15 research outputs found

    A supervisão pedagógica no século XXI : desafios da profissionalidade docente

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    Eosinophil granule proteins involvement in acute appendicitis: an allergic disease?

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    Several pieces of evidence point to an allergic component as a trigger of acute appendicitis. As the Th2 immune response is characterized by eosinophil mobilization to the target organ and release of their cationic granule proteins, it is reasonable to investigate if the degranulation of eosinophils could be associated with the local injury. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the participation of eosinophils granules proteins in acute appendicitis, both at local and systemic levels and the secondary aim is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of eosinophils granules proteins for the detection of acute appendicitis, as well as for distinguishing between complicated and uncomplicated acute appendicitis. Eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) and eosinophil peroxidase (EP) are the most well-known eosinophil granule proteins. From August 2021 to April 2022, we present a prospective single-center study to evaluate the EDN, ECP, and EP concentrations simultaneously in appendicular lavage fluid (ALF) and the serum of 22 patients with acute phlegmonous appendicitis (APA), 24 with acute gangrenous appendicitis (AGA), and 14 normal controls. Concerning EDN, no differences were found between groups. ECP concentrations in ALF and serum were significantly higher in the histologically confirmed acute appendicitis compared to the control groups (p 11.41 ng/mL, with a sensitivity of 93.5%, but with a specificity for identifying appendicitis of 21.4%, good discriminative power (AUC = 0.880). For EP, the optimal cut-off was >93.20 ng/mL, with a sensitivity of 87%, but with a specificity of 14.3% (AUC = 0.901), excellent discriminative power. For the diagnosis of perforated AA, the discriminative power of ECP and EP serum concentrations are weak (AUC = 0.562 and AUC = 0.664, respectively). Concerning the presence of peritonitis, the discriminative power of ECP and EP serum concentrations is acceptable, respectively: AUC = 0.724 and AUC = 0.735. Serum levels of EDN (p = 0.119), ECP (p = 0.586) and EP (p = 0.08) in complicated appendicitis were similar to uncomplicated appendicitis. Serum concentrations of ECP and EP can be added to decision-making AA diagnosis. A Th2-type immune response is present in AA. These data bring forward the role of an allergic reaction in the pathogenesis of acute appendicitis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tryptase in acute appendicitis: unveiling allergic connections through compelling evidence

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    This study is part of a research project which seeks to evaluate the immune–inflammatory response in AA, without specific funding. The cost of mast cell granule protein determination was supported by the Joaquim Chaves Lab.The aetiology of acute appendicitis (AA), the most frequent abdominal surgical emergency, is still unclarified. Recent epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory data point to an allergic component in the pathophysiology of AA. Mastocytes participate in the Th2 immune response, releasing inflammatory mediators from their granules upon stimulation by IgE-specific antigens. Among the well-known mediators are histamine, serotonin, and tryptase, which are responsible for the clinical manifestations of allergies. We conducted a prospective single-centre study to measure histamine and serotonin (commercial ELISA kit) and tryptase (ImmunoCAP System) concentrations in appendicular lavage fluid (ALF) and serum. Consecutive patients presenting to the emergency department with a clinical diagnosis of AA were enrolled: 22 patients with phlegmonous AA and 24 with gangrenous AA The control group was composed of 14 patients referred for colectomy for colon malignancy. Appendectomy was performed during colectomy. Tryptase levels were strikingly different between histological groups, both in ALF and serum (p < 0.001); ALF levels were higher than serum levels. Tryptase concentrations in ALF were 109 times higher in phlegmonous AA (APA) (796.8 (194.1-980.5) pg/mL) and 114 times higher in gangrenous AA (AGA) (837.4 (272.6-1075.1) pg/mL) than in the control group (7.3 (4.5-10.3) pg/mL. For the diagnosis of AA, the discriminative power of serum tryptase concentration was good (AUC = 0.825), but the discriminative power was weak (AUC = 0.559) for the differential diagnosis between APA and AGA. Mastocytes are involved in AA during clinical presentations of both phlegmonous and gangrenous appendicitis, and no significant differences in concentration were found. No differences were found in serum and ALF concentrations of histamine and serotonin between histological groups. Due to their short half-lives, these might have elapsed by the time the samples were collected. In future research, these determinations should be made immediately after appendectomy. Our findings confirm the hypersensitivity type I reaction as an event occurring in the pathogenesis of AA: tryptase levels in ALF and serum were higher among patients with AA when compared to the control group, which is in line with a Th2 immune response and supports the concept of the presence of an allergic reaction in the pathogenesis of acute appendicitis. Our results, if confirmed, may have clinical implications for the treatment of AA.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tertiary urban wastewater treatment with microalgae natural consortia in novel pilot photobioreactors

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of the new GreenDune photobioreactors for tertiary wastewater treatment, treated wastewater reuse and biomass application, using naturally occurring microalgae consortia. The study was conducted on a pilot installation in a wastewater treatment plant in Portugal and different operational conditions were tested. The system was capable to remove up to 95% of NH4+, the main pollutant in wastewater after secondary treatment using hydraulic retention times as low as 24 h. The application of a non-conservative scenario allowed the reuse of treated wastewater for seed production, and irrigation of naturally restricted use areas. The produced biomass was rich in proteins and carbohydrates with potential for biofuel production such as biogas or use as biofertilizers, closing the energy and nutrients cycle. Finally, the life cycle assessment of both the GreenDune and existing nitrification/denitrification systems were compared revealing that the operation of the GreenDune are more environmentally favourable than the existing system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Incentivo à leitura através da contação de história: o caso da Biblioteca Infantil Monteiro Lobato

