217 research outputs found

    Effect of grafting on grapevine chlorosis and hydraulic conductivity

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    In a pot experiment the following grapevines were grown in a calcareous soil: Pinot blanc own-rooted and self-grafted, grafted on SO 4 and on 3309 C; SO 4 own-rooted, self-grafted and grafted on Pinot blanc; 3309 C own-rooted, self-grafted and grafted on Pinot blanc. The occurrence of chlorosis was strongly affected by graft combinations. In self-grafted 3309 C plants the specific conductivity was significantly reduced as compared to own-rooted ones. Own-rooted SO 4 plants showed the highest specific conductivity, associated with the highest rate of shoot growth and leaf chlorophyll content

    Effect of root infection with Pseudomonas fluorescens and Glomus mosseae in improving Fe-efficiency of grapevine ungrafted rootstocks

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    Woody cuttings from three ungrafted rootstocks, with decreasing resistance to lime-induced chlorosis (V. berlandieri x V. rupestris 140 Ru; V. berlandieri x V. riparia SO 4; V. riparia x V. rupestris 101-14), were potted in unsterile calcareous soil with Pseudomonas fluorescens cells and Glomus mosseae inoculum to test the effects of these organisms on some physiological parameters involved in chlorosis occurrence. The most significant findings are:(i) P. fluorescens and G. mosseae treatments increase ferrous iron and chlorophyll leaf content in the rootstock more susceptible to lime-induced chlorosis (101-14);(ii) increased mycorrhizal colonization, over the control, enhances N, P, Mn and Cu concentration in leaf fresh matter.Effetto dell'infezione radicale con Pseudomonas fluorescens e Glomus mosseae sulla nutrizione ferrica di portinnesti di vite non innestatiTalee legnose di tre genotipi portinnesto con resistenza decrescente alla clorosi da calcare (V. berlandieri x V. rupestris 140 Ru; V. berlandieri x V. riparia SO 4; V. riparia x V. rupestris 101-14) sono state coltivate in vaso su un terreno calcareo non sterilizzato, dopo aver infettato le radici con il battere Pseudomonas fluorescens ed il fungo micorrizico Glomus mosseae. L'obiettivo della ricerca era quello di controllare l'effetto di questi organismi sul manifestarsi del fenomeno clorotico, valutato mediante la misura del contenuto fogliare di clorofilla e di ferro ferroso. I risultati principali possono essere cosi sintetizzati: (i) i trattamenti con il battere ed il fungo micorrizico hanno aumentato il tenore fogliare di ferro ferroso e di clorofilla nel genotipo piu sensibile alla clorosi da calcare (101-14);(ii) la percentuale di infezione micorrizica e risultata correlata positivamente con Je concentrazioni fogliari di N, P, Mn e Cu

    Lime-induced chlorosis of grapevine as affected by rootstock and root infection with arbuscular mycorrhiza and Pseudomonas fluorescens

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    Grapevine cuttings (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot blanc, clone VCR 5), grafted on 3309 C, a lime-susceptible rootstock, SO 4, a medium lime-tolerant rootstock and 41 B, a lime-tolerant rootstock, were grown in pots containing unsterilized calcareous soil. Before potting, the roots of the grafted plants were inoculated with a suspension of a mutant of Pseudomonas fluorescens and with the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM! fungus Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerd. & Trappe, in order to investigate the effect of these microorganisms on the severity of lime-induced chlorosis. The most significant findings were:Pseudomonas fluorescens and Glomus mosseae treatments increased Fe and chlorophyll concentrations in the leaves and thus lime tolerance in plants grafted on 3309 C and 41 B;the positive effect of VAM treatment was associated with increased levels of root infection and lower root growth;the bacterial treatment improved the establishment of VAM fungi;fruit quality of the susceptible graft combination raised to the level of untreated Pinot blanc/SO 4 vines due to the root treatments

    Field evaluation of new plant protection products against Plasmopara viticola

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    One of the most dangerous fungal diseases in viticulture is downy mildew. Copper-based active ingredients have been used for a long time to protect vines against Plasmopara viticola and they have always maintained an important role in the defense of vines especially for organic production. On the other hand, copper accumulates in the soil causing toxicity with negative consequences on plants and soil fauna. For this reason, new formulations with lower copper content have been considered. In recent years, foliar fertilizers have been studied, in particular those based on phosphites that, along with the nutritional function, stimulate the production of phytoalexins. Those metabolites cause the induced systemic resistance and act directly in the break of cell membranes of pathogens. This study aims to investigate the efficacy against downy mildew of a commercial product based on phosphites and of a new copper- based foliar fertilizer, where copper is chelated with gluconic acid and aminoacids of plant origin. Based on present results, phosphites significantly reduced the infection, without anyway achieving the defense effectiveness of the copper-based treatment however they ensure a significant reduction of the doses of copper necessary to achieve adequate levels of vineyard protection

