2,754 research outputs found

    Udder diseases in beef cattle

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    Titelblatt, Inhaltsverzeichnis, Danksagung, Lebenslauf 1\. Einleitung und Aufgabenstellung 2\. Literaturübersicht 3\. Eigene Untersuchungen Teil 1 3\. Eigene Untersuchungen Teil 2 4\. Diskussion 5\. Schlußfolgerungen 6\. Zusammenfassung 8\. Abkürzungsverzeichnis 9\. Anhang LiteraturverzeichnisIm Literaturteil der Arbeit wird neben einer kurzen Darstellung der Anforderungen und Rahmenbedingungen für die Mutterkuhhaltung ein Überblick über Gesundheitsstörungen in der Mutterkuhhaltung gegeben. Ein größerer Abschnitt befasst sich mit Erkrankungen des Euters, insbesondere mit Einteilung und Definition, Vorkommen und Häufigkeit, Ursachen, Diagnostik, Folgen und Bekämpfung, ein weiterer mit der Kuh- Kalb- Beziehung und dem Saugverhalten. Ziel der eigenen Untersuchung war es, den Umfang, die Ursachen und Prädispositionen, die typischen Erscheinungen sowie die Auswirkungen von Eutergesundheitsstörungen bei in der Milchkuhhaltung vorgenutzten Mutterkühen der Rassen Schwarzbunte und Fleckvieh zu ermitteln. Dazu wurden in zwei Untersuchungsjahren bei den in die Untersuchung einbezogenen Tieren (Jahr 1 99 Tiere, Jahr 2 108 Tiere) jeweils 4 mal zu festgelegten Zeitpunkten eine Euteruntersuchung durchgeführt. Ein Teil der Tiere (n=53) konnte in beiden Jahren in die Untersuchung mit einbezogen werden (Verlaufsuntersuchung). Darüber hinaus erfolgten Beobachtungen des Saugverhaltens der Kälber. In einer Sonderuntersuchung wurde nach Zusammenhängen zwischen der Eutergesundheit der Mutterkuh und dem Saugverhalten des Kalbes gesucht. Es zeichnete sich ab, dass Eutergesundheitsstörungen bei den Umstellungstieren nicht wesentlich häufiger vorkamen als bei anderen Mutterkühen berichtet. (Im Jahr 1 wurden bei 7,3% bis 20,2% der Viertel und bei 24,2% bis 47,4% der Tiere klinische Mastitiden festgestellt. Im Jahr 2 lagen bei 16,2% bis 25,5% der Viertel und bei 47,3% bis 59,2% der Tiere klinische Mastitiden vor.) Problematisch war die hohe Verlustrate an Kühen (4,7% im ersten und 1,7% im zweiten Untersuchungsjahr) und die große Häufigkeit tierärztlicher Behandlungen. Erhöht waren ebenfalls die Kälberverluste (10% im ersten und 5,4% im zweiten Untersuchungsjahr). Bei den abgesetzten Kälbern wurden jedoch ausreichend gute Absetzgewichte und mittlere Tageszunahmen erreicht (im ersten Untersuchungsjahr Tageszunahme je nach Absetzalter zwischen durchschnittlich 1284g bei unter 150 Tage alten Kälbern und durchschnittlich 1127g bei über 200 Tage alten Kälbern) . Die Umstellung von Milchkühen zu Mutterkühen (Ersparnis Zukauf Mutterkuhrasse) zum Aufbau einer Fleischrinderrasse über die Verdrängungskreuzung scheint daher unter Inkaufnahme überdurchschnittlicher Verluste grundsätzlich möglich. Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse sind ausführlich in Tabellen und Abbildungen dargestellt. Wesentliche Inhalte werden in dem Kapitel Diskussion besprochen und es werden Schlussfolgerungen gezogen.The literature survey contains a brief outline of how to manage the breeding stock in beef cattle as well as a short summary of beef cattle diseases. The focus is on udder diseases with respect to the frequency of their occurance, how to classify and to diagnose them, and how to treat them. Also examined is the relationship between the cow and its calf and the sucking behavior of the latter. The impirical study looked at udder diseases with cows which had already been used for dairy purposes and which changed over from dairy cows to beef cows. The aim was to investigate the frequency of the various causes for this diseases, any predisposition on the part of the animals, typical symptoms, and the consequences of this problem. Two breeds were considered, namely, Schwarzbunte and Fleckvieh. The data was collected by examining the udders at 4 fixed intervals per year for two years in a row. In the first year 99 cows were examined, and during the second year 108 animals. It was possible to include 53 cows during both years (longitunal study). In addition to this kind of data the sucking behavior of the calves was also investigated. A special study was devoted to the question wether there is a relationship between the cow`s udder diseases and the sucking behavior of its calves. It turned out that, in general, udder diseases with the animals, which changed over from dairy cows to beef cows were not more frequent than with ?normal? beef cows. During the first year clinical mastiditis was found with 7,3% - 20,2% of the animals quarters and 24,2% - 47% with al the cows. For the second year the figures were 16,2% - 25,5% for the quarters and 47,3% - 59,2% for all the cows. One problem was the high death rate of the cows (4,7% during the first year and 1,7% during the second year) as well as the frequency of veterinarian treatment. Also, the losses among the calves were relatively high ( 10% during the first year, 5,4% during the second year). However, after weaning the calves gained weight at satisfactory daily rates. During the first year the average was 1284g for the calves younger than 150 days, and 1127g for the calves older than 200 days. The change-over from dairy cows to beef cows to establish a beef herd by cross breeding seems to be possible if one is prepared to accept above average losses. The results of this study are presented in detailed tabulations. Key findings and their implications are pointed out in the discussion