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    Na sociedade contemporânea a contação de história pode ser entendida como uma estratégia de suma importância na formação do leitor, possibilitando o enriquecimento do processo educacional sob uma perspectiva que valoriza a construção de um sujeito crítico e reflexivo. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo identificar a influência das atividades de contação de histórias, para o fomento a leitura e formação de leitores, e especificamente observar o desempenho do mediador durante a contação de história e sua influência no interesse da criança pela leitura de outros livros, além de verificar a efetividade da contação de histórias como prática de incentivo à leitura. Para execução dessa pesquisa tomou-se como espaço de investigação a Biblioteca Infantil Monteiro Lobato, tendo como participantes três professores e suas respectivas turmas de alunos. Trata-se de um estudo de caso de nível descritivo de caráter qualitativo, que teve como instrumento de coleta de dados a entrevista por ser este um instrumento que se mostrou mais apropriado a obtenção de informações pertinentes do objeto investigado. Os resultados apontam que a contação de história se apresenta como uma estratégia fundamental na formação do leitor, mostrando-se um fator didático de significativa importância, ajudando na aquisição da escrita e da oralidade, ao trazer descontração e entretenimento às aulas, fazendo com que as crianças se sintam mais à vontade e motivadas a aprender. A análise das entrevistas confirma que esta atividade contribui significativamente para formação do homem, seja enquanto leitor, ou enquanto pessoa. Esta atividade desperta na criança a emoção do ouvir, do sentir, refletir e acima de tudo de enxergar o mundo com mais alegria. Todavia, não deve ser uma atividade meramente executada, mas sim uma ação planejada e sistematizada, com objetivo de promover o desenvolvimento integral da criança e incentivar à literatura, cumprindo assim seu papel social na sociedade. As narrativas orais, especialmente as que têm por suporte a leitura de textos literários, como foi o caso deste estudo, condensam em si caminhos significativos para a leitura e compreensão de si e do mundo

    Luminescence thermometry in a Dy4 single molecule magnet

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    The tetranuclear linear complex [Dy4(1,1,4-H3Lr)2(OAc)6]·CH3OH (1·CH3OH) was satisfactorily prepared and characterized. Its X-ray structure shows that it contains two types of octacoordinated DyIII ions, with distorted triangular dodecahedral and square antiprism geometries. This complex is an SMM, with multiple relaxation pathways, and with an anisotropic energy barrier of 39.7 K. 1·CH3OH also operates as a luminescent thermometer in the 11-295 K range, with a maximum relative thermal sensitivity of 1.6% K−1 and a minimum temperature uncertainty of 1.1 K at 295 K. Thus, 1·CH3OH is the first Dy4 SMM with luminescent thermometry, and this system is a rare example of dysprosium SMM that accesses the thermometric characteristics involving the ligand ascribed to the triplet emission in combination with DyIII emission.publishe

    Monitorização Epidemiológica numa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatais

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    Introdução: A infeção neonatal está associada a um aumento significativo da morbilidade e da mortalidade. O conhecimentodos agentes etiológicos com maior prevalência em cada unidade e da sua sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos é essencial paraa seleção da terapêutica. Pretendeu-se conhecer a prevalência e a sensibilidade aos antimicrobianos dos agentes isolados nosprodutos biológicos dos recém-nascidos internados numa unidade de cuidados intensivos neonatais num período de cincoanos (2007-2011), comparando-a com os resultados de um estudo anterior realizado na mesma unidade (1998-2002).Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo de todos os agentes isolados em recém-nascidos internados na unidade durante o período doestudo, a partir da análise da base de dados eletrónica do serviço de patologia clínica e do livro de registo de admissões da unidade.Resultados: A taxa de positividade global em todos os produtos biológicos aumentou de 11,1% (1998-2002) para 18,3%(2007-2011). O Staphylococcus coagulase-negativo manteve-se como o principal agente em exames culturais não superficiais.A incidência anual de isolamento de Streptococcus grupo B diminuiu progressivamente. A Escherichia coli surgiu como o principalagente isolado em urocultura e a Pseudomonas aeruginosa continuava a ser o agente mais frequentemente isolado nassecreções respiratórias. Verificou-se um padrão de sensibilidade aos antibióticos sobreponível ao encontrado numa avaliaçãosemelhante realizada num período anterior.Discussão: Os resultados do estudo permitiram não só conhecer os agentes infecciosos mais frequentemente isolados na unidade,mas também confirmar que a política antibiótica empírica seguida se mantinha adequada à realidade epidemiológica

    Season of birth as a risk factor for multiple sclerosis in Brazil

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    Risk factors for development of multiple sclerosis (MS) are still a matter of debate. Latitude gradient, vitamin D deficiency and season of birth are among the most investigated environmental factors associated with the disease. Several international studies suggest that birth in spring is a substantial risk factor for MS. We investigated the season of birth as a potential risk for MS in different geographical regions of Brazil. We conducted a cross-sectional retrospective study with 2257 clinically definite MS patients enrolled in 13 Brazilian MS clinics in the south, southeast, and northeast regions of Brazil. Demographic and clinical data relating to date of birth and clinical features of the disease were collected and analysed, and subsequently compared with birth date among the general Brazilian population. The distribution of date of birth of MS patients showed an increase in spring and a decrease in autumn, with no difference being observed in the other seasons. In conclusion, season of birth is a probable risk factor for MS in most parts of Brazil. These findings may be related to the role that vitamin D plays in MS pathogenesis. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved