271 research outputs found

    Advanced exploitation of Sentinel-1 data for supporting landslide risk analysis

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsSatellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) are now consolidated tools for ground movement detection and monitoring. Sentinel-1 (S1) is the first satellite providing free data access and ensuring a regular acquisition worldwide, every 6 days, increasing its potential for long-term monitoring applications. Several regional and national ground motion services are already active, providing products based on S1 data. Soon in 2022 the first European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) will be available and freely provide a displacement map over the whole Europe, with annual updates. This implies a strong expansion of availability of PSI-based displacement maps and an easy access for anyone, with an increasing interest among a wider range of users, including public or governmental institutions, academia, industry, and citizens. The analysis and interpretation of this amount of data is difficult and time consuming, mostly for non-expert InSAR users. The objective of this work is developing methodologies to simplify the operational use of PSI displacement maps, generating derived products with a clear message, easy-to-interpret, and fast to read. We propose a method to be applied over regional scale PSI displacement maps, to fast detect the most significant Active Deformation Areas (ADAs). The ADA map is a first product that allows a fast focusing on the active areas, to prioritize further analysis and investigation. Starting from the ADAs, the potential phenomena are attributed to each area through a preliminary interpretation based on auxiliary data, to derive the Geohazard Activity Map. In this work, a methodology to include the ADA information in the Civil Protection Activities is proposed, with the main output called Vulnerable Elements Activity Maps (VEAM). An application of the VEAM is illustrated in the Canary Islands. Furthermore, the ADA map is used in the Valle d'Aosta Region (Northern of Italy) to generate vulnerability and potential loss maps. Finally, a methodology to derive potential damage maps of the exposed buildings, based on the spatial gradients of movement, is proposed, and applied in a coastal area of the Province of Granada (Spain). A pack of software tools has been developed based on the proposed methods to extract ADA and then classify them to generate a Geohazard Activity Map. The set of tools is called ADATools, it is open-access, easy to use and fast, improving the operational exploitation of PSI regional-scale displacement maps. All the methodologies have been developed in the frame of several European projects (Safety, U-Geohaz, MOMIT and RISKCOAST), and are aimed at supporting the multi-scale territorial management and risk analysis activities, with a specific focus on landslides.La interferometría satelital radar (InSAR) y la interferometría de dispersores persistentes (PSI) son herramientas consolidadas para la detección y el monitoreo de movimientos de la superficie de la Tierra. Sentinel-1 (S1) es el primer satélite que proporciona acceso gratuito a los datos y garantiza una adquisición regular en todo el mundo, cada 6 días, aumentando su potencial para aplicaciones de monitoreo a largo plazo. Varios Ground Motion Services regionales y nacionales ya están activos, proporcionando productos basados en datos S1. Pronto, en 2022, el primer servicio europeo (European Ground Motion Service - EGMS) estará disponible y facilitará libremente un mapa de movimientos de toda Europa, con actualizaciones anuales. Esto implica un aumento de la disponibilidad de mapas de movimientos basados en PSI y un fácil acceso para cualquier persona, con un interés creciente entre una amplia gama de usuarios, incluyendo instituciones públicas o gubernamentales, academias, industrias y ciudadanos. El análisis e interpretación de esta cantidad de datos es difícil y consume mucho tiempo, mayormente para usuarios no expertos en la técnica. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar metodologías para simplificar el uso operativo de los mapas de desplazamiento PSI, generando productos derivados con un mensaje claro, fácil de interpretar, y rápido de leer. Se propone un método para detectar rápidamente las Áreas de Deformación Activas (ADAs) más significativas, a partir de mapas de desplazamiento PSI de escala regional. El mapa de las ADAs es un primer producto que permite un enfoque rápido en las áreas activas, útil para priorizar el análisis y las investigaciones adicionales. A partir de las ADAs, se propone una interpretación preliminar basada en datos auxiliares, que atribuye a cada área el fenómeno que está detrás del movimiento, generando el Geohazard Activity Map (GAM). Después, se propone una metodología para incluir la información de las ADAs en las actividades de protección civil, generando los Vulnerable Element Activity Maps (VEAM), a través de su aplicación en las Islas Canarias. Además, el mapa de las ADAs se utiliza en la región de Valle D'Aosta (norte de Italia) para generar mapas de vulnerabilidad y posibles pérdidas económicas. Finalmente, se propone una metodología para obtener mapas de daños potenciales de los edificios expuestos, basados en los gradientes espaciales de movimiento, y se aplica en un área costera de la provincia de Granada (España). A partir de los métodos propuestos para extraer y clasificar las ADAs, y de otros métodos de análisis existentes, se ha desarrollado un paquete de herramientas, los ADAtools, de acceso abierto, fáciles de usar y rápidas, que optimizan la explotación operativa de los mapas de desplazamiento de escala regional. Todas las metodologías se han desarrollado en el marco de varios proyectos europeos (Safety, U-Geohaz, MOMIT y RISKCOAST), y están dirigidos a apoyar las actividades de gestión territorial y análisis de riesgos, con un enfoque específico a los deslizamientos de tierra.Enginyeria del terren

    Advanced exploitation of Sentinel-1 data for supporting landslide risk analysis

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsSatellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) and Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) are now consolidated tools for ground movement detection and monitoring. Sentinel-1 (S1) is the first satellite providing free data access and ensuring a regular acquisition worldwide, every 6 days, increasing its potential for long-term monitoring applications. Several regional and national ground motion services are already active, providing products based on S1 data. Soon in 2022 the first European Ground Motion Service (EGMS) will be available and freely provide a displacement map over the whole Europe, with annual updates. This implies a strong expansion of availability of PSI-based displacement maps and an easy access for anyone, with an increasing interest among a wider range of users, including public or governmental institutions, academia, industry, and citizens. The analysis and interpretation of this amount of data is difficult and time consuming, mostly for non-expert InSAR users. The objective of this work is developing methodologies to simplify the operational use of PSI displacement maps, generating derived products with a clear message, easy-to-interpret, and fast to read. We propose a method to be applied over regional scale PSI displacement maps, to fast detect the most significant Active Deformation Areas (ADAs). The ADA map is a first product that allows a fast focusing on the active areas, to prioritize further analysis and investigation. Starting from the ADAs, the potential phenomena are attributed to each area through a preliminary interpretation based on auxiliary data, to derive the Geohazard Activity Map. In this work, a methodology to include the ADA information in the Civil Protection Activities is proposed, with the main output called Vulnerable Elements Activity Maps (VEAM). An application of the VEAM is illustrated in the Canary Islands. Furthermore, the ADA map is used in the Valle d'Aosta Region (Northern of Italy) to generate vulnerability and potential loss maps. Finally, a methodology to derive potential damage maps of the exposed buildings, based on the spatial gradients of movement, is proposed, and applied in a coastal area of the Province of Granada (Spain). A pack of software tools has been developed based on the proposed methods to extract ADA and then classify them to generate a Geohazard Activity Map. The set of tools is called ADATools, it is open-access, easy to use and fast, improving the operational exploitation of PSI regional-scale displacement maps. All the methodologies have been developed in the frame of several European projects (Safety, U-Geohaz, MOMIT and RISKCOAST), and are aimed at supporting the multi-scale territorial management and risk analysis activities, with a specific focus on landslides.La interferometría satelital radar (InSAR) y la interferometría de dispersores persistentes (PSI) son herramientas consolidadas para la detección y el monitoreo de movimientos de la superficie de la Tierra. Sentinel-1 (S1) es el primer satélite que proporciona acceso gratuito a los datos y garantiza una adquisición regular en todo el mundo, cada 6 días, aumentando su potencial para aplicaciones de monitoreo a largo plazo. Varios Ground Motion Services regionales y nacionales ya están activos, proporcionando productos basados en datos S1. Pronto, en 2022, el primer servicio europeo (European Ground Motion Service - EGMS) estará disponible y facilitará libremente un mapa de movimientos de toda Europa, con actualizaciones anuales. Esto implica un aumento de la disponibilidad de mapas de movimientos basados en PSI y un fácil acceso para cualquier persona, con un interés creciente entre una amplia gama de usuarios, incluyendo instituciones públicas o gubernamentales, academias, industrias y ciudadanos. El análisis e interpretación de esta cantidad de datos es difícil y consume mucho tiempo, mayormente para usuarios no expertos en la técnica. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar metodologías para simplificar el uso operativo de los mapas de desplazamiento PSI, generando productos derivados con un mensaje claro, fácil de interpretar, y rápido de leer. Se propone un método para detectar rápidamente las Áreas de Deformación Activas (ADAs) más significativas, a partir de mapas de desplazamiento PSI de escala regional. El mapa de las ADAs es un primer producto que permite un enfoque rápido en las áreas activas, útil para priorizar el análisis y las investigaciones adicionales. A partir de las ADAs, se propone una interpretación preliminar basada en datos auxiliares, que atribuye a cada área el fenómeno que está detrás del movimiento, generando el Geohazard Activity Map (GAM). Después, se propone una metodología para incluir la información de las ADAs en las actividades de protección civil, generando los Vulnerable Element Activity Maps (VEAM), a través de su aplicación en las Islas Canarias. Además, el mapa de las ADAs se utiliza en la región de Valle D'Aosta (norte de Italia) para generar mapas de vulnerabilidad y posibles pérdidas económicas. Finalmente, se propone una metodología para obtener mapas de daños potenciales de los edificios expuestos, basados en los gradientes espaciales de movimiento, y se aplica en un área costera de la provincia de Granada (España). A partir de los métodos propuestos para extraer y clasificar las ADAs, y de otros métodos de análisis existentes, se ha desarrollado un paquete de herramientas, los ADAtools, de acceso abierto, fáciles de usar y rápidas, que optimizan la explotación operativa de los mapas de desplazamiento de escala regional. Todas las metodologías se han desarrollado en el marco de varios proyectos europeos (Safety, U-Geohaz, MOMIT y RISKCOAST), y están dirigidos a apoyar las actividades de gestión territorial y análisis de riesgos, con un enfoque específico a los deslizamientos de tierra.Postprint (published version

