1,524 research outputs found

    Socialism in One Country: A Study of Pragmatism and Ideology in the Soviet 1920s

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    The period which existed between the establishment of the Bolshevik-led Republic in 1917 and Stalin's assumption of complete power in the late 1920s has been a focus of historical interest for decades. In this time the Soviet narrative began and what was once the Bolshevik dream would become twisted by events, bureaucracy, and personalities. The task of applying Marxian socialism to the Russia of 1917 would involve a colossal undertaking. Russia was a vast nation which contained a largely peasant population and, by contrast, a small and underdeveloped working class. The belief that Russia could be the first to try to build socialism, a path more befitting the industrialised west, inexorably led to a great many difficulties

    Reactivities of organic poly-halogen compounds

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    Two recent investigations have shown that an x-chlorine substituent increases S(_N)1 reactivity, but analysis of the trends in E(_A) and (_Δ)S* values in each case, shows that serious discrepancies exist between them. In view of this it was considered that the role of an x-chlorine substituent was still uncertain and it was decided to look into the matter further. Towards this end, the solvolyses of benzyl chloride, benzal chloride, benzotrichloride, diphenylmethyl chloride and diphenylmethylene chloride have been examined in various solvents, over as wide a range of temperatures as possible, consistent with accurate results, it being considered that the mechanism of solvolysis was S(_N)1 in all cases, with the possible exception of benzyl chloride. Analysis of the E(_A) and ΔS* values for the solvolyses of these compounds shows, in the first place, that the sol volysis of benzyl chloride is not straight forward S(_N)1. Its mechanism of solvolysis is discussed in chapter VII where it is concluded that it proceeds by a single, predominantly S(_N)2 mechanism. Further analysis of the E(_A) and ΔS* values (and in some cases AC*(_p) values) of the other compounds, in chapter VI, indicates that the primary role of an x-chlorine substituent in S(_N)1 reactions is electron release, although, as a second order effect it appears to cause an increase in the extent of solvation of the transition state. The disturbing effects in the hydrolysis of diphenyl methylene chloride in aqueous acetone are analysed in part II where it is shown that they can be quantitatively explained, over a wide range of experimental conditions, on the basis of the mass law and ionic strength effects, proposed by Hughes and Ingold, in S(_N)1 reactions. The exceptionally large mass law effect for diphenyl methylene chloride is ascribed to powerful electron release by the x-chlorine atom, so confirming the conclusions reached in part I

    Malignant Hyperthermia

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    Malignant Hyperthermia Christina Bensley Department of Nursing, Otterbein University NURS 6810: Advanced Pathophysiology for the Advanced Practice Nurse Dr. Batross and Dr. Bhatnagar August 5th, 2022 Abstract Malignant Hyperthermia (MH) is a rare genetic mutation of the skeletal muscle that induces a hypermetabolic response when patients are exposed to volatile inhaled anesthetics or depolarizing neuromuscular blockers (Weant & Gregory, 2021). The first case of MH was identified in 1960, with an estimated mortality rate of 70-80% without appropriate treatment (Hopkins et al., 2021). Perioperative care providers must be able to identify triggering agents, recognize presenting signs and symptoms, and know how to manage the state to prevent life-threatening complications (Kleidon, 2020). MH is a rare and complex state that requires adequate training and education to achieve the best possible outcome for the patient. MH results in rapidly increasing body temperature that requires immediate interventions to prevent permanent injury or death. Early recognition and proactive planning are vital in the successful management of a patient experiencing clinical symptoms of MH. Therefore, the healthcare provider must have a complete comprehension of this pharmacogenetic disorder to ensure that the safest, most effective care is provided to the patient. References Hopkins, P. M., Girard, T., Dalay, S., Jenkins, B., Thacker, A., Patteril, M., & McGrady, E. (2021). Malignant hyperthermia 2020: Guideline from the Association of Anaesthetists. Anaesthesia, 76(5), 655–664. https://doi.org/10.1111/anae.15317 Kleidon, C. (2020). Malignant hyperthermia in a regional facility: A case study. Journal of Perioperative Nursing, 33(1), 33–37. https://doi.org/10.26550/2209-1092.1076 Weant, K. A., & Gregory, H. (2021). Pathophysiology and Treatment of Malignant Hyperthermia. Advanced Emergency Nursing Journal, 43(2), 102–110. https://doi.org/10.1097/TME.000000000000034

    The Role of Religion in the Civil War

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    Antebellum America was shaped by the Second Great Awakening, a series of religious revivals that swept across all regions of the United States and affected the lives of all Americans. The evangelical preachers who led the revivals emphasized the need to improve society to prepare for the Millennium, or second coming of Christ. The desire for reform led to calls by many northerners for the abolition of slavery. The abolitionists argued that slavery went against the teachings in the Bible. Supporters of slavery countered this attack by pointing out specific passages in the Bible that seemed to prop up slavery. These arguments led to sectional schisms in the Presbyterian, Methodist and Baptist churches. The breakup of these churches foreshadowed the Civil War. Once the war broke out, religion was used by the soldiers and their leaders to sustain their will to fight. Religion played a significant role in the coming of, and the fighting in, the Civil War

    Flash Pyrolysis-Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry of Lower Kittanning Vitrinites: Changes in the Distributions of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons as a Function of Coal Rank

