5 research outputs found

    Impact of time-of-day on judo-specific performance

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    In judo tournaments, matches for each weight category are held on the same day and athletes competing at the finals have to compete at different times of the day. This study aimed to investigate the effect of time-of-day on judo specific performance and the changes in physiological load following judo specific performance. Fourteen male judo athletes (age 19.1±1.4 years) voluntarily participated in the study. At the 1st visit, anthropometrical measurements and familiarization procedures were conducted and the athletes’ chronotype was determined. Athletes performed the Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) during 2nd and 3rd visits. Athletes randomly performed two consecutive SJFTs with 15 min intervals at 10:00h, which is the official start time of matches, and at 18:00h which is the time when the finals start. During SJFT applications, athletes heart rate (HR), blood lactate (bLA), body temperature and rate of perceived exertion (RPE) were monitored. The changes in total throw numbers (F1, 13= 1.32, p=0.27) and SJFT index (F1, 13= 0.30, p=0.59) were not different between morning and evening. There were similar changes in bLA (F4, 52=0.66, p=0.63), RPE (F1, 13=1.42, p=0.26) and body temperature (F1.4, 18.0=1.18, p=0.31) which were measured before and after the tests. However, HR measured in the evening were higher compared to morning measurement at all measurement times (F1, 13=10.28, p=0.01), but there was no difference in SJFT throws (F3.8, 48.8=0.49, p=0.74). In conclusion, different times of the day did not affect judo specific performance as well as physiological variables in judo athletes


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    The objective of this study is the determination and comparison of the body composition and somatotypes of the elite level Turkish and foreign taekwondo athletes. Totally 93 taekwondo athletes, being 45 Turkish (27 male, 18 female) and 48 foreign (35 male, 13 female) in the age range of 17-27, taking part in the national teams of their countries participated in the study. Sportive ages, heights, body weights, body mass index, body fat percentages, and somatotype of taekwondo players were determined. The difference between the groups was analyzed by t test in independent groups. The analyses were conducted in the SPSS 16.0 package program and 0,05 was accepted as a significance level. No significant difference was determined between Turkish and foreign athletes in all the measured variables in the male and female athletes (p>0.05). It was determined in the study that Turkish male athletes were mesomorph-ectomorph and that of foreign male athletes were mesomorphic ectomorph, and that of Turkish and foreign female athletes were central. As a result, we can say that the Turkish and foreign national team taekwondo players have similar body composition and somatotype

    The evaluation of some physical and physiological characteristics of Turkish and foreign national badminton team players

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    Bu araştırma, Türk ve yabancı ülke milli takım badmintoncularının bazı fiziksel ve fizyolojik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Araştırmaya, 16–18 yaş aralığında 12 Türk, 13 yabancı erkek ile 11 Türk, 14 yabancı bayan olmak üzere toplam 50 elit badmintoncu gönüllü olarak katıldı. Araştırma grubunun beden kitle indeksi, görsel ve işitsel reaksiyon zamanı, anaerobik güç, vücut yağ yüzdesi ve somatotip özellikleri tespit edildi. Türk erkek badmintoncuların görsel sağ el reaksiyon zamanlarının yabancı badmintonculardan daha düşük (iyi derece) olduğu tespit edilirken, diğer fiziksel parametrelerde gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı. Türk bayan badmintoncuların, yabancı bayan badmintonculara göre görsel sol el reaksiyon zamanlarının daha iyi ve daha düşük mezomorfiye sahip olduğu tespit edilirken, diğer fiziksel parametrelerde gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunamadı. Sonuç olarak, Türk milli takımında yer alan badmintoncularla, farklı ülke milli takımlarında yer alan badmintoncuların benzer fiziksel ve fizyolojik özelliklere sahip olduğu söylenebilir.The aim of this study was to evaluate of some physical and physiological characteristics of Turkish and Foreign National Badminton Team Players. 50 players from Turkish team (12 males and 11 females), from foreign team (13 females and 14 males) participated in this study. Body mass index, audio and visual reaction times, anaerobic power, body fat percentage and somatotype components of the participants were determined. While visual right hand reaction times of Turkish Male Badminton Players were better than foreign players, other physical parameters were not found as statistically significant between male player groups. While visual left hand reaction times of Turkish Female Badminton Players were better and mesomorphy values were less than foreign players, in other physical parameters a statistically significant difference could not found between female player groups. As a result, physical and physiological characteristics of Turkish and foreign badminton players were similar