132 research outputs found

    Morphological Description of Frontal EEG Interictal and Ictal Discharges in an Adult Cohort of 175 Patients

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    EEG morphology; Electroencephalography; Frontal lobe seizuresMorfología EEG; Electroencefalografía; Convulsiones del lóbulo frontalMorfologia EEG; Electroencefalografia; Convulsions del lòbul frontalClinical and electroencephalogram (EEG) features in frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE) vary considerably among patients, making the diagnosis a challenge. The objective of this study was to describe interictal and ictal EEG activity, identifying variables that could help to differentiate and diagnose frontal lobe epilepsy cases. A prospective cross-sectional study from patients with frontal interictal epileptiform discharges (IED) referred to the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona, Spain) after a clinical event compatible with epileptic seizures was designed. The interictal and ictal activity were analyzed to provide a detailed EEG description of the cases, using different statistical analyses. The morphological seizure pattern at the ictal onset remained globally unchanged over time in seizures arising from the frontal lobe for each patient. Isolated sharp waves were the most frequent waveforms in the expression of IED. Frontal lobe seizures are frequently short and sometimes appear grouped in clusters within the same recording. Often the ictal expression of the electrical activity in frontal lobe seizure is subtle and challenging to interpret. A description of the main findings is summarized to identify seizures arising from the frontal lobe and avoid false negatives findings in EEG interpretations.This research received no external funding

    Abordaje integral de la maternidad y la paternidad temprana en el contexto escolar fase II : Elaboración de un cuerpo de indicadores /

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    347 p,El resultado del estudio corresponde a la validación de los indicadores e instrumentos con docentes, estudiantes, familias y directivas, previo a la etapa de pilotaje, por lo que las versiones definitivas se generan en 2018. Así mismo, las cifras presentadas en el documento, corresponden a metodologías particulares propias del estudio, por lo que pueden diferir de cifras oficiales. El presente documento técnico describe un cuerpo de indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos, formulados y validados con la comunidad educativa y los respectivos instrumentos por medio de los cuales se recolectara la información relacionada con la Maternidad y la Paternidad en los contextos escolares, que a su vez permita realizar la planeación, medición y evaluación de un programa socioeducativo de educación para la sexualidad y el levantamiento de una linea de base, enfocado en a búsqueda interinstitucional de la secretaría de Educación Distrital (SED) y el Instituto para la Investigación Educativa y el Desarrollo Pedagógico (IDEP) para plantear un programa integral de educación para la sexualidad de carácter distrital

    Analysis of volatile compounds in gluten-free bread crusts with an optimised and validated SPME-GC/QTOF methodology

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    The aroma of bread crust, as one of the first characteristics perceived, is essential for bread acceptance. However, gluten-free bread crusts exhibit weak aroma. A SPME-GC/QTOF methodology was optimised with PCA and RSM and validated for the quantification of 44 volatile compounds in bread crust, extracting 0.75 g of crust at 60°C for 51 min. LODs ranged between 3.60-1760 µgKg-1, all the R2 were higher than 0.99 and %RSD for precision and %Er for accuracy were lower than 9% and 12%, respectively. A commercial wheat bread crust was quantified, and furfural was the most abundant compound. Bread crusts of wheat starch and of japonica rice, basmati rice and teff flours were also quantified. Teff flour and wheat starch crusts were very suitable for improving gluten-free bread crust aroma, due to their similar content in 2-acetyl-1-pyrroline and 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-3(2H)-furanone compared to wheat flour crust and also for their high content in pyrazines

    Aves del departamento del Cauca - Colombia

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    The Cauca department with its biogeographic diversity is one of the most diverse departments in bird species of Colombia. Looking for quantify the richness reported to the date and look at their geographical distribution, we made a information compilation about bird records in the department of Cauca by reviewing publications and ornithological collections in several world museums. We obtained a list of 1,102 species, including 18 endemic spp., 96 north migratory spp. and 41 nationally endangered spp.. This check list is a suitable tool for bird study in Cauca and is a reference to understand different bird topics in southwestern Colombia

    Development of a liver graft assessment expert machine-learning system: when the artificial intelligence helps liver transplant surgeons

