58 research outputs found

    Ictiofauna de Portugal: Diversidade taxonómica, nomes comuns e nomes científicos dos peixes marinhos

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    Lista atualizada dos nomes comuns e científicos de todas as espécies de peixes, taxonomicamente válidas, que foram referenciadas nas águas marinhas de Portugal. Inclui as referências bibliográficas mais importantes dos trabalhos dedicados à ictiofauna portuguesa publicados desde 1765,bem como os códigos de registos em bases de dados (espécimes, tecidos ou de observação humana). Nesta lista incluem-se 1349 espécies em que 1191 ocorrem em águas territoriais e nas três sub-áreas da Zona Económica Exclusiva Portuguesa, 71 exclusivamente na área da Extensão da Plataforma Continental Portuguesa e 87 cuja presença na área de estudo deste trabalho foi considerada duvidosa. São propostos 874 novos nomes vulgares em português e apresentam-se os critérios considerados na atribuição destes nomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Variación estacional de la composición química y del valor nutritivo de sable negro (Aphanopus carbo) crudo y cocido

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    The objective of the present study was to follow the seasonal chemical changes and to study the effect of culinary treatments on the nutritional value of black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo). The proximate chemical composition of black scabbardfish (BSF) landed in Sesimbra (Portugal) was followed for one year. The nutritional quality (proximate chemical composition, amino acid and fatty acid profiles, cholesterol and minerals) of raw, fried and grilled BSF was evaluated in one period of the year. BSF is a semi-fatty species, the protein content was 15-17.5% and the most abundant amino acids were glutamic acid, aspartic acid and lysine. The dominant fatty acids were monounsaturated (66%), followed by saturated (19%) and polyunsaturated (10%) ones. Potassium, phosphorus and sodium were the most abundant minerals. Some dehydration occurred in cooked BSF but fat content was the most affected nutrient, particularly in fried fish. These results may suggest that the absorption of frying oil led to important changes in the fatty acid profile, and particularly in the linoleic acid level. The highest protein losses were recorded in fried BSF. In general, the nutritional quality of grilled fish seemed to be more balanced than that of fried fish.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue seguir los cambios químicos y estudiar el efecto de los tratamientos culinarios sobre el valor nutritivo de sable negro (Aphanopus carbo). La composición química proximal de sable negro (BSF) desembarcado en Sesimbra (Portugal) fue seguida durante un año. La calidad nutricional (composición química proximal, perfiles de aminoácidos y ácidos grasos, colesterol y minerales) del pescado crudo, frito y asado fue evaluada en un período del año. BSF es una especie semi-grasa, el contenido de proteína fue de 15 y 17,5% y los aminoácidos más abundantes fueron glutámico, aspártico y lisina. Los ácidos grasos dominantes fueron los monoinsaturados (66%), seguidos por saturados (19%) y polinsaturados (10%). Potasio, fósforo y sodio son los minerales más abundantes. Se observó alguna deshidratación en el BSF cocinado, pero el nutriente más afectado fue la grasa, sobre todo en el pescado frito. Estos resultados permiten concluir que la absorción de aceite de freír da lugar a importantes cambios en el perfil de ácidos grasos, en particular en el nivel de ácido linoleico. Las máximas perdidas de proteinas se observaron en el BSF frito. En general, la calidad nutricional del pescado a la parrilla parece estar más equilibrada que la del pescado frito

    Ruídos na Cidade Pichações na Cidade de Londrina - aproximações...

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    This inquiry is a reflection on the graffiti, understanding it as one social practice that allows the citizens attribute new senses for the urban spaces. The graffiters, when leaving yours signatures - 'tags' - in the walls of the city, transforms the public space into private space, for after, transforms them into public, now modified. We made an analysis of marks left for two groups of graffiters in the center of the city of Londrina, Brazil. We observe that these marks interact with each other, establishing a net of senses. The city is transformed into a support where the people (in groups or individually) exercise the construction of yours identities through the establishment of the differences (within the dispute between groups and/or individual for the public) or in the overcoming of disputes ('by adding to the existing graffitis'). The graffiters, when inscribing yours 'tags' in the urban universe, modifies the identity of the city, reconfiguring its landscape