    Field evaluation of new plant protection products against Plasmopara viticola

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    One of the most dangerous fungal diseases in viticulture is downy mildew. Copper-based active ingredients have been used for a long time to protect vines against Plasmopara viticola and they have always maintained an important role in the defense of vines especially for organic production. On the other hand, copper accumulates in the soil causing toxicity with negative consequences on plants and soil fauna. For this reason, new formulations with lower copper content have been considered. In recent years, foliar fertilizers have been studied, in particular those based on phosphites that, along with the nutritional function, stimulate the production of phytoalexins. Those metabolites cause the induced systemic resistance and act directly in the break of cell membranes of pathogens. This study aims to investigate the efficacy against downy mildew of a commercial product based on phosphites and of a new copper- based foliar fertilizer, where copper is chelated with gluconic acid and aminoacids of plant origin. Based on present results, phosphites significantly reduced the infection, without anyway achieving the defense effectiveness of the copper-based treatment however they ensure a significant reduction of the doses of copper necessary to achieve adequate levels of vineyard protection

    Influência da temperatura da água sobre a temperatura de superfície de frangos de corte.

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    ABSTRACT : The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of drinking water temperature on broiler body surface temperature at 35 days of age, 784 chickens were distributed in 28 floor pens and submitted to treatments: T1 (control) = rainwater without thermic conditioning and T2 = rainwater with thermic conditioning (21 - 23 ° C). The temperature of the environment were measured through data loggers and body surface temperature through thermography image analysis. There was no effect of the water thermic treatment (T2) on the body surface temperature of the birds. RESUMO: O estresse térmico possui grande impacto sobre a criação de frangos de corte, alterando seu comportamento, afetando a imunidade e processos fisiológicos dos animais podendo ocasionar, em casos extremos, a morte dos animais (Estevez et al., 2002; Lara & Rostagno, 2013). A tecnologia de imagem por infravermelho mostra a distribuição da temperatura superficial emitida por um objeto e os converte em sinais elétricos, expressando a temperatura em faixas de cor que é relacionada com uma escala de precisão. Assim a análise de imagens termográficas é uma ferramenta não invasiva e praticada nos estudos de bem estar animal relacionados com a termorregulação (Nascimento et al., 2011). Os animais utilizam diversos mecanismos para manter a homeostase térmica, em uma condição de estresse por calor uma das possibilidades seria a regulação da temperatura pela água de bebida, quando esta apresenta temperatura inferior à do animal. Assim o objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência da temperatura da água de bebida sobre a temperatura da superfície corporal de frangos de corte aos 35 dias de idade

    Phenolic profile and biological activity of table grapes (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    Table grapes are largely produced and consumed in the Mediterranean area. Furthermore, in the last years, the commercial interest in table grapes and other non-alcoholic grape products has notably increased worldwide. In addition to the nutritional aspects, polyphenol compounds in fresh grapes could exert positive effects on human health. The aim of this study was the characterization of the phenolic pattern of sixteen grape varieties and the evaluation of the associated antioxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory activity at gastric level. The methods used were: 1) Folin-Cocalteau\u2019s assay for the quantification of total polyphenol content; 2) High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) coupled with Diode-Array Detector (DAD) to perform the quantitative analysis of grapes phenolic fraction 3) DPPH (1,1,-diphenil-2-picrylhydrazyl) spectrophotometric assay for the assessment of radical scavenging activity; 4) assessment of IL-8 release from human gastric epithelial cells to evaluate the anti-inflammatory activity of grape extracts. Some grapes, including seedless varieties, showed that the phenolic pattern was highly correlated with the biological activities, and, in particular, with peel and seeds portion. These results suggest that selected grape varieties could represent, also for consumers who do not drink wine, a source of healthy compounds potentially able to counteract oxidative stress and gastric inflammation

    Experimental GHZ Entanglement beyond Qubits

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    The Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) argument provides an all-or-nothing contradiction between quantum mechanics and local-realistic theories. In its original formulation, GHZ investigated three and four particles entangled in two dimensions only. Very recently, higher dimensional contradictions especially in three dimensions and three particles have been discovered but it has remained unclear how to produce such states. In this article we experimentally show how to generate a three-dimensional GHZ state from two-photon orbital-angular-momentum entanglement. The first suggestion for a setup which generates three-dimensional GHZ entanglement from these entangled pairs came from using the computer algorithm Melvin. The procedure employs novel concepts significantly beyond the qubit case. Our experiment opens up the possibility of a truly high-dimensional test of the GHZ-contradiction which, interestingly, employs non-Hermitian operators.Comment: 6+6 pages, 8 figure