181 research outputs found

    Measuring stellar oscillations using equivalent widths of absorption lines

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    Kjeldsen et al. (1995, AJ 109, 1313; astro-ph/9411016) have developed a new technique for measuring stellar oscillations and claimed a detection in the G subgiant eta Boo. The technique involves monitoring temperature fluctuations in a star via their effect on the equivalent width of Balmer lines. In this paper we use synthetic stellar spectra to investigate the temperature dependence of the Balmer lines, Ca II, Fe I, the Mg b feature and the G~band. We present a list of target stars likely to show solar-like oscillations and estimate their expected amplitudes. We also show that centre-to-limb variations in Balmer-line profiles allow one to detect oscillation modes with l<=4, which accounts for the detection by Kjeldsen et al. of modes with degree l=3 in integrated sunlight.Comment: MNRAS (accepted); 7 pages, LaTeX with necessary style file and PostScript figures in a single uuencoded Z-compressed .tar fil

    Detailed Analysis of Nearby Bulgelike Dwarf Stars III. Alpha and Heavy-element abundances

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    The present sample of nearby bulgelike dwarf stars has kinematics and metallicities characteristic of a probable inner disk or bulge origin. Ages derived by using isochrones give 10-11 Gyr for these stars and metallicities are in the range -0.80< [Fe/H]< +0.40. We calculate stellar parameters from spectroscopic data, and chemical abundances of Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, La, Ba, Y, Zr and Eu are derived by using spectrum synthesis. We found that [alpha-elements/Fe] show different patterns depending on the element. Si, Ca and Ti-to-iron ratios decline smoothly for increasing metallicities, and follow essentially the disk pattern. O and Mg, products of massive supernovae, and also the r-process element Eu, are overabundant relative to disk stars, showing a steeper decline for metallicities [Fe/H] > -0.3 dex. [s-elements/Fe] roughly track the solar values with no apparent trend with metallicity for [Fe/H] < 0, showing subsolar values for the metal rich stars. Both kinematical and chemical properties of the bulgelike stars indicate a distinct identity of this population when compared to disk stars.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Ap

    Chemical abundances for 11 bulge stars from high-resolution, near-IR spectra

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    It is debated whether the Milky Way bulge has the characteristics of a classical bulge sooner than those of a pseudobulge. Detailed abundance studies of bulge stars is a key to investigate the origin, history, and classification of the bulge. The aim is to add to the discussion on the origin of the bulge and to study detailed abundances determined from near-IR spectra for bulge giants already investigated with optical spectra, the latter also providing the stellar parameters which are very significant for the results of the present study. Especially, the important CNO elements are better determined in the near-IR. High-resolution, near-infrared spectra in the H band are recorded using the CRIRES spectrometer on the Very Large Telescope. The CNO abundances can all be determined from the numerous molecular lines in the wavelength range observed. Abundances of the alpha elements are also determined from the near-IR spectra. [O/Fe], [Si/Fe] and [S/Fe] are enhanced up to metallicities of at least [Fe/H]=-0.3, after which they decline. This suggests that the Milky Way bulge experienced a rapid and early star-formation history like that of a classical bulge. However, a similarity between the bulge trend and the trend of the local thick disk seems present. Such a similarity could suggest that the bulge has a pseudobulge origin. Our [C/Fe] trend does not show any increase with [Fe/H] which could have been expected if W-R stars have contributed substantially to the C abundances. No "cosmic scatter" can be traced around our observed abundance trends; the scatter found is expected, given the observational uncertainties.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    High-resolution abundance analysis of red giants in the metal-poor bulge globular cluster HP~1

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    The globular cluster HP~1 is projected at only 3.33 degrees from the Galactic center. Together with its distance, this makes it one of the most central globular clusters in the Milky Way. It has a blue horizontal branch (BHB) and a metallicity of [Fe/H]~-1.0. This means that it probably is one of the oldest objects in the Galaxy. Abundance ratios can reveal the nucleosynthesis pattern of the first stars as well as the early chemical enrichment and early formation of stellar populations. High-resolution spectra obtained for six stars were analyzed to derive the abundances of the light elements C, N, O, Na, and Al, the alpha-elements Mg, Si, Ca, and Ti, and the heavy elements Sr, Y , Zr, Ba, La, and Eu.} High-resolution spectra of six red giants that are confirmed members of the bulge globular cluster HP~1 were obtained with the 8m VLT UT2-Kueyen telescope with the UVES spectrograph in FLAMES-UVES configuration. The spectroscopic parameter derivation was based on the excitation and ionization equilibrium of FeI and FeII. We confirm a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] = -1.06~0.10, by adding the two stars that were previously analyzed in HP~1. The alpha-elements O and Mg are enhanced by about +0.3<[O,Mg/Fe]<+0.5 dex, Si is moderately enhanced with +0.15<[Si/Fe]<+0.35dex, while Ca and Ti show lower values of -0.04<[Ca,Ti/Fe]<+0.28dex. The r-element Eu is also enhanced with [Eu/Fe]~+0.4, which together with O and Mg is indicative of early enrichment by type II supernovae. Na and Al are low, but it is unclear if Na-O are anticorrelated. The heavy elements are moderately enhanced, with -0.20<[La/Fe]<+0.43dex and 0.0<[Ba/Fe]<+0.75~dex, which is compatible with r-process formation. The spread in Y, Zr, Ba, and La abundances, on the other hand, appears to be compatible with the spinstar scenario or other additional mechanisms such as the weak r-process.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures In press in Astronomy & Astrophysics (2016

    Iron-peak elements Sc, V, Mn, Cu and Zn in Galactic bulge globular clusters

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    Globular clusters are tracers of the history of star formation and chemical enrichment in the early Galaxy. Their abundance pattern can help understanding their chemical enrichment processes. In particular, the iron-peak elements have been relatively little studied so far in the Galactic bulge. The abundances of iron-peak elements are derived for the sample clusters, and compared with bulge field, and thick disk stars. We derive abundances of the iron-peak elements Sc, V, Mn, Cu, and Zn in individual stars of five bulge globular clusters (NGC 6528, NGC 6553, NGC 6522, NGC 6558, HP1), and of the reference thick disk/inner halo cluster 47 Tucanae (NGC 104). High resolution spectra were obtained with the UVES spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope over the years. The sample globular clusters studied span metallicities in the range -1.2<Fe/H]<0.0. V and Sc appear to vary in lockstep with Fe, indicating that they are produced in the same supernovae as Fe. We find that Mn is deficient in metal-poor stars, confirming that it is underproduced in massive stars; Mn-over-Fe steadily increases at the higher metallicities due to a metallicity-dependent enrichment by supernovae of type Ia. Cu behaves as a secondary element, indicating its production in a weak-s process in massive stars. Zn has an alpha-like behaviour at low metallicities, which can be explained in terms of nucleosynthesis in hypernovae. At the metal-rich end, Zn decreases with increasing metallicity, similarly to the alpha-elements.Comment: article resubmitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics, taking into account referee's comment

    The E-ELT Multi-Object Spectrograph: latest news from MOSAIC

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    There are 8000 galaxies, including 1600 at z larger than 1.6, which could be simultaneously observed in an E-ELT field of view of 40 sq. arcmin. A considerable fraction of astrophysical discoveries require large statistical samples, which can only be obtained with multi-object spectrographs (MOS). MOSAIC will provide a vast discovery space, enabled by a multiplex of 200 and spectral resolving powers of R=5000 and 20000. MOSAIC will also offer the unique capability of more than 10 "high-definition" (multi-object adaptive optics, MOAO) integral-field units, optimised to investigate the physics of the sources of reionization. The combination of these modes will make MOSAIC the world-leading MOS facility, contributing to all fields of contemporary astronomy, from extra-solar planets, to the study of the halo of the Milky Way and its satellites, and from resolved stellar populations in nearby galaxies out to observations of the earliest "first-light" structures in the Universe. It will also study the distribution of the dark and ordinary matter at all scales and epochs of the Universe. Recent studies of critical technical issues such as sky-background subtraction and MOAO have demonstrated that such a MOS is feasible with state-of-the-art technology and techniques. Current studies of the MOSAIC team include further trade-offs on the wavelength coverage, a solution for compensating for the non-telecentric new design of the telescope, and tests of the saturation of skylines especially in the near-IR bands. In the 2020s the E-ELT will become the world's largest optical/IR telescope, and we argue that it has to be equipped as soon as possible with a MOS to provide the most efficient, and likely the best way to follow-up on James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) observations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 Figures, in Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, 2016, Proc. SPI

    A MUSE study of the inner bulge globular cluster Terzan 9: a fossil record in the Galaxy

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    Context. Moderately metal-poor inner bulge globular clusters are relics of a generation of long-lived stars that formed in the early Galaxy. Terzan 9, projected at 4d 12 from the Galactic center, is among the most central globular clusters in the Milky Way, showing an orbit which remains confined to the inner 1 kpc. Aims. Our aim is the derivation of the cluster's metallicity, together with an accurate measurement of the mean radial velocity. In the literature, metallicities in the range between have been estimated for Terzan 9 based on color-magnitude diagrams and CaII triplet (CaT) lines. Aims. Our aim is the derivation of the cluster's metallicity, together with an accurate measurement of the mean radial velocity. In the literature, metallicities in the range between -2.0 and -1.0 have been estimated for Terzan 9 based on color-magnitude diagrams and CaII triplet (CaT) lines. Methods. Given its compactness, Terzan 9 was observed using the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) at the Very Large Telescope. The extraction of spectra from several hundreds of individual stars allowed us to derive their radial velocities, metallicities, and [Mg/Fe]. The spectra obtained with MUSE were analysed through full spectrum fitting using the ETOILE code. Results. We obtained a mean metallicity of [Fe/H] -1.10 0.15, a heliocentric radial velocity of vhr = 58.1 1.1 km/s , and a magnesium-to-iron [Mg/Fe] = 0.27 0.03. The metallicity-derived character of Terzan 9 sets it among the family of the moderately metal-poor Blue Horizontal Branch clusters HP 1, NGC 6558, and NGC 6522

    An Abundance Analysis for Five Red Horizontal Branch Stars in the Extremely Metal Rich Globular Cluster NGC 6553

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    We provide a high dispersion line-by-line abundance analysis of five red HB stars in the extremely metal rich galactic globular cluster NGC 6553. These red HB stars are significantly hotter than the very cool stars near the tip of the giant branch in such a metal rich globular cluster and hence their spectra are much more amenable to an abundance analysis than would be the case for red giants. We find that the mean [Fe/H] for NGC 6553 is -0.16 dex, comparable to the mean abundance in the galactic bulge found by McWilliam & Rich (1994) and considerably higher than that obtained from an analysis of two red giants in this cluster by Barbuy etal (1999). The relative abundance for the best determined alpha process element (Ca) indicates an excess of alpha process elements of about a factor of two. The metallicity of NGC 6553 reaches the average of the Galactic bulge and of the solar neighborhood.Comment: 29 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in the Ap

    HST-NICMOS Observations of Terzan 5: Stellar Content and Structure of the Core

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    We report results from HST-NICMOS imaging of the extremely dense core of the globular cluster Terzan 5. This highly obscured bulge cluster has been estimated to have one of the highest collision rates of any galactic globular cluster, making its core a particularly conducive environment for the production of interacting binary systems. We have reconstructed high-resolution images of the central 19"x19" region of Terzan 5 by application of the drizzle algorithm to dithered NIC2 images in the F110W, F187W, and F187N near-infrared filters. We have used a DAOPHOT/ALLSTAR analysis of these images to produce the deepest color-magnitude diagram (CMD) yet obtained for the core of Terzan 5. We have also analyzed the parallel 11"X11" NIC1 field, centered 30" from the cluster center and imaged in F110W and F160W, and an additional NIC2 field that is immediately adjacent to the central field. This imaging results in a clean detection of the red-giant branch and horizontal branch in the central NIC2 field, and the detection of these plus the main-sequence turnoff and the upper main sequence in the NIC1 field. We have constructed an H versus J-H CMD for the NIC1 field. We obtain a new distance estimate of 8.7 kpc, which places Terzan 5 within less than 1 kpc of the galactic center. We have also determined a central surface-density profile which results in a maximum likelihood estimate of 7.9" +/- 0.6" for the cluster core radius. We discuss the implications of these results for the dynamical state of Terzan 5.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, for May 20, 200
