and standardized camera trap records from different Amazon regions to compile the most extensive data set of inventories of mammal, bird, and reptile species ever assembled for the area. The complete data set comprises 154,123 records of 317 species (185 birds, 119 mammals, and 13 reptiles) gathered from surveys from the Amazonian portion of eight countries (Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela). The most frequently recorded species per taxa were: mammals: Cuniculus paca (11,907 records); birds: Pauxi tuberosa (3713 records); and reptiles: Tupinambis teguixin (716 records). The information detailed in this data paper opens up opportunities for new ecological studies at different spatial and temporal scales, allowing for a more accurate evaluation of the effects of habitat loss, fragmentation, climate change, and other human-mediated defaunation processes in one of the most important and threatened tropical environments in the world. The data set is not copyright restricted; please cite this data paper when using its data in publications and we also request that researchers and educators inform us of how they are using these data