    Morphometric properties of the tensor fascia lata muscle in human foetuses

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    Background: In neonatal and early childhood surgeries such as meningomyelocele repairs, closing deep wounds and oncological treatment, tensor fasciae lata (TFL) flaps are used. However, there are not enough data about structural properties of TFL in foetuses, which can be considered as the closest to neonates in terms of sampling. This study’s main objective is to gather data about morphological structures of TFL in human foetuses to be used in newborn surgery. Materials and methods: Fifty formalin-fixed foetuses (24 male, 26 female) with gestational age ranging from 18 to 30 weeks (mean 22.94 ± 3.23 weeks) were included in the study. TFL samples were obtained by bilateral dissection and then surface area, width and length parameters were recorded. Digital callipers were used for length and width measurements whereas surface area was calculated using digital image analysis software. Results: No statistically significant differences were found in terms of numerical value of parameters between sides and sexes (p > 0.05). Linear functions for TFL surface area, width, anterior and posterior margin lengths were calculated as y = –225.652 + 14.417 × age (weeks), y = –5.571 + 0.595 × age (weeks), y = –4.276 + 0.909 × age (weeks), and y = –4.468 + 0.779 × age (weeks), respectively. Conclusions: Linear functions for TFL surface area, width and lengths can be used in designing TFL flap dimensions in newborn surgery. In addition, using those described linear functions can also be beneficial in prediction of TFL flap dimensions in autopsy studies

    Two-Photon Quantum Interference Polarization Spectroscopy: Measurements of Transition Matrix Elements in Atomic Rubidium

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    The estimation of the adequacy of theoretical calculations on the atomic structure requires availability of the precise experimental data on radiative properties of the atoms. Such data is also required in astronomy and some important areas of technology. The lack of precision of traditional spectroscopic studies of atom presents a fundamental obstacle for progress in these areas. For example, in atomic rubidium, the best precision of the traditional spectroscopic results is on the order of about 1 - 5%, which does not allow for clear assessment of the latest sophisticated theoretical calculations on atomic rubidium structure, with emphasis on different, in nature, effects. This situation is typical for atomic physics in general. The purpose of present study is obtaining the experimental data on the radiative properties of atomic rubidium with precision considerably higher than that of the traditional spectroscopic methods. This is accomplished by means of the two-photon quantum interference polarization spectroscopy. A two-photon polarization spectrum of the rubidium atom is obtained in the range of detunings -417 cm-1 to +99 cm-1 from atomic 5s2S1/2-5p 2P3/2-*8s2S1/2resonance. From analysis of the spectra the relativistic and many body effects on the wavefiinctions are revealed in the form of a uniquely defined parameter q = 2 x 10-6 (5) cm and an exact relation between parameters R and p which quantitatively describes the process: R = 1.01756 (57) + 81.466 (15) p where R is dimensionless and p is in cm. The obtained results can be thought of as specific experimentally established two-photon sum rules and can be used for testing the accuracy of the theoretical wavefiinctions. The experimental technique has important advantages comparing to some traditional spectroscopic methods and is essentially free of systematic effects

    Legal and Extra-Legal Determinants of Detention Sentences in a Juvenile Court: A Research Note

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    A major limitation of research concerning juvenile detention commitments is the over-riding focus on pre-adjudicatory detention. This period of confinement applies only to youths held in secure custody pending court appearance. The purpose of this investigation was tp broaden the understanding of detention by focusing on post-adjudicatory detention commitment, which is a court sentence, and the factors influencing the decision. Data were derived from the records of a random sample of 394 youths processed by a juvenile court between 1990 and 1991. Preliminary results show that a combination of legal and extra-Iegal factors play a significant role in post-adjudicatory detention decisions. The implications of these findings are explored

    Evaluating the Enzymatic Activity of Transformed X. cucurbitae

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    Introduction The United States’ pumpkin industry exceeds one billion dollars [1], with Illinois contributing to over 90% of processing pumpkin production. Pumpkin growers face a rising concern due to the increasing occurrence of Xanthomonas cucurbitae , the pathogen that causes bacterial spot disease in cucurbits, including pumpkins. X. cucurbitae infection leads to the appearance of small, sunken, beige spots on cucurbit fruits and leaves. Over time, the bacterium can compromise fruit integrity by breaking down the epidermis and cuticle. • Bacterial spot disease also creates opportunities for other bacteria and fungi to infiltrate the affected fruits, leading to fruit rot in both field and storage [2]

    The Role of Laparoscopy and Ultrasonography in Pancreatic Head Carcinoma

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    Objective: The authors performed a prospective evaluation of staging laparoscopy with laparoscopic ultrasonography in predicting surgical resectability in patients with carcinomas of the pancreatic head and periampullary region

    Prediction of Severity in Acute Pancreatitis

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    Transient demographic approaches can drastically expand the toolbox of coral reef science

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    This work was supported by a NERC DTP scholarship to JC and a NERC Independent Research Fellowship (NE/M018458/1) to RS-G.Coral communities are threatened by an increasing plethora of abiotic and biotic disturbances. Preventing the ensuing loss of coral coverage and diversity calls for a mechanistic understanding of resilience across coral species and populations that is currently lacking in coral reef science. Assessments into the dynamics of coral populations typically focus on their long-term (i.e. asymptotic) characteristics, tacitly assuming stable environments in which populations can attain their long-term characteristics. Instead, we argue that greater focus is needed on investigating the transient (i.e. short-term) dynamics of coral populations to describe and predict their characteristics and trajectories within unstable environments. Applying transient demographic approaches to evaluating and forecasting the responses of coral populations to disturbance holds promise for expediting our capacity to predict and manage the resilience of coral populations, species, and communities.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe