1,272 research outputs found

    Fragmentation and immiserising specialisation : the case of the textile and clothing sector

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    With production activity tending rapidly towards international fragmentation, this study examines the consequences for labour countries of the forms of specialisation brought about by fragmentation processes. It further addresses the risk that fragmented sectors may become excluded from greater developments within the manufacturing industry as a whole. An empirical analysis using panel data reveals that, contrary to expectation, the textile and clothing sector in labour countries does not always reap the positive benefits of this form of international trade integration. Rather, we observe a phenomenon of immiserising specialisation, due to a drop in relative wages within this sector.offshoring ; outsourcing ; fragmentation ; immiserising specialisation ; relative wages ; textile and clothing sector

    Identifying values and beliefs in an outcomes-based curriculum

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    The introduction of Curriculum 2005 and the National Curriculum Statement emphasised the Outcomes-Based Education approach to school education. In an analysis of Curriculum 2005 and the National Curriculum Statement, value and belief systems are identified and integrated in most of the eight learning areas. The multicultural and multireligious character of the South African society holds important implications for education, as the different values that are inherent in each belief system have to be accommodated in societal structures. Research has indicated that most teachers have not played an active or successful role in teaching different values and beliefs in schools. Most of these teachers will now be responsible for the implementation of C2005 and the NCS and their associated values. There is therefore a need for teachers to be sensitised to the different values embedded in each belief system and all cultureal orientations. The prevalence of values and belief systems in the OBE curricula of C2005 and the NCS will have to be acknowledged, identified, and promoted. South African Journal of Education Vol.24(1) 2004: 25-3

    Práticas pedagógicas para a construção do conceito de número: o que dizem os documentos do arquivo Lucília Bechara Sanchez?

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    Disponível em: https://www.fe.unicamp.br/revistas/ged/zetetike/article/view/4358Este texto apresenta os resultados de pesquisa que investigou as práticas pedagógicas para o ensino do conceito de número. O trabalho situa-se no que é possível denominar “era cognitivista no ensino de matemática” (1960-1980). Levou-se em conta o Arquivo Lucília Bechara Sanchez – APLBS – como fonte de pesquisa, para dar resposta à seguinte questão: De que modo o Movimento da Matemática Moderna – MMM – concretizou propostas para o ensino do conceito de número nas séries iniciais

    Fragmentation and immiserising specialisation : the case of the textile and clothing sector

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    Working Paper GATE 2010-03With production activity tending rapidly towards international fragmentation, this study examines the consequences for labour countries of the forms of specialisation brought about by fragmentation processes. It further addresses the risk that fragmented sectors may become excluded from greater developments within the manufacturing industry as a whole. An empirical analysis using panel data reveals that, contrary to expectation, the textile and clothing sector in labour countries does not always reap the positive benefits of this form of international trade integration. Rather, we observe a phenomenon of immiserising specialisation, due to a drop in relative wages within this sector

    Behavior of a GPI-anchored protein in phospholipid monolayers at the air–water interface

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    AbstractThe interaction between alkaline phosphatase (AP), a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein (AP-GPI), and phospholipids was monitored using Langmuir isotherms and PM-IRRAS spectroscopy. AP-GPI was injected under C16 phospholipid monolayers with either a neutral polar head (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine monohydrate (DPPC)) or an anionic polar head (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine (DPPS)). The increase in molecular area due to the injection of protein depended on the surface pressure and the type of phospholipid. At all surface pressures, it was highest in the case of DPPS monolayers. The surface elasticity coefficient E, determined from the π–A diagrams, allowed to deduct that the AP-GPI–phospholipid mixtures presented a molecular arrangement less condensed than the corresponding pure phospholipid films. PM-IRRAS spectra suggested different protein–lipid interactions as a function of the nature of the lipids. AP-GPI modified the organization of the DPPS deuterated chains whereas AP-GPI affected only the polar group of DPPC at low surface pressure (8 mN/m). Different protein hydration layers between the DPPC and DPPS monolayers were suggested to explain these results. PM-IRRAS spectra of AP-GPI in the presence of lipids showed a shape similar to those collected for pure AP-GPI, indicating a similar orientation of AP-GPI in the presence or absence of phospholipids, where the active sites of the enzyme are turned outside of the membrane


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    Il est de tradition que notre revue donne un prolongement aux colloques que la SFER organise, en publiant sous forme d’articles, dans sa rubrique « Recherches », une sélection des communications après une procédure éditoriale spécifique. C'est le cas pour ce numéro avec le colloque sur le Syndicalisme agricole. Économie Ruralele fait d'autant plus volontiers que le thème du colloque renvoie à un domaine que la revue a peu couvert au cours des dernières années, alors que son étude demeure d'un..


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    Recherches Dans son numéro 272 (2002), Économie rurale publiait un article sur le concept Équivalent subvention à la production (ESP), portant sur le secteur laitier, en soulignant les limites théoriques et méthodologiques de cet indicateur et en suggérant des solutions qui le rendraient plus adéquat, par exemple lors des négociations à l’OMC. Par la suite, cet article a donné lieu, à un débat publié dans le numéro 276 (2003). Pour mémoire, rappelons que cet indicateur, calculé depuis 1986, ..
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