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    Chemical analyses restricted to a single coal maceral permit a focus on rank effects without concern for variations in organic matter type. Vitrinite concentrates of high purity were isolated from coal samples of the Lower Kittanning seam by multi-step density gradient centrifugation, with reflectances ranging from 0.66 to 1.39% Rmax. In addition to the previously recognized losses of phenolic compounds, the vitrinite pyrolyzates exhibit marked increases in relative concentrations of tri- and tetraaromatic hydrocarbons (especially benzo[a]fluorene, methyl-phenanthrenes, methylfluorenes and methylchrysenes) above 0.9% Rmax, i.e., beyond the second coalification jump of TeichmĂŒller. Thus, petrographically-recognizable physical transformations are shown to correspond to a major chemical restructuring of the vitrinite. Increases in rank also correspond to systematic variations in the distributions of the isomers of various polyaromatic compounds in the flash pyrolyzates, which can be exploited in the creation of indicators covering a wide range of thermal maturation

    Artificial Maturation of Alginite and Organic Groundmass Separated from Torbanites

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    The two principal organic constituents — Botryococcus-related alginite and organic groundmass — were isolated by density separation from two torbanite samples (from the Stellarton Fm., Nova Scotia, Canada and the King Cannel, Utah, USA). The groundmass consisted of degraded algal, bacterial and terrestrial plant debris. Aliquots of alginite and groundmass were separately heated in gold tubes for 24 hr. with 70 MPa confining pressure, at fixed temperatures ranging between 250 and 375°C. The 250, 300 and 325°C experiments run on the alginite produced very low yields of CHCl3-extractable organic matter (EOM), indicating that very little of the generation potential had been tapped. The alginite reached the onset of generation at 350° and peaked at 375°. The groundmass exhibited a distinctly different response to heating. Its 300, 325 and 350°C experiments showed a progressive increase in EOM yield with increasing temperature, producing more EOM than the corresponding alginite runs, in spite of the lower initial generation potential of the groundmass. However, EOM yields were lower at 375°C, indicating that its peak generation had occurred at 350°. After heating, the CHCl3-extracted residues were analyzed by Rock Eval and flash pyrolysis-GC/MS to determine the remaining petroleum potential and monitor the alterations in the macromolecular structure. In nature, petroleum generated from a torbanite would be a mixture of the liquids generated by each of its components, in a blend that would change as thermal alteration progressed, as the various constituents each reached their peak of generation. Such a multi-component model of torbanite composition can serve to improve predictions of oil generation from torbanites and related source rocks in sedimentary basins

    Associations between aspects of body image and lifestyle behaviours and attitudes in Otago adolescents

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    Background: Little is known about how New Zealand adolescents feel about their eating and bodies and how it is associated with body composition. Objective: To determine the association between food, feelings, behaviours and body image and (a) body composition and (b) other related factors in Otago adolescents. Design: Six hundred and eighty one adolescents between the ages of 15-18 years completed the Otago Students Secondary School Lifestyle Survey 2 (OSSLS2) in 2011. Height and weight were measured by trained research professionals. For this study we examined four subscales from the Food, Feelings, Behaviours and Body Image Questionaire (FFBBQ): concern about eating and weight; fear of weight gain; dietary restraint; and figure dissatisfaction. Associations between the four subscales and body composition, gender, physical activity, attitudes towards healthy eating and Diet Quality Index (DQI) scores were investigated using regression models. Results: There were significant differences in scores for concern about eating and weight, fear of weight gain, dietary restraint and figure dissatisfaction for males and females, and those at different weight status. Overweight and obese adolescents and female adolescents had significantly higher scores for all four subscales (all P>0.001) compared to normal weight adolescents and male adolescents, respectively. Overweight, obese adolescents and female adolescents were more concerned about their weight, practiced more dietary restraint, were more afraid of weight gain and were more dissatisfied with their figure. While 54% of female adolescents felt their body was “too fat”, only 28% of the females surveyed were classified as overweight or obese. While 26% of the males surveyed were overweight or obese, only 22% of males felt their body was “too fat”. Those who were meeting the physical activity guidelines had significantly lower figure dissatisfaction and concern about eating and weight scores. There were no statistically significant findings between any of the subscales and DQI score or attitudes towards healthy eating. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of body dissatisfaction among Otago adolescents, which was more common in girls than boys, and not restricted to those carrying excess weight. Those who met the guidelines for physical activity reported lower figure dissatisfaction and less concern about eating and weight, compared to those not meeting the guidelines

    History Behind The Hashtag: The Historical Roots of the Black Lives Matter Movement

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    It began as a hashtag. Generated by the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the killing of Trayvon Martin in July of 2013, the Black Lives Matter movement emerged as an online response to claims of police brutality and racial discrimination. By August, 2014, the movement had transferred from the screen to the streets as demonstrators filled Ferguson, Missouri to protest the killing of Michael Brown. Subsequent reports of racial profiling and police killings only added fuel to the movement’s fire and its message quickly captured national attention. The apparent spontaneity in which the Black Lives Matter movement developed is belied, however, by the long history of racial injustice in the United States and the protest movements that have sought to respond to oppression. In an effort to understand this centuries-old story, this team examined the historical roots of the Black Lives Matter movement in the areas of politics and law, culture, organized responses, and violence. Specifically, this project sought to explore the Black Lives Matter movement within the context of the Brown v. Board court decision, the media, the women’s sit-in movement, and the 1967 Buffalo riots