    First insights on the potential of Sentinel-1 for landslides detection

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    This paper illustrates the potential of Sentinel-1 for landslide detection, Accepted 23 March 2016 mapping and characterization with the aim of updating inventory maps and monitoring landslide activity. The study area is located in Molise, one of the smallest regions of Italy, where landslide processes are frequent. The results achieved by integrating Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (DInSAR) deformation maps and time series, and Geographical Information System (GIS) multilayer analysis (optical, geological, geomorphological, etc.) are shown. The adopted methodology is described followed by an analysis of future perspectives. Sixty-two landslides have been detected, thus allowing the updating of pre-existing landslide inventory maps. The results of our ongoing research show that Sentinel-1 might represent a significant improvement in terms of exploitation of SAR data for landslide mapping and monitoring due to both the shorter revisit time (up to 6 days in the close future) and the wavelength used, which determine an higher coherence compared to other SAR sensors

    Ground deformation analysis using basic products of the Copernicus ground motion service

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    Monitoring ground deformation at national and regional level with millimetre-scale precision, nowadays, is possible by using Advanced Differential Interferometric SAR (A-DInSAR) techniques. This study concerns the results of the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS), part of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service, which detects and measures land displacement at European scale. This Service provides reliable and consistent information regarding natural ground motion phenomena such as landslides and subsidence. The ground motion is derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) time-series analysis of Sentinel-1A/B data. These data, which provide full coverage of Europe from two different observation geometries (ascending and descending) every six days, are processed at full resolution. The paper is focused on the exploitation of the basic product of EGMS for both regional and local purposes. Analysing the slope and aspect of the deformation field is the novelty of this investigation. In particular, the focus is put on the generation of wide-area differential deformation maps. Such maps indicate the gradient of the deformation field. The obtained information is not only beneficial for monitoring anthropogenic phenomena but also vital for urban management and planning. Most of the significant damages to manmade structures and infrastructures are associated with high deformation gradient values. Thus, monitoring the temporal and spatial variations of deformation gradient is essential for dynamic analysis, early-warning, and risk assessment in urban areas. Although EGMS productions are prepared for monitoring at regional level, their resolutions are high enough to investigate at local level. Therefore, this paper considers the local deformations that affect single structures or infrastructures. Local differences in such deformation can indicate damages in the corresponding structures and infrastructures. We illustrate these types of analysis to generate differential deformation maps using datasets available at CTTC.This work has been funded by the Agency for University and Research Grants Management, AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya, through a grant for the recruitment of early-stage research staff (Ref: 2021FI_B 00077). This work is part of the Spanish Grant SARAI, PID2020-116540RB-C21, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Assessment of the bacterial community structure in a Brazilian clay soil treated with atrazine

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    In the present paper, the bacterial communities in two soils, one from an agricultural sugarcane cropped field and the other from an unperturbed soil with similar geopedological characteristics, were characterized using the Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH) method. FISH consists of in situ identification of bacteria using fluorescent labeled 16S rRNA targeted oligonucleotide probes visualizable under epifluorescence microscope. In the cultivated soil, in line with agricultural practice, the pre-emergence herbicide atrazine had been regularly applied each year at a concentration of 5 L/ha. The Shannon Diversity and Evenness Indices were also calculated using the phylogenetic data obtained from the FISH analysis. Although, at the sampling time (6 months after soil atrazine treatment), no residual herbicide concentration was found, the overall bacterial community results show a lower diversity and evenness in the agricultural soil than in the unperturbed one, demonstrating how microbiological indicators are sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance. In the natural soil, the dominant groups were α-Proteobacteria, β-Proteobacteria, and γ-Proteobacteria (representing more than 50 % of the bacteria), but in the agricultural soil, their abundance decreased significantly and represented just 31 % of the bacteria domain

    Pyrenees deformation monitoring using Sentinel-1 data and the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry technique

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    This study focuses on deformation mapping and monitoring using Sentinel-1 radar data and the DInSAR (Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) technique. In particular, a Persistent Scatterer Interferometry technique was used over 15000 ¿¿¿¿2 of the Pyrenees, located in Spain, Andorra and France. The main goal is to monitor deformations over a vegetated and mountainous region by exploiting the wide-area coverage, the high coherence and temporal sampling provided by the Sentinel-1satellites. All possible interferograms were generated using 150 images covering five years. The velocity map of the entire region is presented considering the characteristics of the study area, including vegetation and severe steep mountains. Two areas of deformation are shown, which are characterized by velocity values ranging between -20 to -40 mm/year.The work of S.M. Mirmazloumi has been funded by the Spanish State Research Agency, through a grant for a pre doctorate contract (Ref: PRE2018-083394). This work has been co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg V-A Spain, France and Andorra (POCTEFA 2014-2020), project EFA295/19Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Cancer and Non-Cancer Controls in Studies on the Effect of Tobacco and Alcohol Consumption

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    A comparison of risk estimates using controls with other cancers versus controls with acute diseases unrelated to tobacco and alcohol consumption in the study of the effect of these two factors has been performed using data on tumours of the oral cavity and pharynx from an ongoing case-control surveillance programme in Northeastern Italy. Similar results were obtained using either type of controls: as compared to never smokers, moderate smokers (≤14 cigarettes/day) showed age-and sex-adjusted odds ratio (OR)=5.2 (95% confidence interval (CI): 2.9-9.2) when using cancer controls and 5.8 (95% CI: 3.3-10.1) when using non-cancer controls. Similarly, those who had smoked for 40 years or longer showed ORs of 7.4(95% CI: 4.0-13.6) and 8.8 (95% CI: 4.9-15.6), respectively, using cancer and non-cancer controls: For moderate drinkers of alcoholic beverages (21-34 drinks/week) and heavy drinkers (≥84 drinks/ week) the ORs, as compared to individuals who drank <21 drinks/week, were 1.9 (95%CI: 1.0-3.6) and 2.2 (95% CI: 1.2-4.0) and 10.6(95% CI: 5.5-20.6) and 11.4(95% CI: 6.0-21.4) using cancer and non-cancer controls, respectively. The same comparability of ORs for tobacco- and alcohol-related variables using either type of controls was observed when separate analyses of the two sexes were performed. The close similarity between cancer and non-cancer controls in studies on tabacco- and alcohol-related risks may be exploited when the choice of other types of controls would increase the costs and the feasibility of the study, and thus hamper its statistical power. Moreover, this investigation provides some reassurance about the validity of risk estimates using carefully selected groups of hospital control

    Differential SAR interferometry for the monitoring of land subsidence along railway infrastructures

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    The paper summarizes the results of an ongoing research project carried out in cooperation between CTTC (Spain) and the University of Milan (Italy). The work aimed at investigating the role of quality indicators in the analysis of differential interferometric SAR time series products. Small baseline multi-temporal differential interferometric techniques have been used to derive TS products from six-year Sentinel-1 images covering railway networks in Barcelona, Spain. Redundancies of interferograms and post-phase unwrapping phase estimation residuals were pivotal parameters in determining the reliabilities of measurements. Preliminary results have supported the importance of quality indicators as well as the feasibility of multi-temporal differential interferometric techniques in monitoring subsidence along railway infrastructures. The time series evolutions of measurements from coherent scatterers have also shown that the target area is stable in the study period.AGAUR, Generalitat de Catalunya, has partially funded this work through a grant to recruit early-stage research staff (Ref: 2021FI_B2_00186).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Deformation monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and Sentinel-1 SAR data

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    During the last decades, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) has demonstrated to be a powerful tool able to measure and monitor deformations. This technique makes use of large stacks of interferometric SAR images to derive the deformation maps and deformation time series. In this paper, Sentinel-1 images are used to derive the deformation monitoring over the Catalonia region (Spain). These images brings new improvements due to its wide coverage and high revisiting time, which allows us to make a wide area processing. The first part of the paper describes the data processing implemented by the authors to analyze Sentinel-1 data and the PSI approach used in this ongoing research. The second part of the paper illustrates the results derived over an area of 6750 km2 using Sentinel-1 images