202 research outputs found

    Influence of perceived height, masculinity, and age on each other and on perceptions of dominance in male faces

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    Several studies have examined the individual effects of facial cues to height, masculinity, and age on interpersonal interactions and partner preferences. We know much less about the influence of these traits on each other. We, therefore, examined how facial cues to height, masculinity, and age influence perceptions of each other and found significant overlap. This suggests that studies investigating the effects of one of these traits in isolation may need to account for the influence of the other two traits. Additionally, there is inconsistent evidence on how each of these three facial traits affects dominance. We, therefore, investigated how varying such traits influences perceptions of dominance in male faces. We found that increases in perceived height, masculinity, and age (up to 35 years) all increased facial dominance. Our results may reflect perceptual generalizations from sex differences as men are on average taller, more dominant, and age faster than women. Furthermore, we found that the influences of height and age on perceptions of dominance are mediated by masculinity. These results give us a better understanding of the facial characteristics that convey the appearance of dominance, a trait that is linked to a wealth of real-world outcomes.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A cost-effective colourimetric assay for quantifying hydrogen peroxide in honey

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    Honey is a natural product with many beneficial properties including antimicrobial action. Production of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in diluted honey is central to this action. Here, we describe an optimized method for measuring levels of H2O2 in honey. This method is based on established methods, with the level of dilution, the time between dilution and reading the assay, and aeration of the samples during the assay identified as critical points for ensuring reliability and reproducibility. The method is cost-effective and easy to perform using common laboratory equipment. Using this method, we quantified the hydrogen peroxide content of five different, unprocessed polyfloral honeys collected in NC, USA. Our results show that H2O2 production by these honeys varies greatly, with some samples producing negligible levels of H2O2. We assessed the effect of colour on the assay by measuring the recovery of spiked H2O2 from light and dark honey and from serially diluted dark corn syrup, and found the amount of H2O2 that could be detected was lower in dark corn syrup and darker honey samples

    Aflatoxins Contamination in Maize Products from Rural Communities in San Luis Potosi, Mexico

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    Background: Aflatoxins are a group of mycotoxins that have been associated with hepatic damage and cancer. Aflatoxins B1 and B2 are secondary metabolites produced by fungi Aspergillus. These toxins can be found in a variety of commodities, especially in maize, and have been studied around the world due to their effects in human health. The Latin American population is especially exposed to aflatoxins given that maize products can be found in traditional diets all over the continent. Interestingly, in Mexico, chronic hepatic diseases and cirrhosis are leading causes of death in adult population. Methods: In order to observe the effect of physical variables like temperature and humidity, this study was conducted collecting samples in four different seasons, in two communities in the State of San Luis Potosi, in Mexico. The content of aflatoxins in tortillas was measured using immunoaffinity columns prior to HPLC-FLD analysis. Findings: Results showed that 18% of samples exceeded the Mexican limits for AFB1; whereas, 26% of the samples exceeded the limits of the European Union for AFB1. The AFB1 was detected in 80% of samples in one site and higher concentrations were found in samples collected during fall and winter seasons. Conclusions: Lack of control in storing practices is the principal cause for the contamination of maize. Considering that maize products are part of the staple diet of Mexican population, our results show that AFB1 detection has to be declared a public health priority. Detection and prevention of aflatoxins through a surveillance program, may avoid chronic health effects.<p class="abstract"

    Campaña de sensibilización para el proyecto Ciudad Amigable con los mayores en Guadalajara, Jalisco: Equipo de producción

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    El presente reporte se enfoca en la creación de materiales audiovisuales para transformar la percepción actual de las y los adultos mayores, esto a partir de un eje rector que fue la diversidad en las formas de envejecer. El objetivo fue crear una campaña de sensibilización a partir de contenidos que se habían hecho en periodos anteriores del PAP, y con estos, mostrar una imagen digna de las y los adultos mayores para generar una transformación de los estereotipos que giran en torno a ellos. El trabajo se realizó a partir de un diagnóstico para conocer las formas en que se estaban siendo representados los adultos mayores en distintos medios de comunicación; y a partir de ahí se identificaron los recursos y elementos que ayudaban a generar una imagen digna e íntegra de ellos y los que no para usar como referencia de lo que se debía hacer y lo que no. Dentro de los resultados, encontramos distintos productos audiovisuales y gráficos que forman parte de una campaña de sensibilización y en los que se construye una imagen digna de los adultos mayores teniendo en cuenta las distintas formas de envejecer.ITESO, A.C

    Campaña de sensibilización para el proyecto Ciudad Amigable con los Mayores en Guadalajara, Jalisco: equipo de producción

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    El siguiente reporte, habla de las estrategias para dar continuidad al proyecto junto con la reedición de algunos contenidos que ya formaban parte de los productos a entregar y la creación de contenido nuevo y estrategias de comunicación realizadas a lo largo del periodo Verano 2018 para Alter Código, desarrollado por alumnos del Departamento de Estudios Socioculturales (DESO) del ITESO, este con el fin de crear una campaña de sensibilización para dignificar la imagen de los adultos mayores y difundir el proyecto Alter Código entre estudiantes y académicos. El objetivo de este proyecto fue mostrar una imagen digna e íntegra de grupos estructuralmente desfavorecidos con el fin de generar una visión variante de cómo se vive la vejez en los mayores. Esto representado con los productos audiovisuales que se pre produjeron este verano 2018, productos nuevos, contenido listo para difundir, así como trabajos y asesorías donde se trabajó la sensibilización del tema con los alumnos del escenario de adultos mayores. Partiendo de ahí, los resultados fueron una guía de estudio con los lineamientos aprobados para el uso en futuros alumnos, contenidos audiovisuales y gráficos, nuevos contenidos y una estrategia de comunicación en marcha.ITESO, A.C

    The Psychological Science Accelerator: Advancing Psychology through a Distributed Collaborative Network

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    Concerns have been growing about the veracity of psychological research. Many findings in psychological science are based on studies with insufficient statistical power and nonrepresentative samples, or may otherwise be limited to specific, ungeneralizable settings or populations. Crowdsourced research, a type of large-scale collaboration in which one or more research projects are conducted across multiple lab sites, offers a pragmatic solution to these and other current methodological challenges. The Psychological Science Accelerator (PSA) is a distributed network of laboratories designed to enable and support crowdsourced research projects. These projects can focus on novel research questions, or attempt to replicate prior research, in large, diverse samples. The PSA\u27s mission is to accelerate the accumulation of reliable and generalizable evidence in psychological science. Here, we describe the background, structure, principles, procedures, benefits, and challenges of the PSA. In contrast to other crowdsourced research networks, the PSA is ongoing (as opposed to time-limited), efficient (in terms of re-using structures and principles for different projects), decentralized, diverse (in terms of participants and researchers), and inclusive (of proposals, contributions, and other relevant input from anyone inside or outside of the network). The PSA and other approaches to crowdsourced psychological science will advance our understanding of mental processes and behaviors by enabling rigorous research and systematically examining its generalizability

    Analysis of action oriented effects on perceptual process of object recognition using physiological responses

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    Action on any objects provides perceptual information about the environment. There is a significant evidence that human visual system responds to action possibilities in an image as perceiving any ones action stimulates human motor system. However very limited studies have been done to analyze the effect of object affordance during action perception and execution. To study the effect of object affordance on human perception, in this paper we have analyzed the human brain signals using EEG based oscillatory activity of brain. EEG responses corresponding to images of objects shown with correct, incorrect and without grips are examined. Exploration of different gripping effects has been done by extracting Alpha and Beta frequency bands using Discrete Wavelet Transform based band extraction method, then baseline normalized power of Alpha and Beta frequency bands at 24 positions of motor area of left and right side of brain are examined. The result shows that 12 pooled electrodes at central and central parietal region provides a clear discrimination among the three gripping cases in terms of calculated power. The presented research explores new applicabilities of object affordance to develop a variety of Brain Computer Interface (BCI) based devices and to improve motor imagery ability among motor disorder related patients

    How do firms comply with international sustainability standards? Processes and consequences of adopting the global reporting initiative

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    This paper addresses the issue of the influence of global governance institutions, particularly international sustainability standards, on a firm’s intra-organizational practices. More precisely, we provide an exploratory empirical view of the impact of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) on a multinational corporation’s (MNC) corporate social responsibility (CSR) management practices. We investigate standard compliance by comparing the stated intention of the use of the GRI with its actual use and the consequent effects within the firm. Based on an in-depth case study, our findings illustrate the processes and consequences of the translation of the GRI within the organization. We show that substantive standard adoption can lead to unintended consequences on CSR management practices, specifically it can influence the management structure and CSR committee function; the choice of CSR activities, the relationships between subsidiaries, the temporal dimension of CSR management, and the interpretation of CSR performance. We also highlight the need to look at the relationship dynamics (or lack of) between standards. Finally we illustrate and discuss the role of reporting and its influence on management in order to better understand the internal issues arising from compliance with standards