36 research outputs found

    Instituting Religion and Nation: The Foundation of Ankara University Divinity School

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    This study examines the controversial character of higher religious education in Turkey by tracing back and problematizing the mektep-madrasa /secular-religious education conflict in the late Ottoman Empire and the historicopolitical developments in the early republican era that led to the foundation of the first theology faculty, Ankara University Divinity School in 1949. I argue that A.U. Divinity School developed Turkish-Islamic Theology that prevailed for many years as an academic and public paradigm of Islam which is now being contested by the AKP rule. The recent interest of the AKP in developing its own intellectual milieu and academia called attention to the origin of debates which this study does by textually analyzing the historical and governmental documents, speeches, academic works, and the institutional organization of A.U. Divinity School

    The affect of the tirosine kinase inhibitors on the autophagic cell death in the BCR-ABL positive cells

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    Programlı hücre ölümünün mekanizmalarını iyi anlamak, bu mekanizmalardaki herhangi bir bozukluk sonucu oluşabilecek hastalıklara karşı geliştirilecek ilaçlar ve tedavi yaklaşımlarını belirlemede önem arz etmektedir. Günümüzde apoptozdan başka nekroptoz, otofaji gibi farklı programlı hücre ölüm tipleri tanımlanmıştır. Kronik myeloid lösemilerde (KML) bir tirozin kinaz olan BCR-ABL kimerik gen ürününün programlanmış hücre ölümüne karşı hücrelerde direnç oluşturduğu ilk 1990'lı yılların sonlarında ortaya konulmuş ve takip eden yıllarda yapılan çalışmalarda doğrulanmıştır. KML tedavisinde kullanılan İmatinib de dahil çoğu kanser ilacının moleküler etki mekanizmaları en çok bilinen programlı hücre ölümü olan apoptotik yolakta çalışılmıştır. Bahsi geçen diğer programlı hücre ölüm tiplerindeki etkileşimler ise henüz açıklık kazanmamıştır. Genel olarak KML biyolojisi ve tirozin kinaz inhibitörleri ile tedavisinde diğer programlanmış hücre ölüm şekillerinin rolünü araştırmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu amaçla burada sunulan yüksek lisans tezi kapsamında dirençli bir kronik myeoid lösemi alt hücre hattının üretilmesi planlandı. İmatinib dirençli bir hücre hattı, KML ve tedavisi ile ilgili laboratuar araştırmalarına büyük katkı sağlayacaktır. Ne yazık ki bu tür tanımlanmış direnç mutasyonlarını taşıyan bir hücre hattı bulunmamaktadır. Bu tür araştırmalar literatürde mutasyon içeren bir BCR-ABL klonunun daha çok fare hücre hatlarına transfeksiyonu ile yapılmaktadır. Tanımlanmış mutasyonlarla İmatinib'e direnç özelliği gösteren bir KML hücre hattı oluşturmanın büyük yararları olacağı görülmüştür. Tez çalışması kapsamında K-562 hücre hattı giderek artan ilaç dozlarına maruz bırakıldı. Bunun sonucunda ilaca direnç kazanan hücrelerin zaman içerisinde klonal seçilim yoluyla hayatta kalıp üremesiyle K-562 İmatinib dirençli alt klonlar ürettildi. İmatinib direnci annexinV akım sitometrisi ve kaspaz-3 aktivasyon tayini ile doğrulandı. Dirençli ve kontrol hatlarında otofaji belirteçleri incelendi. Better understanding of programmed cell death mechanisms is important for determining treatment strategies and designing drugs in which there is a disorder in the cell death mechanisms. Today different types of programmed cell death are identified. In chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), the resistance toward programmed cell death caused by the BCR-ABL chimeric gene product which is a tyrosine kinase was revealed in the late 1990s and was confirmed in the following studies. Studies are done on the efficacy of drugs inducing apoptosis. Molecular mechanisms of many anticancer drugs are focused on apoptosis including İmatinib which is used in CML. Their efficacy on other types of programmed cell death are not yet determined. Our primary research goal is to ivestigate the role of other forms of cell death in CML biology and in resistance to therapy. This present study is the part of our prelimenary work focusing on the development of a imatinib resistant K562 clon. We applied increasing doses of imatinib to the K-562 chronic myeloid leukemia cell line and we obtained imatinib-resistant subclons. İmatinib resistance was confirmed by annexin-V staining and caspase-3 activation analyses

    Nanomateryallerin Tetrahymena Thermophila üzerine Toksikolojik etkilerinin ekotoksikolojik yöntemlerle saptanması

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    NANOMATERYALLERİN TETRAHYMENA THERMOPHILA ÜZERİNE TOKSİKOLOJİK ETKİLERİNİN EKOTOKSİKOLOJİK YÖNTEMLERLE SAPTANMASI Pek çok ticari üründe kullanılan nanomateryallerin sucul ekosistemlerle teması sıklıkla görülmektedir. Bu nedenle nanomateryallerin akuatik ekosistemlerde geçirdikleri değişimin (biyodönüşüm, biyobirikme, biyobozunum) açıklanması ve akuatik organizmalar üzerinde toksisitelerinin değerlendirilmesi önem taşımaktadır. Bu tez çalışmasında titanyum dioksit (TiO2) ve demir oksit (Fe3O4) metal nanoparçacıklarının silli bir protozoa türü olan Tetrahymena thermophila üzerindeki etkisi ve bu parçacıkların akuatik ortamdaki değişimleri incelenmektedir. Bu doğrultuda yapılan bu çalışmanın amacı, yürütülecek ekotoksikolojik testler yardımı ile nanoparçacıkların büyüme inhibisyon değerlerini saptamak ve görüntü analizleri yoluyla Tetrahymena thermophila hücreleri ile nanoparçacıkların ilişkisini incelemektir. Çalışmalarda kullanılan her iki metal nanoparçacık da yüksek konsantrasyon değerlerinde (50-400 mg/L) Tetrahymena thermophila’da büyüme inhibisyonu tespit edilememiştir. Fakat 50 mg/L konsantrasyondan düşük değerlerde (3,12-25 mg/L) nanoparçacıklar büyüme inhibisyonu sergilemiştir. Tetrahymena thermophila hücrelerinin nanoparçacıkları bünyelerine aldığı ancak bu parçacıkları sindirmeden, hücre dışına verdikleri görüntü analizleri neticesinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca hücre içine alınan küçük nanoparçacık kümelerini hücre içi salgılar yardımı ile daha büyük kümeler haline getirip hücre dışına attıkları da gözlemlenmiştir. Nanoparçacıkların yüzey özellikleri nedeniyle akuatik ortamlarda rastgele kümelenip çökelme eğilimleri vardır. Tetrahymena thermophila ise test ortamında nanoparçacıkların kümelenme durumunu artırmış ve buna bağlı olarak da zamanla daha büyük parçacıkların oluşmasına ve bu parçacıkların daha hızlı çökelmesine neden olmuştur. Bu çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar nanomateryallerin akuatik ortamdaki davranışlarını tanımlamakta önemli bir yer sunmaktadır. ABSTRACT ASSESSING THE EFFECT OF NANOMATERIALS ON TETRAHYMENA THERMOPHILA BY ECOTOXICOLOGICAL METHODS Nanomaterials are used in many commercial products and frequently enter into the aquatic environments. Therefore their mobility (biotransformation, bioaccumulation, biodegradation) and evaluation of toxicity to aquatic environments are important concern. This thesis investigates the fate and effect of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and iron oxide (Fe3O4) metal nanoparticles in ciliate protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila. In this context, the main aim of this study is assessing the growth inhibition of the nanoparticles by ecotoxicological tests and observing the interaction of nanoparticles and Tetrahymena thermophila cells by image analysis. These nanoparticles did not exhibit significant cell growth inhibition in high concentration (50-400 mg/L) because of the turbidity whereas the nanoparticles under 50 mg/L concentrations (3,12-25-mg/L) presented cell growth inhibition. The image analyses indicate protozoan cells are able to ingest the nanoparticles but could not digest them. In addition, the cell was attributed the aggregation of ingested small nanoparticles into larger form and eventually excreted in the culture medium. Nanoparticles always have a tendency of sedimentation and randomly particle aggregation. Interestingly their aggregation are accelerated due to the presence of Tetrahymena and consequently clustered to larger particle over time. Therefore, this study introduced a platform for describing the fate of nanoparticles in to the aquatic environments


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    Apoptosis is a programmed cellular process that occurs in pathological and physiological pathways and it is one of the most studied topics in cell biology. To understand the underlying mechanism of apoptosis plays an important role in the molecular pathogenesis of many diseases including cancers. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is a clonal myeloproliferative malignancy arising from the neoplastic transformation of the hematopoietic stem cell. Here, we used a Bcr-Abl-independent, imatinib-resistant K562 subpopulation (K562-IR) generated and characterized earlier in our laboratory. We showed that the proteins Bcl-2, Bim, RIP, p-MAPK(Erk1/Erk2) and NF-kappa B which plays critical roles in cell death pathways are downregulated, Lamin A/C protein expression is upregulated in K562-IR derivative cells compared to K562 ancestral cells. Our data provides new information on the expression of apoptotic molecules in a Bcr-Abl-independent imatinib-resistant CML cell line

    Nurses' Emotional Labor Behavior and Factors Affecting

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    Aim: To determine emotional behavior and the factors affecting nurses using research, descriptive, and labor relations through seeker design

    Opinie pracowników służby zdrowia na temat nieoszczędnych zachowań w szpitalach: badanie jakościowe

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    Background. The continuous increase in healthcare spending and problems experienced in payment/ insurance systems have brought the issue of hospital extravagance to the agenda. To achieve efficiency in the healthcare sector and prevent wasteful behavior, it is important to use all resources in a costeffective manner. This study aimed to determine the views of healthcare workers on wasteful behavior in hospitals. Material and methods. This study employed a descriptive qualitative design. The data were collected through in-person in-depth interviews with 60 participants working at private, university and state hospitals. A semi-structured interview form was used in the study. The Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Studies (COREQ) were applied to organize and report the study. Results. The data obtained in the study were examined under two themes named “Wasteful Behavior” and “Precautions”, as well as categories under these two themes. Conclusions. The participants stated that there are many aspects of extravagance practiced at hospitals, but they saw the sustainable use of resources with a set of precautions to be taken possible. Presenting the views and recommendations of healthcare professionals will provide an important source of data for administrators in terms of sustainability efforts.Wprowadzenie. Stały wzrost wydatków na służbę zdrowia oraz problemy doświadczane w systemach płatności/ubezpieczeń spowodowały dyskusję na temat kwestii nieoszczędności w szpitalach. Aby osiągnąć efektywność w sektorze opieki zdrowotnej i zapobiec niegospodarnemu zachowaniu, ważne jest, aby wykorzystać wszystkie zasoby w sposób oszczędny. Niniejsze badanie miało na celu określenie poglądów pracowników służby zdrowia na temat nieoszczędnych zachowań w szpitalach. Materiał i metody. W niniejszej pracy zastosowano metodę badania jakościowego o charakterze opisowym. Dane zostały zgromadzone poprzez bezpośrednie, szczegółowe wywiady z 60 uczestnikami pracującymi w szpitalach prywatnych, uniwersyteckich i państwowych. W badaniach wykorzystano formularz wywiadu półstrukturalnego. Do organizacji i raportowania badań zastosowano Skonsolidowane Kryteria Raportowania Badań Jakościowych (COREQ). Wyniki. Dane z badań zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem dwóch tematów: „Nieoszczędne zachowania” i „Środki ostrożności”, a także kategorii w ramach tych dwóch tematów. Wnioski. Uczestnicy stwierdzili, że istnieje wiele działań związanych z nieoszczędnością, które są praktykowane w szpitalach. Postrzegali jednak zrównoważone wykorzystanie zasobów oraz podjęcie środków jako możliwe do zrealizowania. Przedstawienie opinii i zaleceń pracowników służby zdrowia będzie stanowiło ważne źródło danych dla administratorów w zakresie działań na rzecz zrównoważonego rozwoju

    Emotional labour behavior of nursing students: A qualitative study

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    Aim: This study aimed to determine the opinions of nursing students on emotional labor behavior. Background: It is of importance to teach emotional labor behavior to nursing students, the nurses of the future. Design: The research has a phenomenological qualitative design. Method: Participants consisted of 20 nursing students who were in face-to-face communication with patients in clinical practice. The Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) was used to report this research. Results: Considering the theoretical structure of the subject, emotional labor behavior was examined under three main themes: surface acting, deep acting, and genuine acting. Conclusions: Emotional labor behavior affects students’ approach to patients and performance in clinical practice. Education has a supportive effect on the management of emotions and the guidance of the clinical environment and clinical services. © 2022 Elsevier Lt