    Os peixes na rota de Magalhães : proposta de nomenclatura portuguesa

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    Fernão de Magalhães navegou por mares e oceanos e parte dessas áreas geográficas percorridas estão agora incluídas em 47 zonas económicas exclusivas sob jurisdição dos atuais “países” que as administram. Nestas regiões ocorrem cerca de 9500 espécies de peixes. Para além destas, incluem-se outras espécies não diretamente relacionadas com as rotas de Fernão de Magalhães, mas que importa acrescentar, pela sua importância histórica (antigos enclaves, praças fortes e territórios que estiveram sob administração portuguesa) e económica para Portugal, por serem importadas para o mercado nacional, ou por ocorrerem num dos atuais países de língua oficial portuguesa (Angola) não visitado por Fernão de Magalhães. O objetivo principal deste trabalho é estabelecer um único nome vulgar português (europeu) para cada uma das 16767 espécies listadas, propondo-o como denominação “oficial” portuguesa. Os nomes propostos encontram-se assinalados a negrito.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    In this work it was studied the polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) production, especially DHA, from Thraustochytrium sp. ATCC 26185, under different total nitrogen (TN) availability. Three different TN conditions were evaluated: two with initial concentrations of 2.4 g/L and 0.8 g/L, and the third in a fed-batch process with a rate of 0.009 g/L.h. For each experiment the biomass, glucose, TN and PUFAs were determined. The major composition of the PUFAs in Thraustochytrium sp. ATCC 26185 cell biomass were DPA ω6 (21-25 %) and DHA (69-73 %), regardless of the type and time of culture. The maximum cell concentration (30.2 g/L) was obtained using 2.4 g/L TN in 168 h of culture. With this same concentration of TN it was possible to produce the highest concentration of DHA (1.16 g/L) in 120 h of culture, demonstrating that the growth of Thraustochytrium sp. ATCC 26185 and yield of PUFAs are dependent on the source concentration of TN available for consumption of this oleaginous microorganism, as well as culture time


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    Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) of the type ω3 and ω6 play important physiological functions in human organism, since they are components of cell membranes and brain cells; they decrease the levels of triglycerides and can prevent the incidence of coronary heart disease. Various parameters, including concentration of the nitrogen source in the cultivation of oleaginous microorganisms have been reported to be essential in the biosynthesis and accumulation of PUFAs. The objective of this work is to study the effect of different concentrations of total nitrogen (TN) in the production of PUFAs, especially DHA, from Thraustochytrium sp. ATCC 26185. The concentrations of TN evaluated were 2.4 and 0.8 g/L (batch) and 0.009 g/L (hourly) under fed-batch process. The content of cell biomass, glucose consumption, TN and production of PUFAs was determined. The major composition of the PUFAs in Thraustochytrium sp. ATCC 26185 cell biomass were DPA ω6 (21-25%) and DHA (69-73%), regardless of the type and time of culture. The maximum cell concentration obtained (30.2 g/L) was using 2.4 g/L TN in 168 h of culture. With this same concentration of TN it was possible to produce the highest concentration of DHA (1.16 g/L) in 120 h of culture, demonstrating that the growth of Thraustochytrium sp. ATCC 26185 and yield of PUFAs are dependent on the concentration TN source available for consumption of this oleaginous microorganism, as well as culture tim

    Antioxidant activity of protein hydrolysates obtained from discarded Mediterranean fish species

