1,401 research outputs found

    Con-fusões patéticas na composição dramática do qorpo

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    Resumo Metendo-nos no caminho circular da composição dramática de Qorpo-Santo, tentamos em seu teatro sobrever por entre três portas a entrada do coro de personagens cujos pés saltitantes bailam na trinca de peças: As relações naturais, Certa entidade em busca de outra e Eu sou a vida, eu não sou a morte. Empenhando-nos em seguir nos saltos deste coro que aqui aludimos ao ditirâmbico, em honra de Dionísio o lugar de dança, o lugar de onde se eleva o altar, o lugar do sagrado por excelência através dos espaços circulares abertos para cima e para baixo. A gesta qorpo-santense perfaz propriamente um andar com, tendo consigo e trazendo em cima do corpo o vigor do extasiado composto na fusão conjunta, no confundir de posições na conjunção e disjunção de homem e obra que por esta experiencia sua própria existência poeticamente, obra de Qorpo arrebatado em phatos e que por ele atinge o território do elevado mais profundo; balindo no baile, o Qorpo performa a dança para aquém e para além da palavra. Nos saltos do diálogo diabólico irrompem sombras-personagens em visceralidade abismada que, no jogo do fogo entoam arroubos patéticos e líricos derramamentos colhidos de Céu e Terra, abrindo um (não)lugar e um (não)tempo propício ao drama faustoso que ao explodir os contornos do corpo, liquida-o para recompô-lo em dança ritmada pela poeticidade e musicalidade do tempo diabológico do drama que afirma a vida pela arcaica força mítica do sagrado primordial em exercício sacrossanto. Harmonizados, os corpos se con-fundem em visão tragicômica, gozando no gargarejo final das palmas ao exorbitante espetáculo dramático

    Insetos pragas de madeiras de edificações em Belém - Pará.

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    Dominance and G×E interaction effects improvegenomic prediction and genetic gain inintermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrumintermedium)

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    Genomic selection (GS) based recurrent selection methods were developed to accelerate the domestication of intermediate wheatgrass [IWG, Thinopyrum intermedium (Host) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey]. A subset of the breeding population phenotyped at multiple environments is used to train GS models and then predict trait values of the breeding population. In this study, we implemented several GS models that investigated the use of additive and dominance effects and G×E interaction effects to understand how they affected trait predictions in intermediate wheatgrass. We evaluated 451 genotypes from the University of Minnesota IWG breeding program for nine agronomic and domestication traits at two Minnesota locations during 2017–2018. Genet-mean based heritabilities for these traits ranged from 0.34 to 0.77. Using fourfold cross validation, we observed the highest predictive abilities (correlation of 0.67) in models that considered G×E effects. When G×E effects were fitted in GS models, trait predictions improved by 18%, 15%, 20%, and 23% for yield, spike weight, spike length, and free threshing, respectively. Genomic selection models with dominance effects showed only modest increases of up to 3% and were trait-dependent. Crossenvironment predictions were better for high heritability traits such as spike length, shatter resistance, free threshing, grain weight, and seed length than traits with low heritability and large environmental variance such as spike weight, grain yield, and seed width. Our results confirm that GS can accelerate IWG domestication by increasing genetic gain per breeding cycle and assist in selection of genotypes with promise of better performance in diverse environments

    COVID-19 related acute genital ulcer: a case report

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    Acute vulvar ulcer (Lipschütz's ulcer) is a rare lesion with local hyperimmunoreactivity triggered by infection, which is characterized by acute, painful, and necrotic ulcerations. This condition is usually found in non-sexually active adolescents, and it resolves spontaneously. We report a case of a 35-year-old woman who was diagnosed with COVID-19 who did not have severe symptoms, but had high levels of D-dimer for 9 days. The COVID-19 diagnosis was followed by the appearance of an acute, necrotic, extremely painful vulvar ulcer, although symptoms caused by COVID-19 had improved. We emphasize the importance of the differential diagnosis to exclude diseases such as Behçet's syndrome, Sexually Transmitted Infections, as well as the presence of viruses that generally trigger Lipschütz's ulcer, such as Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus. No treatment is usually necessary, however, in the present report due to the pain experienced by the patient, we successfully used oral prednisone.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Are internally observable vehicle data good predictors of vehicle emissions?

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    Scientific research has demonstrated that on-road exhaust emissions in diesel passenger vehicles (DPV) exceeds the official laboratory-test values. Increasing concern about the quantification of magnitude for these differences has meant an increasing use of Portable Emissions Monitoring System (PEMS), but the direct use of Internally Observable Variables (IOVs) can be useful to predict emissions. The motivation for this paper is to develop an empirical approach that integrates second-by-second vehicle activity and emission rates for DPV. The objectives of this research are two-fold: (1) to assess the effect of variation in acceleration-based parameters, vehicle specific power (VSP) and IOVs on carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emission rates; and (2) to examine the correlation between IOV-based predictors of engine load and VSP. Field measurements were collected from four DPV (two small, one medium and one multi-purpose) in urban, rural and highway routes using PEMS, Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers and On-board Diagnostic (OBD) scan tool, to measure real-world exhaust emissions and engine activity data. Results suggest the relative positive acceleration (RPA) and mean positive acceleration (MPA) allowed a good differentiation with respect to route trips. IOVs models based on the product of manifold absolute pressure (MAP) and engine revolutions per minute (RPM), and VSP showed to be good predictors of emission rates. Although the CO2 correlation was found to be good (R2 > 0.8), the models for NOx showed mixed results since some vehicles showed a reasonable correlation (R2 ~ 0.7) while others resulted in worst model predictions (R2 < 0.6). IOVs models have potential to be integrated into vehicle engine units and connected vehicles, for instance, to provide real-time information on emissions rates, but other parameters regarding the thermal management on after treatment system must be included in NOx prediction. This would allow for a better understanding of true physics behind NOx emissions in DPV.publishe