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    BackgroundThe complex process of liver graft assessment is one point for improvement in liver transplantation. The main objective of this study is to develop a tool that supports the surgeon who is responsible for liver donation in the decision-making process whether to accept a graft or not using the initial variables available to it.Material and methodLiver graft samples candidate for liver transplantation after donor brain death were studied. All of them were evaluated “in situ” for transplantation, and those discarded after the “in situ” evaluation were considered as no transplantable liver grafts, while those grafts transplanted after “in situ” evaluation were considered as transplantable liver grafts. First, a single-center, retrospective and cohort study identifying the risk factors associated with the no transplantable group was performed. Then, a prediction model decision support system based on machine learning, and using a tree ensemble boosting classifier that is capable of helping to decide whether to accept or decline a donor liver graft, was developed.ResultsA total of 350 liver grafts that were evaluated for liver transplantation were studied. Steatosis was the most frequent reason for classifying grafts as no transplantable, and the main risk factors identified in the univariant study were age, dyslipidemia, personal medical history, personal surgical history, bilirubinemia, and the result of previous liver ultrasound (p < 0.05). When studying the developed model, we observe that the best performance reordering in terms of accuracy corresponds to 76.29% with an area under the curve of 0.79. Furthermore, the model provides a classification together with a confidence index of reliability, for most cases in our data, with the probability of success in the prediction being above 0.85.ConclusionThe tool presented in this study obtains a high accuracy in predicting whether a liver graft will be transplanted or deemed non-transplantable based on the initial variables assigned to it. The inherent capacity for improvement in the system causes the rate of correct predictions to increase as new data are entered. Therefore, we believe it is a tool that can help optimize the graft pool for liver transplantation

    Efecto del bioestimulante Enerplant® en la aclimatización ex vitro de plantas propagadas in vitro de caña de azúcar cv. C97-445

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    Las plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) son susceptibles a los cambios ambientales en la fase de aclimatización lo cual afecta su crecimiento y desarrollo. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto del bioestimulante Enerplant® en el la supervivencia y el crecimiento de plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar cv. C97-445  en la aclimatización ex vitro. Se evaluaron tres disoluciones (0.6, 0.8 y 1.0 ml l-1) de Enerplant® y se comparó con el bioestimulante VIUSID Agro® 0.8 ml l-1. Se realizaron dos aplicaciones diarias, los primeros tres días y posteriormente una vez por semana. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en época de seca. Las variables evaluadas fueron la supervivencia a los 15 días y las morfo-fisiológicas a los 55 días después del trasplante. Se comprobó que la aplicación de Enerplant® incrementa la supervivencia de las plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar y mejora su crecimiento. El tratamiento con 0.8 ml l-1 de este bioestimulante tuvo el mayor efecto en el crecimiento de las plantas in vitro en condiciones de aclimatización ex vitro.Las plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp.) son susceptibles a los cambios ambientales en la fase de aclimatización lo cual afecta su crecimiento y desarrollo. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto del bioestimulante Enerplant® en la supervivencia y el crecimiento de plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar cv. C97-445 en la aclimatización ex vitro. Se evaluaron tres disoluciones (0.6, 0.8 y 1.0 ml l-1) de Enerplant® y se comparó con el bioestimulante VIUSID-Agro® 0.8 ml l-1. Se realizaron dos aplicaciones diarias, los primeros tres días y posteriormente una vez por semana. Los experimentos se llevaron a cabo en época de seca. Las variables evaluadas fueron la supervivencia a los 15 días y las morfofisiológicas a los 55 días después del trasplante. Se comprobó que la aplicación de Enerplant® incrementa la supervivencia de las plantas in vitro de caña de azúcar y mejora su crecimiento. El tratamiento con 0.8 ml l-1 de este bioestimulante tuvo el mayor efecto en el crecimiento de las plantas in vitro en condiciones de aclimatización ex vitro

    Effect of Enerplant® biostimulant on ex vitro acclimatization of in vitro propagated sugarcane plants cv. C97-4450

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    In vitro sugarcane plants (Saccharum spp.) are susceptible to environmental changes in theacclimatization phase, which affects their growth and development. The objective of thiswork was to evaluate the effect of the biostimulant Enerplant® on the survival and growth ofin vitro plants of sugarcane cv. C97-445 inex vitro acclimatization. Three solutions (0.6, 0.8and 1.0 ml l-1) of Enerplant® were evaluated and compared with the biostimulant VIUSID Agro®0.8 ml l-1. Two daily applications were made, the first three days after transplant and thenonce a week. The experiments were carried out in the dry season. The variables evaluatedwere survival at 15 days and morphophysiological at 55 days after transplantation. It wasverified that the application of Enerplant® increases the survival of sugarcanein vitroplantsand improves their growth. Treatment with 0.8 ml l-1 of this biostimulant had the greatest effect onin vitroplant growth underex vitro acclimatization conditions

    Valoración y evaluación de la adopción e impactos económicos, sociales y ambientales del manejo de los suelos en el sistema de producción de algodón, y sus cultivos de rotación en el Valle Cálido del Alto Magdalena

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    El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar y valorar la adopción e impacto económico, social y ambiental de las tecnologías generadas para el manejo de los suelos en el sistema de producción de algodón en el Valle Cálido del Alto Magdalena. Se identificaron las principales tecnologías en manejo de suelos, las cuales se dividen principalmente en la labranza convencional, mínima, cero y vertical. Se encontraron unas tasas de adopción de 80.5% en la labranza convencional, seguido por la labranza mínima, con una participación del 13%, la labranza cero con un 3,6%, y finalmente la labranza vertical con un 2,9% de adopción. Adicionalmente se identificaron algunos elementos endógenos y exógenos que dinamizan o inhiben el proceso de adopción, como la disponibilidad de maquinaria, la tenencia de la tierra, incidencia de malezas, menores costos en la preparación del suelo entre otros factores. Otro elemento a evaluar fue el medio de información más efectivo de difusión de las tecnologías en labranza de suelos, el cual resulta ser la trasmisión del conocimiento a través de la familia y la técnica más efectiva es la demostración de métodos (55,1%). Las tasas de adopción se atribuyen principalmente a la aversión al riesgo por parte de los agricultores por cuanto creen que los métodos diferentes a los convencionales facilitan la proliferación de malezas trayendo consigo bajas en los rendimientos y por otro lado la ineficacia de los métodos de difusión.Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, Bogotá (Colombia)Algodón-Gossypium herbaceu

    Electroconvulsive Therapy in Super Refractory Status Epilepticus: Case Series with a Defined Protocol

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    Super-refractory status epilepticus (SRSE) represents a neurological emergency that is characterized by a lack of response to the third line of antiepileptic treatment, including intravenous general anesthetics. It is a medical challenge with high morbidity and mortality. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been recommended as a nonpharmacologic option of treatment after other alternatives are unsuccessful. Its effect on the cessation of SRSE has been minimally investigated. The objective of this article is to analyze the effect of ECT on SRSE. For this purpose, a multidisciplinary team created a protocol based on clinical guidelines similar to those described previously by Ray et al. (2017). ECT was applied to six patients with SRSE after the failure of antiepileptic treatment and pharmacologic coma.The objective of each ECT session was to elicit a motor seizure for at least 20 s. SRSE was resolved in all patients after several days of treatment, including ECT as a therapy, without relevant adverse effects. Thus, ECT is an effective and feasible option in the treatment of SRSE, and its place in the algorithm in treatment should be studied due to the uncommon adverse effects and the noninvasive character of the therapy

    Outcomes and prognostic factors of adults with refractory or relapsed T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia included in measurable residual disease-oriented trials

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    Despite high complete remission (CR) rates with frontline therapy, relapses are frequent in adults with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) with limited salvage options. We analyzed the outcomes and prognostic factors for CR to salvage therapy and overall survival (OS) of patients with R/R T-ALL included in two prospective measurable residual disease-oriented trials. Seventy-five patients (70 relapsed, 5 refractory) were identified. Relapses occurred in bone marrow, isolated or combined in 50 patients, and in the central nervous system (CNS; isolated or combined) in 20. Second CR was attained in 30/75 patients (40%). Treatment with FLAG-Ida and isolated CNS relapse were independently associated with a higher CR rate after first salvage therapy. The median OS was 6.2 (95% confidence interval [CI], 3.9–8.6) months, with a 4-year OS probability of 18% (95% CI, 9%–27%). No differences in survival were observed according to the treatment with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients in CR after first salvage therapy. Multivariable analysis showed a ≥12-month interval between first CR and relapse, CR after first salvage therapy and isolated CNS relapse as favorable prognostic factors for OS with hazard ratios (HR) (95% CI) of 1.931 (1.109–3.362), 2.958 (1.640–5.334), and 2.976 (1.157–7.655), respectively. This study confirms the poor outcomes of adults with R/R T-ALL among whom FLAG-Ida was the best of the rescue therapies evaluated. Late relapse, CR after first rescue therapy and isolated CNS relapse showed prognostic impact on survival. More effective rescue therapies are needed in adults with R/R T-ALL.La Caixa" Foundation and ISCIII, Grant/ Award Number: PI19/01828; Generalitat de Catalunya (GRC), Grant/Award Number: 2017 SGR28