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    In this study, five discarded species in the Mediterranean Sea, namely sardine, horse mackerel, axillary seabream, bogue and small-spotted catshark, were evaluated as raw material for obtaining fish protein hydrolysates exhibiting antioxidant activity. The DH of the hydrolysates ranged from 13.2 to 21.0%, with a protein content varying from 60.7 to 89.5%. The peptide profile of all hydrolysates was very similar, except for the hydrolysate of small-spotted catshark. Their lipid content was found to be between 4.6 and 25.3%. The highest DPPH scavenging activity was found for the hydrolysates of sardine and horse mackerel with EC50 values varying from 0.91 to 1.78 mg protein/mL. Sardine and small-spotted catshark hydrolysates exhibited the highest ferrous chelating activity with an EC50 value of 0.32 mg protein/mL. Moreover, sardine and bogue hydrolysates presented the highest reducing power. Finally, a total of six antioxidant peptides were theoretically identified within the structure of myosin and actin proteins from sardine and small-spotted catshark. The potential antioxidant activity exhibited by the hydrolysates suggests that it is feasible to obtain added-value products such as natural antioxidants from these discarded species.This work was supported by the Spanish National Plan I + D + i (projects CTQ2008-02978 and CTQ2011-23009) and by Santander Bank (grant for young researchers

    Conselho de disciplina e a corrupção na Polícia Militar do Paraná

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    Orientadores: Marcio Sergio B.S.de Oliveira; Inrineu Ozires CunhaMonografia (Especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Especialização em Planejamento e Controle em Segurança PúblicaResumo: Enfoca-se o Conselho de Disciplina e a corrupção na Polícia Militar do Paraná a corporação não está alheia aos acontecimentos e busca de forma constante eliminar tal prática em suas fileira, utilizando-se de um arcabouço jurídico capaz de fazer frente a este tipo de desvio de comportamento que muitos prejuízos tem trazido para a imagem da lnstituição. O texto foi dividido em capítulos distintos, em que inicialmente abordou-se, de maneira sucinta, o histórico da Corporação, depois passou-se a um breve histórico da evolução do processo administrativo na âmbito da lnstituição, e sua adequação aos ordenamentos da constituição cidada. Foram abordados os princípios legais aplicáveis ao Conselho de Disciplina, a aplicabilidade da Lei estadual n° 6.961/77. Enveredou-se para a independência das esferas penal, civil e administrativa, demonstrando que mesmo quando urn fato tiver que ser analisado pela justiça comum ou militar, támbém pode ser apreciado a luz do direito administrativo. Comparou-se a lei do Conselho com a previsão do art. 125, § 4° da CF, bem como como art 14, § 4° do ROE. Demonstrou-se que os atos ilegais, quando cometidos por integrantes da lnstituição, podem e devem ser apreciados administrativamente, em vista do resíduo moral, quando estes afetarem a honra pessoal, o pundonor militar e o decoro da classe, com base no Código da PMPR, no Regulamento de Ética Profissional do Militares Estaduais do Paraná, no ROE e principalmente na Lei no 6.961/77. Descreveram-se as principais condutas que embora nao sejam tipificadas como nome de corrupção, assim são entendidas, e para demonstrar os tipos de corrupção encontradas no seio da tropa, apresentaram-se casas que foram apurados através de conselho de disciplina e que se encontram publicados em boletins gerais da Corporação. Foram mostrados diversos entendimentos doutrinários e acordãos dos tribunais que embasam o posicionamento adotado, bem como dados estatístico

    Development of therapeutic and cosmetic formulations based on sardine-based products

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    Sardine is one of the most common fish of the Portuguese coast and has important nutritional features. Sardine oil is also a source of nutrients with proven benefits for human health, being rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) [1]. Several studies show that there is a direct link between a diet enriched in omega-3 and the prevention of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or asthma, mental disorders and prevention of various types of cancer [2]. The aim of this work was to characterize in a systematic way the potential protective role of sardine oil and derived PUFAs. To evaluate the antioxidant and antiinflammatory effect of sardine oil and PUFAs, human fibroblasts (BJ-5ta), human melanocytes (A375) and human keratinocytes (NCTC2544) were used. Cell viability was affected for concentrations higher than 8mg/ml for sardine oil and higher than 0.1mg/ml for PUFAs. However and regarding PUFAs, melanocytes revealed a higher susceptibility. With the lowest tested concentrations, sardine-based compounds promoted cell proliferation and protected cells from induced oxidative stress, with higher protection conferred by PUFAs. These results open the opportunity to develop new therapeutic and cosmetic applications based on sardine-derived compounds. Their incorporation in topical creams may contribute to a better treatment of inflammation and in the prevention of skin aging